1,503 research outputs found

    Planar spin exchange in LiNiO_2

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    We study the planar spin exchange couplings in LiNiO2 using a perturbative approach. We show that the inclusion of the trigonal crystal field splitting at the Oxygen sites leads to the appearance of antiferromagnetic exchange integrals in deviation from the Goodenough-Kanamori-Anderson rules for this 90 degree bond. That gives a microscopic foundation for the recently observed coexistence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings in the orbitally-frustrated state of LiNiO2. (F. Reynaud et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3638 (2001))Comment: latex, revtex4, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Geochemistry of lavas from Mohns Ridge, Norwegian-Greenland Sea: implications for melting conditions and magma sources near Jan Mayen

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    Mohns Ridge lavas between 71 and 72°30′N (∼360 km) have heterogeneous compositions varying between alkali basalts and incompatible-element-depleted tholeiites. On a large scale there is a continuity of incompatible element and isotopic compositions between the alkali basalts from the island Jan Mayen and Mohns Ridge tholeiites. The variation in isotopes suggests a heterogeneous mantle which appears to be tapped preferentially by low degree melts (∼5%) close to Jan Mayen but also shows its signature much further north on Mohns Ridge. Three lava types with different incompatible element compositions [e.g. chondrite-normalized (La/Sm)N2] occur in the area at 72°N and were generated from this heterogeneous mantle. The relatively depleted tholeiitic melts were mixed with a small degree melt from an enriched source. The elements Ba, Rb and K of the enriched melt were probably buffered in the mantle by residual amphibole or phlogopite. That such a residual phase is stable in this region of oceanic mantle suggests both high water contents and low mantle temperatures, at odds with a hotspot origin for Jan Mayen. Instead we suggest that the melting may be induced by the lowered solidus temperature of a “wet” mantle. Mohns MORB (mid ocean ridge basalt) and Jan Mayen area alkali basalts have high contents of Ba and Rb compared to other incompatible elements (e.g. Ba/La >10). These ratios reflect the signature of the mantle source. Ratios of Ce/Pb and Rb/Cs are normal MORB mantle ratios of 25 and 80, respectively, thus the enrichments of Ba and Rb are not indicative of a sedimentary component added to the mantle source but were probably generated by the influence of a metasomatizing fluid, as supported by the presence of hydrous phases during the petrogenesis of the alkali basalts. Geophysical and petrological models suggest that Jan Mayen is not the product of hotspot activity above a mantle plume, and suggest instead that it owes its existence to the unique juxtaposition of a continental fragment, a fracture zone and a spreading axis in this part of the North Atlantic

    Oligoarthritis durch Tropheryma whipplei: "Of bugs and joints"

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Morbus Whipple ist eine seltene, ohne antibiotische Therapie schwer verlaufende, chronische Infektionserkrankung durch Tropheryma whipplei, ein ubiquitär vorkommendes, grampositives Bakterium. Der Erreger kann in den betroffenen Geweben und Körperflüssigkeiten durch histologischen Nachweis PAS-positiver Makrophagen, elektronenmikroskopisch und in der Polymerasekettenreaktion (PCR) nachgewiesen werden. Arthralgien und Arthritiden sind ein häufiges Primärsymptom dieser Multisystemerkrankung. Im Verlauf treten häufig Gewichtsverlust, Diarrhö und Abdominalschmerzen auf. In 10-40% der Krankheitsfälle bestehen zusätzlich neurologische Symptome. Wir berichten über einen 67-jährigen Patienten mit jahrzehntelanger Oligoarthritis, bei dem der Erreger mittels PCR ausschließlich in der Synovialflüssigkeit nachgewiesen werden konnte. Dieser Fall illustriert, dass der charakteristische Befund PAS-positiver Makrophagen und selbst die erregerspezifische PCR im Dünndarmgewebe negativ sein kann, sodass der Erregernachweis aus dem jeweils symptomatischen Organsystem angestrebt werden sollte. Die mehrmonatige bis mehrjährige Behandlung erfolgt möglichst mit liquorgängigen Antibiotika, typischerweise mit Ceftriaxon, gefolgt von Cotrimoxazol. Vor Abschluss der Therapie ist der Nachweis der Erregerfreiheit im Darm, Liquor bzw. im betroffenen Organ anzustrebe

    Electroproduction of nucleon resonances

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    The unitary isobar model MAID has been extended and used for a partial wave analysis of pion photo- and electroproduction in the resonance region W < 2 GeV. Older data from the world data base and more recent experimental results from Mainz, Bates, Bonn and JLab for Q^2 up to 4.0 (GeV/c)^2 have been analyzed and the Q^2 dependence of the helicity amplitudes have been extracted for a series of four star resonances. We compare single-Q^2 analyses with a superglobal fit in a new parametrization of Maid2003 together with predictions of the hypercentral constituent quark model. As a result we find that the helicity amplitudes and transition form factors of constituent quark models should be compared with the analysis of bare resonances, where the pion cloud contributions have been subtracted.Comment: 6 pages Latex including 5 figures, Invited talk at ICTP 4th International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy, 12-16 May 200

    Instruments of RT-2 Experiment onboard CORONAS-PHOTON and their test and evaluation III: Coded Aperture Mask and Fresnel Zone Plates in RT-2/CZT Payload

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    Imaging in hard X-rays of any astrophysical source with high angular resolution is a challenging job. Shadow-casting technique is one of the most viable options for imaging in hard X-rays. We have used two different types of shadow-casters, namely, Coded Aperture Mask (CAM) and Fresnel Zone Plate (FZP) pair and two types of pixellated solid-state detectors, namely, CZT and CMOS in RT-2/CZT payload, the hard X-ray imaging instrument onboard the CORONAS-PHOTON satellite. In this paper, we present the results of simulations with different combinations of coders (CAM & FZP) and detectors that are employed in the RT-2/CZT payload. We discuss the possibility of detecting transient Solar flares with good angular resolution for various combinations. Simulated results are compared with laboratory experiments to verify the consistency of the designed configuration.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy (in press

    Interlayer Magnetic Frustration in Quasi-stoichiometric Li1-xNi1+xO2

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    Susceptibility, high-field magnetization and submillimeter wave electron spin resonance measurements of layered quasi-stoichiometric Li1-xNi1+xO2 are reported and compared to isomorphic NaNiO2. A new mechanism of magnetic frustration induced by the excess Ni ions always present in the Li layers is proposed. We finally comment on the possible realization of an orbital liquid state in this controversial compound.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.B, Rapid Com

    A theory-based approach to understanding condom errors and problems reported by men attending an STI clinic

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    The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2008 Springer VerlagWe employed the information–motivation–behavioral skills (IMB) model to guide an investigation of correlates for correct condom use among 278 adult (18–35 years old) male clients attending a sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic. An anonymous questionnaire aided by a CD-recording of the questions was administered. Linear Structural Relations Program was used to conduct path analyses of the hypothesized IMB model. Parameter estimates showed that while information did not directly affect behavioral skills, it did have a direct (negative) effect on condom use errors. Motivation had a significant direct (positive) effect on behavioral skills and a significant indirect (positive) effect on condom use errors through behavioral skills. Behavioral skills had a direct (negative) effect on condom use errors. Among men attending a public STI clinic, these findings suggest brief, clinic-based, safer sex programs for men who have sex with women should incorporate activities to convey correct condom use information, instill motivation to use condoms correctly, and directly enhance men’s behavioral skills for correct use of condoms

    A Comparison of Polarization Observables in Electron Scattering from the Proton and Deuteron

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    Recoil proton polarization observables were measured for both the p(e\vec {\rm e},ep^\prime\vec{\rm p}\,) and d(e\vec {\rm e},ep)^\prime\vec{\rm p}\,)n reactions at two values of Q2^2 using a newly commissioned proton Focal Plane Polarimeter at the M.I.T.-Bates Linear Accelerator Center. The hydrogen and deuterium spin-dependent observables DD_{\ell\ell} and DtD_{{\ell}t}, the induced polarization PnP_n and the form factor ratio GEp/GMpG^p_E/G^p_M were measured under identical kinematics. The deuterium and hydrogen results are in good agreement with each other and with the plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA).Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; accepted by Phys. Rev. Let