17 research outputs found

    Guilty Upon Preponderance of the Evidence: The American Association for Adult Education and Jim Crow

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    The American Association for Adult Education during the mid-twentieth century failed to proactively combat racial discrimination and prejudice which ultimately resulted in discriminatory practices within adult education. This article explicates the relationship between “benign” policies and discriminatory practices through historical research

    Historical Memory and the Construction of Adult Education Knowledge: The Role of Selectivity in Majoritarian Narratives

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    Adult education historical narratives tend to reflect a majoritarian view in which the theoretical formulations of African American and other persons of color tend to be minimized or forgotten. Drawing on the concept of counter narrative and Ricoeur’s concept of “happy forgetting”, we argue that selectivity in constructing adult education historical knowledge overlooks scholarship in the past 20 years that highlight the theoretical and programmatic contributions to adult education of African American adult educators. We offer two examples for discussion and propose that challenging majoritarian narratives involves conscious and critical reflection on historical method and the re-telling of counter narratives as a step toward reconstructing adult education historical knowledge

    Two Cultures Collide: Bridging the Generation Gap in a Non - traditional Mentorship

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    Cross - cultural mentoring relationships between younger mentors and older mentees are increasing in frequency across all levels of post - secondary education. Generational cultural differences can result in conflict and misunderstanding and therefore should be considered in non - traditional inter - generational mentoring relationships. Through auto - ethnographic inquiry, we, a younger faculty member and older graduate student, explored our mentoring relationship. We identified communication, respect, and ambiguous roles as issues that significantly impacted our mentorship. The manifestation of power was also highlighted in the study.

    Orality and African American Adult Education: The Art of the Spoken Word and Hip Hop

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    Hip Hop and The Spoken Word are popular art forms within the younger generations of the African American community. Though the listeners of these art forms recognize their educational potential, adult educators have not. This paper highlights the value of Hip Hop and The Spoken Word for informal learning

    Teaching Race, Being Other: Development of a Race Pedagogy

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    In this paper we argue that Black professors should be intentional in their pedagogy when teaching about race. The authors use their personal teaching experiences to demonstrate a need for a race pedagogy. We argue that Black faculty must be conscious of three dimensions which are important in pedagogical decision making and impact praxis

    Synoptic Judgment: Constructing Cross Racial Dialogues in a Post Racial Society

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    Synoptic judgment, understood as the act of seeing diverse perspectives, is presented as pedagogically useful to analyze and interpret racialized narrative in order to reveal and challenge racial injustice. Implications for classroom practice are offered as a means to assist adult educators and learners to meaningfully learn across racial boundaries while acknowledging the way in which power and privilege shape epistemology

    Reimagining Doctoral Mentoring: Toward the Development of Culturally Liberative STEM Faculty Doctoral Mentors

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    Using anti-Black racism and critical capital theory, this paper highlights findings of a meta-analysis based on research products developed from a qualitative multiple embedded case study of STEM doctoral mentoring and argues for the development of culturally liberative doctoral mentorship

    Who Can Speak for Whom? Using Counter-Storytelling to Challenge Racial Hegemony

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    Dialogues of socially significant forms of human difference such as race are constrained by hegemony. Critical Race Theory’s counter-storytelling is explored as a means of challenging the majoritarian stories that reinforce racial hegemony in the dominant discourse

    Hogwash: Coming to Terms with Critical Race Theory in Adult Education

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    Today’s adult and community education classrooms and sites of practice are increasingly diverse. As adult educators, we have a responsibility to appropriately meet each student at their level of need. Critical race theory provides a non-hegemonic lens for understanding and meeting the needs of our diverse student population

    Changing “Iâ€: Autoethnography and the Reflexive Self

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    Autoethnography is a qualitative methodology that seeks to understand culture. It is unique from ethnography in that the researcher may be a member of the culture under study. An autoethnographic study of a non-traditional mentorship is highlighted. While the study yielded important findings - a product - relative to developing a mentorship, it also yielded important understandings about what the influence of the methodological approach  - a process - on the researcher as subject is when the researcher is the instrument of data collection. This article explores the influence of autoethnography on the researcher-participant and articulates the impact of acknowledging "I", discovering "I", and changing "I" as a process inherent in the methodology