6,794 research outputs found

    HYTESS 2: A Hypothetical Turbofan Engine Simplified Simulation with multivariable control and sensor analytical redundancy

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    A hypothetical turbofan engine simplified simulation with a multivariable control and sensor failure detection, isolation, and accommodation logic (HYTESS II) is presented. The digital program, written in FORTRAN, is self-contained, efficient, realistic and easily used. Simulated engine dynamics were developed from linearized operating point models. However, essential nonlinear effects are retained. The simulation is representative of the hypothetical, low bypass ratio turbofan engine with an advanced control and failure detection logic. Included is a description of the engine dynamics, the control algorithm, and the sensor failure detection logic. Details of the simulation including block diagrams, variable descriptions, common block definitions, subroutine descriptions, and input requirements are given. Example simulation results are also presented

    The application of the Routh approximation method to turbofan engine models

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    The Routh approximation technique is applied in the frequency domain to a 16th order state variable turbofan engine model. The results obtained motivate the extension of the frequency domain formulation of the Routh method to the time domain to handle the state variable formulation directly. The time domain formulation is derived, and a characterization, which specifies all possible Routh similarity transformations, is given. The characterization is computed by the solution of two eigenvalue eigenvector problems. The application of the time domain Routh technique to the state variable engine model is described, and some results are given

    Sensor failure detection for jet engines using analytical redundance

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    Analytical redundant sensor failure detection, isolation and accommodation techniques for gas turbine engines are surveyed. Both the theoretical technology base and demonstrated concepts are discussed. Also included is a discussion of current technology needs and ongoing Government sponsored programs to meet those needs

    Output feedback regulator design for jet engine control systems

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    A multivariable control design procedure based on the output feedback regulator formulation is described and applied to turbofan engine model. Full order model dynamics, were incorporated in the example design. The effect of actuator dynamics on closed loop performance was investigaged. Also, the importance of turbine inlet temperature as an element of the dynamic feedback was studied. Step responses were given to indicate the improvement in system performance with this control. Calculation times for all experiments are given in CPU seconds for comparison purposes

    A real time microcomputer implementation of sensor failure detection for turbofan engines

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    An algorithm was developed which detects, isolates, and accommodates sensor failures using analytical redundancy. The performance of this algorithm was demonstrated on a full-scale F100 turbofan engine. The algorithm was implemented in real-time on a microprocessor-based controls computer which includes parallel processing and high order language programming. Parallel processing was used to achieve the required computational power for the real-time implementation. High order language programming was used in order to reduce the programming and maintenance costs of the algorithm implementation software. The sensor failure algorithm was combined with an existing multivariable control algorithm to give a complete control implementation with sensor analytical redundancy. The real-time microprocessor implementation of the algorithm which resulted in the successful completion of the algorithm engine demonstration, is described

    Advanced detection, isolation, and accommodation of sensor failures in turbofan engines: Real-time microcomputer implementation

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    The objective of the Advanced Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation Program is to improve the overall demonstrated reliability of digital electronic control systems for turbine engines. For this purpose, an algorithm was developed which detects, isolates, and accommodates sensor failures by using analytical redundancy. The performance of this algorithm was evaluated on a real time engine simulation and was demonstrated on a full scale F100 turbofan engine. The real time implementation of the algorithm is described. The implementation used state-of-the-art microprocessor hardware and software, including parallel processing and high order language programming

    A real-time implementation of an advanced sensor failure detection, isolation, and accommodation algorithm

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    A sensor failure detection, isolation, and accommodation algorithm was developed which incorporates analytic sensor redundancy through software. This algorithm was implemented in a high level language on a microprocessor based controls computer. Parallel processing and state-of-the-art 16-bit microprocessors are used along with efficient programming practices to achieve real-time operation

    A real-time simulation evaluation of an advanced detection. Isolation and accommodation algorithm for sensor failures in turbine engines

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    An advanced sensor failure detection, isolation, and accommodation (ADIA) algorithm has been developed for use with an aircraft turbofan engine control system. In a previous paper the authors described the ADIA algorithm and its real-time implementation. Subsequent improvements made to the algorithm and implementation are discussed, and the results of an evaluation presented. The evaluation used a real-time, hybrid computer simulation of an F100 turbofan engine

    Real-time simulation of an automotive gas turbine using the hybrid computer

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    A hybrid computer simulation of an Advanced Automotive Gas Turbine Powertrain System is reported. The system consists of a gas turbine engine, an automotive drivetrain with four speed automatic transmission, and a control system. Generally, dynamic performance is simulated on the analog portion of the hybrid computer while most of the steady state performance characteristics are calculated to run faster than real time and makes this simulation a useful tool for a variety of analytical studies

    Neuromorphic learning of continuous-valued mappings from noise-corrupted data. Application to real-time adaptive control

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    The ability of feed-forward neural network architectures to learn continuous valued mappings in the presence of noise was demonstrated in relation to parameter identification and real-time adaptive control applications. An error function was introduced to help optimize parameter values such as number of training iterations, observation time, sampling rate, and scaling of the control signal. The learning performance depended essentially on the degree of embodiment of the control law in the training data set and on the degree of uniformity of the probability distribution function of the data that are presented to the net during sequence. When a control law was corrupted by noise, the fluctuations of the training data biased the probability distribution function of the training data sequence. Only if the noise contamination is minimized and the degree of embodiment of the control law is maximized, can a neural net develop a good representation of the mapping and be used as a neurocontroller. A multilayer net was trained with back-error-propagation to control a cart-pole system for linear and nonlinear control laws in the presence of data processing noise and measurement noise. The neurocontroller exhibited noise-filtering properties and was found to operate more smoothly than the teacher in the presence of measurement noise