28 research outputs found

    On the Failure of Ellipticity for Compressible Isotropic Nonlinearly Elastic Materials

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    The ordinary ellipticity status of some compressible isotropic nonlinearly elastic solids is examined under plane deformations

    Recommendations on seismic actions on bridges

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    The paper describes the main features of a technical Recommendation first draft on Seismic Actions on Bridges, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works (MOPT). Although much more research is needed to clarify the seismic behaviour of the vast class of problems present in port structures the current state of the art allows at least a classificaton of subjects and the establishment of minimum requirements to guide the design. Also the use of more refined methods for specially dangerous situations needs some general guidelines that contribute to mantein the design under reasonable safety margins. The Recommendations of the Spanish MOPT are a first try in those directions

    Finite elastic deformations of transversely isotropic circular cylindrical tubes

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    We consider the finite radially symmetric deformation of a circular cylindrical tube of a homogeneous transversely isotropic elastic material subject to axial stretch, radial deformation and torsion, supported by axial load, internal pressure and end moment. Two different directions of transverse isotropy are considered: the radial direction and an arbitrary direction in planes normal locally to the radial direction, the only directions for which the considered deformation is admissible in general. In the absence of body forces, formulas are obtained for the internal pressure, and the resultant axial load and torsional moment on the ends of the tube in respect of a general strain-energy function. For a specific material model of transversely isotropic elasticity, and material and geometrical parameters, numerical results are used to illustrate the dependence of the pressure, (reduced) axial load and moment on the radial stretch and a measure of the torsional deformation for a fixed value of the axial stretch

    Cálculo sísmico de puentes. Estudio comparativo

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    Se presenta un estudio comparativo del cálculo sísmico de cinco puentes diferentes, utilizando diversos procedimientos. El objetivo es establecer la validez de los métodos sencillos, habitualmente utilizados, en función del tipo estructural del puente. El desarrollo se centra en el estudio de la importancia de las cargas dinámicas producidas en un puente situado en una zona sísmica intermedia, respecto a las cargas elásticas exigidas por las Norma de Cálculo de Puentes de Carreteras, haciendo especial mención de las diferencias que aparecen cuando la estructura está realizada en hormigón pretensado

    Numerical analysis of axisymmetric shells by one-dimensional continuum elements suitable for high frequency excitations

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    Axisymmetric shells are analyzed by means of one-dimensional continuum elements by using the analogy between the bending of shells and the bending of beams on elastic foundation. The mathematical model is formulated in the frequency domain. Because the solution of the governing equations of vibration of beams are exact, the spatial discretization only depends on geometrical or material considerations. For some kind of situations, for example, for high frequency excitations, this approach may be more convenient than other conventional ones such as the finite element method

    Modelado de láminas ortotrópicas axisimétricas para excitaciones con alto contenido en frecuencia

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    El propósito de este artículo es el análisis lineal de estructuras laminares sometidas a excitaciones dinámicas con alto contenido en frecuencia. El método numérico propuesto utiliza para el modelado elementos continuos monodimensionales. La respuesta exacta de este tipo de elementos es conocida, y por lo tanto el método es más conveniente para este tipo de problemas que otros métodos convencionales basados en discretización espacial, por ejemplo el método de los elementos finitos (MEF), que precisarían de una malla muy fina para recoger adecuadamente los fenómenos de interés. El estudio aquí descrito se limita a estructuras axisimétricas con formas cilíndricas o cónicas. Se presentan criterios para modelar dichas estructuras mediante vigas sobre apoyo elástico

    The Standardization of Supporting Tools: Advantage Competitive for Collaborative Networks

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    doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2013.08.277Traditionally, manufacturing companies, the gateway for information technology (IT) have been implementing business management tools, tools typically enterprise resource planning (ERP) focused exclusively on internal processes manufacturing and remaining largely isolated from the rest of the elements of the value chain (suppliers, customers, etc.). The objective of this paper is to propose action lines to solve the problems inherent in collaborative knowledge management related technological barrier by implementation project business management tools. As mist relevant contribution are both the search for standardization and the application of techniques in Project Management to try to achieve success in the implementation and establishing of collaborative networks.The authors thank the Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia of the Junta de Andalucía and to the European Union for their incentives for the training of teaching staff and pre-doctoral researchers in deficient areas of knowledge (2009 Edict) co-financed by the Fondo Social Europeo (FSE). Thanks also to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design at the University of Cadiz School of Engineering

    Ensayo metodológico de determinación de la heladicidad de hormigón estructural fabricado con árido reciclado

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    Esta comunicación presenta el ajuste de una metodología de determinación de la resistencia al hielodeshielo de hormigones estructurales fabricados con árido reciclado, la cual se está llevando a cabo por un grupo de trabajo integrado por profesores y estudiantes de las Escuelas Técnicas Superiores de Ingenieros de Minas e Industriales, de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, con el fin de evaluar la variación de las propiedades que sufren distintas dosificaciones de dichos hormigones cuando son sometidas a ensayos de heladicidad. Se realiza en primer lugar un estudio de la normativa existente, con el objetivo de definir tanto la duración de los ciclos como los criterios de degradación. Seguidamente se registra, mediante medidas de la velocidad de propagación de ultrasonidos las variaciones observadas en el hormigón. Al final de la puesta a punto de la técnica experimental se puede decir que se llegan a reproducir los ciclos de hielo-deshielo diseñados y se observa degradación del materia

    Recommendations on seismic actions on port structures

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    The paper describes the main features of a Technical Recommendation first draft on Seismic Action on port structures promoted recently by the Spanish Ministry of Public Works (MOPT). Although much more research is needed to clarify the seismic behaviour of the vast class of problems present in port structures the current state of the art allows at least a classification of subjects and the establishment of minimum requirements to guide the design. Also the use of more refined methods for specially dangerous situations needs some general guidelines that contribute to mantein the design under reasonable safety margins. The Recommendations of the Spanish MOPT are a first try in those directions

    The Role of Porosity and Solid Matrix Compressibility on the Mechanical Behavior of Poroelastic Tissues

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    We investigate the dependence of the mechanical and hydraulic properties of poroelastic materials on the interstitial volume fraction (porosity) of the fluid flowing through their pores and compressibility of their elastic (matrix) phase. The mechanical behavior of the matrix is assumed of linear elastic type and we conduct a three-dimensional microstructural analysis by means of the asymptotic homogenization technique exploiting the length scale separation between the pores (pore-scale or microscale) and the average tissue size (the macroscale). The coefficients of the model are therefore obtained by suitable averages which involve the solutions of periodic cell problems at the pore-scale. The latter are solved numerically by finite elements in a cubic cell by assuming a cross-shaped interconnected cylindrical structure which results in a cubic symmetric stiffness tensor on the macroscale. Therefore, the macroscale response of the material is fully characterized by six parameters, namely the elastic Young's and shear moduli, Poisson's ratio, the hydraulic conductivity, and the poroelastic parameters, i.e. Biot's modulus and Biot's coefficient. We present our findings in terms of a parametric analysis conducted by varying the porosity as well as the Poisson's ratio of the matrix. Our novel three-dimensional results, which are presented in the context of tumor modeling, serve as a robust first step to (a) quantify the macroscale response of poroelastic materials on the basis of their underlying microstructure, (b) relate the compressibility of the tissue, which can be used to distinguish between benign tumor and cancer, to its microstructural properties (such as porosity), and (c) reveal a nontrivial dependency of Biot's modulus on porosity and compressibility of the matrix, which can pave the way to the optimal design of artificial constructs in terms of fluid volume available for transport of mass and solutes