28 research outputs found

    Towards Multi-Level Modeling of Self-Assembling Intelligent Micro-Systems

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    We investigate and model the dynamics of two-dimensional stochastic self-assembly of intelligent micro-systems with minimal requirements in terms of sensing, actuation, and control. A microscopic agent-based model accounts for spatiality and serves as a baseline for assessing the accuracy of models at higher abstraction level. Spatiality is relaxed in Monte Carlo simulations, which still capture the binding energy of each individual aggregate. Finally, we introduce a macroscopic model that only keeps track of the average number of aggregates in each energy state. This model is able to quantitatively and qualitatively predict the dynamics observed at lower, more detailed modeling levels. Since we investigate an idealized system, thus making very few assumptions about the exact nature of the final target system, our framework is potentially applicable to a large body of self-assembling agents ranging from functional micro-robots endowed with simple sensors and actuators to elementary microfabricated parts. In particular, we show how our suite of models at different abstraction levels can be used for optimizing both the design of the building blocks and the control of the stochastic process

    Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Model-Based Methodologies for Distributed Control: A Comparative Experimental Study

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    Model-based synthesis of distributed controllers for multi-robot systems is commonly approached in either a top-down or bottom-up fashion. In this paper, we investigate the experimental challenges of both approaches, with a special emphasis on resource-constrained miniature robots. We make our comparison through a case study in which a group of 2-cm-sized mobile robots screen the environment for undesirable features, and destroy or neutralize them. First, we solve this problem using a top-down approach that relies on a graph-based representation of the system, allowing for direct optimization using numerical techniques (e.g., linear and non-linear convex optimization) under very unrealistic assumptions (e.g., infinite number of robots, perfect localization, global communication, etc.). We show how one can relax these assumptions in the context of resource-constrained robots, and explain the resulting impact on system performance. Second, we solve the same problem using a bottom-up approach, i.e., we build up computationally efficient and accurate models at multiple abstraction levels, and use them to optimize the robots' controller using evolutionary algorithms. Finally, we outline the differences between the top-down and bottom-up approaches, and experimentally compare their performance

    Aggregation-mediated Collective Perception and Action in a Group of Miniature Robots

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    We introduce a novel case study in which a group of miniaturized robots screen an environment for undesirable cells, and destroy them. Because miniaturized robots are usually endowed with reactive controllers and minimalist sensing and actuation capabilities, they must collaborate in order to achieve their task successfully. In this paper, we show how aggregation can mediate both collective perception and action while maintaining the scalability of the algorithm. First, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by implementing it on a real group of Alice mobile robots, which are only two centimeters in size. Then, we use a combination of both realistic simulations and macroscopic models in order to find optimal parameters that maximize the number of undesirable cells destroyed while minimizing the impact on the healthy population. Finally, we discuss the limitations of these models, both in terms of accuracy, computational cost, and scalability, and we outline the importance of an appropriate multi-level modeling methodology to ensure the relevance and the faithfulness of such models

    Design, Modeling and Optimization of Stochastic Reactive Distributed Robotic Systems

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    This dissertation describes a complete methodological framework for designing, modeling and optimizing a specific class of distributed systems whose dynamics result from the multiple, stochastic interactions of their constitutive components. These components can be robots endowed with very minimal capabilities, or even simpler entities such as insects, bacteria, particles, or molecules. We refer to such components as Smart Minimal Particles (SMPs). One of the main difficulties facing the modeling of SMPs is the potential complexity and richness of their dynamics. On the one hand, one needs detailed models that account for the physico-chemical properties of the lower-level components (e.g., shape, material, surface chemistry, charge, etc.), which, in turn, determine the nature and the magnitude of their interactions. On the other hand, one is also interested in models that can yield accurate numerical predictions of macroscopic quantities, and investigate formally their dependence on the system’s design and control parameters. These competing requirements motivate a combination of models at multiple levels of abstraction, as advocated by the Multi-Level Modeling Methodology (MLMM), which was introduced in prior works. The MLMM enables the fulfillment of both requirements in a very efficient way by incrementally building up models at increasing levels of abstraction in order to capture the relevant features of the system. This thesis extends and consolidates the MLMM along several axes. In a first step, we provide a theoretical consolidation of the MLMM. We propose a thorough classification of the different models of SMPs, and we discuss their underlying assumptions and simplifications. We shed light on the fundamental impact of embodiment and spatiality on models’ accuracy, and we define the conditions under which the macro-deterministic approximation is valid. These theoretical considerations are experimentally supported by five case studies of aggregation and Self-Assembly (SA) at different scales. The five case studies utilize three types of components: (i) miniature wheeled robots (Alice, 2 cm in size) endowed with limited computation, sensing, actuation, and communication capabilities, (ii) water-floating passive modules (Lily, 3 cm in size) endowed with four permanent magnets for mutual latching, and (iii) micro-fabricated cylinders (about 100 ÎŒm in diameter, studied in realistic simulation only) that can achieve SA in liquids. In a second step, we introduce the core contribution of this thesis, that is, a systematic and generic methodology for bridging the gap between real, physical systems and computationally efficient models at multiple abstraction levels. In particular, we describe the M3 computational framework, which enables the automated construction of models of SMPs. Our approach consists in observing (or simulating realistically) a system of interest, and building a hierarchical suite of models based on the observations (i.e., trajectories) collected during these experiments (or simulations). Internally, the framework first builds up a microscopic representation of the system based on these observations and on a list of interactions of interest specified by the user. This representation, called the Canonical Microscopic Model (CMM), is a formal and generic description of SMPs, and it serves as a blueprint for the construction of a macroscopic model, specified using the Chemical Reaction Network (CRN) formalism. The rates of the CRN are finally calibrated using a Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) scheme. We validate the M3 framework on each of the three platforms discussed earlier, thereby illustrating its relevance both as a modeling and as an analysis tool. Finally, we discuss the role of multi-level modeling when designing and optimizing SMPs. In particular, we show that top-down model-based design of multi-robot systems is generally not amenable to efficient implementations when dealing with very resource-constrained robots. Instead, faithful and computationally efficient models built incrementally from the bottom up prove to be an essential tool for designing such systems. We further corroborate this claim by applying our automated modeling framework to the real-time control of the stochastic SA of Lily modules. Our scientific contribution is therefore three-fold. First, we provide a solid experimental and theoretical consolidation of the MLMM, which has been the subject of intense research efforts for the last decade. Second, we propose, for the first time, an approach to generate models at high abstraction level in a completely automated fashion, based solely on observations of the system of interest. Third, we provide deep insights into the modeling and the design of SMPs, with a specific emphasis on self-assembling systems ranging from the centimeter scale down to the micrometer scale

    Model Calibration

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    Find the Blue Stick

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    Abstract. We propose a modular, reactive controller for locating a target in a maze while maintaining sufficient battery power. We have adapted our solution of take into account the limitations of the simulation environment and the high level of noise. The behavior of our robot proved to be sensible though being by far less efficient than mappingbased solutions.

    Partitioning CiteSeer’s Citation Graph Revised Version

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    Abstract. CiteSeer is a freely available, online citation database. In this paper, we explore the citation graph of CiteSeer. First, we characterize that graph as given by CiteSeer. Second, considering a set of anchor papers, we give heuristics to find a partition of the graph whose cut is minimal. Finally, we evaluate our solution using different metrics.

    Modeling self-assembly across scales: The unifying perspective of Smart Minimal Particles

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    A wealth of current research in microengineering aims at fabricating devices of increasing complexity, notably by (self-)assembling elementary components into heterogeneous functional systems. At the same time, a large body of robotic research called swarm robotics is concerned with the design and the control of large ensembles of robots of decreasing size and complexity. This paper describes the asymptotic convergence of micro/nano electromechanical systems (M/NEMS) on one side, and swarm robotic systems on the other, toward a unifying class of systems, which we denote Smart Minimal Particles (SMPs). We deïŹne SMPs as mobile, purely reactive and physically embodied agents that compensate for their limited on-board capabilities using speciïŹcally engineered reactivity to external physical stimuli, including local energy and information scavenging. In trading off internal resources for simplicity and robustness, SMPs are still able to collectively perform non-trivial, spatio-temporally coordinated and highly scalable operations such as aggregation and self-assembly (SA). We outline the opposite converging tendencies, namely M/NEMS smarting and robotic minimalism, by reviewing each field’s literature with speciïŹc focus on self-assembling systems. Our main claim is that the SMPs can be used to develop a unifying technological and methodological framework that bridges the gap between passive M/NEMS and active, centimeter-sized robots. By proposing this unifying perspective, we hypothesize a continuum in both complexity and length scale between these two extremes. We illustrate the beneïŹts of possible cross-fertilizations among these originally separate domains, with speciïŹc emphasis on the modeling of collective dynamics. Particularly, we argue that while most of the theoretical studies on M/NEMS SA dynamics belong so far to one of only two main frameworks—based on analytical master equations and on numerical agent-based simulations, respectively—alternative models developed in swarm robotics could be amenable to the task, and thereby provide important novel insights.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe