1,752 research outputs found

    Le narcissisme du selfie : esthétique et pratique de la subjectivité contemporaine

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    Le selfie, par son caractère d’autoportrait et sa pratique répandue de manière épidémique, est souvent considéré comme un symptôme du narcissisme contemporain avec sa culture du moi favorisée par les réseaux sociaux. Cette vue négative du selfie se base sur la psychanalyse, la figure mythique de Narcisse, et sur toute une critique culturelle. Une évaluation plus nuancée du selfie met plutôt en avant la capacité du selfie à participer à la formation identitaire du sujet. Chaque chapitre de ce travail répond à une conception particulière du narcissisme. Dans le premier chapitre, nous montrerons que l’erreur fondamentale de Narcisse ne permet pas de bien rendre compte des stratégies visuelles en jeu dans le selfie. Il traitera essentiellement de l’esthétique de l’image selfique. Nous définirons le selfie selon ses caractéristiques visuelles et les effets produits sur son spectateur. Grâce à la définition de ces caractéristiques visuelles, nous pourrons, au deuxième chapitre, établir une archéologie du selfie et proposer une analyse comparative entre le selfie et d’autres pratiques médiatiques qui provoquent des effets visuels similaires. Nous montrerons que ces effets visuels découlent de deux caractéristiques technologiques de l’appareil : sa réflexivité (l’appareil fonctionne comme un miroir) et sa portabilité. Le troisième chapitre sera alors l’occasion de voir la relationnalité du selfie à travers son geste de captation. C’est dans ce troisième chapitre que l’aspect performatif du selfie sera évoqué, et c’est le seul chapitre qui montrera que le concept de narcissisme s’applique de façon très précise à l’analyse du selfie. Enfin, le dernier chapitre considèrera l’environnement numérique de partage du selfie et comment le selfie participe à l’édification d’un nouveau sujet observateur. Cette partie montrera en quoi le selfie est emblématique d’une nouvelle subjectivité contemporaine. Nous verrons comment la subjectivité est affectée, créée, performée, par ce geste selfique qui sert avant tout à une insertion du sujet au sein d’une économie de l’attention.The cultural phenomenon of the selfie is commonly considered to be symptomatic of a contemporary form of narcissism, in line with the “me culture” so prevalent on social media. This condemnation of the selfie as narcissistic is based on psychoanalytic definitions of the term, a certain invocation of the mythical figure of Narcissus, and references to cultural historians that have been critiquing youth culture for decades. A more nuanced assessment of the selfie highlights instead its important role for subject formation. Each chapter of this thesis is organized according to a particular understanding of narcissism. The first chapters argues that Narcissus’s fundamental misconception in front of his reflection does not properly describe the visual strategies at stake in the selfie. This chapter will describe the selfie’s aesthetics. It will define the selfie according to its visual characteristics and the effects produced on its viewer. Thanks to the definition of these visual characteristics, the second chapter will establish an archaeology of the selfie and propose a comparative analysis between the selfie and other media practices that provoke similar visual effects. These visual effects stem from two technological features of the device: its reflexivity (the device functions as a mirror) and its portability. The third chapter will turn to the selfie gesture to underline the fundamental relationality of the practice. This third chapter will discuss the performative aspect of the selfie, and it is the only chapter that will argue that narcissism can and should be applied to an analysis of the selfie. Finally, the last chapter will consider the digital environment in which the selfie is shared, and how the selfie participates in the construction of a new subject. This chapter argues that the selfie is emblematic of a new contemporary subjectivity. It will show how subjectivity is created, negotiated, and performed by the selfie gesture within a broader attention economy

    Le façonnement identitaire des Européens d'Algérie avant la Guerre (1890-1914) : le rôle des cartes postales de scènes de rue

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    Ce mémoire analyse deux cartes postales de la ville d’Alger qui représentent des espaces publics. Ces espaces publics montrent des gens de communautés mixtes. Les cartes ont été produites à Alger entre 1890 et 1914 environ, une période qui fait coïncider l’essor de ce médium avec celui de la colonisation européenne en Algérie. Le corpus a été choisi parce qu’il diffère de la production générale de cartes postales algériennes ainsi que de l’ensemble des images représentant l’Algérie, en peinture, en lithographie et en photographie. Cette spécificité de notre corpus nous permet de soutenir l’existence d’une consommation locale de cartes postales à Alger, de la part de la communauté européenne. Pour appuyer notre argument, nous faisons une étude comparative avec Cagayous, un feuilleton très populaire parmi les Européens à Alger. Les chercheurs considèrent ce feuilleton représentatif de cette population et du contexte local. Nous montrons que, même si ces cartes postales semblent plus réalistes que les images orientalistes typiques, elles ne sont pas dépourvues de stratégies visuelles et idéologiques rattachées au système colonial. Ces stratégies sont détaillées et analysées au cours de cette étude.This thesis analyzes two postcards of the city of Algiers, which represent public space. The public spaces show people from mixed communities. These cards were produced in Algiers between about 1890 and 1914, a period which brings together the heyday of the postcard medium and the summit of European colonisation in Algeria. The corpus was chosen because it differs from the general production of Algerian postcards and from the body of images representing Algeria in painting, lithography, and in photography. This specificity of our corpus allows us to argue for the existence of a local consumption of these postcards of Algiers, by the European community. To support this claim, we conduct a comparative study with Cagayous, an extremely popular serial for the Europeans of Algiers. Scholars consider the serial to be representative of this population and the local context. We show that, even if these postcards seem more realistic than typical Orientalist images, they are not devoid of visual strategies and ideologies related to the colonial system. These strategies are detailed and analyzed in this thesis

    Il modello della Group Care. Verso una teoria della formazione

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    To develop pedagogic interventions within a health care delivery context one needs to take into account the theory and practice of educating people, taken both as individuals and members of society. Current knowledge on the most appropriate methodologies to deliver education must be reconsidered. Pedagogy is key to harmonize such knowledge and, as such, stands up as a science in itself with its own epistemologic status. It allows to select what belongs to the field of education and what does not, within the realms of other disciplines. The clinico-pedagogic model of Group Care was developed within such framework, to harmonise pedagogical expertise and clinical needs with the ultimate aim of helping people with a chronic disease to retrace their own identity despite illness.La progettazione di interventi clinico ed educativi richiede una riflessione organica e critica sui problemi educativiovvero la teorizzazione di quei processi rivolti a educare, istruire e formare i soggetti, individualmente e socialmente intesi. Si tratta di rileggere le conoscenze e teorie in campo educativo e in secondo luogo le modalità di gestione dei processi educativi e formativi. Il ruolo della pedagogia è quello di armonizzare queste conoscenze in chiave educativa. Sulla base di un tale sistema di riferimento la pedagogia assume le caratteristiche di scienza autonoma con un proprio statuto epistemologico che le permette di operare scelte all’interno dei risultati di altre discipline fra ciò che è proprio del campo educativo e ciò che non le appartiene. In questo quadro di riferimento nasce il modello clinico educativo e assistenziale della Group Care che ha ripensato l’educazione in un contesto clinico con il fine di aiutare le persone a ritrovare una propria identità pur in presenza di una malattia


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    Rainwater harvesting systems are sustainable alternatives that collaborate with the rational use of water in the urban environment. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate technically and economically the hydraulic structure's implementation for the use of rainwater in two types of apartment complexes in Lavras - MG, Brazil, one vertical and the other horizontal, comparing the technical differences between them. The precipitation historical series of the municipality was prepared, and with that, itwas possible to estimate the monthly volume of usable rainwater. Then, the pipelinessystem and the water intake and conduction structures were designed, using thestandards NBR 10844 (ABNT, 1989) and NBR 5626 (ABNT, 1998). Still, the demandfor non-potable water was calculated and thus, the volume of the lower and upperreservoirs was determined. Lower reservoir volumes were calculated by the Rippl,Brazilian Practical and Simulation Methods, all presented by NBR 15527 (ABNT,2007). Finally, the budget composition was performed, and the technical and economicanalysis was performed using the Discounted Payback Method. It was identified thatfor the vertical condominium, the Brazilian Practical Method is the most appropriate,while for the horizontal condominium, the most convenient calculation model is theSimulation Method. In addition, it was found that the systems implemented areconsidered long-term investments, however, enable better management of waterresources.Os sistemas de captação e uso de água pluvial são alternativas sustentáveis que colaboram com o uso racional da água no meio urbano, assim, o objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar de forma técnica e econômica a implantação de estruturas hidráulicas para o aproveitamento de águas pluviais em dois tipos de condomínios de múltiplas unidades habitacionais, em Lavras - MG, sendo um dotipo vertical e outro horizontal, comparando assim as diferenças técnicas existentes entre eles. Então, preparou-se a série histórica de precipitações do município, e, com isso, pôde-se estimar o volume mensal de água de chuva aproveitável. Depois, elaborou-se o traçado dos sistemas e dimensionou-se as estruturas de captação e condução de água, utilizando as normas NBR 10844 (ABNT, 1989) e NBR 5626 (ABNT, 1998). Ainda foi calculada a demanda de água não potável e assim, determinou-se o volume dos reservatórios inferiores e superiores. Os volumes dos reservatórios inferiores foram calculados pelos Métodos de Rippl, Prático Brasileiro e Simulações, todos apresentados pela NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007). Por fim, realizou-se a composição orçamentária e efetuou-se a análise técnica e econômica, por meio do Método de Payback Descontado. Identificou-se que para o condomínio vertical, o Método Prático Brasileiro é o mais adequado, enquanto para o horizontal, o modelo de cálculo mais conveniente é o Método das Simulações. Além disso, constatou-se que os sistemas implantados são considerados investimentos a longo prazo, entretanto, possibilitam uma melhor gestão dos recursos hídricos