234 research outputs found

    Miguel a. lengua g.: “el genio clínico de Cartagena”. Primera etapa 1894-1916

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    Este artículo busca mostrar con un análisis histórico los conceptos de enfermedad en el discurso médico de Miguel A. Lengua, el estudio de algunas profesiones como la sociología histórica y la propuesta de Abbot de separar los médicos en practicantes y profesores. Miguel A. Lengua fue un médico momposino; se graduó en Cartagena en 1894 y ejerció en su ciudad natal de 1894 hasta 1914, donde fue desde profesor hasta rector del Colegio Pinillos. A su regreso a Cartagena, se vincula como médico-practicante en el Hospital de Caridad de Cartagena, ámbito de enseñanza de la medicina. Su dedicación al estudio y la enseñanza de la medicina clínica le valdrá el reconocimiento por sus alumnos de “genio clínico”. En el documento se registra y destaca la formación como médicos anatomo-clínicos de los profesionales graduados en Cartagena a fines del siglo XIX

    Management of radiation dermatitis in patients receiving cetuximab and radiotherapy for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: proposals for a revised grading system and consensus management guidelines

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    Background: Radiation dermatitis developing in patients receiving cetuximab concomitantly with radiotherapy for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (LA SCCHN) is now recognized to have different pathophysiological and clinical characteristics to the radiation dermatitis associated with radiotherapy or concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Current grading tools were not designed to grade this type of radiation dermatitis; their use may lead to misclassification of reactions and inappropriate management strategies, potentially compromising cancer treatment. Patients and methods: An advisory board of seven leading European specialists (three medical oncologists, three radiation oncologists and a dermatologist) with extensive experience of the use of cetuximab plus radiotherapy produced consensus guidelines for the grading and management of radiation dermatitis in patients receiving cetuximab plus radiotherapy. Results: Modifications to the current, commonly used National Cancer Institute—Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.3 for grading radiation dermatitis were proposed. Updated management guidelines, building on previously published guidelines from 2008, were also proposed. Conclusions: The proposed revisions to the grading system and updated management guidelines described here represent important developments toward the more appropriate grading and effective management of radiation dermatitis in patients receiving cetuximab plus radiotherapy for LA SCCH

    Expression and subcellular localization of the bromodomain-containing protein 7 is a prognostic biomarker in breast cancer

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    Bromodomain-containing protein 7 (BRD7) is a member of the bromodomain-containing protein family. Previous studies suggest that BRD7 is predominantly localized in the nucleus, wherein it functions as a transcriptional regulator. Several lines of evidence imply a tumour suppressor function for BRD7. However, the importance of BRD7 in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is not well understood. We have investigated the expression, CpG island methylation and subcellular localization of BRD7 in breast cancer cell lines and clinical cases and thereby assessed its prognostic significance by correlating with clinical-pathological features and time-dependent clinical outcomes. We show that nuclear exclusion of BRD7 occurs commonly in breast cancer and is strongly associated with cases expressing wild-type p53. Moreover, clinical outcomes are significantly less favourable in cases with nuclear exclusion or loss of expression than those in which there is nuclear expression of BRD7. Methylation of the CpG island of BRD7 increases in breast cancer relative to normal breast tissue, but there is not an obvious correlation between methylation and reduced expression or between methylation and clinical outcomes. Overall, our results suggest that nuclear exclusion, rather than transcriptional silencing, is a common mechanism by which the tumour suppressor function of wild-type p53 is inhibited in breast cancer, and show that BRD7 is a promising candidate biomarker in breast cancer

    PIN92 Quality of Life Among Hiv Patients: Results from the Ianua Clinical Trial

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    OBJECTIVES To understand the relationship between socio-demographic variables, clinical factors, highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and health related quality of life (QoL) in HIV-infected individuals participants in the IANUA multicenter study. METHODS Data relating to patients with HIV infection admitted to 3 infectious disease units in Genoa (Italy) between 2012 and 2014 are collected and analyzed. Univariate and multivariate association of demographic and clinical factors with QoL (computed using EQ-5D-3L) are examined. QoL determinants are assessed using a tobit model, while a logistic model is implemented in order to investigate the relation between specific patients characteristics and the likelihood of having higher QoL. RESULTS Results of the empirical modeling suggest that being Italian and having a job are positively associate with QoL, whereas being a female, taking other drugs in addition to anti-retroviral drugs and being subsidisied are negatively related to QoL. Among clinical factors, CD4 cell count level cannot be considered as significant predictor of QoL, while higher QoL seem to be defined by single tablet regimens. CONCLUSION The study investigates the major determinants of QoL among HIV patients and the results provide some informative tools useful to improve strategies aiming at maximizing QoL. As monitoring of QoL is nowadays a priority for clinicians, further work will be based on \u201cdynamic\u201d analysis comparing QoL at the initial time and QoL at 6-months follow up

    Manifestaciones clínicas y factores de riesgo asociados a la infección por Cryptosporidium en pacientes de Barranquilla y tres municipios del Atlántico (Colombia)

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    Resumen Objetivos: Caracterizar manifestaciones clínicas y factores de riesgo asociados a Cryptos- poridiosis. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 423 pacientes, con análisis macroscópico y microscópico de muestras fecales, para identificar manifestaciones clínicas y factores de riesgo asociados a Cryptosporidiosis en tres municipios del Atlántico y su capital en un período de 4 meses. Se identificaron ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. después de teñirse con Ziehl-Neelsen modificado. Se comparó el método de concentración NaCl saturado con el método en fresco, para la detección de parásitos intestinales en 279/423 (66.0%) pacientes. El análisis estadístico se realizó usando EPI-INFO 6.04. Resultados: La prevalencia de Cryptosporidium spp. fue 1.9% (8/423). Se encontraron asociaciones estadísticas entre cryptosporidiosis y fiebre (p=0.01), sangre en muestras fe- cales (p=0.01) y presencia de animales domiciliarios (p=0.02). La mayoría de los pacientes (267/423:20.3 %) fueron positivos para parásitos intestinales. Los parásitos identificados con mayor frecuencia fueron protozoos no enteropatógenos, Entamoeba coli (118/423: 27.9%) y Endolimax nana (86/423: 20.3%), seguido de Blastocystis hominis (76/423: 18%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (28/423: 6.6%) y Giardia lamblia (23/423: 5.4%). Ascaris lumbricoides (6/423: 1.4%) fue el helminto identificado con mayor frecuencia. Una sensibilidad/especificidad de 99.45/95.2% y 87.5%/99.6% se obtuvo para protozoos y helmintos respectivamente usando el método de NaCl saturado. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con cryptosporidosis tuvieron fiebre y muestras fecales san- guinolentas. Probablemente fueron infectados por animales domésticos. Microscópicamente, la utilización de la tinción Ziehl Neelsen modificado fue esencial para la identificación de ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. El método de NaCl saturado concentró eficientemente los parásitos. Palabras claves: Cryptosporidium spp., Ziehl-Neelsen modificado, parasitosis in- testinales. Abstract Objectives: To characterize the clinical manifestations and risk factors associated with cryptosporidiosis. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was performed on 423 patients, with mac- roscopic and microscopic faecal sample analyses, to identify the clinical manifestations and risk factors associated with cyptosporidiosis in 3 towns and the principal city in Atlantico (Colombia) over a 4-month period. Cryptosporidium spp oocysts were identified after stain- ing with modified Ziehl-Neelsen. A saturated NaCl parasite-concentration method was also compared with wet-mount method for the detection of all intestinal parasites in 279/423 (66.0%) patients. Statistical analyses were performed using EPI-INFO 6.04. Results: The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. was 1.9% (8/423). Statistical associations were found between cryptosporidiosis infections and fever (p=0.01), blood in the faecal samples (p=0.01) and the presence of household animals (p=0.02). Most of the patients (267/423: 63.1%) were positive for intestinal parasites. The most commonly identified parasites were the non-pathogenic protozoa, Entamoeba coli (118/423: 27.9%) and Endoli- max nana (86/423: 20.3%), followed by Blastocystis hominis (76/423: 18%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (28/423: 6.6%) and Giardia lamblia (23/423: 5.4%). Ascaris lumbricoi- des (6/423: 1.4%) was the most common helminth identified. Sensitivities/specificities of 99.4%/95.2% and 87.5%/99.6% were obtained for protozoa and helminths respectively using the saturated NaCl method. Conclusions: Patients with cryptosporidiosis had fever and bloody faecal samples, and were probably infected by domestic animals. Microscopy, using the modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain, was essential for Cryptosporidium spp. oocyst identification. The saturated NaCl method efficiently concentrated the parasites. Key words: Cryptosporidium spp., modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain, intestinal parasi- tesis

    A non-randomised, single-centre comparison of induction chemotherapy followed by radiochemotherapy versus concomitant chemotherapy with hyperfractionated radiotherapy in inoperable head and neck carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: The application of induction chemotherapy failed to provide a consistent benefit for local control in primary treatment of advanced head and neck (H&N) cancers. The aim of this study was to compare the results of concomitant application of radiochemotherapy for treating locally advanced head-and-neck carcinoma in comparison with the former standard of sequential radiochemotherapy. METHODS: Between 1987 and 1995 we treated 122 patients with unresectable (stage IV head and neck) cancer by two different protocols. The sequential protocol (SEQ; 1987–1992) started with two courses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin [CDDP] + 120-h continuous infusions (c.i.) of folinic acid [FA] and 5-fluorouracil [5-FU]), followed by a course of radiochemotherapy using conventional fractionation up to 70 Gy. The concomitant protocol (CON; since 1993) combined two courses of FA/5-FU c.i. plus mitomycin (MMC) concomitantly with a course of radiotherapy up to 30 Gy in conventional fractionation, followed by a hyperfractionated course up to 72 Gy. Results from the two groups were compared. RESULTS: Patient and tumor characteristics were balanced (SEQ = 70, CON = 52 pts.). Mean radiation dose achieved (65.3 Gy vs. 71.6 Gy, p = 0.00), response rates (67 vs. 90 % for primary, p = 0.02), and local control (LC; 17.6% vs. 41%, p = 0.03), were significantly lower in the SEQ group, revealing a trend towards lower disease-specific (DSS; 19.8% vs. 31.4%, p = 0.08) and overall (14.7% vs. 23.7%, p = 0.11) survival rates after 5 years. Mucositis grades III and IV prevailed in the CON group (54% versus 44%). Late toxicity was similar in both groups. CONCLUSION: Concurrent chemotherapy seemed more effective in treating head and neck tumors than induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation, resulting in better local control and a trend towards improved survival

    3D-conformal-intensity modulated radiotherapy with compensators for head and neck cancer: clinical results of normal tissue sparing

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate the potential of parotic gland sparing of intensity modulated radiotherapy (3D-c-IMRT) performed with metallic compensators for head and neck cancer in a clinical series by analysis of dose distributions and clinical measures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 39 patients with squamous cell cancer of the head and neck irradiated using 3D-c-IMRT were evaluable for dose distribution within PTVs and at one parotid gland and 38 patients for toxicity analysis. 10 patients were treated primarily, 29 postoperatively, 19 received concomittant cis-platin based chemotherapy, 20 3D-c-IMRT alone. Initially the dose distribution was calculated with Helax (® )and photon fluence was modulated using metallic compensators made of tin-granulate (n = 22). Later the dose distribution was calculated with KonRad (® )and fluence was modified by MCP 96 alloy compensators (n = 17). Gross tumor/tumor bed (PTV 1) was irradiated up to 60–70 Gy, [5 fractions/week, single fraction dose: 2.0–2.2 (simultaneously integrated boost)], adjuvantly irradiated bilateral cervical lymph nodes (PTV 2) with 48–54 Gy [single dose: 1.5–1.8]). Toxicity was scored according the RTOG scale and patient-reported xerostomia questionnaire (XQ). RESULTS: Mean of the median doses at the parotid glands to be spared was 25.9 (16.3–46.8) Gy, for tin graulate 26 Gy, for MCP alloy 24.2 Gy. Tin-granulate compensators resulted in a median parotid dose above 26 Gy in 10/22, MCP 96 alloy in 0/17 patients. Following acute toxicities were seen (°0–2/3): xerostomia: 87%/13%, dysphagia: 84%/16%, mucositis: 89%/11%, dermatitis: 100%/0%. No grade 4 reaction was encountered. During therapy the XQ forms showed °0–2/3): 88%/12%. 6 months postRT chronic xerostomia °0–2/3 was observed in 85%/15% of patients, none with °4 xerostomia. CONCLUSION: 3D-c-IMRT using metallic compensators along with inverse calculation algorithm achieves sufficient parotid gland sparing in virtually all advanced head and neck cancers. Since the concept of lower single (and total) doses in the adjuvantly treated volumes reduces acute morbidity 3D-c-IMRT nicely meets demands of concurrent chemotherapy protocols