12 research outputs found

    Annual lung function changes in young patients with chronic lung disease

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    Reference equations for ventilatory function that use different statistical models may introduce artifacts that affect the estimated change of lung function during growth in young subjects. The effect of differently modelled reference equations on the estimated annual change of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) in young patients with chronic lung disease was assessed. Four frequently used reference equations were used to describe the longitudinal changes of FEV1 and FVC in 52 patients (23 females) with cystic fibrosis (CF) during a mean follow-up of 3.9 yrs. Choice of reference equations directly affected value and, most importantly, estimated annual change of FVC and FEV1. Mean+/-SD annual change of FEV1 varied from 2.2+/-6.2 to -2.2+/-3.6% of predicted. For two reference equations the estimated individual changes of FEV1 and FVC in CF were positively correlated wit

    Bronchiectasis in children after renal or liver transplantation: A report of five cases

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    More effective immunosuppressive treatment in children following organ transplantation has significantly improved the survival of the grafts. Therefore, quality of life, long-term prognosis and adverse drug reactions have become more important. One of the main complications of immunosuppressive drugs is infections of the respiratory tract, but irreversible damage to the airways has not been described after renal or liver transplantation. Five children following transplantation of kidney or liver were referred to the Paediatric Pulmonology department because of chronic respiratory complaints. Pulmonary function tests and HRCT scan were performed as routine patient care. Four children with a renal transplant and one with a liver transplant showed chronic bronchitis and moderate to severe airways obstruction. HRCT showed bronchiectasis in all of them. We speculate that the immunosuppressive treatment (in) directly contributes to irreversible airway damage. We recommend including follow-up of lung function in the post-transplantation protocol and considering bronchiectasis in case of respiratory symptoms, to try preventing further damage to the lung

    DNase treatment for atelectasis in infants with severe respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis

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    Respiratory insufficiency due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis is partly due to the abundance of thickened mucus and the inability to clear it from the airways. Mucus in RSV bronchiolitis contains necrotic inflammatory and epithelial cells. The viscoelastic properties of purulent airway secretions are largely due to the presence of highly polymerized deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Recombinant human deoxyribonuclease (rhDNase) is known to liquefy such mucus in patients with cystic fibrosis, whereas case reports described a beneficial effect in other respiratory disorders. The authors hypothesized that rhDNase would diminish atelectasis and mucus plugging in infants with severe RSV bronchiolitis. Two infants with RSV bronchiolitis with massive unilateral atelectasis in whom mechanical ventilation was imminent due to exhaustion, and three mechanically ventilated infants (two neonates, one with bronchopulmonary dysplasia) with RSV bronchiolitis with pneumonia received treatment with 2.5 mg nebulized rhDNase twice daily. Following administration of nebulized recombinant human deoxyribonuclease, clinical and radiological parameters improved quickly. Mechanical ventilation could be avoided in two infants while in three infants on artificial ventilation, clinical recovery started following the first dose of the drug. A therapeutic trial of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease may be an option in the treatment for atelectasis in severe or

    Interrupter resistance in preschool children: measurement characteristics and reference values

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    There is a need for quick, reliable, and noninvasive lung function tests to assess airway obstruction in preschool chil

    Current practices in children with severe acute asthma across European PICUs: an ESPNIC survey

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    Most pediatric asthma guidelines offer evidence-based or best practice approaches to the management of asthma exacerbations but struggle with evidence-based approaches for severe acute asthma (SAA). We aimed to investigate current practices in children with SAA admitted to European pediatric intensive care units (PICUs), in particular, adjunct therapies, use of an asthma severity score, and availability of a SAA guideline. We designed a cross-sectional electronic survey across European PICUs. Thirty-seven PICUs from 11 European countries responded. In 8 PICUs (22%), a guideline for SAA management was unavailable. Inhaled beta-agonists and anticholinergics, combined with systemic steroids and IV MgSO4 was central in SAA treatment. Seven PICUs (30%) used a loading dose of a short-acting beta-agonist. Eighteen PICUs (49%) used an asthma severity score, with 8 different scores applied. Seventeen PICUs (46%) observed an increasing trend in SAA admissions. Conclusion: Variations in the treatment of children with SAA mainly existed in the use of adjunct therapies and asthma severity scores. Importantl

    Measurements of interrupter resistance: reference values for children 3-13 yrs of age

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    The interrupter technique is a convenient and sensitive technique for studying airway function in subjects who cannot actively participate in (forced) ventilatory function tests. Reference values for preschool children exist but are lacking for children >7 yrs. Reference values were obtained for expiratory interrupter resistance (R(int,e)) in 208 healthy Dutch Caucasian children 3-13 yrs of age. A curvilinear relationship between R(int,e) and height was observed, similar to published airways resistance data measured by plethysmography. No significant differences in cross-sectional trend or level of R(int,e) were observed according to sex. It was found that Z-scores could be used to express individual R(int,e) values and to describe intra- and interindividual differences based on the reference equation: 10logR(int,e)=0.645-0.00668x standing height (cm) kPa x L(-1) x s(-1) and residual SD (0.093 kPa x L(-1) x s(-1)). Expiratory interrupter resistance provides a tool for clinical and epidemiological assessment of airway function in a large age range

    Estimation of lung growth using computed tomography

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    Anatomical studies suggest that normal lungs grow by rapid alveolar addition until about 2 yrs of age followed by a gradual increase in alveolar dimensions. The aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that normal lung growth can be monitored by computed tomography (CT). Therefore, the gas volume per gram of lung tissue was estimated from measurements of lung density obtained from CT scans performed on children throughout the growth period. CT scans were performed on 17 males and 18 females, ranging in age from 15 days-17.6 yrs. CT-measured lung weight was correlated with predicted post mortem values and CT measured gas volume with predicted values of functional residual capacity. The median value for lung expansion was 1.86 mL x g(-1) at 15 days, decreased to 0.79 mL x g(-1) by 2 yrs and then increased steadily to 5.07 mL x g(-1) at 17 yrs. Computed tomography scans can be used to estimate lung weight, gas volume and expansion of normal lungs during the growth period. The increase in the lung expansion after the age of 2 yrs suggests progressive alveolar expansion with increasing lung volume

    Inhaled corticosteroids and growth of airway function in asthmatic children

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    Airway inflammation and remodelling play an important role in the pathophysiology of asthma. Remodelling may affect childhood lung function, and this process may be reversed by anti-inflammatory treatment. The current study assessed longitudinally whether asthma affects growth of airway function relative to airspaces, and if so whether this is redressed by inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Every 4 months for up to 3 yrs, lung function was assessed in 54 asthmatic children (initial age 7-16 yrs), who inhaled 0.2 mg salbutamol t.i.d. and 0.2 mg budesonide t.i.d. (beta2-agonist (BA)+ICS), or placebo (PL) t.i.d. (BA+PL) in a randomised, double-blind design. Measurements were carried out before and after maximal bronchodilation. Airway growth was assessed from the change of forced expiratory volume in one second and of maximal expiratory flows (at 60% and 40% of total lung capacity (TLC) remaining in the lung) relative to TLC, as measures of more central, intermediate and more peripheral airways. Growth patterns were compared with the longitudinal findings in 376 healthy children. Airway patency after maximal bronchodilation in patients on BA+PL remained reduced compared to healthy subjects, whereas in patients on BA+ICS a marked improvement was observed to subnormal. No differences between patients and controls could be demonstrated for growth patterns of central and intermediate airway function. Compliance with BA+ICS was 75% of the prescribed dose, resulting in significant, sustained improvement of symptoms and postbronchodilator calibre of central and intermediate airways to subnormal within 2 months, but postbronchodilator small airway patency remained reduced, though improved compared to patients on BA+PL. Anti-inflammatory treatment of asthmatic children is associated with normal functional development of central and intermediate airways. The persistently reduced postbronchodilator patency of peripheral airways may reflect remodelling, or insufficient anti-inflammatory treatment

    Uniform Registration Agreements on Cholesteatoma Care: A Nationwide Consensus Procedure

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    Background: To coordinate and align the content for registration of cholesteatoma care. Methods: Systematic Delphi consensus procedure, consisting three rounds: two written sessions followed by a face-to-face meeting. Before this procedure, input on important patient outcomes was obtained. Consensus was defined as at least 80% agreement by participants. Hundred-thirty-six adult patients who had undergone cholesteatoma surgery and all ENT surgeons of the Dutch ENT Society were invited. The consensus rounds were att

    Children with severe acute asthma admitted to Dutch PICUs: A changing landscape

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    The number of children requiring pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission for severe acute asthma (SAA) around the world has increased. Objectives: We investigated whether this trend in SAA PICU admissions is present in the Netherlands. Methods: A multicenter retrospective cohort study across all tertiary care PICUs in the Netherlands. Inclusion criteria were children (2-18 years) hospitalized for SAA between 2003 and 2013. Data included demographic data, asthma diagnosis, treatment, and mortality. Results: In the 11-year study period 590 children (660 admissions) were admitted to a PICU with a threefold increase in the number of admissions per year over time. The severity of SAA seemed unchanged, based on the first blood gas, length of stay and mortality rate (0.6%). More children received highflow nasal cannula (P<0.001) and fewer children needed invasive ventilation (P<0.001). In 58% of the patients the maximal intravenous (IV) salbutamol infusion rate during PICU admission was 1mcg/kg/min. However, the number of patients treated with IV salbutamol in the referring hospitals increased significantly over time (P=0.005). The proportion of steroid-naïve patients increased from 35% to 54% (P=0.004), with a significant increase in both age groups (2-4 years [P=0.026] and 5-17 years [P=0.036]). Conclusions: The number of children requiring PICU admission for SAA in the Netherlands has increased. We speculate that this threefold increase is explained by an increasing number of steroid-naïve children, in conjunction with a lowered threshold for PICU admission, possibly caused by earlier use of salbutamol IV in the referring hospitals