1,075 research outputs found

    Vacuum-ultraviolet frequency-modulation spectroscopy

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    Frequency-modulation (FM) spectroscopy has been extended to the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Coherent VUV laser radiation is produced by resonance-enhanced sum-frequency mixing (νVUV=2νUV+ν2\nu_{\mathrm{VUV}}=2\nu_{\mathrm{UV}}+\nu_2) in Kr and Xe using two near-Fourier-transform-limited laser pulses of frequencies νUV\nu_{\mathrm{UV}} and ν2\nu_2. Sidebands generated in the output of the second laser (ν2\nu_2) using an electro-optical modulator operating at the frequency νmod\nu_{\mathrm{mod}} are directly transfered to the VUV and used to record FM spectra. Demodulation is demonstrated both at νmod\nu_{\mathrm{mod}} and 2νmod2\nu_{\mathrm{mod}}. The main advantages of the method are that its sensitivity is not reduced by pulse-to-pulse fluctuations of the VUV laser intensity, compared to VUV absorption spectroscopy is its background-free nature, the fact that its implementation using table-top laser equipment is straightforward and that it can be used to record VUV absorption spectra of cold samples in skimmed supersonic beams simultaneously with laser-induced-fluorescence and photoionization spectra. To illustrate these advantages we present VUV FM spectra of Ar, Kr, and N2_2 in selected regions between 105000cm−1^{-1} and 122000cm−1^{-1}.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Imaging electric fields in the vicinity of cryogenic surfaces using Rydberg atoms

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    The ability to characterize static and time-dependent electric fields in situ is an important prerequisite for quantum-optics experiments with atoms close to surfaces. Especially in experiments which aim at coupling Rydberg atoms to the near field of superconducting circuits, the identification and subsequent elimination of sources of stray fields is crucial. We present a technique that allows the determination of stray-electric-field distributions (Fxstr(r⃗),Fystr(r⃗),Fzstr(r⃗))(F^\text{str}_\text{x}(\vec{r}),F^\text{str}_\text{y}(\vec{r}),F^\text{str}_\text{z}(\vec{r})) at distances of less than 2 mm2~\text{mm} from (cryogenic) surfaces using coherent Rydberg-Stark spectroscopy in a pulsed supersonic beam of metastable 1s12s1 1S01\text{s}^12\text{s}^1~{}^{1}S_{0} helium atoms. We demonstrate the capabilities of this technique by characterizing the electric stray field emanating from a structured superconducting surface. Exploiting coherent population transfer with microwave radiation from a coplanar waveguide, the same technique allows the characterization of the microwave-field distribution above the surface.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the dispersive frequency shift of a rectangular microwave cavity induced by an ensemble of Rydberg atoms

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    In recent years the interest in studying interactions of Rydberg atoms or ensembles thereof with optical and microwave frequency fields has steadily increased, both in the context of basic research and for potential applications in quantum information processing. We present measurements of the dispersive interaction between an ensemble of helium atoms in the 37s Rydberg state and a single resonator mode by extracting the amplitude and phase change of a weak microwave probe tone transmitted through the cavity. The results are in quantitative agreement with predictions made on the basis of the dispersive Tavis-Cummings Hamiltonian. We study this system with the goal of realizing a hybrid between superconducting circuits and Rydberg atoms. We measure maximal collective coupling strengths of 1 MHz, corresponding to 3*10^3 Rydberg atoms coupled to the cavity. As expected, the dispersive shift is found to be inversely proportional to the atom-cavity detuning and proportional to the number of Rydberg atoms. This possibility of measuring the number of Rydberg atoms in a nondestructive manner is relevant for quantitatively evaluating scattering cross sections in experiments with Rydberg atoms

    Driving Rydberg-Rydberg transitions from a co-planar microwave waveguide

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    The coherent interaction between ensembles of helium Rydberg atoms and microwave fields in the vicinity of a solid-state co-planar waveguide is reported. Rydberg-Rydberg transitions, at frequencies between 25 GHz and 38 GHz, have been studied for states with principal quantum numbers in the range 30 - 35 by selective electric-field ionization. An experimental apparatus cooled to 100 K was used to reduce effects of blackbody radiation. Inhomogeneous, stray electric fields emanating from the surface of the waveguide have been characterized in frequency- and time-resolved measurements and coherence times of the Rydberg atoms on the order of 250 ns have been determined.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    "Metabolic switch" for desert survival.

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    Collective shuttling of attracting particles in asymmetric narrow channels

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    The rectification of a single file of attracting particles subjected to a low frequency ac drive is proposed as a working mechanism for particle shuttling in an asymmetric narrow channel. Increasing the particle attraction results in the file condensing, as signalled by the dramatic enhancement of the net particle current. Magnitude and direction of the current become extremely sensitive to the actual size of the condensate, which can then be made to shuttle between two docking stations, transporting particles in one direction, with an efficiency much larger than conventional diffusive models predict

    Weak localization and spin splitting in inversion layers on p-type InAs

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    We report on the magnetoconductivity of quasi two-dimensional electron systems in inversion layers on p-type InAs single crystals. In low magnetic fields pronounced features of weak localization and antilocalization are observed. They are almost perfectly described by the theory of Iordanskii, Lyanda-Geller and Pikus. This allows us to determine the spin splitting and the Rashba parameter of the ground electric subband as a function of the electron density.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, 4 page

    Dissociation energy of the hydrogen molecule at 10−9^{-9} accuracy

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    The ionization energy of ortho-H2_2 has been determined to be EIo(H2)/(hc)=124 357.238 062(25)E^\mathrm{o}_\mathrm{I}(\mathrm{H}_2)/(hc)=124\,357.238\,062(25) cm−1^{-1} from measurements of the GK(1,1)--X(0,1) interval by Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy using a narrow band 179-nm laser source and the ionization energy of the GK(1,1) state by continuous-wave near-infrared laser spectroscopy. EIoE^\mathrm{o}_\mathrm{I}(H2_2) was used to derive the dissociation energy of H2_2, D0N=1D^{N=1}_{0}(H2_2), at 35 999.582 894(25)35\,999.582\,894(25) cm−1^{-1} with a precision that is more than one order of magnitude better than all previous results. The new result challenges calculations of this quantity and represents a benchmark value for future relativistic and QED calculations of molecular energies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Critical regime of two dimensional Ando model: relation between critical conductance and fractal dimension of electronic eigenstates

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    The critical two-terminal conductance gcg_c and the spatial fluctuations of critical eigenstates are investigated for a disordered two dimensional model of non-interacting electrons subject to spin-orbit scattering (Ando model). For square samples, we verify numerically the relation σc=1/[2π(2−D(1))]e2/h\sigma_c=1/[2\pi(2-D(1))] e^2/h between critical conductivity σc=gc=(1.42±0.005)e2/h\sigma_c=g_c=(1.42\pm 0.005) e^2/h and the fractal information dimension of the electron wave function, D(1)=1.889±0.001D(1)=1.889\pm 0.001. Through a detailed numerical scaling analysis of the two-terminal conductance we also estimate the critical exponent ν=2.80±0.04\nu=2.80\pm 0.04 that governs the quantum phase transition.Comment: IOP Latex, 7 figure

    Effect of soil fertilization on the incidence of berry shrivel and the quality of resulting wine

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    Berry shrivel is becoming an increasing concern for winegrowers all over the world. Until today, no single factor causing this physiological disorder has been determined. Studies concerning berry shrivel conducted in Austria have shown that an unbalanced ratio of K and Mg in the soil is a likely factor contributing to the disorder. The aims of the present study were to establish a better understanding of the causes and consequences of berry shrivel and observe the effects of K and Mg fertilization via the soil on the incidence of berry shrivel, the mineral composition of affected berries and the resulting wine quality. A two-year fertilization trial was conducted on two sites located within southern Germany with the varieties 'Zweigelt' and 'Pinot Blanc'. Different amounts of K and Mg were applied each year at both locations in order to generate different ratios of K and Mg in the soil. Before harvest, the incidences of berry shrivel of the different treatments were determined. In addition, macronutrients including K, Mg and Ca that were translocated in healthy berries and berries affected by berry shrivel were determined at harvest. To compare the quality of wine influenced by berry shrivel, different wines were produced consisting of shrivelled berries, berries affected by bunch stem necrosis and healthy berries. In the soil fertilization trials, no significant differences in the incidences of berry shrivel were observed in relation to the soil fertilization. Major differences were found in the wine qualities of the different wines. Wines produced from healthy berries were always rated as the best wines, whereas wines produced from shrivelled berries were always rated as the lowest quality. The low quality parameters found in the must did not improve in the wine making process. Wines produced from berries affected by bunch stem necrosis were rated better than berry-shrivel-wines, however, rated less than the wine produced from healthy berries. The determinations of macronutrients’ level in the berries showed significant differences regarding the concentration of Ca. In the variety 'Zweigelt' in 2009, an average of 36 mg∙L-1 of Ca were found in healthy berries and 107 mg∙L-1 in berries affected by berry shrivel. In 'Pinot Blanc' in 2010, the average of Ca in healthy berries was 46 mg∙L-1 and 70 mg∙L-1 in berries affected by berry shrivel. No significant differences were found for K and Mg in the berries.
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