30 research outputs found

    Ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden diagnostiikka ja lääkehoito perusterveydenhuollossa

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    Yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö, paniikkihäiriö ja sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelko ovat tavallisia perusterveydenhuollon potilailla. Ne voivat kuitenkin olla vaikeasti tunnistettavia, koska potilaat hakeutuvat vastaanotolle ensisijaisesti somaattisten vaivojen, esimerkiksi rinta- tai vatsakipujen, hengenahdistuksen, huimauksen, takykardian tai univaikeuksien vuoksi. Nämä ahdistuneisuushäiriöt on tärkeätä tunnistaa ja hoitaa, koska ne aiheuttavat kärsimystä, huonontavat toimintakykyä ja niihin liittyy usein terveyspalvelujen runsasta käyttöä. Sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelko on syytä hoitaa jo senkin vuoksi, että se altistaa päihteiden käytölle itselääkintänä. Ahdistuneisuushäiriöihin liittyy usein samanaikainen depressio, joka tulee huomioida hoidossa. Ahdistuneisuushäiriöitä hoidetaan psykoterapialla, lääkehoidolla tai näiden yhdistelmällä. SSRI- ja SNRI-lääkkeet ovat ensisijainen lääkevalinta

    Masennuslääkityksen lopettamisvaiheen ongelmat

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    •Masennuslääkkeitä käytetään tavallisimmin 6–12 kuukauden jaksoissa. Lääkityksen lopettamisvaiheen oireita esiintyy 10–20 %:lla potilaista. •Potilaat saattavat myös keskeyttää masennuslääkehoidon oma-aloitteisesti ja saada tällöin oireita. •Lopettamisoireiden kehittymistä voidaan estää pienentämällä masennuslääkkeen annosta portaittain. •Oireet väistyvät useimmiten 1–3 viikossa itsekseen, mutta vaikeimpia oireita voidaan hoitaa aloittamalla masennuslääkehoito uudelleen

    Näin masennuslääke vaihdetaan

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    Masennuslääkkeitä joudutaan vaihtamaan puutteellisen vasteen ja haittavaikutusten vuoksi. Vaihtotapa valitaan yksilöllisesti ja potilaan vointia tulee seurata vaihdon aikana

    CYP1A2 polymorphism −1545C > T (rs2470890) is associated with increased side effects to clozapine

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    Background Cytochrome P450 1A2 gene (CYP1A2) polymorphisms have been suggested to be associated with increased side effects to antipsychotics. However, studies on this are scarce and have been conducted with either various antipsychotics or only in small samples of patients receiving clozapine. The aim of the present study was to test for an association between the CYP1A2 −1545C > T (rs2470890) polymorphism and side effects in a larger sample of patients during long-term clozapine treatment. Methods A total of 237 patients receiving clozapine treatment completed the Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side-Effect Rating Scale (LUNSERS) assessing clozapine-induced side effects. Of these patients, 180 completed the questionnaire satisfactorily, agreed to provide a blood sample, and were successfully genotyped for the polymorphism. Results The TT genotype of CYP1A2 polymorphism −1545C > T (rs2470890) was associated with significantly more severe side effects during clozapine treatment (p = 0.011). In a subanalysis, all seven types of side effects (sympathicotonia–tension; depression–anxiety; sedation; orthostatic hypotension; dermal side effects; urinary side effects; and sexual side effects) appeared numerically (but insignificantly) more severely among TT carriers. In addition, use of mood stabilizers was more common among patients with the TT genotype (OR = 2.63, p = 0.004). Conclusions This study has identified an association between the CYP1A2 polymorphism −1545C > T (rs2470890) and the occurrence of more severe clozapine side effects. However, these results should be regarded as tentative and more studies of larger sample sizes will be required to confirm the result.BioMed Central opean acces

    A cluster model of temperament as an indicator of antidepressant response and symptom severity in major depression

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    Not enough is known about which patients suffering from major depressive disorder benefit from antidepressant drug treatment. Individual temperament is relatively stable over a person's lifespan and is thought to be largely biologically predefined. We assessed how temperament profiles are related to depression and predict the efficacy of antidepressant treatment. METHODS: We recruited one hundred Finnish outpatients (aged 19 to 72) suffering from major depressive disorder, of whom 86 completed the 6-week study. We assessed their temperament features with the Temperament and Character Inventory and used cluster analysis to determine the patient's temperament profile. We also categorized the patients according to the vegetative symptoms of major depressive disorder. RESULTS: There was an association between skewed temperament profile and severity of major depressive disorder, but the temperament profiles alone did not predict antidepressant treatment response. Those with higher baseline vegetative symptoms score had modest treatment response. Our model with baseline Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) vegetative symptoms, age and temperament clusters as explanatory variables explained 20% of the variance in the endpoint MADRS scores. CONCLUSION: The temperament clusters were associated both with severity of depression and antidepressive treatment response of depression. The effect of the temperament profile alone was modest but, combined with vegetative symptoms of depression, their explanatory power was more marked suggesting that there could be an association of these two in the biological basis of MDD