12 research outputs found

    Experimental study of acute pancreatitis in a porcine model, especially tight junction structure and portal vein cytokines

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    Abstract Acute pancreatitis is a common disease, Finland being among the countries with the highest incidence. The majority of patients have a mild, self-limiting disease. However, 20% of these patients develop severe necrotizing pancreatitis with a mortality rate of 7 to 25%. The mechanisms for developing the severe disease are not known, it is not possible to accurately forecast the severity of the disease and there is no curative treatment yet. This study was aimed at analyzing the early phase of acute experimental porcine oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. In Study I, the pancreatic microcirculatory changes were measured and the expression of tight junction proteins (claudins-2, -3, -4, -5 and -7) and the rate of apoptosis in the pancreas were all measured. In Study II, bacterial translocation to the blood in the portal vein blood or to the mesenteric lymph nodes was analyzed and the intestinal expression of tight junction proteins (claudins-2, -3, -4, -5 and -7) and the intestinal apoptosis/ proliferation rates were measured. The basic histology of the jejunum and colon were analyzed. Study III analyzed which cytokines are released from the pancreas to the portal venous blood. In Study IV, the ultrastructure of the epithelium of the jejunum and colon was analyzed and the expression of adherens junction proteins, E-cadherin and β-catenin, were measured from both jejunum and colon. The first study (I) showed that membranous immunoreactivity of claudin-2 in acinar cells appeared in the pancreas during acute oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. The expressions of claudins -3, - 4, - 5 and 7 were unaffected. The second study (II) showed that bacterial translocation from the gut was not present at the beginning of acute porcine pancreatitis. The expressions of claudins-2 and -5 do not become altered; however, there might be some decrease in claudin-3 expression in the colon and decrease in the expression of claudins-4 and -7 in the jejunum in necrotizing pancreatitis. Performing the laparotomy itself caused increased apoptosis in the colon and the jejunum. In the third study (III), the initial inflammatory process was diverse in oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. Increased monocyte count in combination with elevated PDGF and IL-6 are characteristic of necrotizing pancreatitis in our model. The fourth study (IV) indicated that necrotizing pancreatitis caused damage to the epithelial and endothelial cells of the colon in the early stages of the disease. The expression of E-cadherin immunoreactivity showed a decreasing trend in the colon in both oedematous and necrotizing pancreatitis. The results of this study suggest that claudin-2 increases in acinar cells during acute porcine pancreatitis. Bacterial translocation is not present during the early phase of acute porcine pancreatitis. Increased monocyte count and elevated PDGF and IL-6 are characteristic of early phase necrotizing porcine pancreatitis and necrotizing porcine pancreatitis causes damage to the epithelial and endothelial cells of the colon.Tiivistelmä Akuutti haimatulehdus on yleinen sairaus, jonka ilmaantuvuus Suomessa on verrattain suuri. Suurimmalla osalla potilaista tauti on lievä ja itsestään paraneva. Kuitenkin 20 %:lle potilaista kehittyy vaikea haimatulehdus, johon liittyy 7–25 %:n kuolleisuus. On epäselvää, miksi toisinaan kehittyy vaikea tautimuoto. Taudin vaikeusastetta ei voida etukäteen tarkasti ennustaa, eikä tautiin ole parantavaa hoitoa. Väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia lievän ja vaikean haimatulehduksen varhaisvaihetta kokeellisessa sikamallissa. Työssä I mitattiin haiman mikroverenkierron muutoksia, tutkittiin tiivisliitosproteiinien klaudiini-2:n, -3:n, -4:n, -5:n ja -7:n ilmenemistä sekä apoptoosin määrää haimassa. Toisessa työssä tutkittiin mahdollista bakteeritranslokaatiota porttilaskimovereen ja vatsaontelon imusolmukkeisiin, mitattiin suoliston tiivis liitos-proteiinien klaudiinien-2, -3, -4, -5 ja -7 ilmenemistä ja suoliston apoptoosin ja soluproliferaation määrää. Mahdollisia muutoksia ohut- ja paksusuolen perushistologiassa analysoitiin. Kolmannessa työssä mitattiin sytokiinipitoisuuksia porttilaskimoverestä. Neljännessä työssä analysoitiin ohut- ja paksusuolen mikrorakennetta elektronimikroskopian avulla ja mitattiin vyöliitosproteiinien E-cadherin ja β-catenin määrää. I työssä todettiin klaudiini-2:n ilmaantuvan haiman asinaarisolujen solukalvoille lievässä ja vaikeassa kokeellisessa haimatulehduksessa. Klaudiinien 3,- 4,- 5 ja 7 esiintyminen haimassa ei muuttunut. II työssä todettiin, että bakteeritranslokaatiota ei tapahtunut seuranta-aikana. Suolistossa klaudiinien-2 ja -5 ilmenemisessä ei tapahtunut muutoksia. Klaudiini-3:n ilmenemisessä paksusuolessa ja klaudiinien -4 ja -7 ilmenemisessä ohutsuolessa saattaa tapahtua vähenemistä vaikeassa haimatulehduksessa. Tutkimustoimenpide itsessään aiheutti ohut- ja paksusuolen apoptoosin lisääntymistä. III työn mukaan tulehdusvaste oli erilainen akuutissa lievässä ja vaikeassa kokeellisessa haimatulehduksessa. Monosyyttimäärän sekä PDGF:n ja IL-6:n pitoisuuksien lisääntyminen, olivat tyypillisiä vaikealle haimatulehdukselle tässä mallissa. IV työssä todettiin, että vaikea haimatulehdus vaurioittaa paksusuolen epiteeli- ja endoteelisoluja. E-cadherin: n määrässä todettiin jonkin verran vähentymistä sekä lievässä että vaikeassa haimatulehduksessa. Näiden tulosten mukaan klaudiini-2 lisääntyy sian haiman asinaarisoluissa akuutissa haimatulehduksessa. Sialla ei tapahdu bakteerien translokaatiota haimatulehduksen varhaisvaiheessa. Sian vaikeaan haimatulehdukseen liittyy monosyyttien, PDGF:n ja IL-6:n lisääntyminen. Kokeellisessa vaikeassa haimatulehduksessa paksusuolen epiteeli- ja endoteelisolut vaurioituvat jo varhaisvaiheessa

    A straightforward method for adipocyte size and count analysis using open-source software QuPath

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    Abstract Changes in adipose tissue morphology, depicted by cell morphology alterations such as enlargement of fat cells, always accompany over-weight and obesity. The variables related to cell size have been shown to associate with low-grade inflammation of adipose tissue and common obesity-related comorbidities including metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Quantifying fat cell morphology from images of histological specimens can be tedious. Here, we present a straightforward method for the task using the free open-source software QuPath with its inbuilt tools only. Measurements of human adipose tissue samples with the described protocol showed an excellent correlation with those obtained with ImageJ software with Adipocyte Tools plugin combined with manual correction of misdetections. Intraclass correlation between the two methods was at good to excellent level. The method described here can be applied to considerably large tissue areas, even whole-slide analysis

    Dynamics of adipose tissue macrophage populations after gastric bypass surgery

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    Abstract Objective: This case–control study aimed to analyze the dynamics of macrophage infiltration in subcutaneous adipose tissue following bariatric surgery or conservative treatment of obesity and to clarify whether these features predict the weight loss outcome after the surgery. Methods: Subcutaneous tissue samples taken before and 12 months after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (n = 39) or conservative (n = 43) treatment for obesity were analyzed. Fat cell size was determined, and with CD68 immunohistochemistry, crown-like structures (CLS) were counted and single macrophages were quantitated. Results: A major decline in CLS density from 4.1 (SD 3.5) to 1.1 (SD 0.8) per 1000 fat cells (p < 0.000) was found, regardless of the degree of weight loss after the surgery. Surgery had no effect on the fraction of infiltrating single-cell macrophages in subcutaneous adipose tissue. The abundance of these macrophage populations before the intervention did not predict the degree of postsurgery weight loss or suboptimal response to the surgery. Conclusions: The effect of gastric bypass on adipose tissue inflammatory status associates closely with CLS density even in subjects with suboptimal weight loss. The study suggests that factors related to bypass surgery other than weight loss modify the inflammatory response in adipose tissue

    Ruoansulatuskanavan yläosan neuroendokriiniset kasvaimet ovat harvinaisia

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    Tiivistelmä Ruoansulatuskanavan yläosassa äärimmäisen harvinaiset neuroendokriiniset kasvaimet ovat yleensä hormonaalisesti toimimattomia. Ruokatorvessa yleisin tyyppi on huonoennusteinen neuroendokriininen karsinooma. Mahalaukussa yleisin on atrofiseen gastriittiin liittyvä tyypin 1 neuroendokriininen kasvain. Siinä ennuste on parempi kuin tyypin 2 ja 3 kasvaimissa ja neuroendokriinisessä karsinoomassa. Pohjukaissuolen neuroendokriiniset kasvaimet ovat yleensä toimimattomia. Yleisin hormonaalisesti aktiivinen kasvain on yleensä MEN1-oireyhtymään liittyvä gastrinooma

    Thirty years of esophageal cancer surgery in Oulu University Hospital

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    Abstract Background: Esophagectomy is the mainstay of surgical treatment of esophageal cancer, but involves high operative risk. The aim of this study was to review the evolution surgical treatment of esophageal cancer in Northern Finland, with introduction of minimally invasive techniques. Methods: All elective esophagectomies performed in Oulu University Hospital between years 1987 and 2020 were included. Treatment strategies were compared to current guidelines including staging and use of neoadjuvant therapy, and benchmark values including postoperative morbidity, hospital stay, readmissions and 90-day mortality. Long-term survival was compared to previous national studies. Results: Between years 1987 and 2020 a total of 341 underwent an esophagectomy. Transhiatal resection was performed to 167 (49.3%), Ivor Lewis to 129 (38.1%) and McKeown to 42 (12.4%) patients. MIE was performed to 49 (14.5%) patients. During the past four years 83.7% of locally advanced diseases received neoadjuvant treatment. Since 1987, gradual improvements have occurred especially in incidence of pleural effusion requiring additional drainage procedure (highest in 2011–2013 and in last four years 14.0%), recurrent nerve injuries (highest in 2008–2010 29.4% and lowest in 2017–2020 1.8%) and in 1-year survival rate (1987–1998 68.4% vs. 2017–2020 82.1%). No major changes in comorbidity, complication rate, anastomosis leaks, hospital stay or postoperative mortality were seen. Conclusions: Esophageal cancer surgery has gone through major changes over three decades. Current guideline-based treatment has resulted with progressive improvement in mid- and long-term survival. However, despite modern protocol, no major improvement has occurred for example in major complications, anastomosis leak rates or hospital stay

    Minimally invasive esophagectomy learning curves with different types of background experience

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    Abstract Background: Minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) is a complex procedure with learning associated morbidity. The aim was to evaluate the learning curve for MIE focusing on short-term outcomes in two settings: (I) experienced MIE surgeon in new hospital (Hospital 1); (II) surgeons experienced with open esophagectomy and minimally invasive surrogate surgery (Hospital 2). Methods: In Hospital 1 and Hospital 2, on intent-to-treat basis number of MIEs were 132 and 57, respectively. The primary outcomes were major complications and anastomosis leaks. Secondary outcomes were operative time, blood loss, lymph node yield, hospital stay and 1-year mortality. Length of learning curves were analyzed with risk-adjusted cumulative sum (RA-CUSUM) method. Results: In Hospital 1, major complication and anastomosis leak rates were 9.8% and 4.5%, 22.8% and 12.3% in Hospital 2, respectively. In Hospital 1, complication and leak rates remained stable. In Hospital 2, improvement occurred after 34 cases in major complications and 29 cases in leaks. Of secondary outcomes, improvements were seen in Hospital 1 in operative time after 61, blood loss after 86, lymph node yield after 52, hospital stay after 19 and 1-year mortality after 24 cases. In Hospital 2, improvement occurred in operative time after 30, blood loss after 15, lymph node yield after 45, hospital stay after 50 and 1-year mortality after 15 cases. Conclusions: According to this study, learning phase of the individual surgeon determines the outcomes of MIE, not the institutional learning phase

    Perioperative oral nutritional support for patients diagnosed with primary colon adenocarcinoma undergoing radical surgical procedures -Peri-Nutri Trial:study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background: Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in Finland and worldwide. Cancer-related malnutrition is a well-known risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality after surgery, and it is associated with complications and longer hospitalizations. There are no established recommendations on how to improve the nutritional status of colon cancer patients’ during the perioperative phase. Administration of simple oral nutritional supplements has been suggested to reduce complication rates, but evidence to support this practice is scarce. Methods: The Peri-Nutri trial is a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. Its primary endpoint is to evaluate whether perioperative oral nutritional support (ONS) decreases the number of complications during the 30-day follow-up after surgery. Secondary endpoints are to study the effect of ONS on quality of life after surgery, length of stay in institutional care, 90-day mortality rate, five-year disease-free survival and overall survival. The patients with a Nutritional risk screening 2002 (NRS-2002) questionnaire result between 2 and 5 (≥ 3 are classified at risk of malnutrition) will be randomized (1:1 ratio) into either the intervention or control group. The intervention group will receive preoperative ONS two weeks before the operation, and nutritional support will continue 10 days after the operation. The control group will not receive ONS. A total of 318 patients will be randomized into two groups and patients are followed five years. Discussion: Peri-Nutri study evaluate the impact of ONS to short-term and long-term postoperative morbidity and mortality rates of colon cancer patients undergoing curative surgery. If ONS will decrease patients’ morbidity and mortality, that has a huge impact on patients’ quality of life and also to financial cost

    Sarcopenia and myosteatosis are associated with neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio but not Glasgow prognostic score in colorectal cancer patients

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    Abstract Cancer patients commonly present sarcopenia, myosteatosis, and systemic inflammation, which are risk factors of poor survival. In this study, sarcopenia and myosteatosis were defined from preoperative body computed tomography scans of 222 colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and analyzed in relation to tumor and patient characteristics, markers of systemic inflammation (modified Glasgow prognostic score (mGPS), neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR), serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, and 13 cytokines, and survival. Of the systemic inflammation markers, sarcopenia and/or myosteatosis associated with elevated NLR (p = 0.005) and low albumin levels (≤35 g/L) (p = 0.018), but not with mGPS or serum cytokine levels. In addition, myosteatosis was associated with a proximal tumor location (p = 0.039), serrated tumor subtype (p < 0.001), and severe comorbidities (p = 0.004). Multivariable analyses revealed that severe comorbidities and serrated histology were independent predictors of myosteatosis, and older age and elevated NLR were independent indicators of sarcopenia. Myosteatosis associated with shorter overall survival in univariable analysis (HR 1.959, 95% CI 1.24–3.10, p = 0.004) but not in multivariable analysis (p = 0.075). We conclude that sarcopenia and myosteatosis were associated with inflammatory marker NLR, but not with mGPS. Moreover, patients with serrated CRC may have an increased risk of myosteatosis. Myosteatosis or sarcopenia were not independent predictors of patient survival

    Preoperative esophageal stenting and 5-year survival in patients undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer:a population-based nationwide study from Finland

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    Abstract Background: Preoperative esophageal stenting is proposed to have a negative effect on outcomes. The aim was to compare a 5-year survival in patients undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer with and without preoperative esophageal stent in a population-based nationwide cohort from Finland. The secondary outcome was 90-day mortality. Methods: This study included curatively intended esophagectomies for esophageal cancer in Finland between 1999 and 2016, with follow-up until December 31, 2019. Cox proportional hazards models provided hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of overall 5-year and 90-day mortality. Model 1 was adjusted for age, sex, year of the surgery, comorbidities, histology, pathological stage, and neoadjuvant therapy. Model 2 included also albumin level and BMI. Result: Of 1064 patients, a total of 134 patients underwent preoperative stenting and 930 did not. In both adjusted models 1 and 2, higher 5-year mortality was seen in patients with preoperative stent with HRs of 1.29 (95% CI 1.00–1.65) and 1.25 (95% CI 0.97–1.62), respectively, compared to no stenting. The adjusted HR of 90-day mortality was 2.49 (95% CI 1.27–4.87) in model 1 and 2.49 (95% CI 1.25–4.99) in model 2. When including only neoadjuvant-treated patients, those with preoperative stent had a 5-year survival of 39.2% compared to 46.4% without stent (adjusted HR 1.34, 95% CI 1.00–1.80), and a 90-day mortality rate of 8.5% and 2.5% (adjusted HR 3.99, 95% CI 1.51–10.50). Discussion: This nationwide study reports worse 5-year and 90-day outcomes in patients with preoperative esophageal stent. Since residual confounding remains possible, observed difference could be only an association rather than the cause