39 research outputs found

    Co-existence of cecal volvulus with situs inversus totalis: A case report

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    AbstractDetorsion, cecopexy, cecostomy and tube cecostomy are the treatment options for acute cecal volvulus if there is no intestinal ischemia. Resection required if intestinal viability, necrosis, gangrene or perforation exists. After resection, primary anastomosis or ileostomy can be performed. First colonoscopic decompression testing may be appropriate in terms of saving time for elective surgery. The co-existance of situs inversus totalis with cecal volvulus may cause uncertainty of the definite diagnosis and delay of surgical procedure. This is a case report about cecal volvulus together with situs inversus totalis

    Wpływ testosteronowej terapii zastępczej na stężenia witaminy D i FGF-23 w hipogonadyzmie wrodzonym

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    Introduction: Patients with hypogonadism are at increased risk of cardiac and metabolic diseases and osteoporosis. Vitamin D and Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) play role in the regulation of bone mineral metabolism and endothelial functions. Low vitamin D levels are reported in hypogonadism, while there is no data about the effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). We investigated the effect of TRT on vitamin D and FGF-23 levels along with endothelial functions and insulin resistance in hypogonadal patients. Material and methods: Patients with congenital hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (CHH) (n=32, age 20.6 ±1.58 years) were enrolled. TRT was implemented in transdermal form. The demographic parameters, FGF-23, 25(OH)D3, Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) levels were measured both before and after TRT. Results: After a follow-up period of 3.63±1.33 months, ADMA and FGF-23 levels were significantly increased (p=0.03 and p=0.005 respectively), while the 25(OH)D3 and HOMA-IR index were not significantly changed. The body mass index and waist circumference levels of the patients were also increased (p<0.001 and p=0.02) along with a significant decrease in the HDL cholesterol levels (p=0.006). Conclusions: The results show that a short term TRT increases plasma FGF-23 and ADMA levels, in young, treatment naive patients with CHH. Whether this is an early implication of TRT related adverse effects in this very young and treatment naïve population of CHH is not clear. Future prospective studies are required to find out the long-term effects of TRT on cardio-metabolic morbidity and mortality in this specific population.  Wstęp: U chorych z hipogonadyzmem występuje zwiększone ryzyko chorób sercowych I metabolicznych oraz osteoporozy. Witamina D i czynnik wzrostu fibroblastów-23 (FGF-23) uczestniczą w regulacji metabolizmu kostnego i czynności śródbłonka. Istnieją doniesienia na temat niskiego stężenia witaminy D w hipogonadyzmie, natomiast brakuje danych dotyczących wpływu testosteronowej terapii zastępczej (TRT) na to stężenie. Autorzy zbadali wpływ TRT na stężenia witaminy D i FGF-23 oraz na czynność śródbłonka i poziom insulinooporności u chorych z hipogonadyzmem. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono chorych z wrodzonym hipogonadyzmem hipogonadotropowym (CHH) (n = 32, wiek 20,6 ± 1,58 roku). Chorzy otrzymywali TRT w postaci przezskórnej. Przez rozpoczęciem leczenia i po jego zakończeniu u chorych zebrano dane demograficzne, zmierzono stężenia FGF-23, 25(OH)D3 i asymetryczej dimetyloargininy (ADMA) oraz określono wskaźnik insulinooporności HOMA-IR. Wyniki: Po okresie obserwacji trwającym 3,63 ± 1,33 miesiąca stwierdzono istotne zwiększenie stężeń ADMA i FGF-23 (odpowiednio p = 0,03 i p = 0,005), natomiast stężenie 25(OH)D3 i wskaźnik HOMA-IR nie zmieniły się istotnie. Ponadto zaobserwowano u chorych zwiększenie wskaźnika masy ciała i obwodu pasa (p < 0,001 I p = 0,02) oraz istotne zmniejszenie stężenia cholesterol frakcji HDL (p = 0,006). Wnioski: Wyniki badania pokazują, że krótkotrwałe stosowanie TRT u młodych chorych z CHH, uprzednio nieleczonych, powoduje zwiększenie osoczowego stężenia FGF-23 i ADMA, lecz nie wpływa na stężenie witaminy D. Nie jest jasne, czy jest to wczesny efekt działań niepożądanych TRT w tej grupie bardzo młodych pacjentów z CHH. Konieczne są dalsze prospektywne badania w celu ustalenia długookresowego wpływu TRT na chorobowość i śmiertelność w związku z chorobami sercowymi i metabolicznymi w tej szczególnej populacji

    Image quality of list-mode proton imaging without front trackers

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    List mode proton imaging relies on accurate reconstruction of the proton most likely path (MLP) through the patient. This typically requires two sets of position sensitive detector systems, one upstream (front) and one downstream (rear) of the patient. However, for a clinical implementation it can be preferable to omit the front trackers (single-sided proton imaging). For such a system, the MLP can be computed from information available through the beam delivery system and the remaining rear tracker set. In this work, we use Monte Carlo simulations to compare a conventional double-sided (using both front and rear detector systems) with a single-sided system (only rear detector system) by evaluating the spatial resolution of proton radiographs (pRad) and proton CT images (pCT) acquired with these set-ups. Both the pencil beam spot size, as well as the spacing between spots was also adjusted to identify the impact of these beam parameters on the image quality. Relying only on the pencil beam central position for computing the MLP resulted in severe image artifacts both in pRad and pCT. Using the recently extended-MLP formalism that incorporate pencil beam uncertainty removed these image artifacts. However, using a more focused pencil beam with this algorithm induced image artifacts when the spot spacing was the same as the beam spot size. The spatial resolution tested with a sharp edge gradient technique was reduced by 40% for single-sided (MTF10% = 3.0 lp/cm) compared to double-sided (MTF10% = 4.9 lp/cm) pRad with ideal tracking detectors. Using realistic trackers the difference decreased to 30%, with MTF10% of 4.0 lp/cm for the realistic double-sided and 2.7 lp/cm for the realistic single-sided setup. When studying an anthropomorphic paediatric head phantom both single- and double-sided set-ups performed similarly where the difference in water equivalent thickness (WET) between the two set-ups were less than 0.01 mm in homogeneous areas of the head. Larger discrepancies between the two set-ups were visible in high density gradients like the facial structures. A complete CT reconstruction of a Catphan®^{\circledR} module was performed. Assuming ideal detectors, the obtained spatial resolution was 5.1 lp/cm for double-sided and 3.8 lp/cm for the single-sided setup. Double- and single-sided pRad with realistic tracker properties returned a spatial resolution of 3.8 lp/cm and 3.2 lp/cm, respectively. Future studies should investigate the development of dedicated reconstruction algorithms targeted for single-sided particle imaging.publishedVersio

    A hybrid multi-particle approach to range assessment-based treatment verification in particle therapy

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    Particle therapy (PT) used for cancer treatment can spare healthy tissue and reduce treatment toxicity. However, full exploitation of the dosimetric advantages of PT is not yet possible due to range uncertainties, warranting development of range-monitoring techniques. This study proposes a novel range-monitoring technique introducing the yet unexplored concept of simultaneous detection and imaging of fast neutrons and prompt-gamma rays produced in beam-tissue interactions. A quasimonolithic organic detector array is proposed, and its feasibility for detecting range shifts in the context of proton therapy is explored through Monte Carlo simulations of realistic patient models and detector resolution efects. The results indicate that range shifts of 1 mm can be detected at relatively low proton intensities (22.30(13) × 107 protons/spot) when spatial information obtained through imaging of both particle species are used simultaneously. This study lays the foundation for multiparticle detection and imaging systems in the context of range verifcation in PTpublishedVersio

    Development of a new neutron probe for borehole research

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    Neutronska proba za ispitivanje naftnih bušotina razvijena je na Institutu Ruđer Bošković u okviru HRZZ projekta IP-2018-01-4060 \u27\u27Nove primjene 14 MeV neutrona\u27\u27. U ovom istraživanju ispitane su daljnje mogućnosti redukcije šuma u mjerenju C/O omjera metodom pridružene alfa čestice. Mješavina kvarcnog pijeska i grafitnog praha korištena je kao materijal od interesa , dok su plastične bočice ispunjene dizel gorivom korištene kao šum (smetnja) i predstavljaju tekućinu unutar naftne bušotine (npr. nafta). Podjela alfa detektora na četiri jednaka segmenta, omogućila je podjelu volumena oko osi neutronske probe na četiri kvadranta. Materijal od interesa i dizel smješteni su u različite kvadrante i pokazano je da su C/O vrijednosti u slučajevima kad je smetnja prisutna unutar statističke greške u odnosu na slučaj kada smetnje nema.The neutron probe for testing oil wells was developed at the Ruđer Bošković Institute within the HRZZ project IP-2018-01-4060 "New applications of 14 MeV neutrons". In this study, further possibilities of noise reduction in C/O ratio measurement by the associated alpha particle method were investigated. A mixture of quartz sand and graphite powder was used as the material of interest, while plastic bottles filled with diesel fuel were used as noise (interference) and represent the liquid inside the oil well (e.g. oil). Dividing the alpha detector into four equal segments, allowed portioning the volume around the neutron probe axis into four quadrants. The material of interest and diesel were located in different quadrants and it is shown that the C/O values in cases where interference is present are within statistical errors compared to the case where there is no interference