35 research outputs found
Til kamp mod lagerråd i æbler
På Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Fødevarer er der fokus på metoder til at minimere madspild. Der arbejdes blandt andet med varmtvandsbehandling til at reducere lagerråd i æbler
Eating Quality of Carrots (Daucus carota L.) Grown in One Conventional and Three Organic Cropping Systems over Three Years
The eating quality of carrots (Daucus carota L.) was investigated to evaluate the impact of cropping systems (one conventional and three organic systems) and growing years (2007, 2008, and 2009) on root size, chemical composition, and sensory quality. The content of dry matter, sugars, polyacetylenes, and terpenes as well as the sensory quality and root size were related to the climate during the three growing years. A higher global radiation and a higher temperature sum in 2009 as compared to 2007 and 2008 resulted in larger roots, higher contents of dry matter, sucrose, total sugars, and total polyacetylenes, and lower contents of terpenes, fructose, and glucose. No differences were found between conventional and organic carrots with regard to the investigated parameters. This result shows that organically grown carrots have the same eating quality as conventionally grown carrots, while being produced in a more sustainable way
Bedre udnyttelse af produktionen og mindre spild
Indlægget omkring bedre udnyttelse af produktionen og mindre spild var en del af en åben session på Økologikongressen 2017 omkring kernefrugt
Forskellige postharvest strategier til at begrænse lagerråd
Forskellige postharvest strategier til at begrænse lagerråd i kernefrugt. Præsenteret ved Åbent hus arrangement på Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Fødevarer omhandlende robuste sorter af æbler og pærer til økologisk dyrkning
Hot water treatment (HWT) of fresh produce to prolong shelf life and reduce losses and waste
A presentation about water usage in storage, water is a key factor for quality and food safety – especially during post-harvest washing
Eating quality of carrots (Daucus carota L.) grown in one conventional and three organic cropping systems over three years.
The eating quality of carrots (Daucus carota L.) was investigated to evaluate the impact of cropping systems (one conventional and three organic systems) and growing years (2007, 2008, and 2009) on root size, chemical composition, and sensory quality. The content of dry matter, sugars, polyacetylenes, and terpenes as well as the sensory quality and root size were related to the climate during the three growing years. A higher global radiation and a higher temperature sum in 2009 as compared to 2007 and 2008 resulted in larger roots, higher contents of dry matter, sucrose, total sugars, and total polyacetylenes, and lower contents of terpenes, fructose, and glucose. No differences were found between conventional and organic carrots with regard to the investigated parameters. This result shows that organically grown carrots have the same eating quality as conventionally grown carrots, while being produced in a more sustainable way
Nyt projekt om sundhed af økologiske grøntsager
Et nyt forskningsprojekt skal klarlægge, om der er forskel på den sundheds- og spisemæssige kvalitet af økologisk og konventionelt dyrkede grøntsager
Nyt økologisk dyrkningssystem påvirker ikke tomaters kvalitet
Spisekvaliteten af tomater dyrket direkte i jord, i afgrænset bed og i kombineret bed blev undersøgt ved sensorisk profilering og analyse af indholdsstoffer som sukker,syre, N og aromastoffer. Der blev kun fundet meget få og svage effetker af dyrkningssystemerne på spisekvaltieten og indholdsstoffer. Resultaterne viste, at det var muligt at dyrke økologiske tomater i afgræsnet eller kombineret bed, og opnå den samme spisekvalitet, som hvis tomaterne var dyrket direkte i jord
Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae growing inside onion bulbs emits volatile organic compounds that correlate with the extent of infection
Diseases develop during the storage of onions. To minimize losses, new methods are needed to identify diseased bulbs early in storage. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the respiration rate, weight loss, and the dry matter content were investigated for 1-7 weeks post inoculation of bulbs with water (control) and two strains (Fox006 or Fox260) of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae. Photos, multispectral image analysis, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed no infection in the control onions, weak pathogenic infection in Fox006-onions, and strong pathogenic infection in Fox260-onions at week 7 post inoculation. Infected bulbs exhibited increased respiration rate, increased VOC emission rate, and increased weight loss. The control and Fox006-onions did not respond to inoculation and had similar reaction pattern. Forty-three different VOCs were measured, of which 17 compounds had sulfur in their chemical structure. 1-Propanethiol, methyl propyl sulfide, and styrene were emitted in high concentrations and were positively correlated with the extent of infection (r = 0.82 - 0.89). Therefore, these compounds were the most promising volatile markers of Fusarium basal rot infection. For the first time, we show that the extent of fungal infection determined by real-time PCR in onion bulbs is related with VOC emission.Peer reviewe
Kernefrugt - Bedre økonomi frugtproduktionen gennem management og produktinnovation
Åben session om kernefrugt på Økologi Kongressen i Kolding den 30. november 2017. Det er nu muligt at producere dansk, økologisk kernefrugt af en meget høj kvalitet under markiser, men hvordan forbedres økonomien? På sessionen blev der præsenteret ny viden om dyrkningstekniske muligheder, øget robusthed i plantagen med blomsterstriber og levesteder for bier, samt produktinnovation