127 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Olmesartan Medoxomil and Amlodipine Besylate in Plasma by High-performance Liquid Chromatography Technique

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    A rapid, simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has been developed for quantification of olmesartan medoxomil (OLM) and amlodipine besylate (AM) in plasma. The assay enables the measurement of OLM and AM for therapeutic drug monitoring with a minimum detectable limit of 2 ng mL. The method involves a simple, one-step extraction procedure and analytical recovery was above 50%. The separation was performed on an analytical 250 × 4.6 mm Eurospher 100-5 C18 column. The wavelength was set at 239 nm. The mobile phase was a mixture of acetonitrile:0.05 M ammonium acetate buffer: 0.1 mL triethylamine at pH 6.8 was selected at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min. The calibration curve for the determination of OLM and AM in plasma was linear over the range 2–2500 and 8–10,000 ng mL AM and OLM. The coefficients of variation for interday and intraday assay were found to be <15%. The method can be applied to a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of OLM and AM in a combined dosage form

    Sex Disparities in Arrest Outcomes for Domestic Violence

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    Domestic violence arrests have been historically focused on protecting women and children from abusive men. Arrest patterns continue to reflect this bias with more men arrested for domestic violence compared to women. Such potential gender variations in arrest patterns pave the way to the investigation of disparities by sex of the offender in domestic violence arrests. This study utilizes data from a quantitative dataset that includes responses by police officers who completed a specially mandated checklist after responding to a domestic dispute. The results showed that while females are arrested quite often in domestic disputes, there remains a significant difference in the arrest outcome whereby male suspects were more likely to be arrested than female suspects. Regression models further indicated differences based on sex and certain predictors of arrest, which supported sex-based rationales in arrests for domestic violence.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Algunes reflexions entorn de la conceptualització de la infància i adolescència en risc social a l'Estat espanyol

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    L'article realitza una aproximació a les interpretacions del concepte de risc social de la infancia per part de diversos autors d'àmbit estatal, tenint també en compte els marcs legals català i espanyol. Pretén aclarir quins són els criteris valoratius emprats, tant des de l'àmbit acadèmic com del professional, per interpretar les categoritzacions de la infància i l'adolescència en processos de dificultat i precarietat social. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, s'hi analitza l'estreta relació entre factors de risc, desemparament i marginació. S'hi rebutgen les interpretacions que responsabilitzen el propi menor de la desadaptació, i s'hi defensa la hipótesi de la necessitat d'una intervenció socioeducativa que treballi per una disminució dels factors de risc en el propi medi, mantenint el seu protagonisme en aquest procés.This article is an approach to the different acceptances of the concept social risk as well as the terms neglect and maladjustment, based on the reflections made by different authors and both statal and autonomous legal framework. It intends to clarify which are the criteria of values used in academic and professional ambits in order to understand the categoriesfound in the fields of childhood and adolescence in difficult and precarious conditions. The strong relation between risk factors, neglect and margination has been analysed from this point of view. In the same way the interpretations that hold the minor himself responsible for his maladjustment are rejected and the author defends the necessity of a socio-educational intervention, which reduces the risk factors in the child's environment, and the need of paying close attention to the child's main role in this process.El artículo realiza una aproximación a las interpretaciones del concepto de riesgo social de la infancia por parte de diversos autores de ámbito estatal, teniendo también en cuenta los marcos legales catalán y español. Pretende aclarar cuáles son los criterios valorativos utilizados, tanto desde el ámbito academico como profesional, para interpretar las categorizaciones de la infancia en procesos de dificultad y precariedad. Desde esta perspectiva, se analiza la estrecha relación entre factores de riesgo, desamparamiento y marginación. Se rechazan las interpretaciones que responsabilizan al propio menor de la desadaptación y se defiende la hipótesis de la necesidad de una intervención socioeducativa que trabaje para una disminución de los factores de riesgo en el propio medio, manteniendo su protagonismo en este proceso

    Borrelioses, agentes e vetores

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