263 research outputs found

    Neuroendocrine responses in neonatal mother-deprived rabbits

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    To study both short- and long-term adaptation mechanisms activated by rabbits which were separated from their mothers (DLS) for 48 h between postnatal days 9 and 11, we examined plasma corticosterone concentrations before, during, and after DLS as well as the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in the hippocampus and the adrenal axis responses to a mild stress stimuli or exogenous ACTH injection. At postnatal day 10, plasma corticosterone concentration of DLS rabbits was similar to that of controls, but rose two-fold at day 11 (17.7 ± 1.3 vs. 9.3 ± 1.2 μg/dl, P < 0.01) and then decreased at day 12, when suckling was allowed again, to match those of controls with no difference thereafter. At postnatal day 14, both control and DLS rabbits had similar basal corticosterone concentrations (2.2 ± 0.4 vs. 2.3 ± 1.1 μg/dl, respectively) as well as at day 120 (8.8 ± 3.2 vs. 9.7 ± 2.8 μg/dl, respectively). After the standardized stress stimulus, plasma corticosterone concentrations were lower in DLS rabbits than controls at postnatal days 14 (P < 0.01) and 120 (P < 0.05). At day 120, corticosterone levels rose similarly seven-fold (P < 0.01) within 30 min after ACTH administration and remained sustained thereafter in both control and DLS rabbits. Positive immunoreactivity for GR was detected in the hippocampus and in the dorsal medial hypothalamic region at postnatal day 14. The present data suggest that 48 h DLS from postnatal days 9 to 11 results in a modified hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis reactivity later in life

    Minimal length in quantum space and integrations of the line element in Noncommutative Geometry

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    We question the emergence of a minimal length in quantum spacetime, comparing two notions that appeared at various points in the literature: on the one side, the quantum length as the spectrum of an operator L in the Doplicher Fredenhagen Roberts (DFR) quantum spacetime, as well as in the canonical noncommutative spacetime; on the other side, Connes' spectral distance in noncommutative geometry. Although on the Euclidean space the two notions merge into the one of geodesic distance, they yield distinct results in the noncommutative framework. In particular on the Moyal plane, the quantum length is bounded above from zero while the spectral distance can take any real positive value, including infinity. We show how to solve this discrepancy by doubling the spectral triple. This leads us to introduce a modified quantum length d'_L, which coincides exactly with the spectral distance d_D on the set of states of optimal localization. On the set of eigenstates of the quantum harmonic oscillator - together with their translations - d'_L and d_D coincide asymptotically, both in the high energy and large translation limits. At small energy, we interpret the discrepancy between d'_L and d_D as two distinct ways of integrating the line element on a quantum space. This leads us to propose an equation for a geodesic on the Moyal plane.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections to match the published versio

    Probing the quantum-gravity realm with slow atoms

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    For the study of Planck-scale modifications of the energy-momentum dispersion relation, which had been previously focused on the implications for ultrarelativistic (ultrafast) particles, we consider the possible role of experiments involving nonrelativistic particles, and particularly atoms. We extend a recent result establishing that measurements of "atom-recoil frequency" can provide insight that is valuable for some theoretical models. And from a broader perspective we analyze the complementarity of the nonrelativistic and the ultrarelativistic regimes in this research area.Comment: LaTex, 13 page

    Immunohistochemistry detected and localized cannabinoid receptor type 2 in bovine fetal pancreas at late gestation

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    At present, data on the endocannabinoid system expression and distribution in the pancreatic gland appear scarce and controversial as descriptions are limited to humans and laboratory animals. Since the bovine pancreas is very similar to the human in endocrine portion development and control, studies on the fetal gland could prove to be very interesting, as an abnormal maternal condition during late pregnancy may be a predisposing trigger for adult metabolic disorders. The present investigation studied cannabinoid receptor type 2 presence and distribution in the bovine fetal pancreas towards the end of gestation. Histological analyses revealed numerous endocrinal cell clusters or islets which were distributed among exocrine adenomeri in connectival tissue. Immunohistochemistry showed that endocrine-islets contained some CB2-positive cells with a very peculiar localization that is a few primarily localized at the edges of islets and some of them also scattered in the center of the cluster. Characteristically, also the epithelium of the excretory ducts and the smooth muscle layers of the smaller arteries, in the interlobular glandular septa, tested positive for the CB2 endocannabinoid receptor. Conse quently, the endocannabinoid system, via the cannabinoid receptor type 2, was hypothesized to play a major role in controlling pancreas function from normal fetal development to correct metabolic functioning in adulthood

    Quantum Euler angles and agency-dependent spacetime

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    Quantum gravity is expected to introduce quantum aspects into the description of reference frames. Here we set the stage for exploring how quantum gravity induced deformations of classical symmetries could modify the transformation laws among reference frames in an effective regime. We invoke the quantum group SUq(2)SU_q(2) as a description of deformed spatial rotations and interpret states of a representation of its algebra as describing the relative orientation between two reference frames. This leads to a quantization of one of the Euler angles and to the new paradigm of agency-dependence: space is reconstructed as a collection of fuzzy points, exclusive to each agent, which depends on their choice of reference frame. Each agent can choose only one direction in which points can be sharp, while points in all other directions become fuzzy in a way that depends on this choice. Two agents making different choices will thus observe the same points with different degrees of fuzziness.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 4 appendice

    Consumer Liking and Value Perception of Mountain Cheese from Different Pasture Periods: Evidence for Mountain Systems Supporting Policies

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    Every year, mountain pastures show a progressive impoverishment of forage. The loss in grassland feed value restricts the production period of local Pecorino cheeses, which strongly depend on the vegetative cycle of the pasture linked to climatic conditions. The Monte Fietone mountain area (Macerata, Italy) has emblematic pasture flora during spring and early summer. This unique environment is normally used for rearing sheep, allowing regular production of local Pecorino cheeses from their milk, which is rich in vitamins and intrinsic floral aromas. Biologists and agronomists are giving increasing importance to these mountain food products. We conducted sensorial tests and experimental auctions to investigate recognition of the quality of this rare artisanal product. The results indicate considerable potential for economic differentiation. Accordingly, we recommend useful and applicable marketing and policy actions to support the sustainability of mountain grazing systems

    Relative Locality in Îş\kappa-Poincar\'e

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    We show that the Îş\kappa-Poincar\'e Hopf algebra can be interpreted in the framework of curved momentum space leading to the relativity of locality \cite{AFKS}. We study the geometric properties of the momentum space described by Îş\kappa-Poincar\'e, and derive the consequences for particles propagation and energy-momentum conservation laws in interaction vertices, obtaining for the first time a coherent and fully workable model of the deformed relativistic kinematics implied by Îş\kappa-Poincar\'e. We describe the action of boost transformations on multi-particles systems, showing that in order to keep covariant the composed momenta it is necessary to introduce a dependence of the rapidity parameter on the particles momenta themselves. Finally, we show that this particular form of the boost transformations keeps the validity of the relativity principle, demonstrating the invariance of the equations of motion under boost transformations.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. v2 matches accepted CQG versio

    Relation between biometric parameters and autumn-winter food availability in a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population in central Italy

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    The numerical increase of roe deer has resulted in a noticeable growth of hunting activities allowing to have a great availability of biometrical data from both the hunted samples and the population by describing trends and variations and, then, optimize the consequent wildlife management decisions. Specifically, we analyzed biometric data of a roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population at the Macerata Province, in central Italy. We focused on two animal groups: fawns (&lt;11 months old) and adults (&gt;2 years old). We assessed the relationship between body parameters and trophic resources available during the autumn-winter period. In particular, we analyzed live weight, head–trunk length, height at shoulders, chest circumference, length of hock, total length of the cranium, condilo-basal length, mastoid width, zygomatic width, ectorbital width, entorbital width, teeth row length and mandible length. In the context of studying trophic resources, we identified three environmental categories based on their carrying capacity and then assigned a specific environmental category to each sample. Statistical analysis was performed. In fawn, only zygomatic width showed significant differences both between sexes and among the environmental categories. In adult, the analysis showed significant differences between sexes for live weight, head–trunk length, length of hock and zygomatic width, with the highest values for males. Among environmental categories, the analysis showed significant differences for live weight, head–trunk length, length of hock chest circumference, length of hock, ectorbital width and teeth row length. This approach, applied to a broader database could be useful to identify suitable parameters to be used in planning the optimum selective hunting of roe deer

    Leptin system in obese dog skin: A pilot study

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    Obesity predisposes to several health problems including skin diseases. However, information on the relationship between obesity and skin disorders in pets is very scarce. Leptin (LEP) is mainly produced by adipose tissue and has a prominent role in skin biology. This study evaluated the LEP system in the skin of obese dogs compared to normal-weight animals. The investigation was carried out on 10 obese (Obese group) and 10 normal-weight (Normal-weight group) dogs through Real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Cells of skin associated immune system were also evaluated. No differences were evidenced between the two groups as well as skin inflammation. LEP differences were no significant, while LEPR transcript appeared 10-fold higher in obesedogs than in normal-weight ones. Immunostaining for both molecules was observed in several skin structures such as the epidermis, hair follicles, and glands. No differences appeared in the skin associated immune system composition. This study is a preliminary report showing that LEP system changes in obese dog skin. The increased LEPR expression observed in the obese group suggests that the receptor plays a modulating role in the system control. However, the exact role of LEPin the skin under obesity conditions needs further elucidation
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