5 research outputs found

    Social mobilization and media framing in the journalistic coverage of oil survey permits in the Mediterranean

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    The granting of hydrocarbon exploration permits in the Gulf of Valencia in 2010 brought thousands of citizens of the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands to the streets until 2015 when the beneficiary company renounced to carry out the project. As in other cases of citizen protests, different concerns and positions were expressed in the media. Knowing the media frameworks around these projects is the main objective of this research. Specifically, the research looks to identify the presentation of positions for or against the risks and potential benefits, and to determine the presence of social mobilization as an information source in the coverage of the three reference newspapers in the affected area: Levante-EMV (Valencia), Mediterráneo (Castellón) and Diario de Ibiza. From the theoretical perspective of framing, the frames used in reporting are revealed in terms of the definition of the problem. The results of the analysis of 1,258 texts have made it possible to identify frames of benefit and risk, much more frequent on the latter, focusing on the economic risk for tourism and fishing, and above all, on environmental risk. The frame of benefit referred to the economic advantages that would reduce the dependence on energy, occupies a discreet place since, in this case, the main actors in the conflict -politicians and civil society- coincided in their arguments, both becoming protagonists of media discourse in their role as sources

    Tratamiento y encuadres de los asuntos energéticos en televisión: análisis de los programas informativos de La Sexta

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    Esta investigación analiza el tratamiento informativo de la política energética en los programas televisivos que presentan rasgos de infoentretenimiento emitidos en la cadena española La Sexta en la temporada 2016/2017. El objetivo principal es comprobar si en el relato del asunto energético aparece la preocupación ambiental en términos de encuadres noticiosos. Se ha optado por el empleo de herramientas metodológicas de naturaleza cualitativa y cuantitativa: el análisis de contenido desde la perspectiva del framing. Tras la revisión de ocho programas en un periodo de análisis de seis meses, han sido 18 las unidades estudiadas, cerca de 42 horas de emisión. La cobertura se concentra en dos momentos en que se produjeron acontecimientos que colocaron la temática en el centro de la agenda informativa: el fallecimiento de una anciana en Reus, el 14 de noviembre de 2016, a causa de un incendio provocado con una vela con la que se iluminaba y la alarmante subida del precio de la electricidad, el 18 de enero de 2017, coincidiendo con un periodo de mayor demanda. El análisis efectuado arroja datos significativos acerca de la presencia del asunto energético vinculado a sucesos dramáticos, de interés humano y social; el protagonismo absoluto de la voz de los periodistas, no especializados, frente a ciudadanos, expertos o ecologistas; y la mirada indiferente o eficiente hacia el medioambiente. El problema se reduce a sus aspectos económicos en relación a la pobreza energética o la subida del precio de la luzThis research analyses the news treatment of energy policies on infotainment television programs broadcast by the Spanish channel La Sexta during the 2016/2017 season. The main objective is to confirm whether the story of the energy issue evinces environmental concern in terms of news framing. We have used both qualitative and quantitative methodological techniques: content analyses from the framing perspective. After reviewing eight programs over a six-month analysis period, we have studied 18 units, about 42 broadcasting hours. The coverage focuses on two moments where specific events occurred pushing the issue to the top of the news agenda: the death of an elderly woman in Reus on 14 November 2016, due to a fire caused by a candle she used to light her home, and the alarming increase in the cost of electricity on 18 January 2017, coinciding with a period of high demand. The analysis yields significant data about the presence of energy issues linked to dramatic events of human and social interest; the preeminent role of the voice of non-specialist journalists, rather than citizens, experts and ecologists; and the indifferent or efficient view of the environment. The problem tends to be reduced to its economic aspects regarding energy poverty or the increase in the cost of electricity

    Social mobilization and media framing in the journalistic coverage of oil survey permits in the Mediterranean

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    The granting of hydrocarbon exploration permits in the Gulf of Valencia in 2010 brought thousands of citizens of the Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands to the streets until 2015 when the beneficiary company renounced to carry out the project. As in other cases of citizen protests, different concerns and positions were expressed in the media. Knowing the media frameworks around these projects is the main objective of this research. Specifically, the research looks to identify the presentation of positions for or against the risks and potential benefits, and to determine the presence of social mobilization as an information source in the coverage of the three reference newspapers in the affected area: Levante-EMV (Valencia), Mediterráneo (Castellón) and Diario de Ibiza. From the theoretical perspective of framing, the frames used in reporting are revealed in terms of the definition of the problem. The results of the analysis of 1,258 texts have made it possible to identify frames of benefit and risk, much more frequent on the latter, focusing on the economic risk for tourism and fishing, and above all, on environmental risk. The frame of benefit referred to the economic advantages that would reduce the dependence on energy, occupies a discreet place since, in this case, the main actors in the conflict -politicians and civil society- coincided in their arguments, both becoming protagonists of media discourse in their role as sources

    Tratamiento y encuadres de los asuntos energéticos en televisión: análisis de los programas informativos de La Sexta

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    Esta investigación analiza el tratamiento informativo de la política energética en los programas televisivos que presentan rasgos de infoentretenimiento emitidos en la cadena española La Sexta en la temporada 2016/2017. El objetivo principal es comprobar si en el relato del asunto energético aparece la preocupación ambiental en términos de encuadres noticiosos. Se ha optado por el empleo de herramientas metodológicas de naturaleza cualitativa y cuantitativa: el análisis de contenido desde la perspectiva del framing. Tras la revisión de ocho programas en un periodo de análisis de seis meses, han sido 18 las unidades estudiadas, cerca de 42 horas de emisión. La cobertura se concentra en dos momentos en que se produjeron acontecimientos que colocaron la temática en el centro de la agenda informativa: el fallecimiento de una anciana en Reus, el 14 de noviembre de 2016, a causa de un incendio provocado con una vela con la que se iluminaba y la alarmante subida del precio de la electricidad, el 18 de enero de 2017, coincidiendo con un periodo de mayor demanda. El análisis efectuado arroja datos significativos acerca de la presencia del asunto energético vinculado a sucesos dramáticos, de interés humano y social; el protagonismo absoluto de la voz de los periodistas, no especializados, frente a ciudadanos, expertos o ecologistas; y la mirada indiferente o eficiente hacia el medioambiente. El problema se reduce a sus aspectos económicos en relación a la pobreza energética o la subida del precio de la luzThis research analyses the news treatment of energy policies on infotainment television programs broadcast by the Spanish channel La Sexta during the 2016/2017 season. The main objective is to confirm whether the story of the energy issue evinces environmental concern in terms of news framing. We have used both qualitative and quantitative methodological techniques: content analyses from the framing perspective. After reviewing eight programs over a six-month analysis period, we have studied 18 units, about 42 broadcasting hours. The coverage focuses on two moments where specific events occurred pushing the issue to the top of the news agenda: the death of an elderly woman in Reus on 14 November 2016, due to a fire caused by a candle she used to light her home, and the alarming increase in the cost of electricity on 18 January 2017, coinciding with a period of high demand. The analysis yields significant data about the presence of energy issues linked to dramatic events of human and social interest; the preeminent role of the voice of non-specialist journalists, rather than citizens, experts and ecologists; and the indifferent or efficient view of the environment. The problem tends to be reduced to its economic aspects regarding energy poverty or the increase in the cost of electricity