28 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity and Breeding of Persimmon

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    The genus Diospyros, which is distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, contains hundreds of plant species. However, four species of them have commercial importance. D. kaki Thunb. is the most widely cultivated species of the Diospyros genus. Persimmon (D. kaki Thunb.) is grown in many parts of the world that display subtropical climate conditions. In recent years, the cultivation of persimmon has found renewed interest in various countries of the Mediterranean basin. In China (which is the origin of persimmon) and in Japan and Korea (where it is grown widely), persimmons were selected from some well-known old varieties. Recently in countries such as Italy, Spain, USA, Brazil, Turkey and Israel, persimmons were selected from new cultivars. Currently China, Japan and Korea have the big persimmon germplasm collections with a large number of varieties and other Diospyros species. Also, Italy, Spain, USA, Brazil, Turkey, Israel, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan have constituted the germplasms by high commercial value cultivars and/or local varieties. In this chapter, we tried to provide an overview of the genetic diversity and breeding of persimmon by combining literature with our studies

    Effects of 2,4-DP- P (2,4-Dichlorophenoxypropionic Acid-P) Plant Growth Regulator on Fruit Size and Yield of Star Ruby Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Osb.)

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    Star Ruby is the main grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) variety grown in Turkey; however, small fruit size is a common problem in ‘Star Ruby’ grapefruit. Fruit size is a decisive external quality parameter in citrus at the marketing of fresh citrus fruits. Fruit size can be enhanced by several techniques such as girdling and thinning. Various plant growth regulators are known to affect the growth and size of citrus fruit. The objective of the present study was to observe the effects of 2,4 dichlorophenoxypropionic acid-p (2,4-DP-P) on the fruit size, yield and quality of Star Ruby from 20-year-old trees budded on sour orange rootstock in Adana, Turkey in 2007. Four concentrations (50, 100, 150 and 300 ppm) of 2,4-DP-P were applied 8 weeks after anthesis during physiological fruit drop when the mean fruit diameter was 13-15 mm. The results indicated that the application of 2,4-DP-P increased the fruit size of Star Ruby grapefruit without reducing yield. The application had a significant effect on fruit yield except for trees treated with 50 ppm 2,4-DP-P. Compared with the control trees, applications of 2,4-DP-P increased the number of large, commercially valuable Star Ruby (>93 mm, 89-93 mm and 84-89 mm). No effects were determined on fruit internal quality parameters. Thus, the results of the present study revealed that 2,4-DP-P can be used to improve the fruit size of Star Ruby fruitlets during the June drop

    Türkiye'de selekte edilen bazı satsuma ve klemantin mandarın tiplerinin verim ve meyve özelliklerinin belirlenmesi

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    TEZ5043Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2004.Kaynakça (s. 140-144) var.xii, 144 s. ; 30 cm.

    Investigation of genetic and physiological responses of some citrus rootstocks to iron chlorosis.

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    TEZ8664Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2011.Kaynakça (s. 241-266) var.xix, 267 s. : res. ; 29 cm.In this work, 16 different citrus rootstock species, genera and cultivars were assessed for their tolerance to iron chlorosis. Different parameters were used to determine the level of iron hlorosis tolerance and to select individuals for breeding studies. Additionally, 16 genotypes (under ontrolled conditions) and 15 genotypes (under natural conditions) were evaluated for the nvironmental factors affecting iron stress. In the screening experiments, under controlled conditions Tuzcu 891 sour orange, Gou Tou sour orange, Antalya Kleopatra mandarin and Duncan grapefruit were found to be very tolerant to iron chlorosis, and under natural conditions Tuzcu 31-31 sour orange, Gou Tou sour orange, Sunki mandarin and Antalya Kleopatra andarin were very tolerant. In addition, the physiological and molecular responses of sensitive and tolerant genotypes to iron chlorosis were studied. Leaf color (SPAD), color ratings, hotosynthetic activity, active and total iron concentrations were affected by iron chlorosis. By microarray nalysis, genes that are affected by iron chlorosis were identified. Based on these, results FRO4, FRO5, IRT1, Fe-S and Aconitase iron uptake genes are active in citrus.Bu çalışmayla anaç özelliğine sahip 16 farklı turunçgil tür, cins ve çeşidinin demir klorozuna tolerans düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Demir klorozuna tolerans düzeyinin belirlenebilmesi için farklı parametreler kullanılmış ve yapılacak ıslah çalışmalarında elde edilecek bireylerin seçiminde bu parametrelerden bir kısmının bir seleksiyon kriteri olarak kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca 16 genotipin kontrollü ve 15 genotipin doğal koşullardaki performansları değerlendirilerek, emir stresinin bitkilerde çevre faktörlerinden etkilenme düzeyleri saptanmıştır. Kontrollü koşullarda yapılan tarama çalışmasında Tuzcu 891 turuncu, Gou Tou turuncu, Antalya Kleopatra mandarini ve Duncan altıntopu demir klorozuna çok tolerant olarak belirlenmiş, doğal koşullarda yürütülen tarama çalışmasında ise Tuzcu 31-31 turuncu, Gou Tou turuncu, Sunki mandarini ve Antalya Kleopatra mandarini çok tolerant olarak saptanmıştır. Ayrıca demir klorozuna duyarlı ve tolerant olan iki genotipin demir stresinde gösterdikleri fizyolojik ve moleküler tepkiler incelenmiştir. SPAD, skala, aktif ve toplam demir konsantrsyonları ile fotosentez hızının demir klorozundan etkilendiği saptanmıştır. Mikroarray çalışmasıyla demir klorozunda aktif olan genler belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre FRO4, FRO5, IRT1, Fe-S ve Aconitase genleri turunçgillerde demir alımında etkindir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF200D11

    Morphological Characterization of Citrus Hybrids Derived by Crossing Red Pommelo x Rio Red Grapefruit

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    Genetik varyasyonlar bitki ıslahının başarısında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu varyasyonlar bitki cins ve türleri içinde doğal olarak var olduğu ya da oluştuğu gibi yapay olarak insan eliyle yapılan melezlemelerle de belirli hedefler doğrultusunda oluşturulabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Çukurova Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümünde yürütülen turunçgil çeşit ıslah programı kapsamında gerçekleştirilen monoembriyonik Red şadok ile poliembriyonik Rio Red altıntopu melezlemesinden elde edilmiş bir yaşlı 100 bitki kullanılmıştır. Popülasyonda morfolojik karakterizasyon yapılarak genetik çeşitlilik vejetatif özellikler bakımından ortaya konmuştur. Her bitkide, bitki vejetatif gelişimi, yaprak yapısı ve dikenlilik gibi karakterlerden oluşan 17 farklı morfolojik özellik incelenmiştir. Ayrıca morfolojik karakterizasyon sonucu elde edilen verilerde, melezlerin populasyon içindeki benzerlik katsayısı, temel bileşenler analizi (PCA) ve kümeleme analizi yapılarak morfolojik dendogram oluşturulmuştur. PCA analizi sonucunda 5 temel faktör grubunu temsil eden 12 değişkenin populasyon varyansının %74.14'ü tanımladığı saptanmıştır. Toplam 100 adet birey içerisindeki benzerlik indeksi %66.00 ile 95.32 arasında değişim göstermiştir.Genetic variations have a great importance in terms of plant breeding. These variations can be obtained either spontaneously or artificially by mutations and sexual hybridizations in order to achieve specific breeding objectives. In this study a hundred progenies obtained by crossing Red Pommelo x Rio Red Grapefruit during citrus cultivar breeding program carried out by Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, used for morphological characterization. Morphological characterizations were performed in a population consists of one-year-old 100 plants obtained by crossing a monoembryonic Red shaddock and poliembryonic Rio Red grapefruit in order to determine the genetic variability in terms of vegetative characters. Seventeen different morphologic characters consist of characters such as plant vegetative development, leaf structure and thorniness were used in characterization studies. Besides, data obtained by characterization were subjected to similarity coefficient, principal components and cluster analyses to to demonstrate the overall phenotypic relationships among these genotypes. The first five factor scores contained 74.14% the total multivariate variation. According to a cluster analysis, the similarity index of the population consists of 100 hybrids ranged between 66.00 % and 95.32 %

    Influences of different iron levels on plant growth and photosynthesis of W. Murcott mandarin grafted on two rootstocks under high pH conditions

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    W. Murcott scion, budded onto two rootstocks, was evaluated under high pH conditions supplied with different Fe levels. Plant dry weight, leaf area, iron chlorosis symptom scale, leaf chlorophyll concentration, net photosynthetic rate, and ferric-chelate reductase (FCR) activity variables were investigated under high pH conditions. Control plants (T1) produced the most leaf area, whereas plants grown without Fe (T2) produced the least. Dry weight was highest in ‘Volkameriana’ T1 (control) plants and lowest in ‘Swingle citrumelo’ T3 (10 mM Fe and 7.8 pH) and T2 (0 mM Fe and 7.8 pH) treatments. Significant differences in SPAD and iron chlorosis scale reading were found between rootstocks and treatments. Treatments significantly affected the net photosynthetic rate of the W. Murcott mandarin. Moreover, it was found that tolerant rootstock had higher FCR activity in application T2 than in applications T3 and T4 (100 mM Fe and 7.8 pH). The data of the present study suggested that scion budded onto Volkameriana rootstock showed a higher tolerance to iron deficiency than those budded onto Swingle citrumelo under high pH conditions.W. Murcott scion, budded onto two rootstocks, was evaluated under high pH conditions supplied with different Fe levels. Plant dry weight, leaf area, iron chlorosis symptom scale, leaf chlorophyll concentration, net photosynthetic rate, and ferric-chelate reductase (FCR) activity variables were investigated under high pH conditions. Control plants (T1) produced the most leaf area, whereas plants grown without Fe (T2) produced the least. Dry weight was highest in ‘Volkameriana’ T1 (control) plants and lowest in ‘Swingle citrumelo’ T3 (10 mM Fe and 7.8 pH) and T2 (0 mM Fe and 7.8 pH) treatments. Significant differences in SPAD and iron chlorosis scale reading were found between rootstocks and treatments. Treatments significantly affected the net photosynthetic rate of the W. Murcott mandarin. Moreover, it was found that tolerant rootstock had higher FCR activity in application T2 than in applications T3 and T4 (100 mM Fe and 7.8 pH). The data of the present study suggested that scion budded onto Volkameriana rootstock showed a higher tolerance to iron deficiency than those budded onto Swingle citrumelo under high pH conditions

    Effects of Nursery Shading on Plant Growth, Chlorophyll Content and PSII in Hernandina Clementine Mandarin Seedlings

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    Turunçgiller tropik, semitropik ve subtropik iklimlerde yetiştiriciliği yapılan bir meyve grubudur. Turunçgil yetiştiriciliğinin yapıldığı bu bölgelerde görülen yüksek sıcaklıklar bitki gelişimini ve fotosentezi olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Turunçgil fidanlıklarında bitkileri yüksek sıcaklık ve ışığın yarattığı olumsuz etkiden korumak amacıyla gölgeleme materyalleri kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle son dönemlerde geliştirilen ışık seçici renkli gölgeleme materyalleri solar radyasyonu ve sıcaklığı azaltmakta, böylece bitki gelişimi ve büyümesini teşvik etmektedir. Bu çalışmada 1 yaşlı Hernandina klemantin mandarini fidanlarının %50 gölgeleme özellikli renkli Aluminet; %20 gölgeleme özellikli kırmızı renkli Red leno; %13 gölgeleme özellikli beyaz renkli Clear combined shade net ve %75 siyah renkli gölgeleme özellikli netlerde gösterdikleri yaprak sayısı, bitki gövde çapı, bitki anaç çapı, SPAD ve PS II aktiviteleri değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda yaprak sayısında en yüksek artış %75 siyah renkli gölgeleme ağı ve %50 Aluminet uygulamalarından elde edilirken, kontrol bitkilerinde en düşük artışın gerçekleştiği tespit edilmiştir. Anaç çapı ve kalem çapında en yüksek artış %75 siyah renkli ve %50 Aluminet uygulamalarında saptanmış, diğer uygulamalar birbirine yakın sonuçlar vermiştir. En yüksek PSII aktivitesi ve en yüksek klorofil içeriği %75 gölgeme özelliğindeki siyah renkli gölgeleme ağı altındaki bitkilerde tespit edilmiştir. Kontrol grubu bitkileri en düşük klorofil içeriğine sahip olmuşturCitrus is grown tropic, semitropic and subtropic climate conditions. In these regions high temperature led to reductions of the plant growth and photosynthesis. In citrus nursery, seedlings are frequently shaded to avoid heat damage. More recently, photoselective shade materials designed specifically for manupulating plant development and growth has decrease solar radiation and temperature. In this work, we examined the effect of different colors and shade intensities (50% aluminet, 20% Red Leno, 13% Clear combined and 75% black shade net) on one years old Hernandina Clementine seedlings growth. Leaf number, plant scion diameter, plant rootstock diameter, SPAD and PSII parameters were investigated. At the end of the experiment, leaf number was found higher in 75% and 50% shade net treatments. In control plants leaf number was the least among the treatments. Scion and rootstock diameter were induced in 75% and 50% shade net treatments and the other treatments were found to be similar. PSII and chlophyll content was found to be highest in 75% shade treatment. The lowest chlophyll content was obtained from control plants

    Determining Yield and Fruit Quality Traits of Henderson Grapefruit and Some Pomelo (Shaddock) Varieties under Adana Ecological Conditions

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    Şadok [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck] turunçgiller içerisinde en iri meyveli olan türdür. Düşük sıcaklıklara duyarlı olması nedeniyle subtropik koşullarda nispeten korunmuş yerlerde yetiştirilebilme imkanına sahip olan şadok türü içerisinde birçok çeşit bulunmaktadır. Altıntop meyvelerinde var olan acılığın şadokta yok denecek kadar az olması, renkli çeşitlerin varlığı ve kırmızı renkli şadok meyvelerinin C vitamini, toplam fenolik maddeler ve karatenoidlerce çok zengin olması, ayrıca superoksit anyon ve hidrojen peroksit gibi serbest radikalleri yok etmede etkin olduğunun bulunması bu türe olan ilginin artmasına neden olmuştur. Şadok türüne ait çeşitlerin önemli bir kısmı Ülkemize getirilmiş ve adaptasyon çalışmalarına başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Pink şadok, Reinking şadok, Şadok W.N., Kao Panne şadok, doğal bir şadok mandarin melezi olan Citrus hassaku ve şadok-altıntop karşılaştırılmasının yapılması açısından Henderson altıntopunun meyve verim ve pomolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Denemede yer alan çeşitlerin 2011 ve 2012 verimleri arasında büyük bir varyasyon gözlenmiştir. 2011 yılında en yüksek verim Henderson altıntop çeşidinde; 2012 yılında ise Citrus hassaku’dan elde edilmiştir. Şadok çeşitlerinin meyve verimi 2011 yılında 5-60 kg; 2012 yılında ise 8,6-50 kg arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. Çalışma sonunda, en ağır meyveler Citrus hassaku’da, en kalın kabuk Pink şadok; Kao Panne ve Reinking çeşitlerinde, en yüksek suda çözünebilir kuru madde/asitlik oranı ise Şadok W.N’den elde edilmiştir.Pomelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck] has the largest fruit size among citrus species. There are several cultivars for pomelo species which is sensitive to low temperatures thus its cultivation is possible in relatively preserved areas in subtropical regions. The interest to pomelo production has increased due to several reasons such as, its has a little or no bitterness in fruit flesh conversaly to grapefruit, avaibility of pigmented varieties, high concentration of vitamin C, total phenolics and carotenoids in fruit flesh, as well as its efficiency in destroying free radicals such as superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. Several pomelo varieties have been introduced to Turkey and adaptation studies have been established. In the present study, Reinking, Pomelo WN, Kao Panne and Citrus hassaku which is a spontaneous hybrid between pomelo and mandarin were investigated in terms of fruit yield and pomological characteristics. In addition, Henderson grapefruit was included in this study in order to obtain a comparasion between pomelo and grapefruit. A large variation was observed in fruit yield of cultivars established in 2011 and 2012. In 2011, the highest yield was determined in Henderson whereas it was obtained from Citrus hassaku in 2012. Pomelo varieties yielded between 5-60 kg fruit per tree and 8.6-50 kg fruit per tree in 2011 and 2012, respectively. In terms of pomological traits, Citrus hassaku had the highest fruit weight; Pink, Kao Panne and Reinking pomelos had the highest peel thickness and Pomelo WN yielded the highest TSS/TA ratio

    The general and volatile properties and the quality of two newly selected Satsuma clones (11/1 Izmir and 30/Izmir) grown under Mediterranean ecological conditions

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    WOS: 000470324600028The general and volatile properties, and the quality of two new Satsuma clones - 11/1 Izmir and 30/Izmir - selected under a Citrus Bud Wood Selection Program, were compared with Owari Satsuma samples grown under Adana ecological conditions. Gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, flame ionization detection (GC/MS/FID) analysis was used in the identification and quantification of the aromatic compounds, and a sensory profile analysis was performed to complete the general understanding using chemical analysis. The general analysis showed that the clone samples have higher yields, are more intense in skin color and more acidic; however, the total soluble solids and total sugar amount are lower than the Owari Satsuma samples. The terpenes are the major aromatic compound class. Along with other terpenes, there were significant amounts of dl-limonene followed by gamma-terpinene, beta-elemene, linalool and alpha-terpineol. The sensory analysis showed that the Owari Satsuma samples are sweeter and riper, with a better floral, spicy-citrus flavor than both clones. Both clones had a lower "Overall liking" rating than the Owari Satsuma samples