2 research outputs found

    Acute isoniazide intoxication. Case report

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    Akut isoniazid (INH) intoksikasyonu, epileptik nöbetler, koma ve metabolik asiden, triadı ile karakterime bir klinik tablodur. Özellikle yeterli öykü alınamadığı durumlarda, bu tablo ensefalit, meningoensefalit veya ensefalopati ile karışabilmektedir. Bu makalede ateş yüksekliği, bilinç kaybı ve status epileptikus tablosu ile prezante olan ve bu klinik bulguların etiolojisinde daha sonra INH intoksikasyonu saptanan, 19 yaşındaki olgu dolayısıyla, INH intoksikasyonun klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları ve ayırıcı tanı olasılıkları literatür bilgileri ışığında tartışılmıştır.Acute isoniazid (INH) intoxication is a clinicical case that is characterized by epileptic seizures, coma and metabolic asidosis triad. Especially in the conditions where sufficient history cannot be obtained, this case may be confused with encephalitis, meningoencephalitis or encephalopathy. In this article, the clinical and laboratory findings and the differential diagnosis probabilities of INH intoxication are discussed under the light of literature information because of a 19-year-old case who is presented with high fever, loss of conciousness and status epilepticus, in the ethiology of which INH intoxication was later detected

    Porous and nanofiber alpha-chitosan obtained from blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) tested for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities

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    WOS: 000364796700148Chitin was isolated using the classical chemical method from the shell of Callinectes sapidus. The chitin content in the dry weight of the crab shells was determined as 12.1%. Total chitosan yield was recorded as 76%. The deacetylation degree of the chitosan was found to be 82.5%. The obtained chitin was in the alpha-form which was confirmed from the results of FTIR, TGA and XRD analyses. Resulting chitin showed DTG max value as 390 degrees C while in same regard chitosan show this value as 306 degrees C. Detailed information about the composition of pores and nanofibers was obtained using SEM. Disc diffusion method used for testing the antimicrobial activity, inhibition zone diameters of the chitosan from C. sapidus varied between 15.28 and 20.21 mm for human bacterial pathogens, between 15.51 and 16.25 mm for fungal pathogens and between 14.22 and 15.75 mm for fish bacterial pathogens, respectively. MBC and MFC values of the chitosan from C sapidus were between 0.16 and 2.50 mg/mL. The results of DPPH and ferric ion reducing power activity used for determining the antioxidant activity of the chitosan, were found as IC50: 5.99 and EC50: 6.16, respectively. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved