616 research outputs found

    Small Bialgebras with a Projection: Applications

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    In this paper we continue the investigation started in [A.M.St.-Small], dealing with bialgebras AA with an HH-bilinear coalgebra projection over an arbitrary subbialgebra HH with antipode. These bialgebras can be described as deformed bosonizations R#_{\xi} H of a pre-bialgebra RR by HH with a cocycle ξ\xi. Here we describe the behavior of ξ\xi in the case when RR is f.d. and thin i.e. it is connected with one dimensional space of primitive elements. This is used to analyze the arithmetic properties of AA. Meaningful results are obtained when HH is cosemisimple. By means of Ore extension construction, we provide some examples of atypical situations (e.g. the multiplication of RR is not HH-colinear or ξ\xi is non-trivial)

    Integrals, quantum Galois extensions and the affineness criterion for quantum Yetter-Drinfel'd modules

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    We introduce and study a general concept of integral of a threetuple (H, A, C), where H is a Hopf algebra acting on a coalgebra C and coacting on an algebra A. In particular, quantum integrals associated to Yetter-Drinfel'd modules are defined. Let A be an H-bicomodule algebra, HYDA^H {\cal YD}_A be the category of (generalized) Yetter-Drinfel'd modules and BB the subalgebra of coinvariants of the Verma structure of AA. We introduce the concept of quantum Galois extensions and we prove the affineness criterion in a quantum version.Comment: latex 32 pg. J. Algebra, to appea

    Categories of comodules and chain complexes of modules

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    Let \lL(A) denote the coendomorphism left RR-bialgebroid associated to a left finitely generated and projective extension of rings R→AR \to A with identities. We show that the category of left comodules over an epimorphic image of \lL(A) is equivalent to the category of chain complexes of left RR-modules. This equivalence is monoidal whenever RR is commutative and AA is an RR-algebra. This is a generalization, using entirely new tools, of results by B. Pareigis and D. Tambara for chain complexes of vector spaces over fields. Our approach relies heavily on the non commutative theory of Tannaka reconstruction, and the generalized faithfully flat descent for small additive categories, or rings with enough orthogonal idempotents.Comment: The title has been changed, the first part is removed and the construction of the coendomorphim bialgebroid is now freely used in the statement of the main Theorem

    When is R-gr equivalent to the category of modules?

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    AbstractIn the first part of this paper, we characterize graded rings R=⊕σ∈GRσ for which the category R-gr is equivalent with a category of modules over a certain ring.In the second part, sufficient conditions are given for the following implication to hold: if R-gr is equivalent with R1-mod (1 is the unit element of G), then R is a strongly graded ring

    Braided Bialgebras of Type One

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    Braided bialgebras of type one in abelian braided monoidal categories are characterized as braided graded bialgebras which are strongly N\mathbb{N}-graded both as an algebra and as a coalgebra

    Braided Bialgebras of Hecke-type

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    The paper is devoted to prove a version of Milnor-Moore Theorem for connected braided bialgebras that are infinitesimally cocommutative. Namely in characteristic different from 22, we prove that, for a given connected braided bialgebra (A,cA)(A,\mathfrak{c}_A) which is infinitesimally λ\lambda -cocommutative for some element λ≠0\lambda \neq 0 that is not a root of one in the base field, then the infinitesimal braiding of AA is of Hecke-type of mark λ\lambda and AA is isomorphic as a braided bialgebra to the symmetric algebra of the braided subspace of its primitive elements

    Small bialgebras with a projection

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    AbstractLet A be a bialgebra with an H-bilinear coalgebra projection over an arbitrary subbialgebra H with antipode. In characteristic zero, we completely describe the bialgebra structure of A whenever H is either f.d. or cosemisimple and the H-coinvariant part R of A is connected with one-dimensional space of primitive elements

    Modulation by internal protons of native cyclic nucleotide-gated channels from retinal rods

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    Ion channels directly activated by cyclic nucleotides are present in the plasma membrane of retinal rod outer segments. These channels can be modulated by several factors including internal pH (pH(i)). Native cyclic nucleotide-gated channels were studied in excised membrane patches from the outer segment of retinal rods of the salamander. Channels were activated by cGMP or cAMP and currents as a function of voltage and cyclic nucleotide concentrations were measured as pH(i) was varied between 7.6 and 5.0. Increasing internal proton concentrations reduced the current activated by cGMP without modifying the concentration (K(1/2)) of cGMP necessary for half-activation of the maximal current. This effect could be well described as a reduction of single-channel current by protonation of a single acidic residue with a pK(1) of 5.1. When channels were activated by cAMP a more complex phenomenon was observed. K(1/2) for cAMP decreased by increasing internal proton concentration whereas maximal currents activated by cAMP increased by lowering pH(i) from 7.6 to 5.7-5.5 and then decreased from pH(i) 5.5 to 5.0. This behavior was attributed both to a reduction in single-channel current as measured with cGMP and to an increase in channel open probability induced by the binding of three protons to sites with a pK(2) of 6
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