35 research outputs found

    Loss of APC induces polyploidy as a result of a combination of defects in mitosis and apoptosis

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    Mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor gene initiate a majority of colorectal cancers. Acquisition of chromosomal instability is an early event in these tumors. We provide evidence that the loss of APC leads to a partial loss of interkinetochore tension at metaphase and alters mitotic progression. Furthermore, we show that inhibition of APC in U2OS cells compromises the mitotic spindle checkpoint. This is accompanied by a decrease in the association of the checkpoint proteins Bub1 and BubR1 with kinetochores. Additionally, APC depletion reduced apoptosis. As expected from this combination of defects, tetraploidy and polyploidy are consequences of APC inhibition in vitro and in vivo. The removal of APC produced the same defects in HCT116 cells that have constitutively active β-catenin. These data show that the loss of APC immediately induces chromosomal instability as a result of a combination of mitotic and apoptotic defects. We suggest that these defects amplify each other to increase the incidence of tetra- and polyploidy in early stages of tumorigenesis

    The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPRB negatively regulates FGF2-dependent branching morphogenesis

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    PTPRB is a transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase known to regulate blood vessel remodelling and angiogenesis. Here we demonstrate that PTPRB negatively regulates branching morphogenesis in the mammary epithelium. We show that Ptprb is highly expressed in adult mammary stem cells and also, although at lower levels, in estrogen receptor positive luminal cells. During mammary development Ptprb expression is down-regulated during puberty, a period of extensive of ductal outgrowth and branching. In vivo shRNA knockdown of Ptprb in the cleared mammary fat pad transplant assay resulted in smaller epithelial outgrowths with an increased branching density and also increased branching in an in vitro organoid assay. Organoid branching was dependent on stimulation by FGF2, and Ptprb knockdown in mammary epithelial cells resulted in a higher level of FGFR activation and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, both at baseline and following FGF2 stimulation. Therefore, PTPRB regulates branching morphogenesis in the mammary epithelium by modulating the response of the FGFR signalling pathway to FGF stimulation. Considering the importance of branching morphogenesis in multiple taxa, our findings have general importance outside mammary developmental biology

    Exploring the Wnt pathway as a therapeutic target for prostate cancer

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    Aberrant activation of the Wnt pathway is emerging as a frequent event during prostate cancer that can facilitate tumor formation, progression, and therapeutic resistance. Recent discoveries indicate that targeting the Wnt pathway to treat prostate cancer may be efficacious. However, the functional consequence of activating the Wnt pathway during the different stages of prostate cancer progression remains unclear. Preclinical work investigating the efficacy of targeting Wnt signaling for the treatment of prostate cancer, both in primary and metastatic lesions, and improving our molecular understanding of treatment responses is crucial to identifying effective treatment strategies and biomarkers that help guide treatment decisions and improve patient care. In this review, we outline the type of genetic alterations that lead to activated Wnt signaling in prostate cancer, highlight the range of laboratory models used to study the role of Wnt genetic drivers in prostate cancer, and discuss new mechanistic insights into how the Wnt cascade facilitates prostate cancer growth, metastasis, and drug resistance

    Spatiotemporal regulation of liver development by the Wnt/β- catenin pathway

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    While the Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays a critical role in the maintenance of the zonation of ammonia metabolizing enzymes in the adult liver, the mechanisms responsible for inducing zonation in the embryo are not well understood. Herein we address the spatiotemporal role of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in the development of zonation in embryonic mouse liver by conditional deletion of Apc and β-catenin at different stages of mouse liver development. In normal development, the ammonia metabolising enzymes carbamoylphosphate synthetase I (CPSI) and Glutamine synthetase (GS) begin to be expressed in separate hepatoblasts from E13.5 and E15.5 respectively and gradually increase in number thereafter. Restriction of GS expression occurs at E18 and becomes increasingly limited to the terminal perivenous hepatocytes postnatally. Expression of nuclear β-catenin coincides with the restriction of GS expression to the terminal perivenous hepatocytes. Conditional loss of Apc resulted in the expression of nuclear β-catenin throughout the developing liver and increased number of cells expressing GS. Conversely, conditional loss of β-catenin resulted in loss of GS expression. These data suggest that the Wnt pathway is critical to the development of zonation as well as maintaining the zonation in the adult liver

    E-cadherin can limit the transforming properties of activating β-catenin mutations

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    Wnt pathway deregulation is a common characteristic of many cancers. But only Colorectal Cancer predominantly harbours mutations in APC, whereas other cancer types (hepatocellular carcinoma, solid pseudopapillary tumours of pancreas) have activating mutations in β-catenin (CTNNB1). We have compared the dynamics and the potency of β-catenin mutations in vivo. Within the murine small intestine (SI), an activating mutation of β-catenin took much longer to achieve a Wnt deregulation and acquire a crypt-progenitor-cell (CPC) phenotype than Apc or Gsk3 loss. Within the colon, a single activating mutation of β-catenin was unable to drive Wnt deregulation or induce the CPC phenotype. This ability of β-catenin mutation to differentially transform the SI versus the colon correlated with significantly higher expression of the β-catenin binding partner E-cadherin. This increased expression is associated with a higher number of E-cadherin:β-catenin complexes at the membrane. Reduction of E-cadherin synergised with an activating mutation of β-catenin so there was now a rapid CPC phenotype within the colon and SI. Thus there is a threshold of β-catenin that is required to drive transformation and E-cadherin can act as a buffer to prevent β-catenin accumulation

    PTEN loss and activation of K-RAS and β-catenin cooperate to accelerate prostate tumourigenesis

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    Aberrant phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and WNT signalling are emerging as key events in the multistep nature of prostate tumourigenesis and progression. Here, we report a compound prostate cancer murine model in which these signalling pathways cooperate to produce a more aggressive prostate cancer phenotype. Using Cre-LoxP technology and the probasin promoter, we combined the loss of Pten (Ptenfl/fl), to activate the PI3K signalling pathway, with either dominant stabilized β-catenin [Catnb+/lox(ex3)] or activated K-RAS (K-Ras+/V12) to aberrantly activate WNT and MAPK signalling, respectively. Synchronous activation of all three pathways (triple mutants) significantly reduced survival (median 96 days) as compared with double mutants [median: 140 days for Catnb+/lox(ex3)Ptenfl/fl; 182 days for Catnb+/lox(ex3)K-Ras+/V12; 238 days for Ptenfl/flK-Ras+/V12], and single mutants [median: 383 days for Catnb+/lox(ex3); 407 days for Ptenfl/fl], reflecting the accelerated tumourigenesis. Tumours followed a stepwise progression from mouse prostate intraepithelial neoplasia to invasive adenocarcinoma, similar to that seen in human disease. There was significantly elevated cellular proliferation, tumour growth and percentage of invasive adenocarcinoma in triple mutants as compared with double mutants and single mutants. Triple mutants showed not only activated AKT, extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2, and nuclear β-catenin, but also significantly elevated signalling through mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1). In summary, we show that combined deregulation of the PI3K, MAPK and WNT signalling pathways drives rapid progression of prostate tumourigenesis, and that deregulation of all three pathways results in tumours showing aberrant mTORC1 signalling. As mTORC1 signalling is emerging as a key driver of androgen deprivation therapy resistance, our findings are important for understanding the biology of therapy-resistant prostate cancer and identifying potential approaches to overcome this

    Frizzled-7 is required for Wnt signaling in gastric tumours with and without Apc mutations

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    A subset of patients with gastric cancer have mutations in genes that participate in or regulate Wnt signaling at the level of ligand (Wnt) receptor (Fzd) binding. Moreover, increased Fzd expression is associated with poor clinical outcome. Despite these findings, there are no in vivo studies investigating the potential of targeting Wnt receptors for treating gastric cancer, and the specific Wnt receptor transmitting oncogenic Wnt signaling in gastric cancer is unknown. Here, we use inhibitors of Wnt/Fzd (OMP-18R5/vantictumab) and conditional gene deletion to test the therapeutic potential of targeting Wnt signaling in preclinical models of intestinal-type gastric cancer and ex vivo organoid cultures. Pharmacologic targeting of Fzd inhibited the growth of gastric adenomas in vivo. We identified Fzd7 to be the predominant Wnt receptor responsible for transmitting Wnt signaling in human gastric cancer cells and mouse models of gastric cancer, whereby Fzd7-deficient cells were retained in gastric adenomas but were unable to respond to Wnt signals and consequently failed to proliferate. Genetic deletion of Fzd7 or treatment with vantictumab was sufficient to inhibit the growth of gastric adenomas with or without mutations to Apc. Vantictumab is currently in phase Ib clinical trials for advanced pancreatic, lung, and breast cancer. Our data extend the scope of patients that may benefit from this therapeutic approach as we demonstrate that this drug will be effective in treating patients with gastric cancer regardless of APC mutation status

    Cited1 deficiency suppresses intestinal tumorigenesis

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    Conditional deletion of Apc in the murine intestine alters crypt-villus architecture and function. This process is accompanied by multiple changes in gene expression, including upregulation of Cited1, whose role in colorectal carcinogenesis is unknown. Here we explore the relevance of Cited1 to intestinal tumorigenesis. We crossed Cited1 null mice with ApcMin/+ and AhCre+Apcfl/fl mice and determined the impact of Cited1 deficiency on tumour growth/initiation including tumour multiplicity, cell proliferation, apoptosis and the transcriptome. We show that Cited1 is up-regulated in both human and murine tumours, and that constitutive deficiency of Cited1 increases survival in ApcMin/+ mice from 230.5 to 515 days. However, paradoxically, Cited1 deficiency accentuated nearly all aspects of the immediate phenotype 4 days after conditional deletion of Apc, including an increase in cell death and enhanced perturbation of differentiation, including of the stem cell compartment. Transcriptome analysis revealed multiple pathway changes, including p53, PI3K and Wnt. The activation of Wnt through Cited1 deficiency correlated with increased transcription of β-catenin and increased levels of dephosphorylated β-catenin. Hence, immediately following deletion of Apc, Cited1 normally restrains the Wnt pathway at the level of β-catenin. Thus deficiency of Cited1 leads to hyper-activation of Wnt signaling and an exaggerated Wnt phenotype including elevated cell death. Cited1 deficiency decreases intestinal tumourigenesis in ApcMin/+ mice and impacts upon a number of oncogenic signaling pathways, including Wnt. This restraint imposed by Cited1 is consistent with a requirement for Cited1 to constrain Wnt activity to a level commensurate with optimal adenoma formation and maintenance, and provides one mechanism for tumour repression in the absence of Cited1

    A limited role for p53 in modulating the immediate phenotype of Apc loss in the intestine

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    Background: p53 is an important tumour suppressor with a known role in the later stages of colorectal cancer, but its relevance to the early stages of neoplastic initiation remains somewhat unclear. Although p53-dependent regulation of Wnt signalling activity is known to occur, the importance of these regulatory mechanisms during the early stages of intestinal neoplasia has not been demonstrated. Methods: We have conditionally deleted the Adenomatous Polyposis coli gene (Apc) from the adult murine intestine in wild type and p53 deficient environments and subsequently compared the phenotype and transcriptome profiles in both genotypes. Results: Expression of p53 was shown to be elevated following the conditional deletion of Apc in the adult small intestine. Furthermore, p53 status was shown to impact on the transcription profile observed following Apc loss. A number of key Wnt pathway components and targets were altered in the p53 deficient environment. However, the aberrant phenotype observed following loss of Apc (rapid nuclear localisation of β-catenin, increased levels of DNA damage, nuclear atypia, perturbed cell death, proliferation, differentiation and migration) was not significantly altered by the absence of p53. Conclusion: p53 related feedback mechanisms regulating Wnt signalling activity are present in the intestine, and become activated following loss of Apc. However, the physiological Wnt pathway regulation by p53 appears to be overwhelmed by Apc loss and consequently the activity of these regulatory mechanisms is not sufficient to modulate the immediate phenotypes seen following Apc loss. Thus we are able to provide an explanation to the apparent contradiction that, despite having a Wnt regulatory capacity, p53 loss is not associated with early lesion development