496 research outputs found


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    Pilotti, Massimo

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    Biografia di un alto magistrato che ha avuto un ruolo importante nella storia italiana: rappresentante dell'Italia alla Società delle Nazioni (1933-37), procuratore generale della Corte di cassazione dal 1944 al 1948 e primo presidente Corte di giustizia della Comunità europea del carbone e dell’acciaio (CECA) dal 1952 al 1958

    Rava, Luigi

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    Biografia di un intellettuale e politico italiano tra Otto e Novecent

    La storia dell’associazionismo giudiziario: alcune notazioni

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    L’associazionismo giudiziario ha avuto, fin dal 1909, un ruolo importante nella storia della magistratura italiana con la fondazione dell’Agmi, ma non si è trattato, da subito, di un percorso facile. Nel 1925, con “l’autoscioglimento” dell’Associazione, i suoi dirigenti furono espulsi dal corpo giudiziario e solo al termine della guerra, nel 1945, si potette ricostituire l’Anm. Pesavano, però, sul nuovo soggetto non solo l’eredità virtuosa della partecipazione di molti alla Resistenza, ma anche l’intrinseco rapporto che altri, in specie alti magistrati, avevano intrattenuto con il regime fascista. La lenta attuazione della Costituzione, con l’istituzione solo nel 1958 del Csm, nascose, in realtà, anche nella magistratura, una lotta sorda tra “innovatori” e “conservatori”. Solo negli anni Sessanta, l’entrata in ruolo di una nuova generazione favorì anche l’inveramento dei valori costituzionali. È precisamente in questa chiave che ancora oggi il ruolo del magistrato e il suo impegno nelle correnti giudiziarie può avere un ruolo “politico”, ovvero costituzionale

    Heteroaryl inhibitors of PAD4

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    Editorial: Hydroinformatics for water distribution systems analysis and management

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    Urban water distribution systems (WDS) analysis and management is a very complex challenge for researchers and technicians. Such a labyrinth contains numerous processes, sub-processes, states of being with their associated causative factors, feedback loops and interrelationships (Colombo & Karney 2003). This special issue is an occasion to study and analyse specific processes in the broader and stronger view of the entire labyrinth. The selected papers focus on some of the most important problems of urban WDS management, trying to help orientate researchers and planners, like Theseus and the Minotaur, in the labyrinth of the various concerns and processes involved in urban WDS planning (Figure 1). Figure 1 The labyrinth of WDS (modified by Macaulay 1976). This issue contains 10 papers that have been selected among those presented at the 16th Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis, WDSA 2014 (Bari, Italy, 14-17 July 2014), as very interesting studies and applications of Hydroinformatics techniques to WDS analysis and management. The selected papers have been fully rewritten, completed and improved and have undergone a rigorous peer-review process. The key points of the issue are

    groundwater supply and climate change management by means of global atmospheric datasets preliminary results

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    Abstract Climate change influences hydrological cycle with a direct effect on groundwater resources, one of the most important supply sources for human consumption and irrigation. In a scenario where General Circulation Models do not represent yet a usual tool for water industry managers, potentially the use of global atmospheric datasets is of great interest for evaluating groundwater resources. In this paper data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are compared to local water table measurements. With particular regard to unconfined aquifers, the good correlation between the trend of soil moisture and local water table data is pointed out. Such a promising result authorizes further insights in order to refine reliable tools for evaluating available groundwater resources in a climate change scenario

    Transient tests for locating and sizing illegal branches in pipe systems

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    In pipe systems illegal branches can take away remarkable water resources with negative effects from both the economic and technical points of view. Difficulties in pointing out illegal branches by means of steady-state pressure and discharge measurements are mainly due to the fact that, of course, such systems are not active according to a regular time schedule. In this paper the possibility of using Transient Test-Based Techniques (TTBT) for the location and sizing of branches is shown. Specifically, tests carried out in different branched pipe systems at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the University of Perugia, Italy, show that TTBT allow us to detect branches irrespective of whether they are active or not. To improve the precision of the localization, arrival times of pressure waves are detected by means of wavelet analysis. Finally, a simple relation based on the water hammer theory is proposed to size the branch reliably

    Severe chest allodynia as an unusual first presentation of hydatid disease. A case report

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    Background: Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a worldwide zoonosis and the liver is the most commonly affected organ. Clinical manifestations range from completely asymptomatic cysts to a potential lethal cyst rupture and anaphylaxis. Case presentation: Severe chest allodynia was an unusual clinical presentation of hepatic cyst rupture in the retroperitoneal space, without any other specific symptoms. CE diagnosis was confirmed by computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance. The patient underwent hepatectomy with complete resolution of the neuropathic pain. Conclusions: Retroperitoneal hydatid cyst rupture is a rare event and its clinical manifestation may mimic other chest neuropathies