37 research outputs found

    Expedtion program ANT-Land 2018/19 - Land activities and flight missions

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    The season ANT-Land 2018/19 is scheduled for the period from 31 October 2017 until 28 February 2019. Most of personnel will be flown into the Antarctic and back via the air link from Cape Town within the frame of Dronning Maud Land Air Network (DROMLAN). Ship calls are scheduled for RV POLARSTERN between 5th and 7st January 2019, to supply the majority of cargo for NEUMAYER STATION III and aircraft operations. A further ship call is MARY ARCTICA between 17th and 18th January 2019. Logistics will focus on two periods of lifting of the station. Furthermore a construction team will be onsite for maintenance of the station facilities. In the vicinity of NEUMAYER STATION III geophysical, glaciological, geological, biological and atmospheric projects are planned during the summer season. Medical studies of the Berlin Centre for Space Medicine (ZWMB) and University of Munich (LMU) will be continued and extended by the station staff during the winter period. In parallel, station facilities will be used to operate the Basler BT-67 aircraft POLAR 6. The regular weather forecast service (AWI/DWD) will be provided to all aircraft operations within the Dronning Maud Land region, in particular as a contribution to DROMLAN. KOHNEN STATION will be visited by the participants of six scientific projects and maintenance work such as lifting up the station and construction work. A traverse to KOHNEN STATION including supply goods will start from NEUMAYER STATION III will start mid of November. The DALLMANN LABORATORY at Base CARLINI (Argentina) will be opened at the beginning of November 2018. It is operated in cooperation with the Instituto Antártico Argentino (IAA). During the season 2018/19 German and international scientists (one scientific group) will work at the Potter Cove and the station area

    MOSAiC Extended Acknowledgement

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    For years, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), together with the international MOSAiC partners, had been planning and developing the scientific, logistical and financial concept for the implementation of the MOSAiC expedition. The planning and organization of this endeavor was an enormous e˙ort, involving more than 80 institutions from 20 countries. The number of groups and individuals that significantly contributed to the success of the drift observatory goes far beyond the scope of usual polar expeditions

    Introducing EDEN ISS - A European project on advancing plant cultivation technologies and operations

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    Plant cultivation in large-scale closed environments is challenging and several key technologies necessary for space-based plant production are not yet space-qualified or remain in early stages of development. The EDEN ISS project foresees development and demonstration of higher plant cultivation technologies, suitable for future deployment on the International Space Station and from a long-term perspective, within Moon and Mars habitats. The EDEN ISS consortium will design and test essential plant cultivation technologies using an International Standard Payload Rack form factor cultivation system for potential testing on-board the International Space Station. Furthermore, a Future Exploration Greenhouse will be designed with respect to future planetary bio-regenerative life support system deployments. The technologies will be tested in a laboratory environment as well as at the highly-isolated German Antarctic Neumayer Station III. A small and mobile container-sized test facility will be built in order to provide realistic mass flow relationships. In addition to technology development and validation, food safety and plant handling procedures will be developed. This paper describes the goals and objectives of EDEN ISS and the different project phases and milestones. Furthermore, the project consortium will be introduced and the role of each partner within the project is explained

    Expedition program ANT-Land 2019/20 - Land activities and flight missions

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    Ocean Sneakers Tool Data ConvertingProcessing-Visualization

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    Ocean Sneaker's Tool (OST) is a freely available, newly developed software to display and generate table-organized-ASCII data files which can be shared with other programs. OST allows the option to include cruise-, station-, time-, date-, longitude-, latitude- and bottom depth 'metainformation' to measured values. It supplies several import routines for different data formats (CTD, Spectrafluorometer etc.) used e.g. in GLOBEC. The program simplifies data handling to more easily combine oceanographic and biological data.Actual versions available at:http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/Benthic/Ecosystem/Lifecycle/oceansneakerstool.htm