4,034 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised Transfer Learning for Image Rain Removal

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    Single image rain removal is a typical inverse problem in computer vision. The deep learning technique has been verified to be effective for this task and achieved state-of-the-art performance. However, previous deep learning methods need to pre-collect a large set of image pairs with/without synthesized rain for training, which tends to make the neural network be biased toward learning the specific patterns of the synthesized rain, while be less able to generalize to real test samples whose rain types differ from those in the training data. To this issue, this paper firstly proposes a semi-supervised learning paradigm toward this task. Different from traditional deep learning methods which only use supervised image pairs with/without synthesized rain, we further put real rainy images, without need of their clean ones, into the network training process. This is realized by elaborately formulating the residual between an input rainy image and its expected network output (clear image without rain) as a specific parametrized rain streaks distribution. The network is therefore trained to adapt real unsupervised diverse rain types through transferring from the supervised synthesized rain, and thus both the short-of-training-sample and bias-to-supervised-sample issues can be evidently alleviated. Experiments on synthetic and real data verify the superiority of our model compared to the state-of-the-arts.Comment: 10 page

    Enhancing the vocal range of single-speaker singing voice synthesis with melody-unsupervised pre-training

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    The single-speaker singing voice synthesis (SVS) usually underperforms at pitch values that are out of the singer's vocal range or associated with limited training samples. Based on our previous work, this work proposes a melody-unsupervised multi-speaker pre-training method conducted on a multi-singer dataset to enhance the vocal range of the single-speaker, while not degrading the timbre similarity. This pre-training method can be deployed to a large-scale multi-singer dataset, which only contains audio-and-lyrics pairs without phonemic timing information and pitch annotation. Specifically, in the pre-training step, we design a phoneme predictor to produce the frame-level phoneme probability vectors as the phonemic timing information and a speaker encoder to model the timbre variations of different singers, and directly estimate the frame-level f0 values from the audio to provide the pitch information. These pre-trained model parameters are delivered into the fine-tuning step as prior knowledge to enhance the single speaker's vocal range. Moreover, this work also contributes to improving the sound quality and rhythm naturalness of the synthesized singing voices. It is the first to introduce a differentiable duration regulator to improve the rhythm naturalness of the synthesized voice, and a bi-directional flow model to improve the sound quality. Experimental results verify that the proposed SVS system outperforms the baseline on both sound quality and naturalness

    Neural Concatenative Singing Voice Conversion: Rethinking Concatenation-Based Approach for One-Shot Singing Voice Conversion

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    Any-to-any singing voice conversion (SVC) is confronted with the challenge of ``timbre leakage'' issue caused by inadequate disentanglement between the content and the speaker timbre. To address this issue, this study introduces NeuCoSVC, a novel neural concatenative SVC framework. It consists of a self-supervised learning (SSL) representation extractor, a neural harmonic signal generator, and a waveform synthesizer. The SSL extractor condenses audio into fixed-dimensional SSL features, while the harmonic signal generator leverages linear time-varying filters to produce both raw and filtered harmonic signals for pitch information. The synthesizer reconstructs waveforms using SSL features, harmonic signals, and loudness information. During inference, voice conversion is performed by substituting source SSL features with their nearest counterparts from a matching pool which comprises SSL features extracted from the reference audio, while preserving raw harmonic signals and loudness from the source audio. By directly utilizing SSL features from the reference audio, the proposed framework effectively resolves the ``timbre leakage" issue caused by previous disentanglement-based approaches. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed NeuCoSVC system outperforms the disentanglement-based speaker embedding approach in one-shot SVC across intra-language, cross-language, and cross-domain evaluations

    (Dimethyl­formamide-κO)(2-hy­droxy­benzoato-κ2 O 1,O 1′)[tris­(1-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl-κN 3)amine-κN]manganese(II) perchlorate dimethyl­formamide monosolvate

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    In the title complex, [Mn(C7H5O3)(C27H27N7)(C3H7NO)]ClO4·C3H7NO, the MnII ion is coordinated in a slightly distorted monocapped trigonal-prismatic geometry. The tris­(1-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-2-ylmeth­yl)amine (Mentb) ligand coordinates in a tetra­dentate mode and the coordination is completed by a bis-chelating salicylate ligand and a dimethyl­formamide ligand. The hy­droxy group and the ortho H atoms of the salicylate ligand were refined as disordered over two sites with occupancies of 0.581 (8) and 0.419 (8). Both disorder components of the hy­droxy group form intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Is clopidogrel better than aspirin following breakthrough strokes while on aspirin? A retrospective cohort study.

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    ObjectiveThere is insufficient evidence on which to base a recommendation for optimal antiplatelet therapy following a stroke while on aspirin. The objective was to compare clopidogrel initiation vs aspirin reinitiation for vascular risk reduction among patients with ischaemic stroke on aspirin at the time of their index stroke.DesignRetrospective.SettingWe conducted a nationwide cohort study by retrieving all hospitalised patients (≥18 years) with a primary diagnosis of ischaemic stroke between 2003 and 2009 from Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database.ParticipantsAmong 3862 patients receiving aspirin before the index ischaemic stroke and receiving either aspirin or clopidogrel after index stroke during follow-up period, 1623 were excluded due to a medication possession ratio <80%. Also, 355 were excluded due to history of atrial fibrillation, valvular heart disease or coagulopathy. Therefore, 1884 patients were included in our final analysis.InterventionsPatients were categorised into two groups based on whether clopidogrel or aspirin was prescribed during the follow-up period. Follow-up was from time of the index stroke to admission for recurrent stroke or myocardial infarction, death or the end of 2010.Primary and secondary outcome measuresThe primary end point was hospitalisation due to a new-onset major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE: composite of any stroke or myocardial infarction). The leading secondary end point was any recurrent stroke.ResultsCompared to aspirin, clopidogrel was associated with a lower occurrence of future MACE (HR=0.54, 95% CI 0.43 to 0.68, p<0.001, number needed to treat: 8) and recurrent stroke (HR=0.54, 95% CI 0.42 to 0.69, p<0.001, number needed to treat: 9) after adjustment of relevant covariates.ConclusionsAmong patients with an ischaemic stroke while taking aspirin, clopidogrel initiation was associated with fewer recurrent vascular events than aspirin reinitiation

    Mutations in the PKM2 exon-10 region are associated with reduced allostery and increased nuclear translocation.

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    PKM2 is a key metabolic enzyme central to glucose metabolism and energy expenditure. Multiple stimuli regulate PKM2's activity through allosteric modulation and post-translational modifications. Furthermore, PKM2 can partner with KDM8, an oncogenic demethylase and enter the nucleus to serve as a HIF1α co-activator. Yet, the mechanistic basis of the exon-10 region in allosteric regulation and nuclear translocation remains unclear. Here, we determined the crystal structures and kinetic coupling constants of exon-10 tumor-related mutants (H391Y and R399E), showing altered structural plasticity and reduced allostery. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed increased interaction with KDM8 for H391Y, R399E, and G415R. We also found a higher degree of HIF1α-mediated transactivation activity, particularly in the presence of KDM8. Furthermore, overexpression of PKM2 mutants significantly elevated cell growth and migration. Together, PKM2 exon-10 mutations lead to structure-allostery alterations and increased nuclear functions mediated by KDM8 in breast cancer cells. Targeting the PKM2-KDM8 complex may provide a potential therapeutic intervention

    The emerging role of cellular senescence in renal diseases

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    Cellular senescence represents the state of irreversible cell cycle arrest during cell division. Cellular senescence not only plays a role in diverse biological events such as embryogenesis, tissue regeneration and repair, ageing and tumour occurrence prevention, but it is also involved in many cardiovascular, renal and liver diseases through the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). This review summarizes the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular senescence and its possible effects on a variety of renal diseases. We will also discuss the therapeutic approaches based on the regulation of senescent and SASP blockade, which is considered as a promising strategy for the management of renal diseases