15,852 research outputs found

    Can Capital Mobility be Destabilizing?

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    In a standard two-sector neoclassical model with distortions, capital mobility can render the steady state indeterminate, in the sense that there exist infinitely many convergent paths. In the closed economy with no international capital mobility, the utility function must be linear or close to it for indeterminacy to occur, while in the open economy the shape of the utility function makes no difference. The reason is that in the no mobility case changes in aggregate investment must be matched by changes in aggregate consumption, while in the case of full capital mobility they can simply be financed by borrowing abroad. The paper provides some solid theoretical underpinnings to the concerns that de-regulating the capital account may be destabilizing.

    Insights from using a subject specific Facebook group for student engagement and learning

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    Although discussion boards have been available in the Learning Management System (LMS) for several years, they have not served well as a means of extending student engagement outside class time. The social media site Facebook was incorporated into an Engineering Mechanics class with the aim of increasing subject specific student engagement. This paper reports a small preliminary study exploring the effect of the introduction of the Facebook group. These students found the Facebook group increased the frequency of their engagement with the subject material compared to other subjects, and they considered it valuable because almost all students and the instructor were involved. However, students emphasised that the Facebook group was a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the face-to-face lecture and tutorial sessions. This study confirmed the value of undertaking focus groups with students to assist interpretation of data collected by more objective methods such as social network analysis

    Chiral bands for quasi-proton and quasi-neutron coupling with a triaxial rotor

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    A particle rotor model (PRM) with a quasi-proton and a quasi-neutron coupled with a triaxial rotor is developed and applied to study chiral doublet bands with configurations of a h11/2h_{11/2} proton and a h11/2h_{11/2} quasi-neutron. With pairing treated by the BCS approximation, the present quasi-particle PRM is aimed at simulating one proton and many neutron holes coupled with a triaxial rotor. After a detailed analysis of the angular momentum orientations, energy separation between the partner bands, and behavior of electromagnetic transitions, for the first time we find aplanar rotation or equivalently chiral geometry beyond the usual one proton and one neutron hole coupled with a triaxial rotor.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Supersymmetric Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation: Bilinear Approach

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    A proper bilinear form is proposed for the N=1 supersymmetric modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. The bilinear B\"{a}cklund transformation of this system is constructed. As applications, some solutions are presented for it.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX using packages amsmath and amssymb, some corrections mad

    Composite Polarons in Ferromagnetic Narrow-band Metallic Manganese Oxides

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    A new mechanism is proposed to explain the colossal magnetoresistance and related phenomena. Moving electrons accompanied by Jahn-Teller phonon and spin-wave clouds may form composite polarons in ferromagnetic narrow-band manganites. The ground-state and finite-temperature properties of such composite polarons are studied in the present paper. By using a variational method, it is shown that the energy of the system at zero temperature decreases with the formation of composite polaron; the energy spectrum and effective mass of the composite polaron at finite temperature is found to be strongly renormalized by the temperature and the magnetic field. It is suggested that the composite polaron contribute significantly to the transport and the thermodynamic properties in ferromagnetic narrow-band metallic manganese oxides.Comment: Latex, no figur

    Aberrant posterior cingulate connectivity classify first-episode schizophrenia from controls: A machine learning study

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    Background Posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) is a key aspect of the default mode network (DMN). Aberrant PCC functional connectivity (FC) is implicated in schizophrenia, but the potential for PCC related changes as biological classifier of schizophrenia has not yet been evaluated. Methods We conducted a data-driven approach using resting-state functional MRI data to explore differences in PCC-based region- and voxel-wise FC patterns, to distinguish between patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FES) and demographically matched healthy controls (HC). Discriminative PCC FCs were selected via false discovery rate estimation. A gradient boosting classifier was trained and validated based on 100 FES vs. 93 HC. Subsequently, classification models were tested in an independent dataset of 87 FES patients and 80 HC using resting-state data acquired on a different MRI scanner. Results Patients with FES had reduced connectivity between PCC and frontal areas, left parahippocampal regions, left anterior cingulate cortex, and right inferior parietal lobule, but hyperconnectivity with left lateral temporal regions. Predictive voxel-wise clusters were similar to region-wise selected brain areas functionally connected with PCC in relation to discriminating FES from HC subject categories. Region-wise analysis of FCs yielded a relatively high predictive level for schizophrenia, with an average accuracy of 72.28% in the independent samples, while selected voxel-wise connectivity yielded an accuracy of 68.72%. Conclusion FES exhibited a pattern of both increased and decreased PCC-based connectivity, but was related to predominant hypoconnectivity between PCC and brain areas associated with DMN, that may be a useful differential feature revealing underpinnings of neuropathophysiology for schizophrenia

    Real-time analysis of gene regulation by glucocorticoid hormones

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    There is increasing evidence that temporal factors are important in allowing cells to gain additional information from external factors, such as hormones and cytokines. We sought to discover how cell responses to glucocorticoids develop over time, and how the response kinetics vary according to ligand structure and concentration, and hence have developed a continuous gene transcription measurement system, based on an interleukin-6 (IL-6) luciferase reporter gene. We measured the time to maximal response, maximal response and integrated response, and have compared these results with a conventional, end point glucocorticoid bioassay. We studied natural glucocorticoids (corticosterone and cortisol), synthetic glucocorticoids (dexamethasone) and glucocorticoid precursors with weak, or absent bioactivity. We found a close correlation between half maximal effective concentration (EC50) for maximal response, and for integrated response, but with consistently higher EC50 for the latter. There was no relation between the concentration of ligand and the time to maximal response. A comparison between conventional end point assays and real-time measurement showed similar effects for dexamethasone and hydrocortisone, with a less effective inhibition of IL-6 seen with corticosterone. We profiled the activity of precursor steroids, and found pregnenolone, progesterone, 21-hydroxyprogesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone all to be ineffective in the real-time assay, but in contrast, progesterone and 21-hydroxyprogesterone showed an IL-6 inhibitory activity in the end point assay. Taken together, our data show how ligand concentration can alter the amplitude of glucocorticoid response, and also that a comparison between real-time and end point assays reveals an unexpected diversity of the function of glucocorticoid precursor steroids, with implications for human disorders associated with their overproduction