22,235 research outputs found

    Generalized MICZ-Kepler Problems and Unitary Highest Weight Modules

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    For each integer n≄1n\ge 1, we demonstrate that a (2n+1)(2n+1)-dimensional generalized MICZ-Kepler problem has an \mr{Spin}(2, 2n+2) dynamical symmetry which extends the manifest \mr{Spin}(2n+1) symmetry. The Hilbert space of bound states is shown to form a unitary highest weight \mr{Spin}(2, 2n+2)-module which occurs at the first reduction point in the Enright-Howe-Wallach classification diagram for the unitary highest weight modules. As a byproduct, we get a simple geometric realization for such a unitary highest weight \mr{Spin}(2, 2n+2)-module.Comment: 27 pages, Refs. update

    Self-gravitating Yang Monopoles in all Dimensions

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    The (2k+2)-dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills equations for gauge group SO(2k) (or SU(2) for k=2 and SU(3) for k=3) are shown to admit a family of spherically-symmetric magnetic monopole solutions, for both zero and non-zero cosmological constant Lambda, characterized by a mass m and a magnetic-type charge. The k=1 case is the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. The k=2 case yields a family of self-gravitating Yang monopoles. The asymptotic spacetime is Minkowski for Lambda=0 and anti-de Sitter for Lambda<0, but the total energy is infinite for k>1. In all cases, there is an event horizon when m>m_c, for some critical mass mcm_c, which is negative for k>1. The horizon is degenerate when m=m_c, and the near-horizon solution is then an adS_2 x S^{2k} vacuum.Comment: 16 pp. Extensive revision to include case of non-zero cosmological constant and implications for adS/CFT. Numerous additional reference

    Reflection asymmetric relativistic mean field approach and its application to the octupole deformed nucleus 226^{226}Ra

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    A Reflection ASymmetric Relativistic Mean Field (RAS-RMF) approach is developed by expanding the equations of motion for both the nucleons and the mesons on the eigenfunctions of the two-center harmonic-oscillator potential. The efficiency and reliability of the RAS-RMF approach are demonstrated in its application to the well-known octupole deformed nucleus 226^{226}Ra and the available data, including the binding energy and the deformation parameters, are well reproduced.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, and 2 tables, to appear in Chinese Physics Letter

    Particles in classically forbidden area, neutron skin and halo, and pure neutron matter in Ca isotopes

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    The nucleon density distributions and the thickness of pure neutron matter in Ca isotopes were systematically studied using the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock model (SHF) from the ÎČ\beta-stability line to the neutron drip-line. The pure neutron matter, related with the neutron skin or halo, was shown to depend not only on the Fermi levels of the neutrons but also on the orbital angular momentum of the valence neutrons. New definitions for the thickness of pure neutron matter are proposed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spherical Relativistic Hartree theory in a Woods-Saxon basis

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    The Woods-Saxon basis has been suggested to replace the widely used harmonic oscillator basis for solving the relativistic mean field (RMF) theory in order to generalize it to study exotic nuclei. As examples, relativistic Hartree theory is solved for spherical nuclei in a Woods-Saxon basis obtained by solving either the Schr\"odinger equation or the Dirac equation (labelled as SRHSWS and SRHDWS, respectively and SRHWS for both). In SRHDWS, the negative levels in the Dirac Sea must be properly included. The basis in SRHDWS could be smaller than that in SRHSWS which will simplify the deformed problem. The results from SRHWS are compared in detail with those from solving the spherical relativistic Hartree theory in the harmonic oscillator basis (SRHHO) and those in the coordinate space (SRHR). All of these approaches give identical nuclear properties such as total binding energies and root mean square radii for stable nuclei. For exotic nuclei, e.g., 72^{72}Ca, SRHWS satisfactorily reproduces the neutron density distribution from SRHR, while SRHHO fails. It is shown that the Woods-Saxon basis can be extended to more complicated situations for exotic nuclei where both deformation and pairing have to be taken into account.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Composition dependence of electronic structure and optical properties of Hf1-xSixOy gate dielectrics

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    Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditionsComposition-dependent electronic structure and optical properties of Hf1−xSixOy 0.1 x 0.6 gate dielectrics on Si at 450 °C grown by UV-photo-induced chemical vapor deposition UV-CVD have been investigated via x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and spectroscopy ellipsometry SE . By means of the chemical shifts in the Hf 4f, Si 2p, and O 1s spectra, the Hf–O–Si bondings in the as-deposited films have been confirmed. Analyses of composition-dependent band alignment of Hf1−xSixOy / Si gate stacks have shown that the valence band VB offset Ev demonstrates little change; however, the values of conduction band offset Ec increase with the increase in the silicon atomic composition, resulting from the increase in the separation between oxygen 2p orbital VB state and antibonding d states intermixed of Hf and Si. Analysis by SE, based on the Tauc–Lorentz model, has indicated that decreases in the optical dielectric constant and increase in band gap have been observed as a function of silicon contents. Changes in the complex dielectric functions and band gap Eg related to the silicon concentration in the films are discussed systematically. From the band offset and band gap viewpoint, these results suggest that Hf1−xSixOy films provide sufficient tunneling barriers for electrons and holes, making them promising candidates as alternative gate dielectrics.National Natural Science Foundation of China and Royal Society U.K

    Spurious Shell Closures in the Relativistic Mean Field Model

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    Following a systematic theoretical study of the ground-state properties of over 7000 nuclei from the proton drip line to the neutron drip line in the relativistic mean field model [Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 785], which is in fair agreement with existing experimental data, we observe a few spurious shell closures, i.e. proton shell closures at Z=58 and Z=92. These spurious shell closures are found to persist in all the effective forces of the relativistic mean field model, e.g. TMA, NL3, PKDD and DD-ME2.Comment: 3 pages, to appear in Chinese Physics Letter

    Superfluidity in a Three-flavor Fermi Gas with SU(3) Symmetry

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    We investigate the superfluidity and the associated Nambu-Goldstone modes in a three-flavor atomic Fermi gas with SU(3) global symmetry. The s-wave pairing occurs in flavor anti-triplet channel due to the Pauli principle, and the superfluid state contains both gapped and gapless fermionic excitations. Corresponding to the spontaneous breaking of the SU(3) symmetry to a SU(2) symmetry with five broken generators, there are only three Nambu-Goldstone modes, one is with linear dispersion law and two are with quadratic dispersion law. The other two expected Nambu-Goldstone modes become massive with a mass gap of the order of the fermion energy gap in a wide coupling range. The abnormal number of Nambu-Goldstone modes, the quadratic dispersion law and the mass gap have significant effect on the low temperature thermodynamics of the matter.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published versio
