27 research outputs found

    Analisis Penentuan Kualitas Air Dan Status Mutu Sungai Progo Hulu Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Progo Hulu River is the main river in Progo watershed, Temanggung Regency. It was estimated that human activities have some important contributions in its water quality degradation, for example housings/settlement, agricultural, industry, etc. This research was aimed to analize Progo Hulu River which focused on (1) river water quality, (2) some factors that cause the different effects of each segment concentration, and (3) water quality status for every segment. The river water quality was observed in 12 sampling-points and then it compared with water quality standart according to the Government Act No. 82/2001. This research also describes water quality status used STORET and Pollution Index method based on Ministry Decree No. 115/2003. As result, Fecal Coliform become a dominant parameter that caused pollution in first class water quality, whereas Ammonia and Fecal Coliform caused pollution in second, third, and fourth class water quality with a main pollution source from domestic and ranch wastes. Besides, water quality status showed it has been modaretely polluted in first class water quality status and lightly- modaretely polluted in second, third, and fourth class water quality status

    Genome-Wide Identification of NAC Transcription Factor Family in Juglans mandshurica and Their Expression Analysis during the Fruit Development and Ripening

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    The NAC (NAM, ATAF and CUC) gene family plays a crucial role in the transcriptional regulation of various biological processes and has been identified and characterized in multiple plant species. However, genome-wide identification of this gene family has not been implemented in Juglans mandshurica, and specific functions of these genes in the development of fruits remain unknown. In this study, we performed genome-wide identification and functional analysis of the NAC gene family during fruit development and identified a total of 114 JmNAC genes in the J. mandshurica genome. Chromosomal location analysis revealed that JmNAC genes were unevenly distributed in 16 chromosomes; the highest numbers were found in chromosomes 2 and 4. Furthermore, according to the homologues of JmNAC genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, a phylogenetic tree was constructed, and the results demonstrated 114 JmNAC genes, which were divided into eight subgroups. Four JmNAC gene pairs were identified as the result of tandem duplicates. Tissue-specific analysis of JmNAC genes during different developmental stages revealed that 39 and 25 JmNAC genes exhibited upregulation during the mature stage in walnut exocarp and embryos, indicating that they may serve key functions in fruit development. Furthermore, 12 upregulated JmNAC genes were common in fruit ripening stage in walnut exocarp and embryos, which demonstrated that these genes were positively correlated with fruit development in J. mandshurica. This study provides new insights into the regulatory functions of JmNAC genes during fruit development in J. mandshurica, thereby improving the understanding of characteristics and evolution of the JmNAC gene family

    Comparative mitochondrial proteomic, physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural profiling reveal factorsunderpinning salt tolerance in tetraploid black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)

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    Background: Polyploidy is an important phenomenon in plants because of its roles in agricultural and forestry production as well as in plant tolerance to environmental stresses. Tetraploid black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is a polyploid plant and a pioneer tree species due to its wide ranging adaptability to adverse environments. To evaluate the ploidy-dependent differences in leaf mitochondria between diploid and tetraploid black locust under salinity stress, we conducted comparative proteomic, physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural profiling of mitochondria from leaves. Results: Mitochondrial proteomic analysis was performed with 2-DE and MALDI-TOF-MS, and the ultrastructure of leaf mitochondria was observed by transmission electron microscopy. According to 2-DE analysis, 66 proteins that responded to salinity stress significantly were identified from diploid and/or tetraploid plants and classified into 9 functional categories. Assays of physiological characters indicated that tetraploids were more tolerant to salinity stress than diploids. The mitochondrial ultrastructure of diploids was damaged more severely under salinity stress than that of tetraploids. Conclusions: Tetraploid black locust possessed more tolerance of, and ability to acclimate to, salinity stress than diploids, which may be attributable to the ability to maintain mitochondrial structure and to trigger different expression patterns of mitochondrial proteins during salinity stress.This study was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2572016EAJ4; 2572015DA03; 2572017AA23), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170568)

    Optimisation multicritères d'une gamme de forgeage (simulation numérique avancée et méta-modélisation)

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    En forgeage, la définition de la géométrie initiale du lopin et des outils est une tâche cruciale pour l'amélioration de la qualité du produit et la maitrise des coûts de production. Traditionnellement, cette définition est réalisée empiriquement et demeure longue et couteuse. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthodologie basée sur un méta-modèle pour l optimisation multi-objectif de la géométrie des outillages. Cette démarche permet d obtenir une bonne approximation du front de Pareto du problème d optimisation multicritères. Notre proposition s articule autour de quatre étapes : la construction d une CAO paramétrée des outillages, la simulation numérique du procédé de forgeage à partir d un plan d expériences, la construction de méta-modèles (polynomiale ou krigeage), et finalement l'optimisation des processus en utilisant des algorithmes avancés (NBI-NLPQLP ou NSGA-II). L ensemble de la démarche est automatisé dans l environnement ModeFRONTIER® pour piloter à l aide de macro-commandes les logiciels de modélisation géométrique (CATIA V5 ) et de simulation du procédé. Deux exemples industriels d application (matriçage d une pièce axisymétrique et forgeage net shape d un engrenage) montrent la contribution de ses travaux et la capacité de cet outil à traiter l optimisation de la géométrie des outillages d une gamme de forgeage (ébauche et finition) tout en tenant compte des contraintes technologiques liées au procédé. Finalement le front de Pareto obtenu permet le choix du meilleur compromis parmi les critères d optimisation retenusIn forging process, the geometry design of initial billet and tools is one of the most important factors for product quality improvement and cost reduction. Traditionally, the engineer use their own knowledge and experience to design and optimize the geometry model of forging process by using trial-and-error methods which is time consuming and cost expensive. So in this thesis, a meta-model based multi-objective optimization methodology for forging process design was developed, aiming at maximally approximate to Pareto optimal front of the real problem. The study is mainly done in four steps: building parametric CAD geometry model, simulating the forging process according to the DOE, fitting surrogate meta-models (Polynomial or Kriging), and optimizing the process by using an advanced algorithm (NBI-NLPQLP or NSGA-II). And in order to realize this procedure automatically in the environment of ModeFRONTIER®, several macro commands are used to connect the geometry modelling (CATIA V5 ) and numerical simulation process. Finally, two examples of industrial application (an axisymmetric forging piece and a net shape forging of gear) show the contributions of the research in dealing with the optimization design of dies geometry for several stages forging procedure (rough or finished), taking into account of technological constraints related in the process. In conclusion, relatively better optimal Pareto front is obtained for each problem, by which the engineers could select a best compromise value for the forging design projectTROYES-SCD-UTT (103872102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Multi-objective optimization of gear forging process based on adaptive surrogate meta-models

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    International audienceIn forging industry, net shape or near net shape forging of gears has been the subject of considerable research effort in the last few decades. So in this paper, a multi-objective optimization methodology of net shape gear forging process design has been discussed. The study is mainly done in four parts: building parametric CAD geometry model, simulating the forging process, fitting surrogate meta-models and optimizing the process by using an advanced algorithm. In order to maximally appropriate meta-models of the real response, an adaptive meta-model based design strategy has been applied. This is a continuous process: first, bui Id a preliminary version of the meta-models after the initial simulated calculations; second, improve the accuracy and update the meta-models by adding some new representative samplings. By using this iterative strategy, the number of the initial sample points for real numerical simulations is greatly decreased and the time for the forged gear design is significantly shortened. Finally, an optimal design for an industrial application of a 27-teeth gear forging process was introduced, which includes three optimization variables and two objective functions. A 3D FE nu merical simulation model is used to realize the process and an advanced thermo-elasto-visco-plastic constitutive equation is considered to represent the material behavior. The meta-model applied for this example is kriging and the optimization algorithm is NSGA-II. At last, a relatively better Pareto optimal front (POF) is gotten with gradually improving the obtained surrogate meta-models

    Physiological and Proteomic Responses of Diploid and Tetraploid Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Subjected to Salt Stress

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    Tetraploid black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is adaptable to salt stress. Here, we compared morphological, physiological, ultrastructural, and proteomic traits of leaves in tetraploid black locust and its diploid relatives under salt stress. The results showed that diploid (2Ă—) plants suffered from greater negative effects than those of tetraploid (4Ă—) plants. After salt treatment, plant growth was inhibited, photosynthesis was reduced, reactive oxygen species, malondialdehyde content, and relative electrolyte leakage increased, and defense-related enzyme activities decreased in 2Ă— compared to those in 4Ă—. In addition, salt stress resulted in distorted chloroplasts, swollen thylakoid membranes, accumulation of plastoglobules, and increased starch grains in 2Ă— compared to those in 4Ă—. However, 4Ă— developed diverse responses under salt stress. A comparative proteomic analysis revealed that 41 and 37 proteins were differentially expressed in 2Ă— and 4Ă—, respectively. These proteins were mainly involved in photosynthesis, stress and defense, energy, metabolism, transcription/translation, and transportation. Distinct patterns of protein changes between 2Ă— and 4Ă— were analyzed. Collectively, our results suggest that the plants showed significantly different responses to salt stress based on ploidy level of the plant. The 4Ă— possessed a better salt protection mechanism than that of 2Ă—, suggesting salt tolerance in the polyploid plant

    Selection of a marker gene to construct a reference library for wetland plants, and the application of metabarcoding to analyze the diet of wintering herbivorous waterbirds

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    Food availability and diet selection are important factors influencing the abundance and distribution of wild waterbirds. In order to better understand changes in waterbird population, it is essential to figure out what they feed on. However, analyzing their diet could be difficult and inefficient using traditional methods such as microhistologic observation. Here, we addressed this gap of knowledge by investigating the diet of greater white-fronted goose Anser albifrons and bean goose Anser fabalis, which are obligate herbivores wintering in China, mostly in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River floodplain. First, we selected a suitable and high-resolution marker gene for wetland plants that these geese would consume during the wintering period. Eight candidate genes were included: rbcL, rpoC1, rpoB, matK, trnH-psbA, trnL (UAA), atpF-atpH, and psbK-psbI. The selection was performed via analysis of representative sequences from NCBI and comparison of amplification efficiency and resolution power of plant samples collected from the wintering area. The trnL gene was chosen at last with c/h primers, and a local plant reference library was constructed with this gene. Then, utilizing DNA metabarcoding, we discovered 15 food items in total from the feces of these birds. Of the 15 unique dietary sequences, 10 could be identified at specie level. As for greater white-fronted goose, 73% of sequences belonged to Poaceae spp., and 26% belonged to Carex spp. In contrast, almost all sequences of bean goose belonged to Carex spp. (99%). Using the same samples, microhistology provided consistent food composition with metabarcoding results for greater white-fronted goose, while 13% of Poaceae was recovered for bean goose. In addition, two other taxa were discovered only through microhistologic analysis. Although most of the identified taxa matched relatively well between the two methods, DNA metabarcoding gave taxonomically more detailed information. Discrepancies were likely due to biased PCR amplification in metabarcoding, low discriminating power of current marker genes for monocots, and biases in microhistologic analysis. The diet differences between two geese species might indicate deeper ecological significance beyond the scope of this study. We concluded that DNA metabarcoding provides new perspectives for studies of herbivorous waterbird diets and inter-specific interactions, as well as new possibilities to investigate interactions between herbivores and plants. In addition, microhistologic analysis should be used together with metabarcoding methods to integrate this information

    Multi-objective optimization based on meta-models of an aeronautical hub including the ductile damage constraint

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    International audienceIn forging process, geometric design of initial billet and tools is very important. Traditionally, engineers use their knowledge and experience to design and optimize the geometric model of forging process by using trial-and-error methods. Such methods are time consuming and cost expensive. It is therefore interesting to design an automatic tools builder based on optimization methodology coupled with virtual finite element simulations, thus helping engineers to improve products and reduce cost. In this article we describe a meta-model based multi-objective optimization methodology for forging process designed to build the theoric Pareto optimal front of the mechanical problem. We go through a four-step process: building parametric computer-aided design geometry model, simulating the forging process according to the DOE, fitting meta-models, and optimizing the process by using an advanced algorithm. Two different meta-models, including polynomial and kriging methods, are constructed, based on the simulation values for different responses. Then optimization algorithms NBI-NLPQLP and NSGA-II are applied to find the optimum solutions based on each different meta-model. In order to drive this procedure automatically we use ModeFRONTIER® software. Using this environment, several macro commands are used to connect the geometry modelling (made with CATIA V5™) and numerical simulation process. As an industrial example, a two-step forging of an aeronautic component shows the efficiency of the proposed methodology. That shows contributions of research in dealing with optimization design of die geometry taking into account technological interactions related to the process and the ductile damage inside the deformed part. A set of solutions selected in particular points of the optimal Pareto front are also presented and analysed

    Additional file 4: Figure S4. of Physiological and proteomic analyses of the drought stress response in Amygdalus Mira (Koehne) YĂĽ et Lu roots

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    Semi-quantitative PCR analysis of eleven genes and ACTIN of Amygdalus mira (Koehne) Yü et Lu roots during drought stress and recovery period, respectively. (DOC 201 kb

    A Comparative Analysis on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics between Castor Varieties (<em>Ricinus communis</em> L.) under Salt Stress

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    Salt stress is one of the main abiotic factors affecting castor yield. Wild castor resources can provide important insights for cultivated castor breeding. However, little is known about how wild castor responds or adapts to salt stress. To understand the physiological mechanisms for salt tolerance in castor, the morphological and physiological responses of two varieties, wild and cultivated castor, with contrasted salt tolerance were characterized under salt stress. Seedlings were exposed to 0, 50, and 100 mM NaCl. The results showed that salt application significantly inhibited the increase in chlorophyll content and relative water content of cultivated castor. The degree of electrolyte leakage of wild castor under salt stress was significantly less than that of cultivated castor. In addition, the WT showed a lower content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under the salt stress compared to CT. The activities of antioxidant enzymes like SOD, APX, GR, and MDHAR in the leaves of WT showed higher accumulation compared to those of CT under salt stress. The ratio of ASA/DHA and GSH/GSSG in leaves of WT showed a distinct increase compared to CT. In summary, our results revealed the salt stress resistance characteristics of wild castor. Wild castor also has the potential to be used as parental material in a breeding program. These results will be valuable for salt resistance breeding of cultivated castor