22 research outputs found
Sugarcane and cactus cladodes plus urea: a new option for Girolando dairy heifers
This study was performed to identify the ideal amount of concentrate required for a diet based on cactus cladodes, sugarcane, and urea used to feed heifers. Twenty Girolando heifers (160 +/- 8.39 kg) were randomly distributed into four experimental treatments with 0, 0.40, 0.80, or 1.20 kg day(-1) of concentrate. The basal diet contained [on dry matter (DM) basis] 38.1% sugarcane, 56.5% cactus cladodes [Opuntia stricta (Haw). Haw], 0.5% common salt, 1.1% mineral mixture, and 3.8% urea plus ammonium sulfate. The concentrate contained [on DM basis] 87% corn meal and 13% soybean meal. The basal diet and the concentrate were formulated to provide 13% crude protein (CP). The intake of DM (4.34-4.96 kg day(-1)), organic matter (3.96-4.98 kg day(-1)), CP (0.57-0.64 kg day(-1)), non-fibrous carbohydrates (2.20-2.61 kg day(-1)), and metabolizable energy (10.3-12.4 Mcal day(-1)) increased linearly with concentrate amount. Final body weight (196-224 kg), total body weight gain (36.9-61.2 kg), and average daily body weight gain (0.51-0.85 kg day(-1)) increased linearly with concentrate amount. The nitrogen balance was positive and increased linearly (54.8-62.3 g day(-1)) with concentrate amount. Based on the data, we recommend supplying six-monthold Girolando heifers (160 kg body weight) 1.20 kg concentrate day(-1) added to a diet based on sugarcane and cactus cladodes plus urea for better productive and economic performance
Mitochondrial K<sub>ATP</sub> Channel and Dopaminergic Vulnerability Neurons in Parkinson’s Disease
The motor deficiency control commonly characterizes Parkinson’s disease (PD), resulting in impairment of neuromuscular command, because of basal ganglia nuclei degeneration and late formation of Lewy’s bodies in the remaining dopaminergic (DA) neurons. Motor signals are triggered in high cortical motor areas and go toward the midbrain regions, where the final tuning movement takes place. PD is characterized primarily by the death of dopaminergic neurons in the regions known as substantia nigra compacta (STNc). Mutations in a couple of genes, such as Parkin1 and DJ1, correspond to the usual familial form of the disease, due to its association with oxidative stress and depolarization of mitochondrial membrane. However, this form does not explain the selective pattern of apoptosis between the neuronal dopaminergic areas of midbrain regions. In this chapter, we are putting forward the hypothesis of oxidative stress and mitochondrial changes as the apparent most relevant cause in PD, as well as the neuroprotective role played by Kir6.2, a potassium-ATP channel and calcium voltage-gated v1.3
Estudo químico, farmacológico e aplicação de métodos computacionais na elucidação estrutural de constituintes químicos de folhas de Maytenus acanthophylla Reissek (Celastraceae)
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Previous issue date: 2Esta tese versa sobre o estudo químico e farmacológico de folhas de Maytenus acanthophylla Reissek (Celastraceae), uma planta medicinal da Bahia (espinheira-santa). O objetivo geral consistiu na investigação sistemática das potencialidades químicas, farmacológicas e a capacidade de fornecer materiais renováveis dessa planta. O material de estudo foi coletado de espécimes encontrados na Região da Chapada Diamantina no Estado da Bahia. No presente trabalho foram transcritos os métodos, filosofias de trabalho e os resultados obtidos no estudo fitoquímico, bem como, os resultados de ensaios biológicos feitos com alguns compostos isolados e extratos. As estruturas dos compostos obtidos foram elucidadas por técnicas espectroscópicas (RMN 1D e 2D, EM-IES, CG-EM, IV, UV e difração de raios-X) com o suporte de banco de dados e programas computacionais de cálculos ab initio e modelagem molecular. O estudo fitoquímico permitiu a obtenção de trinta compostos químicos, sendo 21 puros e nove constituindo misturas. Nos extratos em metanol e metanol/água foram isolados três flavonoides inéditos, o 3-O-{[-L-ramnopiranosil(16)]-O-[-D-xilopiranosil(13)-O--L-ramnopiranosil-(12)]]--D-galactopiranosídeo de quercetina (21), 3-O-{[-L-ramnopiranosil(16)]-O-[-D-xilopiranosil(13)-O--L-ramnopiranosil(12)]}--D-galactopiranosídeo de canferol (22), 3-O-{[-L-ramnopiranosil(16)]-O-[-D-xilopiranosil(13)-O--L-ramnopiranosil-(12)]}--D-galactopiranosídeo de isoramnetina (23) e um flavonoide triglicosídico anteriormente isolado, o 3-O-{[-L-ramnopiranosil(16)][-L-ramnopiranosil-(12)]}--D-galactopiranosídeo de quercetina (20). Nos extratos em hexano e acetato de etila, os constituintes isolados constam de uma mistura de hidrocarbonetos (1), esqualeno (2), 1,4-trans-poliisopreno (guta-percha, 3), um álcool graxo (4); sete triterpenos pentacíclicos (TTPC) friedelanos: friedelina (5), 3friedelinol (6), 3-friedelinol (7), 28-hidroxi-3-oxo-friedelano (canofilol, 13), 3,16-dihidroxifriedelano (pachysandiol B, 14), 3,24-di-hidroxifriedelano (15) e 3,24-diacetoxifriedelano (15a). Os compostos 14 e 15 foram isolados pela primeira vez na família Celastraceae. Foram também isolados dois TTPCs lupanos: o 3-lup-20(29)-en-3-ol (lupeol, 8) e o acetato de 3-lup-20(29)-en-3-ila (9); bem como a mistura dos isômeros 3-esteariloxi-olean-12-eno (10) e 3-esteariloxi-urs-12-eno (11). O TTPC 11, a -amirina (12), o -sitosterol (16) e o ácido eicosanóico (17) também foram isolados puros nos extratos em hexano ou acetato de etila. Nos extratos em metanol/água foram detectadas por CG-EM as presenças de sete monossacarídeos (18) e o galactitol (19) foi isolado puro, o que permitiu a obtenção do derivado 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-acetato de galactitol (19a). O polímero 3 foi utilizado na formulação de um produto da classe dos antibióticos e antissépticos para uso odontológico, que gerou uma solicitação de registro de patente pela UFMG. Em testes biológicos, o extrato metanólico mostrou significativa atividade analgésica em camundongos, contudo, em ensaios microbianos e citotóxicos, os extratos das folhas não apresentaram ação tóxica ou inibidora contra células tumorais (MCF-7, TK10 e UACC-62), micro-organismos (bactérias e espécies de Candida sp.), ou sobre o protozoário da leishmaníase. Entretanto, em testes feitos com soluções de 19a sobre cloroplastos de Spinacea oleracea L. foi observada a inibição da síntese de ATP, constituindo um indicativo de que 19a pode servir de modelo para síntese de herbicidas. Os glicosídeos 21 e 22 apresentaram boas atividades em ensaios de captura de radicais livres de DPPH em solução, e 23 apresentou ação imunomoduladora em testes de proliferação de células mononucleares do sangue humano. À luz dos resultados obtidos, considerando a diversidade de constituintes químicos observados, foi possível constatar o grande potencial químico-farmacológico de Maytenus acanthophylla e reconhecer, por meio científico, a validade do uso de suas folhas na medicina popular.The aim of this work was to deal with the chemical and pharmacological studies Maytenus acanthophylla Reissek (Celastraceae) leaves, a medicinal plant of Bahia (holy thorn). The general objective was the systematic investigation of the plant`s chemical and pharmacological potential and the ability to provide renewable materials. The study material was collected from specimens found in the region of Chapada Diamantina in the state of Bahia. In this study we transcribed methods, philosophies of work and results obtained in the phytochemical study, as well as the results of biological tests made with some isolated compounds and extracts. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic techniques (NMR 1D and 2D, IES-EM, GC-EM, IV, UV and X-rays diffraction) with the support of database and computer programs for ab initio calculations and molecular modeling. The phytochemical study allowed the isolation of thirty chemical compounds, including 21 pure and nine constituting mixtures. Three new flavonoids were isolated in methanol and methanol/water extracts: 3-O-{[-L-rhamnopyranosyl(16)]-O-[-D-xylopyranosyl(13)-O--L-rhamnopyranosyl(12)]}--D-quercetin galactopyranoside (21), 3-O-{[-L-rhamnopyranosyl(16)]-O-[-D-xylopyrano-syl(13)-O--L-rhamnopyranosyl(12)]}--D-kaempferol galactopyranoside (22), 3-O-{[-L-rhamnopyranosyl(16)]-O-[-D-xylopyranosyl(13)-O--L-rhamnopyranosyl(12)]}--D-isorhamnetin galactopyranoside (23); and one triglucoside flavonoid previously isolated: 3-O-{[-L-rhamnopyranosyla(16)][-L-rhamnopyranosyla(12)]}--D-quercetin galactopyra-noside (20). In the hexane and ethyl acetate extracts, the isolated constituents consist of a mixture of hydrocarbons (1), squalene (2), 1,4-trans-polyisoprene (gutta-percha,3), a fatty alcohol (4); seven pentacyclic triterpenes (TTPC) friedelan: friedelin (5), 3friedelinol (6), 3-friedelinol (7), 28-hydroxy-3-oxo-friedelan (canophyllol, 13), 3,16- dihydroxy friedelan (pachysandiol B, 14), 3,24-dihydroxyfriedelan (15) and 3,24-diacetoxyfriedelan (15a). Compounds 14 and 15 were isolated for the first from the Celastraceae family. Two TTPC lupanes were also isolated: 3-lup-20(29)-en-3-ol (lupeol, 8) and 3-lup-20(29)-en-3-ila acetate (9); as well as the isomer mixture 3-estearyloxy-olean-12-eno (10) and 3-estearyloxy-urs-12-eno (11). TTPC 11 a - amyrin (12), - sitosterol (16) and eicosanoic acid (17) were also isolated pure in hexane or ethyl acetate extracts. By means of GC-MS seven monosaccharides (18) were detected and galactitol (19) was isolated pure in methanol/water extracts, which allowed to obtain the derivative 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-galactitol acetate (19a). The polymer 3 was used to formulate antibiotic and antiseptic products for use in dentistry, which generated a request for patent registration by UFMG. In biological tests, the methanol extract showed significant analgesic activity in mice; however, in microbial and cytotoxic tests the extracts of leaves showed no toxic or inhibitory action against tumor cells (MCF-7, TK10 and UACC-62), micro-organisms (bacteria and Candida species), or the protozoan leishmaniasis. However, in tests with solutions of 19a on chloroplasts from Spinacia oleracea L. we observed an inhibition of ATP synthesis which indicated that 19a can be a model for herbicides synthesis. In capture tests of DPPH free radicals in solution, glycosides 21 and 22 showed good activity and 23 showed immunomodulating effects in tests of proliferation of mononuclear cells from human blood. In light of the results, considering the diversity of the obtained compounds, it was possible to visualize the great chemical and pharmacological potential of Maytenus acanthophylla and to recognize, through scientific means, the validity of using its leaves in popular medicine
Phytochemical Constituents Isolated from the Stem Bark of Bauhinia monandra
ABSTRACT The methanolic extract from stem bark of Bauhinia monandra, a medicinal plant employed in folk medicine, yielded by column chromatography lup-20(29)-en-3β,24-diol ( 1) and methyl galloate (2) along with β-sitosterol ( 3). These known phytoconstituents are being reported for the first time from this plant and their structures were established by NMR and MS spectral studies and by comparison with their literature data. Furthermore, lup-20(29)-en-3β,24-diol (1 ), a minor constituent, was isolated from this genus for the first time
Biological activities of extracts from Padina Boergesenii and Sargassum Stenophyllum, seaweeds naturally found in Baia de Todos os Santos, Brazil.
Objective: Here we present the results of the biological potential as antioxidant, anti-cancer and leishmaniscidal from extracts of Padina boergesenii Allender & Kraft and of Sargassum stenophyllum Martius, seaweed species commonly found in bay of the Brazilian Atlantic coast named Ba?a de Todos os Santos, state Bahia. In addition, we reported on the chemical composition of extractive fractions from these algae.
Methods: Phytochemicals prospecting methods such as thin layer chromatography (TLC) and spectrometry in the UV/Vis region were used to identify the chemical class of constituents from these algae extracts. Antioxidant potential of the fractions was evaluated using the ?,?-diphenyl-?-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method. The cytotoxic potential of seaweed extracts against the human breast cancer (MFC-7) cell lines was evaluated using the sulforhodamine B (SRB) colorimetric assay. The leishmanicidal effect of algae extracts against promastigotes of Leishmania amazonenses Laison & Shaw 1972 was evaluated using amphotericin B (AMB) as positive control.
Results: Were detected flavonoids, steroids, carotenoids, anthocyanins and phenolic compounds from algae extracts in hexane, chloroform and n-butanol. Overall, extractive fractions showed moderate antioxidant activities in comparison with quecertin, butylated hydroxytoluene and gallic acid. Fractions from P. boergesenii and chloroform fraction of S. stenophyllum presented significant activity against MCF-7 cells by inhibiting the cells grown among 55.0 to 66.0 %. These results were closely similar to inhibition reached by colchicine (67.0 %) used as positive control. No antileishmanial significant effect was observed for P. boergesenii and S. stenophyllum extracts at the tested conditions.
Conclusion: The results indicated a promissory pharmacologic potential for the P. boergesenii and S. stenophyllum extracts, Which open perspectives to the isolation of their active constituents
The triterpenes 3β-Lup-20(29)-en-3-ol and 3β-Lup-20(29)-en-3-yl acetate and the carbohydrate 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexa-O-acetyl-dulcitol as photosynthesis light reactions inhibitors.
Three compounds were isolated from Maytenus acanthophylla Reissek (Celastraceae): the pentacyclic triterpenes lup-20(29)-en-3β-ol (lupeol, 1) and 3β-lup- 20(29)-en-3-yl acetate (2) and the carbohydrate 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-O-acetyldulcitol (3); lupeol was also isolated from Xylosma flexuosa. The compounds’ structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and spectrometric analysis. Compound 1 acts as an energy transfer inhibitor, interacting with isolated CF1 bound to thylakoid membrane, and dulcitol hexaacetate 3 behaves as a Hill reaction inhibitor and as an uncoupler, as determined by polarography. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence induction kinetics from the minimum yield F0 to the maximum yield FM provides information of the filling up from electrons coming from water to plastoquinone pool with reducing equivalents. In this paper we have examined the effects of compounds 1 and 3 on spinach leaf discs. Compound 1 induces the appearance of a K-band, which indicates that it inhibits the water splitting enzyme. In vivo assays measuring the fluorescence of chl a in P. ixocarpa leaves sprayed with compound 1, showed the appearance of the K-band and the PSII reaction centers was transformed to “heat sinks” or silent reaction centers unable to reduce QA. However, 3 also induced the appearance of a K band and a new band I appears in P. ixocarpa plants, therefore it inhibits at the water splitting enzyme complex and at the PQH2 site on b6f complex. Compounds 1 and 3 did not affect chlorophyll a fluorescence of L. perenne plants
Óleo Essencial de Schinus terebinthifolius ativo em testes contra fungos oportunistas do gênero Cryptococcus
Os frutos da S. terebinthifolius são conhecidos no mercado de especiarias brasileiro e mundial como ‘pimenta-rosa do Brasil’, são de grande interesse na indústria de alimentos por apresentarem aroma e sabor picante, sob o ponto de vista químico-farmacológico despertam interesse devido a composição química e atividades farmacológicas comprovadas por usos na medicina popular e fitoterapia (1). Frutos maduros de S. terebinthifolius (OEFSt) foram coletados em Jequié (Bahia) em três períodos de frutificação da planta no ciclo de um ano. Amostras de óleos essenciais desses três acessos foram extraídos, quantificados e identificados por CG-FID e CG-EM. As análises por CG mostraram como constituintes majoritários o óxido de β-cariofileno (6,84%), α-pineno (22,0%) β-pineno (31,4%) no acesso da primavera; α-pineno (15,8%), β-mirceno (13,3%) e β-ocimeno (35,4%) no acesso de outono, e β-mirceno (5,10%) e δ3-careno (83,4%) foram os principais constituintes no óleo essencial de frutos coletados no inverno. O óleo essencial de frutos de S. terebinthifolius coletados na primavera apresentou atividades fungicidas frente aos fungos Cryptococcus gatti (CIM = 15,6 µg mL-1) e C. neoformans (CIM = 7,8 µg mL-1) e ações moderadas frente as cinco linhagens de Candida spp (CIMmed ≤ 200 µg mL-1). Em relatos na literatura, os monoterpenos α-pineno e β-pineno são detentores de propriedades inseticidas, fungicidas e antimicrobiana (2).
A variabilidade encontrada entre os constituintes majoritários das amostras de OEFSt foi atribuída a reações de rearranjos intermoleculares que ocorrem entre monoterpenos constituintes do OEFSt, incluindo os prioritários, principalmente devido às variações estacionais, tais como, intensidade de radiação solar, pressão atmosférica, temperatura e humidade, bem como a aspectos relacionados com a ecologia da planta estudada (3). Os resultados apontaram para a possibilidade de ocorrência de um novo quimiotipo de S. terebinthifolius na região Sudoeste da Bahia, nascendo assim, a necessidade de novos estudos para comprovar essa hipótese, levando em conta as correlações observadas entre a composição química do óleo essencial de S. terebinthifolius e os fatores climáticos que interferem nos aspectos agronômicos e ecológicos da planta (3, 4, 5)