1,148 research outputs found

    Mayer-cluster expansion of instanton partition functions and thermodynamic bethe ansatz

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    In [19] Nekrasov and Shatashvili pointed out that the = 2 instanton partition function in a special limit of the Ω-deformation parameters is characterized by certain thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) like equations. In this work we present an explicit derivation of this fact as well as generalizations to quiver gauge theories. To do so we combine various techniques like the iterated Mayer expansion, the method of expansion by regions, and the path integral tricks for non-perturbative summation. The TBA equations derived entirely within gauge theory have been proposed to encode the spectrum of a large class of quantum integrable systems. We hope that the derivation presented in this paper elucidates further this completely new point of view on the origin, as well as on the structure, of TBA equations in integrable models. © 2014 The Author(s)

    Integrable light-cone lattice discretizations from the universal R-matrix

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    Our goal is to develop a more general scheme for constructing integrable lattice regularisations of integrable quantum field theories. Considering the affine Toda theories as examples, we show how to construct such lattice regularisations using the representation theory of quantum affine algebras. This requires us to clarify in particular the relations between the light-cone approach to integrable lattice models and the representation theory of quantum affine algebras. Both are found to be related in a very natural way, suggesting a general scheme for the construction of generalised Baxter Q-operators. One of the main difficulties we need to deal with is coming from the infinite-dimensionality of the relevant families of representations. It is handled by means of suitable renormalisation prescriptions defining what may be called the modular double of quantum affine algebras. This framework allows us to give a representation-theoretic proof of finite-difference equations generalising the Baxter equation

    Bootstrap equations for N = 4 SYM with defects

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of 4dN = 4 superconformal theories in the presence of a defect from the point of view of the conformal bootstrap. We will concentrate first on the case of codimension one, where the defect is a boundary that preserves half of the supersymmetry. After studying the constraints imposed by supersymmetry, we will obtain the Ward identities associated to two-point functions of 12 -BPS operators and write their solution as a superconformal block expansion. Due to a surprising connection between spacetime and R-symmetry conformal blocks, our results not only apply to 4dN = 4 superconformal theories with a boundary, but also to three more systems that have the same symmetry algebra: 4dN = 4 superconformal theories with a line defect, 3dN = 4 superconformal theories with no defect, and OSP(4∗|4) superconformal quantum mechanics. The superconformal algebra implies that all these systems possess a closed subsector of operators in which the bootstrap equations become polynomial constraints on the CFT data. We derive these truncated equations and initiate the study of their solutions

    From Baxter Q-operators to local charges

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    We discuss how the shift operator and the Hamiltonian enter the hierarchy of Baxter Q-operators in the example of gl(n) homogeneous spin-chains. Building on the construction that was recently carried out by the authors and their collaborators, we find that a reduced set of Q-operators can be used to obtain local charges. The mechanism relies on projection properties of the corresponding -operators on a highest/lowest weight state of the quantum space. It is intimately related to the ordering of the oscillators in the auxiliary space. Furthermore, we introduce a diagrammatic language that makes these properties manifest and the results transparent. Our approach circumvents the paradigm of constructing the transfer matrix with equal representations in quantum and auxiliary space and underlines the strength of the Q-operator construction. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA Medialab srl

    Bootstrapping the half-BPS line defect

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    We use modern bootstrap techniques to study half-BPS line defects in 4dN= 4 superconformal theories. Specifically, we consider the 1d CFT with OSP(4∗|4) superconformal symmetry living on such a defect. Our analysis is general and based only on symmetries, it includes however important examples like Wilson and ’t Hooft lines in N= 4 super Yang-Mills. We present several numerical bounds on OPE coefficients and conformal dimensions. Of particular interest is a numerical island obtained from a mixed correlator bootstrap that seems to imply a unique solution to crossing. The island is obtained if some assumptions about the spectrum are made, and is consistent with Wilson lines in planar N= 4 super Yang-Mills at strong coupling. We further analyze the vicinity of the strong-coupling point by calculating perturbative corrections using analytic methods. This perturbative solution has the sparsest spectrum and is expected to saturate the numerical bounds, explaining some of the features of our numerical results

    On Correlation Functions of BPS Operators in 3d N= 6 Superconformal Theories

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    We introduce a novel harmonic superspace for 3dN=6 superconformal field theories that is tailor made for the study of correlation functions of BPS operators. We calculate a host of two- and three-point functions in full generality and put strong constraints on the form of four-point functions of some selected BPS multiplets. For the four-point function of 12-BPS operators we obtain the associated Ward identities by imposing the absence of harmonic singularities. The latter imply the existence of a solvable subsector in which the correlator becomes topological. This mechanism can be explained by cohomological reduction with respect to a special nilpotent supercharge

    Symmetries of tree-level scattering amplitudes in N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory

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    Constraints of the osp(6|4) symmetry on tree-level scattering amplitudes in N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory are derived. Supplemented by Feynman diagram calculations, solutions to these constraints, namely, the four- and six-point superamplitudes, are presented and shown to be invariant under Yangian symmetry. This introduces integrability into the amplitude sector of the theory. © 2010 The American Physical Society

    Baxter Operators and Hamiltonians for "nearly all" Integrable Closed gl(n) Spin Chains

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    We continue our systematic construction of Baxter Q-operators for spin chains, which is based on certain degenerate solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. Here we generalize our approach from the fundamental representation of gl(n) to generic finite-dimensional representations in quantum space. The results equally apply to non-compact representations of highest or lowest weight type. We furthermore fill an apparent gap in the literature, and provide the nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians of the spin chains in question for all cases where the gl(n) representations are described by rectangular Young diagrams, as well as for their infinite-dimensional generalizations. They take the form of digamma functions depending on operator-valued shifted weights

    Oscillator construction of su(n|m) Q-operators

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    We generalize our recent explicit construction of the full hierarchy of Baxter Q-operators of compact spin chains with su(n) symmetry to the supersymmetric case su(n|m). The method is based on novel degenerate solutions of the graded Yang-Baxter equation, leading to an amalgam of bosonic and fermionic oscillator algebras. Our approach is fully algebraic, and leads to the exact solution of the associated compact spin chains while avoiding Bethe ansatz techniques. It furthermore elucidates the algebraic and combinatorial structures underlying the system of nested Bethe equations. Finally, our construction naturally reproduces the representation, due to Z. Tsuboi, of the hierarchy of Baxter Q-operators in terms of hypercubic Hasse diagrams. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Bootstrapping N= 3 superconformal theories

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    We initiate the bootstrap program for N= 3 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) in four dimensions. The problem is considered from two fronts: the protected subsector described by a 2d chiral algebra, and crossing symmetry for half-BPS operators whose superconformal primaries parametrize the Coulomb branch of N= 3 theories. With the goal of describing a protected subsector of a family of N= 3 SCFTs, we propose a new 2d chiral algebra with super Virasoro symmetry that depends on an arbitrary parameter, identified with the central charge of the theory. Turning to the crossing equations, we work out the superconformal block expansion and apply standard numerical bootstrap techniques in order to constrain the CFT data. We obtain bounds valid for any theory but also, thanks to input from the chiral algebra results, we are able to exclude solutions with N= 4 supersymmetry,allowingustozoominonaspecific N= 3 SCFT
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