108 research outputs found

    Radiographic differences observed following apexification vs revascularization in necrotic immature molars and incisors: a follow-up study of 18 teeth

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    Purpose To evaluate the efectiveness of apexifcation versus revascularization in the treatment of necrotic immature teeth and determine which strategy afords the greatest radiological success rate. Methods An analysis was made of 18 teeth subjected to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) apical plugging and regenerative endodontic treatment, assessing healing of the apical lesions and the changes in root dimensions. Results Signifcantly greater root growth was observed with revascularization in terms of the percentage change in length (12.75% at 6 months) and dentin thickness (34.57% at 6 months) (p<0.05). There were no signifcant diferences between the two treatments in terms of the apical healing scores after 6 months of follow-up (p>0.05). Conclusion Apexifcation with an MTA apical plug and pulp regeneration are reliable treatments for non-vital immature teeth. The radiographic outcomes are comparable between the immature teeth subjected to MTA apexifcation versus those subjected to revascularization. The results of the present study indicate a greater increase in root length and width with regenerative endodontic treatment

    Blurred Boundaries in Ambiguous Space

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    Publicación exhaustiva de la torre de VPO en Vallecas de entresitio. La revista Space tiene un comité de revisión y selección de artículos formado por arquitectos consagrados de prestigio internacional como son Peter Cook, Peter Eisenman y Arata Isozaki

    Decoronation: An Alternative Treatment for Replacement Root Resorption

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    Introduction. Ankylosis and disrupted or altered root development are frequent complications associated with intrusive luxation and tooth avulsion lesions. Various forms of treatment have been described according to the severity of the trauma and root development. The literature shows that decoronation is an ideal treatment in cases where replacement resorption occurs. Methods. Two clinical cases are presented: involving intrusive luxation [15-year-old female patient with an affected maxillary left lateral incisor (2.2)] and a replanted avulsed tooth [8-year-old male patient with avulsion of the right maxillary central incisor (1.1)]; both cases presented advanced root resorption so that decoronation with a prosthetic tooth replacement was decided as the final treatment option. Results. In the short-term follow-up, patients were asymptomatic and had no functional problems. Radiographs showed that crestal bone height had been preserved. Conclusions. Preserving the decoronated root in the alveolar process not only helps to maintain bone volume but also enables vertical bone growth and facilitates the future insertion of an implant

    Bone- and dentoalveolar-anchored dentofacial orthopedics for Class III malocclusion: New approaches, similar objectives? A systematic review

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    Objectives: To analyze the scientific literature and compare in the results of conventional orthopedic appliances with those obtained from recent bone-anchored orthopedics for Class III malocclusion. Materials and Methods: The literature was systematically reviewed using PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Scirus databases up to January 2012. Articles were selected by two different researchers (kappa index  =  0.83), based on established inclusion/exclusion criteria. Methodologic quality was classified as high, medium, or low quality. Results: The search strategy identified 1020 titles. Thirty studies were selected after applying the criteria (high quality  =  9, medium quality  =  21). Protraction rates differed within a range of one- to twofold between bone-anchored and dentoalveolar therapies (P < .001). All studies noted the effect of clockwise rotation on the mandible and an increase in inferior-anterior and total facial height; this was more obvious in dentoalveolar therapy than in bone-anchored orthopedics (P < .001). Conclusions: Dental parameters like overjet increased significantly with both sets of groups, ranging from 1.7 to 7.9 mm with dentoalveolar therapy and from 2.7 to 7.6 mm with bone-anchored orthopedics

    Effects on the maxilla and cranial base caused by cervical headgear : a longitudinal study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to test the possible orthopedic effects of cervical headgear on the cranial base and maxilla. Study design: a sample consisting of 79 subjects with skeletal class II malocclusion was divided into two groups. The experimental group was made up of 41 patients all treated with cervical headgear. The control group included a total of 38 non-treated patients. Each one of these groups was then subdivided according to age into one of three groups: prepubescent, pubescent or post-pubescent. Cephalometric parameters were compared in both groups in order to measure the cranial base angle and the vertical and sagittal position of the maxilla. Additionally, cephalometric superimpositions taken at the beginning and end of the study were compared. Results: results revealed significant differences in the cranial base angle and in the SNA angle (p<0.05). However, no differences were observed in the variables that measure the maxillomandibular relationship. While no changes were noted in the palatal plane slope, a flattening of the cranial base was found caused by the cervical headgear, in addition to a retrusion of point A that does not mean there was a reduction in the maxillomandibular relationship. Conclusions: cervical headgear treatment induces cephalometric flattening of the cranial base and a decrease of the SNA angl

    Retrospective study of maxilla growth in a Spanish population sample

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    This study has been designed to evaluate the vertical and sagittal changes in the maxilla due to growth. A sample group was chosen of 38 individuals with normal occlusion, composed of 16 females and 22 males between the ages of 8 and 18. The total sample was divided into three groups: prepubescent (8-11 years), pubescent (12-14 years) and post-pubescent (15-18 years). A series of cephalometric angle parameters (SNA, maxillary height, slope of the palatal plane and maxillary depth) and lineal parameters (effective maxillary length, palatal plane length, middle third of the face height and convexity) were traced. Superimpositions of the initial and final cephalometries in the Ba-N plane and in the Nasion fixed point were carried out to measure growth. An analytic statistical analysis was applied using a Student t test for independent samples in order to evaluate the differences found according to sex. An analysis of variance followed by Duncan?s multiple range test was done to study the evolution of each variable throughout the duration of the experiment. In light of the results obtained, we have come to the following conclusions: sagittal growth of the maxilla is constant from the age of 8 to 18 years with an average increase of 0.2 mm/ year. Vertical growth, as well as general maxillary growth, is greater in the prepubescent grou

    Influence of Soft Drinks with Low pH on Different Ni-Ti Orthodontic Archwire Surface Patterns

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of soft drinks on the surface of Ni-Ti archwires and their corrosion behavior. Archwires with different patterns (smooth, scratch, dimple, and crack) were selected and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and laser confocal microscopy. Immersion tests were performed in artificial saliva (pH 6.7) with a soft drink with a pH of 2.5 for 28 days. The results showed an increase in the surface defects and/or roughness of the dimple, crack and scratch patterns with the immersion times, and a decrease in corrosion resistance. A relationship between the surface pattern and the extent of the corrosion in Ni-Ti archwires with soft drinks at low pH has been demonstrated. Pattern should be taken into account in future studies, and manufacturing processes that produce surface defects (especially cracks) should be avoided

    Viviendas Sociales de Alquiler en Vallecas

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    Situado en el borde de un ensanche en la periferia de Madrid, y con la vocación de convertirse en un hito arquitectónico dentro de una trama urbana aún por consolidar, el Estudio Entresitio construye un edificio de viviendas protegidas de alquiler. El empleo del revestimiento de zinc y el estudiado juego de la composición de los huecos refuerza la singularidad de la propuesta