3 research outputs found

    Implementation and experimental evaluation of Cooperative Awareness Basic Service for V2X Communications

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    A key aspect of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is the concept of cooperative awareness, wherein the periodic exchange of status information allows vehicles to become aware of their surroundings for increased traffic safety and efficiency. This project aimed to implement the Cooperative Awareness (CA) basic service through the development of a low-cost, open-source On-board Unit (OBU)/Roadside Unit (RSU) that periodically broadcasts Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) using the 5.9 GHz band. Its proper operation and interoperability were verified by testing it with a commercial V2X device. This project also aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CA basic service through the development of an IEEE 802.11p-based V2X system simulator. The simulations were executed with varying vehicle traffic load (by changing the vehicle speed and the number of lanes) and CAM transmit frequency. The performance was then assessed by analyzing the Packet Reception Ratio (PRR), position error and Neighborhood Awareness Ratio (NAR) metrics. The presence of more vehicles in the slow speed and high lane count scenarios caused higher packet losses due to increased interference and collision probability, leading to low PRR and NAR values. Despite losing more CAMs, the slow speed scenarios had lower position errors since the displacement of vehicles was small. When the CAM transmit frequency was increased, the PRR decreased due to packet collisions. However, the position error was kept low as it benefited from the more frequent CAM transmissions and local database updates. Increasing the transmit frequency also increased the NAR, at least until a certain frequency threshold, beyond which the NAR started to worsen due to the dominant effect of interference in high message traffic situations

    Benchmarking the cooperative awareness service at application layer with IEEE 802.11p and LTE-PC5 Mode-4

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Al document ha d’aparèixer l’enllaç a la publicació original a IEEE, o bé al Digital Object Identifier (DOI).Vehicular communications hold the promise of disrupting mobility services and supporting the mass adoption of future autonomous vehicles. Regulators have set aside specific spectrum at the 5.9 GHz band to support Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) safety applications, for which a world-wide adoption of a standardized radio technology is a key factor to deliver on this promise. Two technologies are currently positioned to begin its commercial path, IEEE 802.11p and LTE-PC5 Mode-4. The main differences between these technologies lie on the design of their channel access mechanisms. This paper provides an analysis of the impact that the Medium Access Control (MAC) mechanisms included in 802.11p and LTE-PC5 Mode-4 will have on the performance of the applications using the Cooperative Awareness Service, applying two new application-level metrics used by safety applications: Neighborhood Awareness Ratio and Position Error. We have found that, even with an equivalent physical layer performance, the MAC layer of LTE-PC5 Mode-4 will mostly outperform the MAC layer of IEEE 802.11p (or its not yet ready enhanced version 802.11bd). However, IEEE 802.11p/bd results in slightly better vehicle positioning accuracy at lower distances.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Implementation and experimental evaluation of Cooperative Awareness Basic Service for V2X Communications

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    A key aspect of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is the concept of cooperative awareness, wherein the periodic exchange of status information allows vehicles to become aware of their surroundings for increased traffic safety and efficiency. This project aimed to implement the Cooperative Awareness (CA) basic service through the development of a low-cost, open-source On-board Unit (OBU)/Roadside Unit (RSU) that periodically broadcasts Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) using the 5.9 GHz band. Its proper operation and interoperability were verified by testing it with a commercial V2X device. This project also aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CA basic service through the development of an IEEE 802.11p-based V2X system simulator. The simulations were executed with varying vehicle traffic load (by changing the vehicle speed and the number of lanes) and CAM transmit frequency. The performance was then assessed by analyzing the Packet Reception Ratio (PRR), position error and Neighborhood Awareness Ratio (NAR) metrics. The presence of more vehicles in the slow speed and high lane count scenarios caused higher packet losses due to increased interference and collision probability, leading to low PRR and NAR values. Despite losing more CAMs, the slow speed scenarios had lower position errors since the displacement of vehicles was small. When the CAM transmit frequency was increased, the PRR decreased due to packet collisions. However, the position error was kept low as it benefited from the more frequent CAM transmissions and local database updates. Increasing the transmit frequency also increased the NAR, at least until a certain frequency threshold, beyond which the NAR started to worsen due to the dominant effect of interference in high message traffic situations