14 research outputs found

    Utilisation digestive des graines protéagineuses traitées, et leur valorisation par les vaches laitiÚres

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    Importation of soybean meal from America, which are most often GMO and cause of significant deforestation, is nowadays increasingly questioned in animal feeding. For dairy cows, alternatives such as French produced proteaginous seeds (faba bean, lupin, pea) are investigated, because of their interesting protein content. However, when distributed raw to animals, their proteins are very degradable in the rumen, which penalizes their nitrogen value for ruminants. One possibility is to apply heat treatments to these seeds to protect their proteins from too high degradability in the rumen.The objective of this thesis, conducted as part of the PROLEVAL project, was to test combinations of "raw material × technological treatment" to optimize the degradation of proteaginous seeds’ proteins in the rumen, without altering their digestibility in the intestine. Following in vitro and in situ experiments, diets containing faba bean and lupin distributed raw or extruded under different conditions were tested in two in vivo experiments on dairy cows. Diets were iso-crude protein and non-limiting methionine. The first experiment compared soybean meal with faba bean or lupin, distributed raw, extruded at 140°C and extruded at 160°C. The different results showed that soybean meal could be replaced by faba bean or lupin without significantly altering the dairy performance of cows. On one hand, at 140°C, Maillard reactions led to protection of proteins from ruminal degradability compared with raw seeds, without altering the absorption of amino acids in the small intestine, leading to better milk production with faba bean. On the other hand, at 160°C, these reactions seemed to overprotect the proteins, which were less absorbed in the intestine. In the 2nd experiment, faba bean was distributed raw, extruded at 140°C in the same way as in the 1st experiment, and extruded at 140°C after a specific maturation, which aimed at improving the complexation of proteins with exogenous sugars (maturation with reducing sugars) or endogenous (released during maturation with an enzymatic cocktail). The different results confirmed that extrusion at 140°C of faba bean protects proteins from ruminal degradation. On one hand, addition of reducing sugars led to overprotection of the proteins, whose amino acids were less absorbed in the small intestine. On the other hand, addition of the enzymatic cocktail led to a level of absorption of amino acids in the small intestine similar to the one obtained with faba bean extruded at 140°C without specific maturation conditions.In addition to these experiments, a quantitative bibliographic synthesis was carried out on the use of proteaginous seeds, raw and heat-treated, in dairy cows diets. The results confirm those obtained in situ and in vivo in the context of this thesis: heat treatments protect proteins from degradation in the rumen, but the benefits of this protection on the zootechnical performance of animals require good control of the applied treatment.In conclusion, proteaginous seeds can replace soybean meal in dairy cows diets, when subjected to the appropriate heat treatment.Dans un contexte oĂč le tourteau de soja importĂ© d’AmĂ©rique (le plus souvent OGM et cause d’une importante dĂ©forestation) pour l’alimentation des animaux d’élevage est pointĂ© du doigt, des alternatives Ă  son utilisation dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres sont Ă©tudiĂ©es. Par exemple, l’utilisation des graines protĂ©agineuses (fĂ©verole, lupin, pois) produites en France, du fait de leur teneur en protĂ©ines intĂ©ressante, pourrait ĂȘtre un moyen. Mais, distribuĂ©es crues aux animaux, leurs protĂ©ines sont trĂšs dĂ©gradables dans le rumen, ce qui pĂ©nalise leur valeur azotĂ©e pour le ruminant. Une possibilitĂ© est d’appliquer Ă  ces graines des traitements thermiques pour protĂ©ger leurs protĂ©ines d’une trop forte dĂ©gradabilitĂ© dans le rumen. L’objectif de cette thĂšse, conduite dans le cadre du projet PROLEVAL, Ă©tait de tester des combinaisons « matiĂšre premiĂšre × traitement technologique » pour optimiser la dĂ©gradation des protĂ©ines de graines protĂ©agineuses dans le rumen, sans altĂ©rer leur digestibilitĂ© dans l’intestin. Suite Ă  des essais prĂ©alables in vitro et in situ, des rĂ©gimes Ă  base de fĂ©verole et de lupin, distribuĂ©s crus ou extrudĂ©s selon diffĂ©rentes conditions, ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s lors de deux essais in vivo sur vaches laitiĂšres, dans lesquels les rations Ă©taient iso-protĂ©iques et la mĂ©thionine non limitante. Le 1er essai comparait l’utilisation du tourteau de soja Ă  la fĂ©verole ou au lupin, distribuĂ©s crus, extrudĂ©s Ă  140°C et extrudĂ©s Ă  160°C. Les diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que le tourteau de soja peut ĂȘtre remplacĂ© par de la fĂ©verole ou du lupin sans altĂ©rer significativement les performances laitiĂšres des vaches. À 140°C, des rĂ©actions de Maillard ont permis la protection des protĂ©ines d’une trop grande dĂ©gradabilitĂ© ruminale par rapport aux graines crues, sans altĂ©rer l’absorption des acides aminĂ©s dans l’intestin grĂȘle, entrainant une meilleure production laitiĂšre avec la fĂ©verole. En revanche, Ă  160°C, ces rĂ©actions ont semblĂ© trop protĂ©ger les protĂ©ines, qui ont Ă©tĂ© moins bien absorbĂ©es dans l’intestin. Dans le 2Ăšme essai, de la fĂ©verole a Ă©tĂ© distribuĂ©e crue, extrudĂ©e Ă  140°C comme dans le 1er essai, et extrudĂ©e Ă  140°C aprĂšs une maturation spĂ©cifique visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la complexation des protĂ©ines avec des sucres exogĂšnes (maturation avec des sucres rĂ©ducteurs) ou endogĂšnes (libĂ©rĂ©s par maturation avec un cocktail enzymatique). Les diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats ont confirmĂ© que l’extrusion Ă  140°C de la fĂ©verole protĂšge les protĂ©ines de la dĂ©gradation ruminale. L’ajout de sucres rĂ©ducteurs a conduit Ă  une surprotection des protĂ©ines, dont les acides aminĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© moins bien absorbĂ©s dans l’intestin grĂȘle. L’addition du cocktail enzymatique a en revanche conduit Ă  un niveau d’absorption des acides aminĂ©s dans l’intestin grĂȘle similaire Ă  celui obtenu avec la fĂ©verole extrudĂ©e Ă  140°C sans condition de maturation spĂ©cifique.En parallĂšle de ces essais, une synthĂšse bibliographique quantitative a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur l’utilisation des graines protĂ©agineuses, crues et traitĂ©es thermiquement, dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres. Les rĂ©sultats confirment ceux obtenus in situ et in vivo dans le cadre de cette thĂšse : les traitements thermiques protĂšgent les protĂ©ines de la dĂ©gradation dans le rumen mais les bĂ©nĂ©fices de cette protection sur les performances zootechniques des animaux nĂ©cessitent une bonne maĂźtrise du traitement appliquĂ©.En conclusion, les graines protĂ©agineuses peuvent remplacer le tourteau de soja dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres, sous rĂ©serve d’un traitement thermique adaptĂ©

    Digestive use of treated proteaginous seeds, and their valuation by dairy cows

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    Dans un contexte oĂč le tourteau de soja importĂ© d’AmĂ©rique (le plus souvent OGM et cause d’une importante dĂ©forestation) pour l’alimentation des animaux d’élevage est pointĂ© du doigt, des alternatives Ă  son utilisation dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres sont Ă©tudiĂ©es. Par exemple, l’utilisation des graines protĂ©agineuses (fĂ©verole, lupin, pois) produites en France, du fait de leur teneur en protĂ©ines intĂ©ressante, pourrait ĂȘtre un moyen. Mais, distribuĂ©es crues aux animaux, leurs protĂ©ines sont trĂšs dĂ©gradables dans le rumen, ce qui pĂ©nalise leur valeur azotĂ©e pour le ruminant. Une possibilitĂ© est d’appliquer Ă  ces graines des traitements thermiques pour protĂ©ger leurs protĂ©ines d’une trop forte dĂ©gradabilitĂ© dans le rumen. L’objectif de cette thĂšse, conduite dans le cadre du projet PROLEVAL, Ă©tait de tester des combinaisons « matiĂšre premiĂšre × traitement technologique » pour optimiser la dĂ©gradation des protĂ©ines de graines protĂ©agineuses dans le rumen, sans altĂ©rer leur digestibilitĂ© dans l’intestin. Suite Ă  des essais prĂ©alables in vitro et in situ, des rĂ©gimes Ă  base de fĂ©verole et de lupin, distribuĂ©s crus ou extrudĂ©s selon diffĂ©rentes conditions, ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s lors de deux essais in vivo sur vaches laitiĂšres, dans lesquels les rations Ă©taient iso-protĂ©iques et la mĂ©thionine non limitante. Le 1er essai comparait l’utilisation du tourteau de soja Ă  la fĂ©verole ou au lupin, distribuĂ©s crus, extrudĂ©s Ă  140°C et extrudĂ©s Ă  160°C. Les diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que le tourteau de soja peut ĂȘtre remplacĂ© par de la fĂ©verole ou du lupin sans altĂ©rer significativement les performances laitiĂšres des vaches. À 140°C, des rĂ©actions de Maillard ont permis la protection des protĂ©ines d’une trop grande dĂ©gradabilitĂ© ruminale par rapport aux graines crues, sans altĂ©rer l’absorption des acides aminĂ©s dans l’intestin grĂȘle, entrainant une meilleure production laitiĂšre avec la fĂ©verole. En revanche, Ă  160°C, ces rĂ©actions ont semblĂ© trop protĂ©ger les protĂ©ines, qui ont Ă©tĂ© moins bien absorbĂ©es dans l’intestin. Dans le 2Ăšme essai, de la fĂ©verole a Ă©tĂ© distribuĂ©e crue, extrudĂ©e Ă  140°C comme dans le 1er essai, et extrudĂ©e Ă  140°C aprĂšs une maturation spĂ©cifique visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la complexation des protĂ©ines avec des sucres exogĂšnes (maturation avec des sucres rĂ©ducteurs) ou endogĂšnes (libĂ©rĂ©s par maturation avec un cocktail enzymatique). Les diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats ont confirmĂ© que l’extrusion Ă  140°C de la fĂ©verole protĂšge les protĂ©ines de la dĂ©gradation ruminale. L’ajout de sucres rĂ©ducteurs a conduit Ă  une surprotection des protĂ©ines, dont les acides aminĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© moins bien absorbĂ©s dans l’intestin grĂȘle. L’addition du cocktail enzymatique a en revanche conduit Ă  un niveau d’absorption des acides aminĂ©s dans l’intestin grĂȘle similaire Ă  celui obtenu avec la fĂ©verole extrudĂ©e Ă  140°C sans condition de maturation spĂ©cifique.En parallĂšle de ces essais, une synthĂšse bibliographique quantitative a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur l’utilisation des graines protĂ©agineuses, crues et traitĂ©es thermiquement, dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres. Les rĂ©sultats confirment ceux obtenus in situ et in vivo dans le cadre de cette thĂšse : les traitements thermiques protĂšgent les protĂ©ines de la dĂ©gradation dans le rumen mais les bĂ©nĂ©fices de cette protection sur les performances zootechniques des animaux nĂ©cessitent une bonne maĂźtrise du traitement appliquĂ©.En conclusion, les graines protĂ©agineuses peuvent remplacer le tourteau de soja dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres, sous rĂ©serve d’un traitement thermique adaptĂ©.Importation of soybean meal from America, which are most often GMO and cause of significant deforestation, is nowadays increasingly questioned in animal feeding. For dairy cows, alternatives such as French produced proteaginous seeds (faba bean, lupin, pea) are investigated, because of their interesting protein content. However, when distributed raw to animals, their proteins are very degradable in the rumen, which penalizes their nitrogen value for ruminants. One possibility is to apply heat treatments to these seeds to protect their proteins from too high degradability in the rumen.The objective of this thesis, conducted as part of the PROLEVAL project, was to test combinations of "raw material × technological treatment" to optimize the degradation of proteaginous seeds’ proteins in the rumen, without altering their digestibility in the intestine. Following in vitro and in situ experiments, diets containing faba bean and lupin distributed raw or extruded under different conditions were tested in two in vivo experiments on dairy cows. Diets were iso-crude protein and non-limiting methionine. The first experiment compared soybean meal with faba bean or lupin, distributed raw, extruded at 140°C and extruded at 160°C. The different results showed that soybean meal could be replaced by faba bean or lupin without significantly altering the dairy performance of cows. On one hand, at 140°C, Maillard reactions led to protection of proteins from ruminal degradability compared with raw seeds, without altering the absorption of amino acids in the small intestine, leading to better milk production with faba bean. On the other hand, at 160°C, these reactions seemed to overprotect the proteins, which were less absorbed in the intestine. In the 2nd experiment, faba bean was distributed raw, extruded at 140°C in the same way as in the 1st experiment, and extruded at 140°C after a specific maturation, which aimed at improving the complexation of proteins with exogenous sugars (maturation with reducing sugars) or endogenous (released during maturation with an enzymatic cocktail). The different results confirmed that extrusion at 140°C of faba bean protects proteins from ruminal degradation. On one hand, addition of reducing sugars led to overprotection of the proteins, whose amino acids were less absorbed in the small intestine. On the other hand, addition of the enzymatic cocktail led to a level of absorption of amino acids in the small intestine similar to the one obtained with faba bean extruded at 140°C without specific maturation conditions.In addition to these experiments, a quantitative bibliographic synthesis was carried out on the use of proteaginous seeds, raw and heat-treated, in dairy cows diets. The results confirm those obtained in situ and in vivo in the context of this thesis: heat treatments protect proteins from degradation in the rumen, but the benefits of this protection on the zootechnical performance of animals require good control of the applied treatment.In conclusion, proteaginous seeds can replace soybean meal in dairy cows diets, when subjected to the appropriate heat treatment

    Herbata rooibos — wpƂyw na zdrowie

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    In recent years there has been a noticeable growth in researchers’ interest concerning plants containing biologically active substances providing cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties. One of the plants containing such compounds is the African rooibos (Aspalathus linearis), which — when properly processed-is used to prepare rooibos herbal tea. The potential health benefits of this infusion, described in the literature, translate into an increased interest in the use of rooibos as a therapy or supplementation. This study aimed to review the literature and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to recommend patients to consume rooibos infusion for therapeutic or preventive purposes.Ostatnie lata związane są ze wzrostem zainteresowania badaczy roƛlinami zawierającymi substancje aktywne biologicznie o wƂaƛciwoƛciach: kardioprotekcyjnych, przeciwzapalnych, przeciwcukrzycowych, przeciwbakteryjnych oraz immunomodulujących. Do roƛlin zawierających związki o takim charakterze zalicza się czerwonokrzew afrykaƄski (Aspalathus linearis), z ktĂłrego suszu poddanego odpowiedniej obrĂłbce otrzymuje się herbatę zioƂową rooibos. Opisywane w literaturze potencjalnie korzystne prozdrowotne skƂadniki wspomnianego naparu przekƂadają się na wzrost zainteresowania wykorzystaniem czerwonokrzewu w terapii i suplementacji. Celem niniejszej pracy byƂo przeprowadzenie przeglądu piƛmiennictwa oraz okreƛlenie czy istnieją wystarczające dowody na zalecanie pacjentom spoĆŒywania naparu rooibos w celu leczniczym bądĆș prewencyjnym

    EVALI — nowe zagroĆŒenie związane z e-papierosami

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    EVALI is a relatively new disease entity that can be easily overlooked. Its pathophysiologyis not fully understood, which makes therapy difficult. The main substance associated withthe harmfulness of vaping is considered to be α-tocopherol acetate. Inhalation of substancescontained in e-cigarette smoke is associated with numerous disorders at the cellular level,such as DNA damage and carcinogenesis. Diagnostics is carried out by exclusion, the mostimportant factor in the diagnostic process is to state the use of e-cigarettes in the last90 days. Imaging diagnostic methods using X-ray and CT are also helpful, while there are nospecific markers among laboratory tests. The basic components of EVALI therapy are cessationof vaping, steroid therapy and supplemental oxygen therapy.EVALI jest stosunkowo nową jednostką chorobową, ktĂłra moĆŒe zostać Ƃatwo przeoczona. Jej patofizjologia nie zostaƂa w peƂni zrozumiana, co utrudnia terapię. Za gƂówną substancję wiązaną ze szkodliwoƛcią wapowania uwaĆŒa się octan α-tokofeloru. Inhalacja substancji zawartych w dymie e-papierosowym wiÄ…ĆŒe się z licznymi zaburzeniami na poziomie komĂłrkowym, takimi jak uszkodzenie DNA czy kancerogeneza. Diagnostyka prowadzona jest na zasadzie wykluczenia, najwaĆŒniejszym czynnikiem w procesie diagnostycznym jest stwierdzenie stosowania e-papierosĂłw w ostatnich 90 dniach. Pomocne są rĂłwnieĆŒ metody diagnostyki obrazowej z wykorzystaniem RTG oraz TK, natomiast wƛrĂłd badaƄ laboratoryjnych brakuje specyficznych markerĂłw. Podstawowymi skƂadowymi terapii EVALI są zaprzestanie wapowania, sterydoterapia oraz uzupeƂniająca tlenoterapia

    Prediction of in vivo digestibility of pasture-based diets in dairy goats from faecal indicators

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    For estimating quality and intake of pasture herbage by grazing goats, estimation of herbage digestibility is often required. The aim of this work was to predict in vivo organic matter digestibility (OMD) of diets based on temperate pasture forage from faecal composition (CP mainly). A series of indoor experiments was carried out with goats fed on grass hay or with fresh herbage cut daily and given either ad libitum or in restricted amounts, to mimic the effect of pasture herbage availability. Concentrate supplementation level and regrowth age of the herbage were also studied in order to achieve a wide range of diets composition and quality. Intake of each feed, and of faecal output (total collection), were measured precisely during 5 consecutive days in each experimental period. For each dataset (fresh pasture herbage only or fresh pasture herbage + hay), there was a strong and inverse relationship between OMD and faecal crude protein (CP) concentration. Including dietary CP concentration in the regression allowed increased accuracy of the prediction. The proposed equations, relevant for good quality pastures, show a good continuum with previous published equations on goats fed on much less digestible tropical, Mediterranean or Sahelian forages

    The Correlation of Frequency of Work-Related Disorders with Type of Work among Polish Employees

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    Musculoskeletal disorders have a significant negative impact on the quality of life of the population. These conditions, as well as other work-related disorders, generate costs associated with treatment and work absence, which makes it a growing problem in industrialized countries. Available data from studies on individual populations of workers indicate a higher incidence of certain symptoms in these groups. Due to the lack of studies on the general population, we aimed to perform the preliminary study evaluating the occurrence of pain and work-related conditions depending on the type of occupational work among Polish employees to identify further possible areas for research. Data was collected using an electronic self-administered questionnaire, which was distributed in groups bringing together various professionals. The data obtained from 379 participants have been analyzed and divided according to performed work into sedentary, forced posture, standing, physical and requiring physical activity. Our study reveals a correlation between the frequency of work-related disorders and type of work performed in the Polish population. A significant correlation between the type of occupational work and prevalence of ankle, knee and shoulder pain, as well as heavy legs or upper limb paresthesia was found. According to our findings, female employees may be more vulnerable to lower limb symptoms. A place of residence also seems to affect the prevalence of upper back pain and heavy legs. The analysis also showed a correlation between the occurrence of hip, knee and ankle pain and the level of education of the participants. Surprisingly, lower extremity paresthesia was significantly more common among participants undertaking additional physical activity, compared to non-physically active respondents

    Potencjalne zagroĆŒenia związane z podwyĆŒszonym stÄ™ĆŒeniem witaminy B12 w ujęciu praktycznym

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    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), one of eight B vitamins is mostly supplied to human organismwith diet (meat, offal, fish and eggs). Human body uses it as a cofactor, vital for effectivenucleic acids and myelin synthesis. Vitamin B12 serum level is usually performed asa diagnostic step, while its deficiency (e.g. pernicious anemia or nutritional deficiency)is being suspected. This study however, aimed to shed some light on another aspectof vitamin B12 level testing — its high blood concentration. Ha ving explored aviableup-to-date scientific literature addressing this dillemma, authors of this paper provideda range of its causes along with brief patomechanisms descriptions.Witamina B12 (kobalamina) jest witaminą z grupy B, ktĂłra dostarczana jest do organizmu wraz z poĆŒywieniem (mięso, podroby, ryby i jaja). W organizmie ludzkim peƂni funkcję kofaktora w procesach syntezy kwasĂłw nukleinowych oraz mieliny. Poziom tej witaminy oznaczany jest w sytuacji podejrzenia jej niedoboru. Takie przypuszczenie moĆŒna wysunąć na podstawie między innymi objawĂłw klinicznych manifestowanych przez pacjenta. Dodatkowo osoby cierpiące na niedokrwistoƛć Addisona–Biermera oraz z powodu niedoborĂłw ĆŒywieniowych naleĆŒÄ… do grupy osĂłb szczegĂłlnie naraĆŒonyc h na patologiczny spadek poziomu witaminy B12. Celem niniejszego artykuƂu jest zwrĂłcenie uwagi na problem wysokiego stÄ™ĆŒenia witaminy B12 we kr wi pacjenta. Na podstawie pr zeglądu dostępnej literatury medycznej dotyczącej tego problemu omĂłwiono szereg pr zyczyn odpowiedzialnych za to zjawisko, a takĆŒe pokrĂłtce przedstawiono ich patomechanizm

    Les graines protéagineuses comme alternatives au tourteau de soja pour les vacheslaitiÚres : évaluation comparative par méta-analyses in situ et in vivo des paramÚtresdigestifs et des performances laitiÚres

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    International audienceIn order to both inventory the published in situ and in vivo data on the use of raw or treated proteaginous seeds(PS), replacing soybean meal (SBM) in the dairy cow diet, and quantify the effects of the substitution of either SBMby raw or treated PS, or raw PS by treated PS, two databases were designed. These databases compile data onfaba bean, lupin and pea seeds, and the technological treatments studied are either thermal, thermomechanical orchemical (tanning). The effects of the substitutions were determined using Student tests comparing theexperimental vs control groups (GP vs TS or treated vs raw GP). Despite the limited amount of available data andthe diversity of feeding practices as well as technological treatments applied, general trends emerge, in particularfor the variables measured in situ. Proteins of raw PS are systematically more degradable in the rumen and lessdigestible in the intestine than SBM ones. Replacing SBM with raw PS also leads to a reduction in the N milk/Nintake ratio and a decrease in the milk protein content. When technologically treated PS are compared to raw ones,proteins are more protected in the rumen and their digestibility in the intestine is improved. Some “treatment ×seed” combinations lead to a higher N secretion in milk (for example extruded lupin) while others lead to adecrease in the milk fat content (for example toasted/roasted faba bean). Finally, the few data available oncomparisons between SBM and treated PS show that some combinations allow to reach a level of proteinsprotection from PS similar to that of SBM (for example autoclaved pea) and very few differences are observed onthe parameters measured in vivo. This work shows that it is possible to replace SBM with treated PS in dairy cowdiets without significantly altering their zootechnical performance, provided that the appropriate treatmentparameters are applied.Pour inventorier Ă  la fois les donnĂ©es in situ et in vivo publiĂ©es sur l’utilisation des graines protĂ©agineuses (GP)crues ou traitĂ©es, en replacement du tourteau de soja (TS) dans l’alimentation des vaches laitiĂšres, et quantifier leseffets de la substitution du TS par des GP crues ou traitĂ©es, ou des GP crues par des GP traitĂ©es, deux bases dedonnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© construites. Ces bases rassemblent les donnĂ©es concernant les graines de fĂ©verole, lupin et pois,et les traitements technologiques appliquĂ©s sont de natures thermique, thermomĂ©canique ou chimique (tannage).Les effets des substitutions ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s grĂące Ă  des tests de Student comparant les lots expĂ©rimental vstĂ©moin (GP vs TS ou GP traitĂ©es vs GP crues). MalgrĂ© la quantitĂ© limitĂ©e de donnĂ©es disponibles et la diversitĂ©des pratiques alimentaires ainsi que des traitements technologiques appliquĂ©s, des tendances gĂ©nĂ©rales sedĂ©gagent, en particulier pour les variables mesurĂ©es in situ. Les protĂ©ines des GP crues sont systĂ©matiquementplus dĂ©gradables dans le rumen et moins digestibles dans l’intestin que celles du TS. Le remplacement du TS parune GP crue entraine Ă©galement une diminution du rapport N lait/N ingĂ©rĂ© et une diminution du taux protĂ©ique dulait. Lorsque les GP sont traitĂ©es technologiquement, les protĂ©ines sont moins dĂ©gradables dans le rumen et leurdigestibilitĂ© intestinale est amĂ©liorĂ©e. Certaines combinaisons « traitement × graine » entrainent une plus fortesĂ©crĂ©tion d’azote dans le lait (par exemple le lupin extrudĂ©) tandis que d’autres conduisent Ă  diminuer le tauxbutyreux du lait (par exemple la fĂ©verole toastĂ©e/torrĂ©fiĂ©e). Enfin, les quelques donnĂ©es disponibles pour lacomparaison entre TS et GP traitĂ©es montrent que certaines combinaisons permettent d’atteindre un niveau deprotection des protĂ©ines des GP similaire Ă  celui du TS (par exemple le pois autoclavĂ©) et que trĂšs peu dediffĂ©rences sont observĂ©es sur les paramĂštres mesurĂ©s in vivo. Cette synthĂšse montre qu'il est possible deremplacer le TS par des GP traitĂ©es dans les rations pour vaches laitiĂšres sans altĂ©rer significativement leursperformances zootechniques, Ă  condition de choisir les paramĂštres de traitements adaptĂ©s