867 research outputs found

    Como afecta la crisis de Venezuela la economía en Colombia

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    Los miles de inmigrantes que cruzan a diario la frontera con la intensión de ingresar a Colombia representan el símbolo más significativo de la crisis que está sufriendo Venezuela en este momento, y convierten a nuestro país en el principal apoyo para mitigar la crisis. Pero esta situación no solo afecta a Colombia a nivel social, también afecta el comercio entre los dos países, como es el caso de las exportaciones; esto se debe a que Colombia y Venezuela siempre han sido socios comerciales importantes y esta crisis afectó negativamente las relación entre los dos países hasta el punto de cerrar varias veces las fronteras, lo que le ocasionó a Venezuela un desabastecimiento de los productos que generalmente le compraba a Colombia y que por la cercanía de los dos países se comercializaban a un bajo costo sobre todo en transporte. La crisis entre los dos países afecto considerablemente a los exportadores colombianos sobre todo el área de las confecciones, esto debido a que después del conflicto se redujeron las ventas y esto generó disminución en la producción y consecuentemente disminución en la planta de personal, aumentando el nivel de desempleo en Colombia. Con esta investigación se busca analizar la afectación económica que se generó producto de la crisis entre los dos países, como actúa la oferta y la demanda antes y después de que se afectaran las relaciones entre los dos países y las repercusiones que esto genera en Colombia.Universidad Libre -- Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables -- Especialización en Gerencia Financiera InternacionalThe thousands of immigrants who cross the border every day with the intention of entering Colombia represent the most significant symbol of the crisis that Venezuela is suffering at this time, and make our country the main support to mitigate the crisis. But this situation not only affects Colombia at a social level, it also affects trade between the two countries, as is the case of exports; This is because Colombia and Venezuela have always been important trading partners and this crisis negatively affected the relationship between the two countries to the point of closing the borders several times, which caused Venezuela a shortage of the products that it usually bought from it. to Colombia and that, due to the proximity of the two countries, they were commercialized at a low cost, especially in transportation. The crisis between the two countries considerably affected Colombian exporters, especially in the area of ​​clothing, due to the fact that after the conflict sales were reduced and this generated a decrease in production and consequently a decrease in the personnel plant, increasing the level of unemployment in Colombia. This research seeks to analyze the economic impact that was generated as a result of the crisis between the two countries, how supply and demand act before and after the relations between the two countries were affected and the repercussions that this generates in Colombia

    Importance of Social Support of Parents of Children with Cancer: A Multicomponent Model Using Partial Least Squares-Path Modelling

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    he purpose of the present study is to build a model combining some variables that have been previously studied separately to improve our understanding on how they relate in parents of children with cancer. A total of 112 parents with an average age of 41 completed the self-assessment questionnaires containing the factors studied: social support received, social support provided, stress, adjustment of parents and life satisfaction. Two models were developed: one for social support received and one for social support provided. Structural equation models based on the variance estimated through partial least squares were used to analyze factors involved in quality of life based on an exploratory model of second order. The estimated model was robust in terms of quality of measurement (reliability and validity). According to results from the structural model, in the model of social support received, the impact of social support received on stress was considerable (β = −0.26; p = 0.02) and it explained 16% of the variance. The impact of social support received by parents on their adjustment (β = −0.56; p < 0.001) was also considerable, explaining 32% of the variance. Finally, adjustment of parents also showed an effect on life satisfaction (β = −0.33; p < 0.001) and it explained 26% of the variance. However, the relation between social support received (β = 0.15; p = 0.11) and life satisfaction, the relation between stress (β = −0.15; p = 0.08) and life satisfaction, and the relation between adjustment of parents (β = 0.20; p = 0.07) and stress were not significant. In the model of social support provided by parents, social support provided (β = 0.35; p < 0.001), and adjustment of parents (β = −0.31; p < 0.01) impacted life satisfaction, explaining 36% of the variance. Social support provided (β = −0.34; p < 0.01) impacted adjustment of parents and it explained 12% of the variance. (...)This work was supported by the Groups PAIDI, Junta de Andalucía, Spain [Grant Number HUM-590]. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Solitary colonic polypoid ganglioneuroma

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    This short report discusses a case of solitary colonic polypoid ganglioneuroma associated with melanosis coli in a woman with no systemic manifestations. To our knowledge this is the first ganglioneuroma reported in the literature in association with melanosis coli. The nature and significance of this event remains unclear, although this may be coincidental due to the laxative intake. Further investigation is necessary to clarify this point. The interest of this case lies moreover in the rarity of this entity and its endoscopic and histologic resemblance to sessile polyps frequent in the clinical practice

    Psychosocial and Sociodemographic Determinants Related to Chronic Diseases in Immigrants Residing in Spain

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    The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of the psychosocial determinants of satisfaction with social support, resilience and satisfaction with life, and the sociodemographic determinants of age, gender and length of residence on chronic diseases in immigrants living in Spain. The sample was composed of 1131 immigrants from Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia. 47.1% were men and 52.9% were women. Most relevant results point to age as the sociodemographic variable with the highest predictive effect in the six chronic diseases analyzed. Gender, in this case female, predicts arthrosis, chronic back pain and migraine, whereas length of residence was only significant in the case of chronic allergies. Regarding psychosocial variables, resilience is a good predictor of hypertension, chronic allergies and arthrosis. However, satisfaction with social support appears to be the best predictor for chronic back pain in the regression equation, satisfaction with life being a significant variable in migraine, arthrosis, allergies and high cholesterol. Results are notably relevant for the design of preventive health programs in immigrants, as well as in ensuring their appropriate access to the health system so that their chronic diseases can be diagnosed. Given the relevance and incidence of the chronic diseases analyzed in immigrants, preventive strategies should be improved to tackle chronic diseases that can have a serious impact on immigrants’ healthThis study was made possible by grants from the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry (Project I+D: PSI2013-40508-P). This research was supported by Grant Number HUM-590 (PAIDI, Junta de Andalucía). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    La importancia del apoyo social en el manejo del estrés en padres de niños con cáncer.

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    Nos planteamos como objetivo analizar si el apoyo social actúa amortiguando el estrés padecido por los padres de niños con cáncer. En el estudio participaron padres de niños con cáncer. Los datos se recogieron utilizando un cuestionario sobre el estrés y un cuestionario sobre el apoyo social. Los padres manifestaron sentir un estrés medio-alto, y en concreto les produce más estrés la frecuencia o el número elevado de situaciones a las que tienen que hacer frente que el propio esfuerzo de estas situaciones. También manifiestan un nivel de apoyo medio. Las correlaciones han sido significativas y negativas entre el apoyo social en sus fuentes y tipos con las dos dimensiones del estrés. Los análisis de regresión mostraron que el apoyo familiar disminuye la frecuencia del estrés, el apoyo de los amigos y la comunidad disminuyen el esfuerzo relacionado con el estrés. Con respecto a los tipos de apoyo es el instrumental el que disminuye la frecuencia del estrés y el apoyo informacional el que reduce el estrés relacionado con el esfuerzo. El análisis multidimensional del apoyo social y del estrés ha permitido estudiar en mayor profundidad las relaciones entre estas dos variables. Estos resultados son muy novedosos de cara a su aplicación práctica.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Eosinophilic Disorders: Extrinsic and Intrinsic Immune Response, New Diagnostic Perspectives, and Therapeutic Alternatives

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    Eosinophils are immune response cells located in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, and lymph nodes, among others; an increase in the number of eosinophils in the peripheral blood above 5000/mm3 is associated with conditions ranging from infections (bacterial and parasitic) and allergy (asthma, rhinitis, or drugs), even neoplasms. Various study groups have classified them according to their etiology, thus facilitating their diagnosis and treatment. The WHO divides them as primary and secondary and also considers the number of eosinophils/mm3 and the involvement of white organs, while others have divided them into intrinsic and extrinsic. The former include mutations in the pluripotential hematopoietic cells, which lead to chronic myeloid leukemias with clonal expansion of eosinophils and extrinsic ones where the changes are related to a TH2 response activated by different cytosines such as IL-5. Current treatments are specifically aimed at modifying the clonal expansion of eosinophils with corticosteroids, hydroxyurea, interferon (peg) alpha, imatinib, among others, and bone marrow transplantation, while in extrinsic alterations corticosteroids and IL inhibitors are used −5 (mepolizumab)

    A fatal case of Nocardia otitidiscaviarum pulmonary infection and brain abscess: taxonomic characterization by molecular techniques

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    We report on a rare case of pulmonary Nocardiosis and brain abscess caused by Nocardia otitidiscaviarum in an elderly woman with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Taxonomic identification involved phenotypic testing, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and complete 16S rRNA gene sequencing