143 research outputs found

    The Reality of Algorithm Agility:Studying the DNSSEC Algorithm Life-Cycle

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    The DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) add data origin authentication and data integrity to the Domain Name System (DNS), the naming system of the Internet. With DNSSEC, signatures are added to the information provided in the DNS using public key cryptography. Advances in both cryptography and cryptanalysis make it necessary to deploy new algorithms in DNSSEC, as well as deprecate those with weakened security. If this process is easy, then the protocol has achieved what the IETF terms "algorithm agility". In this paper, we study the lifetime of algorithms for DNSSEC. This includes: (i) standardizing the algorithm, (ii) implementing support in DNS software, (iii) deploying new algorithms at domains and recursive resolvers, and (iv) replacing deprecated algorithms. Using data from more than 6.7 million signed domains and over 10,000 vantage points in the DNS, combined with qualitative studies, we show that DNSSEC has only partially achieved algorithm agility. Standardizing new algorithms and deprecating insecure ones can take years. We highlight the main barriers for getting new algorithms deployed, but also discuss success factors. This study provides key insights to take into account when new algorithms are introduced, for example when the Internet must transition to quantum-safe public key cryptography

    Higher-Order Differential Attack on Reduced SHA-256

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    In this work, we study the application of higher-order differential attacks on hash functions. We show a second-order differential attack on the SHA-256 compression function reduced to 46 out of 64 steps. We implemented the attack and give the result in Table 1. The best attack so far (in a different attack model) with practical complexity was for 33 steps of the compression function


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    International audienceIACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC) is a forum for original results in all areas of symmetric cryptography, including the design and analysis of block ciphers, stream ciphers, encryption schemes, hash functions, message authentication codes, (cryptographic) permutations, authenticated encryption schemes, cryptanalysis and evaluation tools, and security issues and solutions regarding their implementation. ToSC implements an open-access journal/conference hybrid model following some other communities in computer science. All articles undergo a journal-style reviewing process and accepted papers are published in gold open access (in our case the Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0). The review procedures that we have followed strictly adhere to the traditions of the journal world. Full papers are assigned to the members of the Editorial Board. These members write detailed and careful reviews (usually without relying on subreviewers). Moreover, we have had a rebuttal phase, allowing authors to respond to the review comments before the final decisions. If necessary, the review process enables further interactions between the authors and the reviewers, mediated by the Co-Editors-in-Chief. Detailed discussions among the reviewers lead to one of the following four decisions for each paper: accept, in which case the authors submit their final camera-ready manuscript after editorial corrections; accept with minor revision, which means that the authors revise their manuscript and go through one or more iterations and reviews of the manuscript until the comments have been addressed in a satisfactory way; major revision, which means that the authors are requested to make major changes to their manuscript before submitting again in one of the next rounds; and reject, which means that the manuscript is deemed to be not suitable for publication in ToSC. The last four issues we have tried to refine the method (new for a community used to only accept or reject decisions) and decide in a more fair way when to assign major revisions. The review process shares with the high quality conferences that it is double-blind and adheres to a strict timing; but unlike a traditional conference, there are multiple submission deadlines per year. Each paper received at least three reviews; for submissions by Editorial Board members this was increased to at least four. Overall, we are very pleased with the quality and quantity of submissions, the detailed review reports written by the reviewers and the substantial efforts by the authors to further improve the quality of their work. We think that the review process leads to an increased quality of the papers that are published. The papers selected by the Editorial Board for publication in the last four issues were presented at the conference Fast Software Encryption (FSE). This gave the authors the opportunity to advertise their results and engage in discussions on further work. we received 33 submissions, out of which 10 were accepted, 4 of these after minor revisions; the number of papers that received a major revision decision was 4. For Volume 2017, Issue 3, we received 32 submissions, out of which 13 were accepted, 9 of these after minor revisions; the number of papers that received a major revisio

    Collisions and Semi-Free-Start Collisions for Round-Reduced RIPEMD-160

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    In this paper, we propose an improved cryptanalysis of the double-branch hash function RIPEMD-160 standardized by ISO/IEC. Firstly, we show how to theoretically calculate the step differential probability of RIPEMD-160, which was stated as an open problem by Mendel etet al.al. at ASIACRYPT 2013. Secondly, based on the method proposed by Mendel etet al.al. to automatically find a differential path of RIPEMD-160, we construct a 30-step differential path where the left branch is sparse and the right branch is controlled as sparse as possible. To ensure the message modification techniques can be applied to RIPEMD-160, some extra bit conditions should be pre-deduced and well controlled. These extra bit conditions are used to ensure that the modular difference can be correctly propagated. This way, we can find a collision of 30-step RIPEMD-160 with complexity 2702^{70}. This is the first collision attack on round-reduced RIPEMD-160. Moreover, by a different choice of the message words to merge two branches and adding some conditions to the starting point, the semi-free-start collision attack on the first 36-step RIPEMD-160 from ASIACRYPT 2013 can be improved. However, the previous way to pre-compute the equation T⋘S0⊞C0=(T⊞C1)⋘S1T^{\lll S_0}\boxplus C_0=(T\boxplus C_1)^{\lll S_1} costs too much. To overcome this obstacle, we are inspired by Daum\u27s et alet~al. work on MD5 and describe a method to reduce the time complexity and memory complexity to pre-compute that equation. Combining all these techniques, the time complexity of the semi-free-start collision attack on the first 36-step RIPEMD-160 can be reduced by a factor of 215.32^{15.3} to 255.12^{55.1}

    Heuristic Tool for Linear Cryptanalysis with Applications to CAESAR Candidates

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    Differential and linear cryptanalysis are the general purpose tools to analyze various cryptographic primitives. Both techniques have in common that they rely on the existence of good differential or linear characteristics. The difficulty of finding such characteristics depends on the primitive. For instance, AES is designed to be resistant against differential and linear attacks and therefore, provides upper bounds on the probability of possible linear characteristics. On the other hand, we have primitives like SHA-1, SHA-2, and Keccak, where finding good and useful characteristics is an open problem. This becomes particularly interesting when considering, for example, competitions like CAESAR. In such competitions, many cryptographic primitives are waiting for analysis. Without suitable automatic tools, this is a virtually infeasible job. In recent years, various tools have been introduced to search for characteristics. The majority of these only deal with differential characteristics. In this work, we present a heuristic search tool which is capable of finding linear characteristics even for primitives with a relatively large state, and without a strongly aligned structure. As a proof of concept, we apply the presented tool on the underlying permutations of the first round CAESAR candidates Ascon, Icepole, Keyak, Minalpher and Proest

    Note on the Robustness of CAESAR Candidates

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    Authenticated ciphers rely on the uniqueness of the nonces to meet their security goals. In this work, we investigate the implications of reusing nonces for three third-round candidates of the ongoing CAESAR competition, namely Tiaoxin, AEGIS and MORUS. We show that an attacker that is able to force nonces to be reused can reduce the security of the ciphers with results ranging from full key-recovery to forgeries with practical complexity and a very low number of nonce-misuse queries

    Higher-Order Cryptanalysis of LowMC

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    LowMC is a family of block ciphers developed particularly for use in multi-party computations and fully homomorphic encryption schemes, where the main performance penalty comes from non-linear operations. Thus, LowMC has been designed to minimize the total quantity of logical and operations, as well as the and depth. To achieve this, the LowMC designers opted for an incomplete S-box layer that does not cover the complete state, and compensate for it with a very dense, randomly chosen linear layer. In this work, we exploit this design strategy in a cube-like key-recovery attack. We are able to recover the secret key of a round-reduced variant of LowMC with 80-bit security, where the number of rounds is reduced from 11 to 9. Our attacks are independent of the actual instances of the used linear layers and therefore, do not exploit possible weak choices of them. From our results, we conclude that the resulting security margin of 2 rounds is smaller than expected

    Square Attack on 7-Round Kiasu-BC

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    Kiasu-BC is a tweakable block cipher presented within the TWEAKEY framework at AsiaCrypt 2014. Kiasu-BC is almost identical to AES-128, the only difference to AES-128 is the tweak addition, where the 64-bit tweak is xored to the first two rows of every round-key. The security analysis of the designers focuses primarily on related-key related-tweak differential characteristics and meet-in-the-middle attacks. For other attacks, they conclude that the security level of Kiasu-BC is similar to AES-128. In this work, we provide the first third-party analysis of Kiasu-BC. We show that we can mount Square attacks on up to 7-round Kiasu-BC with a complexity of about 248.52^{48.5} encryptions, which improves upon the best published 7-round attacks for AES-128. Furthermore, we show that such attacks are applicable to the round-reduced OCB3-like mode of the CAESAR candidate Kiasu. To be specific, we show a key-recovery attack on 7-round Kiasu≠\neq with a complexity of about 2822^{82} encryptions
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