273 research outputs found

    Analiysis of GNSS-RTK instruments testing on the ISO 17123-8

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    GNSS-instruments (Global Navigation Satellite System) are the standard field surveying equipment (in addition to tachymeter and levels) for geodetic network establishment and detail surveying. As in the case of other geodetic instruments, it is essential to pre-analyse GNSS-receiver quality parameters, obtained from laboratory calibration and/or field testing of the specific instrument and/or measuring method. Thus, the relevance of the results, as indicated by manufacturer, is obtained that may explain the suitability of a specific GNSS-instrument for field measurements. In 2007, the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), Technical Committee 172, Subcommittee 6 (ISO/TC 172/SC6), presented a comprehensive GNSS field testing procedures for real time measurements, based on statistical evaluation and verification of the manufacturer's hardware and firmware. The test can be performed anywhere on the field assuming that the test area includes minimal potential influences to GNSS measurements. At the same time, a test does not require any additional processing software, because the test data evaluation is based on elementary statistics. This paper presents the theoretical basis of GNSS instrument testing in accordance with the ISO 17123-8 guidelines and further examination of specific measurements on the selected site

    Content-aware image resizing in OpenCL

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    The purpose of this thesis was to test if the algorithm for content-aware image resizing runs faster on graphics processing unit in comparison to central processing unit. For that we chose content-aware image resizing algorithm called seam carving. With seam carving we can change image dimensions by finding the optimal seam which we can carve out or put in, depending on weather we want to shrink or enlarge the image. Seam is connected path from one side of the image to another and holds least important information of the image. With our testing we realized that this algorithm works best in images with monotone background. Because algorithm itself was not the purpose of this thesis we did not try to improve it. For implementation of this algorithm on graphics processing unit we used heterogeneous programming framework called OpenCL. OpenCL is a standard for heterogeneous parallel computing on cross-vendor and cross-platform hardware. We can describe OpenCL architecture with platform model, execution model, memory model and programming model. Each of them is described in details in chapter three. In chapter four we look at our implementation of seam carving algorithm. We had two approaches. One is carving one seam at the time, which means recalculating energy and its cumulative every time we carve out a seam. Second approach is carving multiple seams at a time. In this case we try to find more seams that we can carve out based on calculated energy and cumulative. We repeat the process until we get the desired image dimensions. Based on testing we realised that choosing the right work group size is really important, as well as implementation of kernels. If we choose wrong approach we can slow down its execution considerably, which is evident from the results of second approach. In this case the execution of the algorithm on central processing unit was faster then execution of it on graphics processing unit. We were more successful with implementation of first approach which runs faster on graphics processing unit then on central processing unit

    Kvalitativni vidiki ponudbe jezikovnih tečajev v Sloveniji - kako izbrati

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    In recent years there has been an increase in the number of language schools. Their common objective mission is good knowledge of foreign languages acquired in a good atmosphere. The main aim of this article is the comparison of different schools according to different kinds of courses. Quality aspects are researched regarding the methods of learning, materials, participants, teachers and prices. Some of competitive advantages are described as well.V zadnjih letih se je odprlo veliko novih jezikovnih šol. Skupni objektivni cilj različnih jezikovnih šol je doseči dobro znanje tujega jezika v prijetnem okolju. Osrednji cilj tega prispevka je primerjati šole glede na različne vire. Vidiki kakovosti so raziskani glede na učne metode, materiale, udeležence, učitelje in cene. V prispevku so opisane tudi nekatere konkurenčne prednosti

    "Insights" pristop k v učnim stilom

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    Avtorica v članku predstavi pristop Insights analize pri proučevanju učnih tipov posameznikov. Osebna učinkovitost pri pridobivanju je vedno pomembnejša, saj se vsak dan srečujemo z množico informacij in podatkov, ki jih je potrebno sprejeti in uporabiti. Avtorica je prepričana, da bi izvajalci izobraževanja s premišljenim pristopom pri oblikovanju programov lahko bistveno prispevali k uspdnejSemu in hitrejšemu obvladovanju znanja

    Timsko delo v v izobraževalnih organizacijah in analiza "insights" z metodo vpogleda do učinkovitega dela v timu

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    Timsko delo je postalo realnost, potreba in nuja izobrazevalnih organizacij, ljudskih univerz in javnih ali zasebnih izobrazevalnih zavodov. Na podrocju izobrazevanja odraslih je zaradi specificnosti ciljnih skupin se toliko pomembneje, da namenjamo posebno pozornost timskemu delu. s pomocjo analize vpogleda v stevilnih mednarodnih organizacijah poteka transformacija posameznikov, delovnih timov in organizacije v doseganje dobrih poslovnih in razvojnih rezultatov. Analize kazejo, daje kljuc uspdnih podjetij v razvijanju odlicnih odnosov takas sodelavci kot s poslovnimi partnerji. Vedenje Clanov je postala gonilna sila pri organiziranju in vodenju uCinkovitega skupinskega dela