13 research outputs found

    Liraglutide restores impaired associative learning in individuals with obesity

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    Survival under selective pressure is driven by the ability of our brain to use sensory information to our advantage to control physiological needs. To that end, neural circuits receive and integrate external environmental cues and internal metabolic signals to form learned sensory associations, consequently motivating and adapting our behaviour. The dopaminergic midbrain plays a crucial role in learning adaptive behaviour and is particularly sensitive to peripheral metabolic signals, including intestinal peptides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). In a single-blinded, randomized, controlled, crossover basic human functional magnetic resonance imaging study relying on a computational model of the adaptive learning process underlying behavioural responses, we show that adaptive learning is reduced when metabolic sensing is impaired in obesity, as indexed by reduced insulin sensitivity (participants: N = 30 with normal insulin sensitivity; N = 24 with impaired insulin sensitivity). Treatment with the GLP-1 receptor agonist liraglutide normalizes impaired learning of sensory associations in men and women with obesity. Collectively, our findings reveal that GLP-1 receptor activation modulates associative learning in people with obesity via its central effects within the mesoaccumbens pathway. These findings provide evidence for how metabolic signals can act as neuromodulators to adapt our behaviour to our body’s internal state and how GLP-1 receptor agonists work in clinics

    Different Roles of Direct and Indirect Frontoparietal Pathways for Individual Working Memory Capacity

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    The ability to temporarily store and manipulate information in working memory is a hallmark of human intelligence and differs considerably across individuals, but the structural brain correlates underlying these differences in working memory capacity (WMC) are only poorly understood. In two separate studies, diffusion MRI data and WMC scores were collected for 70 and 109 healthy individuals. Using a combination of probabilistic tractography and network analysis of the white matter tracts, we examined whether structural brain network properties were predictive of individual WMC. Converging evidence from both studies showed that lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex of high-capacity individuals are more densely connected compared with low-capacity individuals. Importantly, our network approach was further able to dissociate putative functional roles associated with two different pathways connecting frontal and parietal regions: a corticocortical pathway and a subcortical pathway. In Study 1, where participants were required to maintain and update working memory items, the connectivity of the direct and indirect pathway was predictive of WMC. In contrast, in Study 2, where participants were required to maintain working memory items without updating, only the connectivity of the direct pathway was predictive of individual WMC. Our results suggest an important dissociation in the circuitry connecting frontal and parietal regions, where direct frontoparietal connections might support storage and maintenance, whereas subcortically mediated connections support the flexible updating of working memory content.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTUsing diffusion MRI and network analysis, we found that the capacity of healthy individuals to temporally maintain information in working memory was related to a cortical pathway connecting frontal and parietal regions. The updating of working memory content, on the other hand, additionally involved a subcortical pathway connecting frontal and parietal regions via thalamus and basal ganglia. These results suggest that the two anatomical pathways serve different functional roles for working memory.</jats:p

    Basal ganglia and cerebellar interconnectivity within the human thalamus

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    Basal ganglia and the cerebellum are part of a densely interconnected network. While both subcortical structures process information in basically segregated loops that primarily interact in the neocortex, direct subcortical interaction has been recently confirmed by neuroanatomical studies using viral transneuronal tracers in non-human primate brains. The thalamus is thought to be the main relay station of both projection systems. Yet, our understanding of subcortical basal ganglia and cerebellar interconnectivity within the human thalamus is rather sparse, primarily due to limitation in the acquisition of in vivo tracing. Consequently, we strive to characterize projections of both systems and their potential overlap within the human thalamus by diffusion MRI and tractography. Our analysis revealed a decreasing anterior-to-posterior gradient for pallido-thalamic connections in: (1) the ventral-anterior thalamus, (2) the intralaminar nuclei, and (3) midline regions. Conversely, we found a decreasing posterior-to-anterior gradient for dentato-thalamic projections predominantly in: (1) the ventral-lateral and posterior nucleus; (2) dorsal parts of the intralaminar nuclei and the subparafascicular nucleus, and (3) the medioventral and lateral mediodorsal nucleus. A considerable overlap of connectivity pattern was apparent in intralaminar nuclei and midline regions. Notably, pallidal and cerebellar projections were both hemispherically lateralized to the left thalamus. While strikingly consistent with findings from transneuronal studies in non-human primates as well as with pre-existing anatomical studies on developmentally expressed markers or pathological human brains, our assessment provides distinctive connectional fingerprints that illustrate the anatomical substrate of integrated functional networks between basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Thereby, our findings furnish useful implications for cerebellar contributions to the clinical symptomatology of movement disorders

    Axonal degeneration in Parkinson's disease - Basal ganglia circuitry and D2 receptor availability

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    Basal ganglia (BG) circuitry plays a crucial role in the control of movement. Degeneration of its pathways and imbalance of dopaminergic signalling goes along with movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease. In this study, we explore the interaction of degeneration in two BG pathways (the nigro-striatal and dentato-pallidal pathway) with D2 receptor signalling to elucidate an association to motor impairment and medication response. Included in the study were 24 parkinsonian patients [male, 62 years ( +/- 9.3 SD)] compared to 24 healthy controls [male, 63 years ( +/- 10.2 SD)]; each participant passed through three phases of the study (i) acquisition of metadata/clinical testing, (ii) genotyping and (iii) anatomical/diffusion MRI. We report a decline in nigro-striatal (p .05). Interplay between basal ganglia connectivity and D2 receptor availability influence the clinical presentation and medication response of parkinsonian patients. Furthermore, while current models of basal-ganglia function emphasize that balanced activity in the direct and indirect pathways is required for normal movement, our data highlight a role of the cerebellum in compensating for physiological imbalances in this respect

    Increased meso-striatal connectivity mediates trait impulsivity in FTO variant carriers

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    ObjectiveWhile variations in the first intron of the fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO, rs9939609 T/A variant) have long been identified as a major contributor to polygenic obesity, the mechanisms underlying weight gain in risk allele carriers still remain elusive. On a behavioral level, FTO variants have been robustly linked to trait impulsivity. The regulation of dopaminergic signaling in the meso-striatal neurocircuitry by these FTO variants might represent one mechanism for this behavioral alteration. Notably, recent evidence indicates that variants of FTO also modulate several genes involved in cell proliferation and neuronal development. Hence, FTO polymorphisms might establish a predisposition to heightened trait impulsivity during neurodevelopment by altering structural meso-striatal connectivity. We here explored whether the greater impulsivity of FTO variant carriers was mediated by structural differences in the connectivity between the dopaminergic midbrain and the ventral striatum.MethodsEighty-seven healthy normal-weight volunteers participated in the study; 42 FTO risk allele carriers (rs9939609 T/A variant, FTO+ group: AT, AA) and 39 non-carriers (FTO− group: TT) were matched for age, sex and body mass index (BMI). Trait impulsivity was assessed via the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) and structural connectivity between the ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra (VTA/SN) and the nucleus accumbens (NAc) was measured via diffusion weighted MRI and probabilistic tractography.ResultsWe found that FTO risk allele carriers compared to non-carriers, demonstrated greater motor impulsivity (p = 0.04) and increased structural connectivity between VTA/SN and the NAc (p&lt; 0.05). Increased connectivity partially mediated the effect of FTO genetic status on motor impulsivity.ConclusionWe report altered structural connectivity as one mechanism by which FTO variants contribute to increased impulsivity, indicating that FTO variants may exert their effect on obesity-promoting behavioral traits at least partially through neuroplastic alterations in humans

    Structural differences in impaired verbal fluency in essential tremor patients compared to healthy controls

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    Objective We wanted to identify differences in grey and white matter in essential tremor patients compared to controls in the non-motor domain, using the example of impaired verbal fluency. Background A disturbance of verbal fluency in essential tremor patients compared to healthy controls is behaviorally well described. Methods Voxel-based morphometry and tract-based spatial statistics were used to analyze structural differences in grey and white matter in 19 essential tremor patients compared to 23 age- and gender-matched controls. Results Several significant observations were made. (I) There was less grey matter in the predominantly right precuneus in the essential tremor group compared to controls [p.05). Conclusion The present results indicate that non-motor symptoms such as verbal fluency (VBF) in ET have a structural substrate; their reproduction requires the integration of potential environmental plasticity effects, differentiation into individual clinical subtypes and a careful handling with methodological peculiarities of structural MR imaging

    GLP-1 and hunger modulate incentive motivation depending on insulin sensitivity in humans

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    Objective: To regulate food intake, our brain constantly integrates external cues, such as the incentive value of a potential food reward, with internal state signals, such as hunger feelings. Incentive motivation refers to the processes that translate an expected reward into the effort spent to obtain the reward; the magnitude and probability of a reward involved in prompting motivated behaviour are encoded by the dopaminergic (DA) midbrain and its mesoaccumbens DA projections. This type of reward circuity is particularly sensitive to the metabolic state signalled by peripheral mediators, such as insulin or glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). While in rodents the modulatory effect of metabolic state signals on motivated behaviour is well documented, evidence of state-dependent modulation and the role of incentive motivation underlying overeating in humans is lacking. Methods: In a randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover design, 21 lean (body mass index [BMI] < 25 kg/m(2)) and 16 obese (BMI3 30 kg/m(2)) volunteer participants received either liraglutide as a GLP-1 analogue or placebo on two separate testing days. Incentive motivation was measured using a behavioural task in which participants were required to exert physical effort using a handgrip to win different amounts of food and monetary rewards. Hunger levels were measured using visual analogue scales; insulin, glucose, and systemic insulin resistance as assessed by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) were quantified at baseline. Results: In this report, we demonstrate that incentive motivation increases with hunger in lean humans (F-(1,F-42) = 5.31, p = 0.026, beta = 0.19) independently of incentive type (food and non-food reward). This effect of hunger is not evident in obese humans (F-(1,F-62) = 1.93, p = 0.17, beta = -0.12). Motivational drive related to hunger is affected by peripheral insulin sensitivity (two-way interaction, F-(1,F- (35)) = 6.23, p = 0.017, beta = -0.281). In humans with higher insulin sensitivity, hunger increases motivation, while poorer insulin sensitivity dampens the motivational effect of hunger. The GLP-1 analogue application blunts the interaction effect of hunger on motivation depending on insulin sensitivity (three-way interaction, F-(1,F- 127) = 5.11, p = 0.026); no difference in motivated behaviour could be found between humans with normal or impaired insulin sensitivity under GLP-1 administration. Conclusion: We report a differential effect of hunger on motivation depending on insulin sensitivity. We further revealed the modulatory role of GLP-1 in adaptive, motivated behaviour in humans and its interaction with peripheral insulin sensitivity and hunger. Our results suggest that GLP-1 might restore dysregulated processes of midbrain DA function and hence motivational behaviour in insulin-resistant humans. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH

    Hypomania and saccadic changes in Parkinson's disease: influence of D2 and D3 dopaminergic signalling

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    In order to understand the influence of two dopaminergic signalling pathways, TaqIA rs1800497 (influencing striatal D2 receptor density) and Ser9Gly rs6280 (influencing the striatal D3 dopamine-binding affinity), on saccade generation and psychiatric comorbidities in Parkinson's disease, this study aimed to investigate the association of saccadic performance in hypomanic or impulsive behaviour in parkinsonian patients; besides we questioned whether variants of D2 (A1+/A1-) and D3 (B1+/B1-) receptor polymorphism influence saccadic parameters differently, and if clinical parameters or brain connectivity changes modulate this association in the nigro-caudatal and nigro-collicular tract. Initially, patients and controls were compared regarding saccadic performance and differed in the parameter duration in memory-guided saccades (MGS) and visually guided saccades (VGS) trials (p < 0.0001) and in the MGS trial (p < 0.03). We were able to find associations between hypomanic behaviour (HPS) and saccade parameters (duration, latency, gain and amplitude) for both conditions [MGS (p = 0.036); VGS (p = 0.033)], but not for impulsive behaviour. For the A1 variant duration was significantly associated with HPS [VGS (p = 0.024); MGS (p = 0.033)]. In patients with the B1 variant, HPS scores were more consistently associated with duration [VGS (p = 0.005); MGS (p = 0.015), latency [VGS (p = 0.022)]] and amplitude [MGS (p = 0.006); VGS (p = 0.005)]. The mediation analysis only revealed a significant indirect effect for amplitude in the MGS modality for the variable UPDRS-ON (p < 0.05). All other clinical scales and brain connectivity parameters were not associated with behavioural traits. Collectively, our findings stress the role of striatal D2 and D3 signalling mechanisms in saccade generation and suggest that saccadic performance is associated with the clinical psychiatric state in Parkinson's disease