125 research outputs found

    Some Remarks on Elementary Divisor Rings II

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    A commutative ring S with identity element 1 is called an elementary divisor ring (resp. Hermite ring) if for every matrix A over S there exist nonsingular matrices P, Q such that PAQ (resp. AQ) is a diagonal matrix (resp. triangular matrix). It is clear that every elementary divisor ring is an Hermite ring, and that every Hermite ring is an F-ring (that is, a commutative ring with identity in which all finitely generated ideals are principal)

    On Minimal Completely Regular Spaces Associated With a Given Ring of Continuous Functions

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    Let C(X) denote the ring of all continuous real-valued functions on a completely regular space X. If X and Y are completely regular spaces such that one is dense in the other, say X is dense in Y, and every f ε C(X) has a (unique) extension f E C(Y), then C(X) and C(Y) are said to be strictly isomorphic. In a recent paper [2], L. J. Heider asks if it is possible to associate with the completely regular space X a dense subspace μX minimal with respect to the property that C(μX) and C(X) are strictly isomorphic

    Review: J.M. Aarts and T. Nishiura, Dimension and Extensions (Amsterdam, London, New York, and Tokyo, 1993)

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    Reviewed work: J. M. Aarts and T. Nishiura. Dimension and extensions. North-Holland Math. Library, Amsterdam, London, New York, and Tokyo, 1993, xii + 331 pp., $106.50. ISBN 0444897402

    Please Carry Your Coals to Where They are Needed, Professor Stein

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    Review: J.R. Porter and R.G. Woods, Extensions and Absolutes of Hausdorff Spaces (New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1987)

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    Reviewed work: Jack R. Porter and R. Grant Woods. Extensions and absolutes of Hausdorff spaces. Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1987, xiii + 856 pp., $89.00. ISBN 0-387-96212-3

    What They Didn’t Tell Me About Calculus and the Computer

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    My first attempt at using computers as an aid to teaching calculus began in 1966 and culminated with the publication in 1971 of Single Variahle Calculus, written jointly with Milton Lees. Everyone used a mainframe and punched cards and few knew how to program. Computer use was limited to supplementary exercises that could be done today with a hand-held programmable calculator. A constructive sequential approach to limits and elementary numerical analysis were emphasized. The absence of programming displeased computer scientists, but it was too avant garde for all but a tiny minority of teachers of calculus. Attempts by others of this sort failed as well, but I believed then, as I do now, that the leaching of mathematics must take into account the revolution in our society created by the existence of electronic computers

    Some Remarks on a Paper of Aronszajn and Panitchpakdi

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    In the paper of the title [1], a number of problems are posed. Negative solutions of two of them (Problems 2 and 3) are derived in a straightforward way from a paper of L. Gillman and the present author [2]. Motivation will not be supplied since it is given amply in [1], but enough definitions are given to keep the presentation reasonably self contained

    On the Ideal Structure of the Ring of Entire Functions

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    Let R be the ring of entire functions, and let K be the complex field. The ring R consists of all functions from K to K differentiable everywhere (in the usual sense). The algebraic structure of the ring of entire functions seems to have been investigated extensively first by O. Helmer [1]. The ideals of R are herein classified as in [2]: an ideal I is called fixed if every function in it vanishes at at least one common point; otherwise, I is called free. The structure of the fixed ideals was determined in [1]. The structure of the free ideals is determined below. While examples of free ideals are easily given, transfinite methods seem to be needed to construct maximal free ideals. The latter are characterized below, and it is shown that the residue class field of a maximal free ideal is always isomorphic to K; the field theory of E. Steinitz [5] is used

    A Summary of Results on Order-Cauchy Completions of Rings and Vector Lattices of Continuous Functions

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    This paper is a summary of joint research by F. Dashiell, A. Hager and the present author. Proofs are largely omitted. A complete version will appear in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics. It is devoted to a study of sequential order-Cauchy convergence and the associated completion in vector lattices of continuous functions. Such a completion for lattices C(X) is related to certain topological properties of the space X and to ring properties of C(X). The appropriate topological condition on the space X equivalent to this type of completeness for the lattice C(X) was first identified for compact spaces X in [D]. This condition is that every dense cozero set S in X should be C*-embedded in X (that is, all bounded continuous functions on S extend to X). We call Tychonoff spaces X with this property quasi-F spaces (since they generalize the F-spaces of [GH])

    On Rings of Entire Functions of Finite Order

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    In an earlier paper, the author showed that if M is any maximal ideal of R, the residue class field R/M is isomorphic with the complex field K. In this paper, under some restrictions, this theorem is extended to the ring Rλ of all entire functions of order no greater than λ, and hence to R*
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