15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies; Perinatology Council Data of a Reference Center

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    INTRODUCTION: Central nervous system (CNS) anomalies are the second most common congenital malformations detected during antenatal period. Rates of prenatal diagnosis are aroung 96% in anencephaly, but drops down to approximately 14 % in migration anomalies.We aimed to determine the frequency and features of CNS anomalies evaluated in the perinatology council of our hospital where high-risk pregnancies were discussed and also to emphasize the importance of antenatal diagnosis. METHODS: Pregnant women, with a CNS anomaly detected in their fetus, who were evaluated between January 2019-December 2019 in the perinatology council of Tepecik Training and Research Hospital were included in the study. Retrospectively, the records of the cases were examined, prenatal, and maternal risk factors at the time of council session, the council decision and the results were recorded. Statistical analyzes were done using SPSS 20.0 program. RESULTS: Data of 1272 pregnant women were evaluated in the study, and 261 cases (20.5%) with CNS anomalies were detected. A total of 129 pregnant women were excluded from the study because follow-up of these patients were not realized in our center or they didn't give birth yet.. Totally, 132 pregnant women were included in the study. The mean maternal age was 26.99+-6.50 (14-42) years, the mean gestational age was 22.63+-7.08 (10.4-38.6) weeks. Most common CNS anomalies detected were neural tube defects (n=54; 40%), hydrocephalus/ventriculomegaly (n=36; 27%), migration defects (n=21; 15%) and cerebellar malformations (n=9; 6%). Termination of pregnancy was decided for 29.8% (n=78) of pregnant women, but realized only for 62 pregnancies. Among pregnancies which were decided to be continued due to the fact that gestational week was 22 weeks or more (n=51), had fetuses with neural tube defects (n=25; 50%) and hydrocephalus/ventriculomegaly (n=36; 27%) with poor prognosis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As the anomalies with high morbidity and mortality were referred to our hospital after the 22nd gestational week, termination option could not be offered to these pregnancies. High-risk pregnancies should be directed to perinatology centers in the early period so that this option can be presented to the family, appropriate follow-up and treatment of life-compatible ones

    Clinical endpoints in premature infants with different regimens of weaning total parenteral nutrition

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    GİRİŞ: Prematüre bebeklerin, özellikle çok düşük doğum ağırlıklı (VLBW) infantların hayatın erken dönemlerinde beslenmeleri total parenteral nutrisyon (TPN) desteğine bağımlıdır. TPN?nin ne zaman, nasıl başlanacağı ve nasıl arttırılacağı ile ilgili son yıllarda çok fazla sayıda çalışma yapılmış ve bu çalışmaların sonucunda yaygın kabul görmüş öneriler oluşturulmuştur. Ancak gerek çalışmalarda gerekse otorite önerilerinde TPN?nin nasıl kesileceği ve tam enteral beslenmeye nasıl geçileceği yeterince açık değildir. AMAÇ: Bu çalışma ile gestasyon yaşı 32 haftanın altında doğan prematüre infantlarda TPN desteğinden ayrılma aşamasında gereksinimleri olan düzeyde protein, yağ ve enerji oranlarının tümüyle sağlanmasına yönelik uygulanan yeni TPN?den ayırma protokolünün önceki uygulamaya göre biyokimyasal parametreler, büyüme ölçümleri, prematürite sorunları, hastanede yatış süreleri ve ekstrauterin büyüme geriliği (EUBG) üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Ünitemizde Mayıs 2012-Mayıs 2013 tarihleri arasında yatarak takip edilen ?32. gestasyonel haftada doğan 50 prematüre infant çalışmaya dahil edildi. İlk 6 ay uygulanan mevcut protokolün ardından ikinci 6 ayda yeni protokol uygulanarak çalışma tamamlandı. Çalışmaya alınan hastaların demografik özellikleri, majör morbiditeleri, uygulanan tedavi ve laboratuar verileri ile ayrıntılı antropometrik özellikleri ve uygulanan beslenme protokolüne ait veriler kaydedildi. Taburculuk ve doğum ağırlığı z-skoru farkı ve taburculukta belirlenen büyüme hızları hesaplandı. BULGULAR: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 50 infantın ilk antropometrik değerlendirmesinde SGA oranı kontrol grubunda %12 (n=3), çalışma grubunda % 8 (n=2) olarak bulundu. Maternal, perinatal ve klinik özellikleri değerlendirildiğinde iki grup arasında fark saptanmadı. Hastaların ortalama doğum ağırlığı (DA), DA persentili ve DA z skoru, doğum boyu (DB), DB persentili ve DB z skoru, doğum başçevresi (DBç), DBç persentili ve DBç z skoru benzer olarak saptanırken, taburculuk sırasında yapılan antropometrik değerlendirmelerde ulaşılan VA z skoru ve VA persentili ölçümlerinin çalışma grubunda istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde farklı olduğu bulundu (sırasıyla p=0,03, p=0,02). Doğum tartısına ulaşma zamanı benzer olan iki grupta postkonsepsiyonel 36. hafta ve taburculuk sırasında bakılan büyüme hızları ve z skoru değişimleri arasında fark olmadığı görülürken, EUBG gelişme oranı kontrol grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek saptandı (p=0,009). Ölçümle elde edilen nütrisyonel özellikler değerlendirildiğinde enteral beslenmeye başlanma günü, total enteral beslenmeye geçiş günü ve parenteral beslenme gün sayısı açısından her iki grup arasında fark yoktu. Postnatal birinci haftada sağlanan total protein, lipid ve kalori miktarları için her iki grup arasında fark bulunmaz iken, enteral beslenmenin artışıyla başlayan TPN?den ayrılma döneminin ilk haftasında, çalışma grubunda bu oranların anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olarak sağlandığı saptandı (sırasıyla p<0.001, p<0.001 ve p<0.001). Bu dönemde sağlanan total protein, lipid ve kalori alımları günlük olarak değerlendirildiğinde istatiksel olarak anlamlı farkın devam ettiği görüldü(sırasıyla p<0.001, p<0.001 ve p<0.001) TPN?den ayrılma döneminin 2 haftasında da benzer şekilde haftalık ve günlük olarak protein ve enerji alımlarının çalışma grubunda daha yüksek olduğu saptandı. Protein alımı kontrol grubunda ortalama 2,5 gr/kg/gün iken, çalışma grubunda bu oran 3,6 gr/kg/gün olarak bulundu. TPN?den ayrılma döneminde 3. haftaya gelindiğinde günlük ve haftalık protein alımları arasındaki fark istatiksel olarak anlamlı idi (p=0,00). Hastaların izlemleri sırasında değerlendirilen hemogram ve biyokimyasal parametreleri postnatal 1.haftada her iki grup arasında benzer iken, postnatal 4.haftada değerlendirilen laboratuar testlerinden BUN ve total protein düzeylerinin çalışma grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu saptandı. SONUÇ: Benzer maternal ve perinatal özelliklere sahip ?32. gestasyonel haftada doğan infantlara uygulanan iki farklı TPN?dan ayrılma protokolünden; belli bir oranda sabit protein, lipid ve dolayısıyla enerji alımlarını hedefleyen uygulama ile, bu bebeklerde taburculukta daha iyi VA persentili ve z skoru değerlerine ulaşılmış ve EUBG oranları anlamlı derecede azaltılmıştır. Ek morbiditelerde bir artışa neden olmadan, antropometrik ölçümlerde iyileşmeye ek olarak daha iyi biyokimyasal veriler sağlayan bu yeni uygulama çok düşük doğum ağırlıklı infantlarda daha iyi bir nörogelişimi destekleyebilir BACKGROUND: Nutrition of premature newborns, especially very low birth weight (VLBW) infants in early periods of life is provided by total parenteral nutrition (TPN) support. There have been an increasing number of studies in recent years about the starting time, how to begin and how to increase TPN dose and, commonly accepted recommendations were generated. There is no clear study data or author recommendations concerning any regimen about weaning TPN and passing to full enteral nutrition. OBJECTIVE: A new weaning regimen from TPN was compared with the older one in premature infants of lower than 32 weeks gestational age. The nutrition protocols were prepared to fully provide the necessary levels of protein, lipid and energy needs in those infants in the stage of weaning TPN. Biochemical parameters, growth measurements, prematurity disorders, hospitalization durations and extrauterine growth retardation were compared between groups clinical endpoints. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 50 premature newborn born at ?32 weeks gestational age and followed in our neonatal intensive care unit between May 2012 and May 2013 were included. The older protocol was given to the newborns for first 6 months and the newer protocol was given in the 2nd 6 month period of time. Data of demographics, major morbidities, treatments given, laboratory results, detailed anthropometric measurements and nutrition protocol given were recorded. Substraction of z-scores at the date of hospital discharge and delivery, and growth velocities determined at hospital discharge were calculated. RESULTS: Initial anthropometric evalaution of the 50 premature newborns showed SGA rates were 12% (n=3) and 8% (n=2) in control and study groups, respectively. There were no difference between maternal, perinatal and clinical features among groups. Mean birth weigth (BW), BW percentile and BW z-score, birth length (BL), BL percentile and BL z-score, head circumference (HC), HC percentile and HC z-score were similar among groups. But reached body weight (BW) z score and BW percentile found at antropometric measurements performed at hospital discharge were statistically different in study group (p_0,03 and p=0,02, respectively). Time period of reaching birth weight, growth velocities calculated at 36th week and hospital discharge and changes in z-scores were similar in both groups. EUGR was found higher in control group at a statistical significant level (p=0.009). Nutritional features found with measurement as starting day of enteral nutrition, beginning day of full enteral nutrition and number of days of enteral nutrition were not diiferent among groups. There were no differences between total protein, lipid and caloric amounts provided at postnatal first week among both group. But those amounts were found higher in study group at the first week of increasing enteral nutrition and weaning TPN at statistically significant levels (p<0.001, p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). These statistically significant differences in daily total protein, lipid and caloric intake amounts were found to be continued at this period of time (p<0.001, p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Daily and weekly calculated protein and caloric intakes were similarly higher in study group in the first 2 weeks time of weaning TPN. Mean protein intake was found as 2.5 g/kg/day in control and 3.6 g/kg/day in study groups. Differences between daily and weekly protein intakes were statistically significant at the 3rd week of weaning TPN (p=0.00). Routine biochemistry results and complete blood count levels were similar at the first postnatal week. But BUN and total protein levels were higher in study group at 4th postnatal week at statistically significant levels. CONCLUSIONS: Two different weaning TPN regimens were given to newborns with ?32 weeks of gestational age with similar maternal and perinatal fetaures. The new regimen which is targeting a fixed rate of stable intake of protein, lipid and calorie provided a higher BW percentile and z-score and, EUGR rates were significantly decreased. This new regimen did not increase the morbidities, caused a better profile of anthropometric meaasurements and biochemical results, and might support a better nurodevelopment in VLBW infants

    Acute suppurative parotitis in early neonatal period Erken yenidoğan döneminde akut süpüratif parotit

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    Acute neonatal suppurative parotitis (NSP) is a rare condition, characterized by parotid swelling and other local inflammatory signs. Common predisposing conditions include dehydration, Stensen’s duct stasis, local trauma, immune suppression and prematurity. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common pathogen isolated from infants with NSP. Here, we present a case of unilateral suppurative parotitis successfully treated with ampicillin in a 7-day-old infant. In conclusion, acute NSP should be kept in mind in cases of swelling and tenderness in parotid gland during neonatal period

    Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation with or without very early surfactant therapy for the primary treatment of respiratory distress syndrome

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    Aim: Current evidence suggests that nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) as a primary treatment for RDS reduces the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) comparing with nasal continuous airway pressure (NCPAP). We aimed to evaluate whether very early surfactant treatment decreases the need for MV when used in premature infants treated with early NIPPV soon after birth.Methods: The inclusion criteria of this prospective cohort study were a gestational age of 24-31(6/7) weeks and supplemental oxygen with the evidence of labored breathing within 60min. Infants were stabilized on NCPAP and then continued with NIPPV, following early surfactant treatment, or were only put on NIPPV. Thirty infants in the NIPPV group and 29 infants in the NIPPV+SURFACTANT group met the inclusion criteria. Primary end-point was the need of MV in the first 72h of life according to the predefined criteria.Results: The failure rate was significantly lower in the NIPPV+SURFACTANT group compared with the NIPPV group (37.9% and 66.7% respectively, p<0.05). All other results, including bronchopulmonary dysplasia and death, were similar between the groups.Conclusion: NIPPV failure was significantly lower when combined with surfactant treatment, which indicates the critical role of early surfactant treatment in reducing the need for invasive ventilation

    Bacillus Calmette-Guerín vaccination: a novel therapeutic approach to preventing hyperoxic lung injury.

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    Objective: A growing body of evidence suggests that vaccinations play a role in the normal maturation of the immune system and in both the development and balance of immune regulatory pathways that can impact health later in life. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin ( BCG) vaccine on the hyperoxia-induced neonatal rat lung injury