547 research outputs found


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    Quadro della letteratura italiana in et\ue0 napoleonica

    La leopardistica nel terzo millennio

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    Analisi della attuale condizione degli studi su Giacomo Leopardi

    Vieusseux e il giornalismo letterario e civile

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    L'articolo ricostruisce l'esperienza dell'"Antologia" dal punto di vista della componente letteraria, attraverso i protagonisti che animarono la vita del Gabinetto Scientifico e Letterario di Giovan Pietro Vieusseux, fondato a Firenze nel 1819, nella civilt\ue0 del moderatismo liberale proprio del Granducato di Toscana in piena Restaurazione. La ricerca si avvale di nuovi documenti recuperati nelle collezioni del Gabinetto Vieusseux

    Essays on the Macroeconomics of Incomplete Information

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    In the first chapter, I develop and estimate a dynamic general equilibrium model with imperfectly informed firms in the sense of Woodford (2002). The model has two aggregate shocks: a monetary policy shock and a technology shock. Firms observe idiosyncratic noisy signals about these shocks and face strategic complementarities in price setting. In this environment, agents\u27 forecasting the forecasts of others can produce realistic dynamics of model variables, with associated highly persistent real effects of monetary shocks and delayed effects of such shocks on inflation. The paper provides a full Bayesian analysis of the model, revealing that it can capture the persistent propagation of monetary shocks only by predicting that firms acquire less information about monetary policy than about technology. To further investigate this finding, I augment the model to allow firms to optimally choose how much information to acquire about the two shocks, subject to an information-processing constraint à la Sims (2003). This constraint sets the rate at which firms can substitute pieces of information about the two shocks. I find that, in the estimated model, firms\u27 marginal value of the information about monetary policy shocks is much higher than that about technology shocks. I argue that this finding admits two alternative interpretations. First, firms acquire implausibly too little information about the monetary shock in the estimated model. Second, the rate of substitution implied by the information-processing constraint is inconsistent with the data. In the third chapter, I develop a model where firms have incomplete and dispersed information to study how monetary policy affects agents\u27 beliefs. I estimate the model through Bayesian methods and find that dispersed information has two main implications for monetary policy. First, it reduces the real effects of money. Second, it raises the output loss associated with a monetary policy of disinflation

    Il primo Ottocento: entusiasmi e desolazioni nella coscienza della tradizione

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    Testo della relazione tenuta nella IV sessione plenaria del Congresso annuale

    Pietro Giordani, "Panegirico ad Antonio Canova"

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    Il Panegirico a Canova \ue8 un'opera di vasto impegno elaborativo e documentario, che come altre opere giordaniane non ha avuto la sorte di giungere a compimento. In conformit\ue0 con l'impostazione critica della raccolta in cui vede la luce, questa analisi \ue8 condotta sul paragrafo iniziale del testo, evidenziandone gli aspetti stilistici e retorici per rintracciare affinit\ue0 fino a oggi sfuggite con l'incipit dell'altro, celebre panegirico giordaniano, a Napoleone Bonaparte

    A Likelihood Analysis of Models with Information Frictions

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    This paper develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model where firms are imperfectly informed. We estimate the model through likelihood-based methods and find that it can explain the highly persistent real effects of monetary disturbances that are documented by a benchmark VAR. The model of imperfect information nests a model of rational inattention where firms optimally choose the variances of signal noise, subject to an information-processing constraint. We present an econometric procedure to evaluate the predictions of this rational inattention model. Implementing this procedure delivers insights on how to improve the fit of rational inattention models.Imperfect common knowledge; rational inattention; Bayesian econometrics; real effects of nominal shocks; VAR identification

    Report on European Monetary Union

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    european union, financial markets, fiscal policy competition

    American amateur diplomats during the administrations of Woodrow Wilson: An evaluation

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    Competences Mapping as a Tool to increase Sustainability of Manufacturing Enterprises

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    Abstract Craftsman skills are often necessary in several industrial productions to realize complex processes, which are not feasible or convenient to be made by full automation. Such skills are also required, in particular in companies manufacturing luxury goods, to make unique products of high quality. Experienced workers play an important role in these cases. Therefore, it is strategic for enterprises to be aware of which competences are required for each process and of how it is possible to educate and train workers to acquire them. A mapping of the competences of workers at the leather cutting department of a famous fashion enterprise has been carried out using a method that is described in this paper. This methodology can be applied to any production area to identify the skills needed to perform the tasks necessary for the product fabrication. Knowledge deriving from the mapping is fundamental to increase the efficiency of the production, to manage human resources and to assess the contribution of craftsmanship in the industrial manufacturing, therefore to improve the product and the company sustainability