6 research outputs found

    Familial component of early-onset colorectal cancer: opportunity for prevention

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    [Background]: Individuals with a non-syndromic family history of colorectal cancer are known to have an increased risk. There is an opportunity to prevent early-onset colorectal cancer (age less than 50 years) (EOCRC) in this population. The aim was to explore the proportion of EOCRC that is preventable due to family history of colorectal cancer. [Methods]: This was a retrospective multicentre European study of patients with non-hereditary EOCRC. The impact of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), U.S. Multi-Society Task Force (USMSTF), and National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines on prevention and early diagnosis was compared. Colorectal cancer was defined as potentially preventable if surveillance colonoscopy would have been performed at least 5 years before the age of diagnosis of colorectal cancer, and diagnosed early if colonoscopy was undertaken between 1 and 4 years before the diagnosis. [Results]: Some 903 patients with EOCRC were included. Criteria for familial colorectal cancer risk in ESGE, USMSTF, and NCCN guidelines were met in 6.3, 9.4, and 30.4 per cent of patients respectively. Based on ESGE, USMSTF, and NCCN guidelines, colorectal cancer could potentially have been prevented in 41, 55, and 30.3 per cent of patients, and diagnosed earlier in 11, 14, and 21.1 per cent respectively. In ESGE guidelines, if surveillance had started 10 years before the youngest relative, there would be a significant increase in prevention (41 versus 55 per cent; P = 0.010). [Conclusion]: ESGE, USMSTF, and NCCN criteria for familial colorectal cancer were met in 6.3, 9.4, and 30.4 per cent of patients with EOCRC respectively. In these patients, early detection and/or prevention could be achieved in 52, 70, and 51.4 per cent respectively. Early and accurate identification of familial colorectal cancer risk and increase in the uptake of early colonoscopy are key to decreasing familial EOCRC.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through project PI20/0974 to J.P and PI19/01867 to F.B. (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund ‘A way to make Europe’); and Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (Generalitat de Catalunya, GRC 2017SGR653). Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III


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    El bazo es un órgano abdominal que desempeña diversas funciones como son la formación de células, hemocateresis, metabolismo de la hemoglobina y del hierro. Este es afectado en traumas toraco-abdominales y crisis de secuestro esplénico los cuales son indicativos de esplenectomía, por lo cual es de importancia vital el conocimiento de su irrigación. En esta investigación se estudiaron 51 arterias esplénicas de fetos humanos venezolanos de 20 a 40 semanas de gestación, fijados y conservados con formol al 10 %, cuyo sistema arterial fue perfundido con vinil rojo a fin de obtener una mejor definición del sistema, en las que se detalló la contribución de la arteria esplénica en la irrigación del bazo. En el 78,43 % de los casos la arteria esplénica se divide en dos ramas terminales (superior e inferior), en el 21,57 % en tres ramas (superior, media, e inferior); con presencia de rama colateral polar superior en el 33,33 % de los casos. Se observó la A. gastroepiploica izquierda en 72,55 % de los casos, siendo su origen en el 82,35 % de los casos de la rama terminal inferior de la esplénica y en 5,88 % de los casos de la rama superiorABSTRACT: The Spleen is located in the abdomen, it accomplishes several functions as lymphoid cells generation, hemoglobin and iron metabolism, etc. It is deeply affected in abdominal injuries, that could lead to splenectomies. In this order it is vital an appropriate knowledge of the blood supply to this organ. In these way 51 splenic arteries belonging to Venezuelan human fetuses were observed; the gestational ages were from 20 to 40 weeks, they were previously 10 % paraformaldehyde fixed, and afterwards they were red vinyl perfused. After a careful observation of the sample we found: In 78.43 splenic artery gives off 2 terminal braches (superior and inferior), in 21.57 % the artery gives origin to three terminal branches (superior, intermediate and inferior). Polaris superior artery was present in 33.33 % of the sample. Gastroepiploic artery was seen arising from inferior splenic branch in 82.35 % of the sample, and in 5.88 % taking origin from superior splenic branch, also it was present in 72.55 % of the serie

    Diferentes tipos de pelvis óseas en una muestra de fetos venezolanos.Different types of Pelvis in Venezuelan fetal sample. Different types of Pelvis in Venezuelan fetal sample.

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    Las observaciones obtenidas del estudio realizado en 61 pelvis, pertenecientes a esqueletos de fetos humanos venezolanos, cuyas edades gestacionales están comprendidas entre 20 y 40 semanas, son presentadas en este trabajo. El material empleado en el estudio de los distintos tipos de pelvis y su identificación por orden de frecuencia, fue fijado con formol al 10%, luego se practicó la resección completa de tejidos blandos y posteriormente fueron clasificados según sexo y sometidos a una medición cuidadosa de los diámetros transverso y antero posterior del estrecho superior de la pelvis ósea, identificándose además lascaracterísticas de las paredes laterales y del ángulo subpúbico, las que permitieron su clasificación en pelvis antropoide, androide, ginecoide y platipeloide. Observándose en el sexo masculino (31 casos estudiados) pelvis androide en 50% de los casos, ginecoide y platipeloide en un 19 % de los casos cada uno, y antropoide en un 6% de los casos. En el sexo femenino (30 casos estudiados) encontramos en un 54% de los casos pelvis tipo androide, en un 30 % de los casos ginecoide, 13% de los casos antropoide y 3 % de los casos platipeloide.Palabras clave : pelvis osea, tipos de pelvis.SUMMARYThe results of a research in 61 human pelvis, belonging to Venezuelan foetal esqueletons, whose ages ranged from 20 to 40 weeks are reported. The research was performed in order to identify pelvis types, and its frequency in the sample. In this aim the fetuses were 10 % formol fixed, the tissues and muscles were carefully dissected and removed, afterwards the pelvis were classified according to sex, employing transverse and antero posterior pelvic diameters, pelvic walls characteristics, and sub pubic angle, those that allowed their anthropoid classification in android, gynecoid, and platypelloid. Obtaining in male fetuses (31 cases) android pelvis in 50 % of the sample, gynecoid and platypelloid 19 % on each of them, and anthropoid in 6%. In female pelvis (30 studied cases) was in a 54% of the cases type android, in 30 % of the cases gynecoid, 13% of cases anthropoid and 3 % of the cases platypelloid.                         &nbsp

    Telomere Length as a New Risk Marker of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer

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    Early-onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC; age younger than 50 years) incidence has been steadily increasing in recent decades worldwide. The need for new biomarkers for EOCRC prevention strategies is undeniable. In this study, we aimed to explore whether an aging factor, such as telomere length (TL), could be a useful tool in EOCRC screening. The absolute leukocyte TL from 87 microsatellite stable EOCRC patients and 109 healthy controls (HC) with the same range of age, was quantified by Real Time Quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Then, leukocyte whole-exome sequencing (WES) was performed to study the status of the genes involved in TL maintenance (hTERT, TERC, DKC1, TERF1, TERF2, TERF2IP, TINF2, ACD, and POT1) in 70 sporadic EOCRC cases from the original cohort. We observed that TL was significantly shorter in EOCRC patients than in healthy individuals (EOCRC mean: 122 kb vs. HC mean: 296 kb; p hTERT (rs79662648), POT1 (rs76436625, rs10263573, rs3815221, rs7794637, rs7784168, rs4383910, and rs7782354), TERF2 (rs251796 and rs344152214), and TERF2IP (rs7205764) genes and the risk of developing EOCRC. We consider that the measurement of germline TL and the status analysis of telomere maintenance related genes polymorphisms at early ages could be non-invasive methods that could facilitate the early identification of individuals at risk of developing EOCRC