5 research outputs found

    Efeito da centrifugação e do líquido prostático homólogo na criopreservação de espermatozoides epididimários caninos Effect of centrifugation and homologous prostatic fluid on canine epydidimal spermatozoa cryopreservation

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    Realizaram-se dois experimentos de criopreservação de espermatozoides epididimários caninos, investigando-se o efeito da centrifugação e da adição do líquido prostático sobre as características físicas do espermatozoide pós-descongelação. No experimento I, foi testado o efeito da centrifugação. As amostras congeladas sem centrifugação apresentaram pós-descongelação: motilidade total (MT) de 26,7±21,2%, motilidade progressiva (MP) de 21,2±20,1% e vigor espermático (V) de 2,2±1,3, e as congeladas após a centrifugação: MT de 23,9±17,9%, MP de 20,6±17,4% e V de 2,2±1,0. No teste de termorresistência, o período médio de duração com MT mínima de 10% foi de 165±21,2 minutos sem centrifugação e de 77,5±63,6 minutos para as centrifugadas, indicando maior longevidade espermática das amostras não centrifugadas. No experimento II, foi avaliado o efeito da adição de líquido prostático homólogo no meio diluidor. As amostras congeladas sem líquido prostático no meio diluidor apresentaram MT de 13,3±13,1%, MP de 10,9±11,4% e V de 2,1±1,2, e as congeladas com líquido prostático MT de 14,1±12,6%, MP de 12,2±11,6% e V de 2,2±1,3. Os resultados sugerem que a centrifugação e a adição de 10% de líquido prostático ao diluidor não tiveram efeito sobre as características físicas do espermatozoide epididimário canino pós-descongelamento.<br>The effect of centrifugation and the prostatic fluid addition were evaluated on the physical characteristics of the cryopreserved canine epydidimal spermatozoa. In the first experiment, the effect of centrifugation was analysed. The samples without centrifugation showed 26.7±21.2% of total motility (TM), 21.2±20.1% of progressive motility (PM), and 2.2±1.3 of intensity of movement (I). In addition, the samples after centrifugation showed 23.9±17.9% of TM, 20.6±17.4% of PM, and 2.2±1 of I. The mean time of samples duration, at least with 10% of total motility, was 165±21.2min without centrifugation and 77.5±63.6min with centrifugation during the thermal resistance test. It suggests a better spermatic longevity in samples without centrifugation. In the second experiment, the effect of the prostatic fluid addition was evaluated. The samples cryopreserved without prostatic fluid showed 13.3±13.1%, 10.9±11.4%, and 2.1±1.2% of TM, PM, and I, respectively. Furthermore, the samples with prostatic fluid showed 14.1±12.6%, 12.2±11.6%, and 2.2±1.3% of TM, PM, and I, respectively. These data support that centrifugation and 10% of prostatic fluid addition does not induce any effect on the physical characteristics of canine epydidimal spermatozoa cryopreserved

    Durability of NO Oxidation Effectiveness of Pavement Surfaces Treated with Photocatalytic Titanium Dioxide

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    Nowadays, photocatalysis has demonstrated to be a reliable solution in order to purify the atmosphere from the pollutants originated by vehicular traffic. Owing to the primary importance of this problem, the potential of innovative photocatalytic techniques, dealing with the immobilization of titanium dioxide TiO2 on the surface of the asphalt pavement, has been investigated. In particular, three different products, two bituminous emulsions and a cement mortar, were applied on the right lane and on the emergency lane of a highway section in Italy. The effectiveness of the photocatalytic treatments and its evolution with time were evaluated on cores taken after 1, 17, 46, 88, 218, and 527 days from the application of the products. Two tests were carried out on the cores: The NO degradation was evaluated through continuous flow tests, and the size of the treated areas was quantified by means of digital image analysis methods. The research showed interesting results, as all the techniques, in particular the bituminous emulsion-based products, proved to have a good effectiveness in air de-polluting, even if a decay of performance was noted, depending of traffic and weather conditions