52 research outputs found

    The place of meldonium in complex treatment of patients with comorbidity of chronic pancreatitis and stable coronary heart disease

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    Metabolic therapy is one of few ways to recreate normal work of all vital organs and systems. The aim of the work was to examine the efficiency of protracted treatment with metabolic medication Vazonat (meldonium dihydrate) on the correction of the prooxidant-antioxidant and trophological violation in patients with comorbide course of chronic pancreatitis (CP) and stable coronary artery disease (SCAD). The study included 90 patients with CP and SCAD who were divided into two groups: I group (45 patients) received standard treatment (ST); II group (45 patients) except ST additionally received meldonium according to the following sketch: 5ml intravenously once a day during 10 days with its succeeding receiving of 250 mg twice a day in capsules during one month. It was proved that adding meldonium to the complex treatment of the patients with CP and SCAD comorbidity greatly assists improving of the indices of trophological and prooxidant-antioxidant in comparison with general basic therapy

    Europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

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    Розглянуто основні пріоритети стратегії інтелектуального, стійкого і всеосяжного розвитку Євросоюзу «Європа 2020» у контексті напрямків економічного розвитку України і участі українських учених у спільних проектах програмиThe main priorities of the strategy of intelligent, sustainable and comprehensive development of the European Union «Europe 2020» in the context of areas of economic development of Ukraine and the participation of Ukrainian scientists in joint projects progra

    Дослідження естерифікації суміші нижчих дикарбонових кислот 2-етилгексан-1-олом у присутності п-толуенсульфонової кислоти

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    Regularities of esterification of the mixture of lower dicarboxylic acids (succinic, glutaric, adipic) by 2-ethylhexan-1-ol in the presence of catalysts – p-toluensulfonic and sulfuric acids under non-stationary conditions were studied. It was found that in the presence of mineral acid, the reaction flows at a lower rate. Application of benzene as a substance that facilitates separation of water, formed in the esterification reaction, makes it possible, due to a lower reaction temperature, to decrease energy consumption of the process at an increase in conversion of dicarboxylic acids from 95.8 to 99.5 %. It was shown that the use of activated carbon of different brands simultaneously with catalysis by p-toluensulfonic acid with virtually the same effectiveness can decrease chromaticity intensity of esterification products by more than three times. The use of finely dispersed activated carbon 208CP and DCL 200 compared with coarse-grained activated carbon BAU-A additionally provides higher intensity of esterification reaction due to improvement of removal of water from the reaction mixture. It was found that an increase in the content of activated carbon DLC 200 by more than 0.3 % by weight in the reaction mixture contributes to a sharp decrease in the process intensity. This influence is explained by neutralization of a part of the catalysts by alkaline components of activated carbon, which decreases its active concentration and inhibits the reaction. Optimum conditions of the esterification process were proposed. The authors determined dependences of density and kinematic viscosity of the mixture of diesters of succinic, glutaric and adipic acids, and 2-ethylhexan-1-ol, separated from the esterification reaction products, on temperature and described them with regression equationsИсследована этерификация низших дикарбоновых кислот 2-этилгексан-1-олом, катализируемая п-толуолсульфоновой кислотой. Определено влияние бензола, катализатора, активированного угля на продолжительность реакции, конверсию карбоксильных групп реагентов и интенсивность окраски реакционной смеси. Установлены оптимальные условия процесса получения смеси диэфиров янтарной, глутаровой, адипиновой кислот и определены состав и физические свойства этой смесиДосліджено естерифікацію нижчих дикарбонових кислот 2-етилгексан-1-олом, каталізовану п-толуенсульфоновою кислотою. Визначено вплив бензену, каталізатора, активованого вугілля на тривалість реакції, конверсію карбоксильних груп реагентів та інтенсивність забарвлення реакційної суміші. Встановлено оптимальні умови процесу одержання суміші діестерів бурштинової, глутарової, адипінової кислот і визначено склад та фізичні властивості цієї суміш