416 research outputs found

    Distributed simulation of city inundation by coupled surface and subsurface porous flow for urban flood decision support system

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    We present a decision support system for flood early warning and disaster management. It includes the models for data-driven meteorological predictions, for simulation of atmospheric pressure, wind, long sea waves and seiches; a module for optimization of flood barrier gates operation; models for stability assessment of levees and embankments, for simulation of city inundation dynamics and citizens evacuation scenarios. The novelty of this paper is a coupled distributed simulation of surface and subsurface flows that can predict inundation of low-lying inland zones far from the submerged waterfront areas, as observed in St. Petersburg city during the floods. All the models are wrapped as software services in the CLAVIRE platform for urgent computing, which provides workflow management and resource orchestration.Comment: Pre-print submitted to the 2013 International Conference on Computational Scienc

    Dynamics of the arab countries' involvement to the israeli-palestinian peace process (1967–2002)

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    The paper presents an analysis of the evolution of the Arab countries` involvement to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The research was carried out through a historical analysis of the Israeli-Egyptian peace accords, the Madrid peace conference, the Oslo Process, the Israeli-Jordan peace agreements, and the Arab peace initiative. The author presents the gradual evolution of the Arab countries position to the Palestinian issue from the absolute non-recognition of Israel and open enmity to the end of the boycott and to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel. The author also identifies the causes and the consequences of this change in the approach of the Arab countries. Results show that the main reason was the weakening of the USSR and its collapse, which predetermined the need for Arab countries to seek a new source of support in the face of the United States. Moreover, the importance of the Palestinian problem decreases for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, while influence of the economic factor and security issues increases. Other Arab countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan do not have sufficient resources to defend their position on Palestine. Another important factor is the destruction of the united Arab position, and the decline in the popularity of the concept of pan-Arabism. The author concludes that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict ceases to be a stumbling block for resolving the larger Arab-Israeli conflict, and becomes a bargaining chip. Thus, it can be assumed that even with the resumption of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process the participation of Arab countries in it will be comparably formal. While a gradual rapprochement of Israel with its neighbor countries, the conflict will continue to evolve spontaneously with regular cases of Palestinian resistance until the irrevocable Israeli occupation is over

    Particle-based method for investigation of the physical processes in the complex industrial tasks

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    The main task of this paper is improved of modeling accuracy and understanding of the physical process which arises in complex industrial tasks using Euler-Lagrange approach. There were two cases under the study. The first one was aimed to study the dynamics of selforganized turbulent structures. A first qualitative insight into the entrainment process in wind farm is obtained through particle tracking. The second case is focusing on developing the EulerLagrange approach for the understanding of the physical processes occurring the water droplets injection into a jet. The water droplets, coming out of the special sockets, are simulated by packages (parcels) of particles of a certain mass and size according to the specified flow rate. Parcels moving in the flow, breakup at high speeds, heating and evaporation are investigated

    “Right Turn” in Israeli Political Life (1965—1977)

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    The issues related to the events that took place in Israeli political life in the 60s and 70s of the XX century, which went down in history under the name of the “right turn”, when the leftwing parties came to replace the leading left-wing parties since 1949 are examined in the article. It is shown how, with their coming to power, foreign and domestic political approaches have changed, within which the ideas of Zionism-revisionism began to come to the fore. The authors analyze the reasons for the end of the era of the leadership of the left parties in Israeli politics, the essence the “right turn” and its consequences. Particular attention is paid to the activities of such forces of as MAPAI and Likud, which have largely shaped the political landscape of the state since the second half of the 1960s. It is emphasized that this issue is relevant from the point of view of analyzing later events and, in particular, the 2019—2020 crisis during the formation of the Israeli government, as well as intensifying its policy in the Palestinian direction. It has been proved that some of the key factors that still determine the internal political and social atmosphere in the country and the region appeared precisely at the considered historical stage


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    The slowdown in economic growth highlights the problem of developing tax capacity at various levels, therefore the article is devoted to the consideration of practical aspects of the assessment of the tax potential. On the example of the Belgorod region, trends in the development and increase of the tax potential were identified, measures of activation of the elements of the structure of the potential, which are essential for the budget, were proposed.The paper uses methods of comparative analysis, analysis of key indicators of tax and non–tax revenues. Conclusions are made on the need to prioritize areas for the development of tax capacity, to increase the region's independence and to create tax conditions for conducting entrepreneurial activity in the territory.Замедление темпов экономического роста выводит на первый план проблемы развития налогового потенциала на различных уровнях, поэтому статья посвящена рассмотрению практических аспектов оценки налогового потенциала. На примере Белгородской области идентифицированы тенденции развития и наращивания налогового потенциала, предложены меры активизации элементов структуры потенциала, которые имеют существенное значение для бюджета.В работе использованы методы сравнительного анализа, анализа ключевых показателей налоговых и неналоговых доходов. Сделаны выводы о необходимости выделения приоритетных направлений для развития налогового потенциала, повышения самостоятельности региона и создания налоговых условий для ведения предпринимательской деятельности на территории. Уповільнення темпів економічного зростання виводить на перший план проблеми розвитку податкового потенціалу на різних рівнях, тому стаття присвячена розгляду практичних аспектів оцінки податкового потенціалу. На прикладі Бєлгородської області ідентифіковані тенденції розвитку та нарощування податкового потенціалу, запропоновано заходи активізації елементів структури потенціалу, які мають істотне значення для бюджету.В роботі використані методи порівняльного аналізу, аналізу ключових показників податкових і неподаткових доходів. Зроблені висновки про необхідність виділення пріоритетних напрямків для розвитку податкового потенціалу, підвищення самостійності регіону та створення податкових умов для ведення підприємницької діяльності на території

    Effect of electron beam irradiation on thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy polymer

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    This study investigates the thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy polymer after exposure to different doses of electron beam irradiation. The epoxy polymer was prepared using epoxy-diane resin ED-20 cured by polyethylenepolyamine. The irradiation of the samples was carried out with doses of 30, 100 and 300 kGy. The effects of doses on thermal and mechanical properties of the epoxy polymer were investigated by the methods of thermal gravimetric analysis, tensile test, and dynamic mechanical analysis. The thermal properties of the epoxy polymer slightly increased after irradiation at the heating in air. The tensile strength and Young's modulus of the epoxy polymer increased by the action of electron beam up to dose of 100 kGy and then decreased. The elongation at break decreased with increasing the irradiation dose

    Thermobaric synthesis, structure, and properties of Dy x Cu 3V4O12

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    The perovskite-like compound Dy x Cu3V 4O12 (x = 0.67-0.75) is synthesized under high pressure (P = 4.0-9.0 GPa) and temperature (T = 1000 C). Its crystal structure is determined (Im-3 space group, Z = 2, a = 7.29348(7) Å) by means of powder X-ray diffraction. The basic lengths and bond angles are defined. It is found that the high-pressure phase of Dy x Cu3V 4O12 is characterized by metallic conductivity and paramagnetic properties. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Color Culture in Advertising

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    Тенденция движения от слова к изображению в рекламе требует тщательного подбора цвета, главного сигнала визуального сообщения. В любую епоху зрительное восприятие — не только физиологический акт, но феномен культуры. Цвет обретает смысл в единстве эстетического, ассоциативного, символического аспектов. Мы предлагаем термин «цветовая культура» для их объединения. Успешность рекламного сообщения зависит от учета «цветовой культуры» адресата-потребителя.The tendency to move from word to image in advertising requires careful selection of color, the main signal of the visual message. In any epochs, visual perception is not only a physiological act, but a phenomenon of culture. Color gets meaning in the unity of aesthetic, associative, symbolic aspects. We offer the term «color culture» for their combination. The success of the advertising message depends on taking into account the «color culture» of consumers

    Development of Medicinal Products Based on Gene-Editing Technology: Regulatory Practices

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    Somatic cell genome-editing systems are the most recent gene therapy technology to treat patients with monogenic hereditary cancer or HIV. Gene editing allows for changing or completely removing a defective gene with regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR), zinc-finger nuclease (ZFN), and transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) systems.The aim of the study was to analyse the existing international experience and regulatory requirements relating to the development of medicinal products based on genome editing of postnatal somatic cells.This article describes the mechanism of action of CRISPR, ZFN, and TALEN systems and compares their advantages and disadvantages. Regulatory and legislative authorities should take a special approach to the development, manufacture, and assessment of medicinal products based on genome editing, as well as to the ethical aspects of their use. Current requirements and recommendations for the development of medicinal products based on genome editing are mostly limited to the need to evaluate the risks of off-target effects and late-onset adverse events and the possibility to adapt clinical trial design to surrogate endpoints, exclude healthy volunteers and comparison groups, and select initial doses for clinical trials based on scientific data. Thus, a regulatory approach should also be developed for the marketing authorisation of medicinal products based on genome-editing systems