9 research outputs found

    Direct and indirect nursing care time in an Intensive Care Unit

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify the direct and indirect nursing care time in an Intensive Care Unit. METHOD: a descriptive/exploratory study conducted at a private hospital. The Nursing Activities Score classification system was used to estimate the direct care time, and electronic health records were used to estimate the indirect care time. The data were collected from March to June 2011. RESULTS: the findings indicate that the average nursing care time was 29.5 hours, consisting of 27.4 hours of direct care and 2.1 hours of indirect care per patient/day. The nursing care time was higher on weekends and holidays, with predominant use of electronic medical records at night. CONCLUSION: ascertaining nursing care times will contribute to a quantitative evaluation of human resources, assisting in the determination of workloads and workforce size

    Effect of Incubator Type and Broiler Breeder Age on Hatchability and Chick Quality

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    ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of broiler breeder age and incubator type on hatching parameters, hatch window, embryo diagnosis results, and hatchling physical quality. The treatments consisted of a combination of three broiler breeder ages (29, 35 and 59 weeks of age) and two incubator types (single stage, SS; or and multiple stage, MS). A completely randomized design in a 3x2 factorial arrangement was applied. In Experiment I, 1,896 eggs were used and 360 eggs in Experiment II. There was an interaction between breeder age and incubator type only for hatchling physical quality score. Independently of incubator type, hatchability rate, late embryo mortality, and egg contamination were higher in the eggs laid by older breeders (59-wk-old). Early mortality (0-4 days) was higher in the embryos from young breeders (29-wk-old). A shorter hatch window birth was obtained in the SS incubator, resulting in higher hatchling body weight relative to egg weight, and better hatchling physical quality score. Both types of incubators provide good conditions for embryo development; however, the physical quality of chicks derived from eggs from intermediate-aged breeders (35-wk-old) is better when eggs are incubated in SS incubators

    Use of Soy Protein Concentrate in Pre-Starter and Starter Diets for Broilers

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    ABSTRACT Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of using soy protein concentrate (SPC) in pre-starter and starter diets for broilers. In the first experiment, 600 male Cobb broilers, between one and 40 days of age, were distributed in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and six replications of 25 birds each. Treatments were ofered to broilers in the pre-starter and starter diets and consisted of inclusion of soy protein concentrate (0,3,6 and 9%) in diets. The parameters evaluated were: body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, consumption of ration, enzyme production in the pancreas, villus: crypt ratio, leukocyte count and immunoglobulin A (IgA) dosage. Aimed to determine the coefficient of nutrient metabolization of feeds, 144 male Cobb chicks were distributed, between 14 and 21 days of age, with four treatments and six replications of six birds per experimental unit. Treatments were the same as in the first experiment. The use of 3 and 9% of SPC did not affect weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion or viability of the poultry. The use of 6% of SPC provided an increase in trypsin activity, villi length and crypt depth; the coefficient of dry matter metabolization increased linearly; but no differences were observed in performance or immunological parameters

    Child development: analysis of a new concept

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    Objectives: to perform concept analysis of the term child development (CD) and submit it to review by experts. Method: analysis of concept according to the hybrid model, in three phases: theoretical phase, with literature review; field phase of qualitative research with professionals who care for children; and analytical phase, of articulation of data from previous steps, based on the bioecological theory of development. The new definition was analyzed by experts in a focus group. Project approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: we reviewed 256 articles, from 12 databases and books, and interviewed 10 professionals, identifying that: The CD concept has as antecedents aspects of pregnancy, factors of the child, factors of context, highlighting the relationships and child care, and social aspects; its consequences can be positive or negative, impacting on society; its attributes are behaviors and abilities of the child; its definitions are based on maturation, contextual perspectives or both. The new definition elaborated in concept analysis was validated by nine experts in focus group. It expresses the magnitude of the phenomenon and factors not presented in other definitions. Conclusion: the research produced a new definition of CD that can improve nursing classifications for the comprehensive care of the child