28 research outputs found

    Ocean current observations from Nares Strait to the west of Greenland: Interannual to tidal variability and forcing

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    During 2003–06, as part of the Arctic Sub-Arctic Ocean Flux (ASOF) experiment, an array of oceansensing instruments was deployed at 80.5N latitude to investigate the flux of seawater from the Arctic Ocean via Nares Strait, the pathway to the west of Greenland. Three-year measurements of current from this experiment provide, for the first time at periods longer than a single season, the seawater flux and its variability via this important pathway. Below 30-m depth the average flux of volume 2003–06 was 0.57±0.09 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s–1) southward over a 38-km wide section reaching 360 m in depth. A linear trend, statistically significant at the 95% confidence level, indicates an increase in the sectionally averaged flow below 30-m depth of 20 ± 10% between 2003 and 2006. The flow is dominated by mixed diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal currents with kinetic energy an order of magnitude larger than that of the subtidal flow. The range of seasonal variation is 30–50% of the long-term mean flow. Variations in flow of daily to monthly period are comparable in magnitude to the average flow. The flow through the cross-section is the net result of a larger southward flux in the deep western two thirds of the strait and a small northward flux within about 5 km of Greenland. The latter is about 5% of the former. Spectral analyses indicates that the cross-channel pressure gradient is highly correlated with the sectionally averaged flow consistent with geostrophy. Along-channel pressure gradient explains 70% of the variance at a 33-day period with a phase lag consistent with a frictional response; at 3–7 day period the response is weaker (\u3c30%) with a phase relation suggestive of contributions by both friction and local acceleration

    Spatial continuity of measured seawater and tracer fluxes through Nares Strait, a dynamically wide channel bordering the Canadian Archipelago

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    Freshwater delivered as precipitation and runoff to the North Pacific and Arctic oceans returns to the Atlantic principally via the Canadian polar shelf and Fram Strait. It is conveyed as ice or freshened seawater. Here we use detailed ship-based measurements to calculate a snap-shot of volume, freshwater, and tracer fluxes through Nares Strait, a 500-km long waterway separating Greenland and Ellesmere Island. We use quasi-synoptic observations of current by ship-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), of salinity and temperature by CTD probe and of dissolved nutrients by rosette bottle sampler on four cross-sections between 82 and 78N latitude. Data were collected during the first half of August 2003. We partition the fluxes into components derived from Pacific and Atlantic inflows into the Arctic Ocean. During the time of the survey, there was a net southward 0.91±0.10 Sv (106 m3 s-1) flux of volume and a net southward 31±4 10-3 Sv (977±127 km3 y-1) flux of freshwater relative to a salinity of 34.8. Much of the volume flux was carried within a strong (40 cm s-1), narrow (10 km) subsurface jet hugging the western (Ellesmere Island) side of the strait. The presence of this jet in four sections spanning the 500-km length of the strait is evidence of a buoyant boundary current through the strait. The jet was coincident with elevated concentrations of phosphate (1.0 mmol m-3) and silicate (11 mmol m-3) which both indicate a Pacific Ocean source. We interpreted the ratio of dissolved total inorganic nitrogen to phosphate in terms of fractional dilution of Atlantic by Pacific waters. About 0.43±0.10 Sv (39%) of the southward flow was of Pacific origin. These results are a snapshot during the summer of 2003 following a prolonged period of northward directed wind stress when ice cover was mobile. Although long-term mean values are likely different, we determined that the major fraction of the through-flow is carried by a jet of scale determined by the internal Rossby radius (5-10 km)

    Variation in Reproduction and Body Condition of the Ringed Seal (Phoca hispida) in Western Prince Albert Sound, NT, Canada, as Assessed Through a Harvest-based Sampling Program

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    Between 1992 and 1998, 869 ringed seals taken in the subsistence harvest in western Prince Albert Sound were sampled by two Inuvialuit seal monitors from Holman, Northwest Territories. Considering the 1992-98 data along with data from 1971-78, we found that the mean body-mass index (BMI) values for females (>= 7 yr) were significantly lower in 1974 than in all other years examined. At the same time, ovulation rates fell from 100% in 1971 and 1972 to lows of 42.9% (1974) and 64.3% (1975), with a return to 93.8% in 1976. Mature females that had ovulated had significantly higher BMI values than those that had not ovulated. In eastern Amundsen Gulf, 1974 was the most severe ice year on recent record, with the latest date of clearing of the landfast ice (6 September), the earliest date of new ice formation (4 October), and the fewest number of open water days (28 days). There were no years between 1992 and 1998 that compared to 1974 in reduced ovulation rates, reduced body condition, or severity of ice conditions. Between 1992 and 1998, mean BMI values for adult females and males were lowest in 1994 and highest in 1998, and all annual mean BMI values were between the extremes of the 1970s. This variation in condition in the 1990s did not coincide with a reduction in ovulation rates of mature females, which remained high (93.5-100%) from 1992 to 1998. In 1998, the landfast ice cleared 43 days earlier than the average clearing date for the 1990-98 period, apparently interrupting the lactation period for seal pups located at the periphery of the core breeding habitat. The apparent effects on growth and condition of unweaned pups came at a time when marine food appeared to be abundant and available to all age classes of ringed seals. Entre 1992 et 1998, 869 phoques annelĂ©s pris dans le cadre de la rĂ©colte de subsistance de l'ouest de la baie Prince-Albert ont fait l'objet d'Ă©chantillonnages par deux moniteurs inuvialuits de Holman (T. N.-O.), chargĂ©s de la surveillance des phoques. En tenant compte des donnĂ©es de 1992 Ă  1998 jointes Ă  celles de 1971 Ă  1978, on a trouvĂ© que la valeur moyenne de l'index de masse corporelle (IMC) pour les femelles (>= 7 ans) Ă©tait sensiblement infĂ©rieure en 1974 par rapport Ă  toutes les autres annĂ©es de l'Ă©tude. En mĂȘme temps, les taux d'ovulation ont chutĂ©, de 100 p. cent qu'ils Ă©taient en 1971 et 1972 Ă  42,9 p. cent en 1974 et Ă  64,3 p. cent en 1975, opĂ©rant une remontĂ©e Ă  93,8 p. cent en 1976. L'IMC des femelles adultes qui avaient ovulĂ© Ă©tait sensiblement plus Ă©levĂ© que celui des femelles adultes qui n'avaient pas ovulĂ©. Dans l'est du golfe Amundsen, l'annĂ©e 1974 fut celle qui connut la plus intense formation de glace enregistrĂ©e rĂ©cemment, avec la date la plus tardive pour la disparition de la glace de rive (6 septembre), la date la plus prĂ©coce pour la formation de la nouvelle glace (4 octobre) et le plus petit nombre de jours de mer libre (28 jours). Entre 1992 et 1998, aucune annĂ©e n'Ă©tait comparable Ă  1974 en ce qui a trait Ă  la rĂ©duction des taux d'ovulation, la rĂ©duction de l'Ă©tat corporel ou l'intensitĂ© de la glace. Entre 1992 et 1998, les moyennes de l'IMC pour les femelles et pour les mĂąles adultes Ă©taient les plus basses en 1994 et les plus Ă©levĂ©es en 1998, et toutes les moyennes annuelles de l'IMC se situaient entre les extrĂȘmes des annĂ©es 1970. Cette variation dans l'Ă©tat corporel durant les annĂ©es 1990 n'a pas coĂŻncidĂ© avec une rĂ©duction du taux d'ovulation des femelles adultes, qui est restĂ© Ă©levĂ© (de 93,5 Ă  100 p. cent) de 1992 Ă  1998. En 1998, la glace de rive a disparu 43 jours plus tĂŽt que la date de dĂ©gagement moyenne pour la pĂ©riode se situant entre 1990 et 1998, ce qui semble avoir interrompu la pĂ©riode de lactation pour les bĂ©bĂ©s phoques qui se trouvaient Ă  la pĂ©riphĂ©rie de l'habitat de reproduction principal. Les effets apparents sur la croissance et l'Ă©tat des bĂ©bĂ©s phoques se sont produits Ă  un moment oĂč le rĂ©seau trophique marin Ă©tait abondant et Ă  la portĂ©e de toutes les classes d'Ăąge des phoques annelĂ©s.

    Kuujjua River Arctic Char: Monitoring Stock Trends Using Catches from an Under-Ice Subsistence Fishery, Victoria Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, 1991 – 2009

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    A standardized, harvest-based monitoring program was conducted during the main under-ice subsistence fishery for Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) of the Kuujjua River for 18 winter fishing seasons between 1991 and 2009. The program was a response to the concern of Ulukhaktok residents that Arctic char were becoming fewer in number and smaller in size. Mean harvests averaged 1225 (SD 262) Arctic char annually for 1996–2002 and 568 (SD 274) in 2003–09, or roughly 40% and 20% of the harvest levels estimated for 1971–78 (2900, SD 842) and 1988–92 (2943, SD 1072). There was no statistical relationship between the size of the annual harvest (number of fish), and the corresponding mean annual catch per unit effort (CPUE) value (R2 = 0.0141, p = 0.761). Arctic char were fully recruited to the fishery at age nine, with 82.4% of the sampled catch (n = 3288) ranging between 8 and 12 years and composed almost exclusively (99%) of non-spawning adults. Over the time series, temporal trends were not detected (p > 0.05) in mean annual CPUE (27.3 Arctic char/100 m/24 h, SD 14.15), mean fork length (593 mm, SD 78.1), or mean age (9.9 years, SD 2.0). Annual mortality rate showed a weak, but significant, decreasing trend over the series (R2 = 0.354), and there were no statistical trends in annual values of the Brody growth coefficient (R2 = 0.1337, p = 0.164). Variation in mean annual somatic condition indices was correlated with timing of sea ice clearance in spring (R2 = 0.474, p = 0.002), probably because prey quality, quantity, or both are higher in summers following earlier spring blooms in the marine environment. Together, the absence of temporal trends in CPUE, fork length, and age of the harvested fish and the apparent improvement in survival (lower mortality), suggest that the stock has been stable at the harvest levels observed during the monitoring period. The stock may also be realizing some improved fitness, which is due to changes in environmental productivity and appears to be linked, at least in part, to the timing of spring breakup in eastern Amundsen Gulf.Entre 1991 et 2009, pendant 18 saisons de pĂȘche hivernale, un programme de surveillance standardisĂ© axĂ© sur les rĂ©coltes a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© quant Ă  la pĂȘche de subsistance principale d’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus) sur la riviĂšre Kuujjua. Ce programme a Ă©tĂ© mis en oeuvre Ă  la lumiĂšre des inquiĂ©tudes exprimĂ©es par les rĂ©sidents d’Ulukhaktok qui affirmaient que le nombre d’ombles chevaliers diminuait, tout comme leur taille. De 1996 Ă  2002, la rĂ©colte moyenne d’ombles chevaliers atteignait 1 225 (SD 262) annuellement, tandis que de 2003 Ă  2009, la rĂ©colte moyenne annuelle s’élevait Ă  568 (SD de 274), soit environ 40 % et 20 % des rĂ©coltes Ă©valuĂ©es pour les annĂ©es 1971 Ă  1978 (2 900, SD de 842) et les annĂ©es 1988 Ă  1992(2 943, SD de 1 072). Il n’existait pas de lien statistique entre la taille de la rĂ©colte annuelle (le nombre de poissons) et la valeur de la capture par unitĂ© d’effort (CPUE) moyenne annuelle correspondante (R2 = 0,0141, p = 0,761). L’omble chevalier Ă©tait pleinement recrutĂ© Ă  la pĂȘche Ă  l’ñge de neuf ans, avec 82,4 % de la capture Ă©chantillonnĂ©e (n = 3288) variant entre huit et 12 ans, et composĂ©e presque exclusivement (99 %) d’adultes non encore reproducteurs. Au fil des sĂ©ries, aucune tendance temporelle n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©celĂ©e (p > 0,05) sur le plan de la CPUE moyenne annuelle (27,3 ombles chevaliers/100 m/24 h, SD 14,15), de la longueur moyenne Ă  la fourche (593 mm, SD 78,1) ou de l’ñge moyen (9,9 ans, SD 2,0). Le taux de mortalitĂ© annuel indiquait une tendance Ă  la baisse Ă  la fois faible mais importante au cours des sĂ©ries (R2 = 0,354), et il n’y avait pas de tendances statistiques du point de vue des valeurs annuelles du coefficient de croissance de Brody (R2 = 0,1337, p = 0,164). Une corrĂ©lation a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie entre l’écart des indices somatiques annuels moyens et le moment du dĂ©gagement de la glace de mer au printemps (R2 = 0,474, p = 0,002), probablement parce que la qualitĂ© ou la quantitĂ© de proies, ou les deux, est plus Ă©levĂ©e au cours des Ă©tĂ©s qui suivent une prolifĂ©ration printaniĂšre hĂątive dans l’environnement marin. Ensemble, l’absence de tendances temporelles relatives Ă  la CPUE, Ă  la longueur Ă  la fourche et Ă  l’ñge du poisson rĂ©coltĂ© et l’amĂ©lioration apparente de la survie (mortalitĂ© plus faible) suggĂšrent que le stock Ă©tait stable aux niveaux de rĂ©colte observĂ©s pendant la pĂ©riode de surveillance. Par ailleurs, il se pourrait que le stock connaisse une valeur d’adaptation quelque peu amĂ©liorĂ©e, ce qui est attribuable aux changements caractĂ©risant la productivitĂ© environnementale et semble liĂ©, tout au moins en partie, au moment de la dĂ©bĂącle du printemps dans l’est du golfe Amundsen

    Ringed Seals and Sea Ice in Canada’s Western Arctic: Harvest-Based Monitoring 1992–2011

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    We examined the relationship between ringed seal body condition and reproduction and spring sea ice conditions in prime ringed seal habitat in Canada’s western Arctic during 1992 – 2011. Since 1970, ice conditions in east Amundsen Gulf and west Prince Albert Sound have shown only a slight trend toward earlier ice clearance (breakup) in spring (3 – 7 days per decade) (p < 0.10) and no trend toward later freeze-up or increased variability in timing of spring ice clearance. A subsistence harvest – based sample of 2281 ringed seals was obtained during 1992 – 2011 from Masoyak, a traditional hunting camp located on the northwest shore of west Prince Albert Sound and less than 5 km from east Amundsen Gulf. The results revealed a statistically significant trend of decreasing mean annual body condition of ringed seals (using an index of length-mass-blubber depth [LMD]: adults, 0.14 m1.5/kg0.5/y; subadults, 0.24 m1.5/kg0.5/y) over the past two decades. A parallel result was that mean annual body condition of adults and subadults was correlated with the timing of fast ice clearance in spring (later ice clearance = worse condition). This correlation was most obvious in the extreme ice years in all sex/age groupings and was statistically significant for subadults. In mature females sampled since 1992, annual ovulation rates averaged 92.4 ± 16.3% (SD) and were greater than 80%, and mostly at 100%, in all years but two. Failure to ovulate was obvious in 2005, the most extreme late ice clearance year in our series, when only 30.0% of the mature adult females sampled ovulated. At the same time, values for seal body condition indices (adult females, LMD = 11.3; adult males, LMD = 12.4) and percent pups in the harvest (3.3%) were among the lowest recorded, and spring ice clearance was 38 d later than the 1992 – 2011 average. While this and previous studies indicate that the seal population in this core habitat has recovered from natural and extreme-year sea ice fluctuations over the past four decades, the potentially magnified effect of several consecutive extreme ice years, compounded by the concurrent decline in seal body condition that we have now detected over the past 20 years, is of particular concern.Nous avons examinĂ© le lien qui existe entre l’état corporel du phoque annelĂ©, l’état de reproduction de ce phoque et l’état de la glace de mer printaniĂšre dans son habitat d’élection de l’ouest de l’Arctique canadien et ce, entre 1992 et 2011. Depuis 1970, l’état de la glace dans l’est du golfe Amundsen et dans l’ouest du dĂ©troit de Prince-Albert n’a affichĂ© qu’une petite tendance vers une dĂ©bĂącle printaniĂšre plus hĂątive (de 3 Ă  7 jours par dĂ©cennie) (p < 0,10) et aucune tendance vers un englacement plus tardif ou une variabilitĂ© accrue caractĂ©risant la pĂ©riode de la dĂ©bĂącle du printemps. Un Ă©chantillon recueilli Ă  partir de 2 281 phoques annelĂ©s ayant fait l’objet d’une rĂ©colte de subsistance a Ă©tĂ© obtenu entre 1992 et 2011 Ă  Masoyak, un camp de chasse traditionnel situĂ© sur la cĂŽte nord-ouest de l’ouest du dĂ©troit de Prince-Albert et Ă  moins de cinq kilomĂštres de l’est du golfe Amundsen. Les rĂ©sultats ont permis de constater une tendance statistiquement significative sur le plan de la dĂ©croissance de l’état corporel annuel moyen des phoques annelĂ©s (en fonction d’un indice de la profondeur et de la longueur de la masse du petit lard [LMD] : reproducteurs, 0,14 m1,5/kg0,5/a; prĂ©reproducteurs, 0,24 m1,5/kg0,5/a) au cours des deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Un rĂ©sultat parallĂšle a permis de corrĂ©ler l’état corporel annuel moyen des reproducteurs et des prĂ©reproducteurs Ă  la pĂ©riode d’une dĂ©bĂącle printaniĂšre rapide (dĂ©bĂącle tardive = pire Ă©tat). Cette corrĂ©lation Ă©tait plus Ă©vidente au cours des annĂ©es oĂč la glace Ă©tait extrĂȘme chez tous les groupements en fonction du sexe ou de l’ñge, et elle Ă©tait statistiquement significative chez les prĂ©reproducteurs. Parmi les femelles matures Ă©chantillonnĂ©es depuis 1992, les taux d’ovulation annuels atteignaient 92,4 ± 16,3 % (DS) en moyenne, et Ă©taient plus grands que 80 %, et Ă  prĂšs de 100 % au cours de toutes les annĂ©es, sauf deux. L’anovulation Ă©tait Ă©vidente en 2005, ce qui correspondait Ă  l’annĂ©e de notre sĂ©rie oĂč la dĂ©bĂącle a Ă©tĂ© la plus tardive, lorsque seulement 30,0 % des femelles adultes et matures qui avaient Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ©es ont ovulĂ©. En mĂȘme temps, les valeurs relatives aux indices de l’état corporel des phoques (femelles adultes, LMD = 11,3; mĂąles adultes, LMD = 12,4) et au pourcentage de petits faisant partie de la rĂ©colte (3,3 %) figuraient parmi les valeurs les plus basses Ă  n’avoir jamais Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es, et la dĂ©bĂącle printaniĂšre Ă©tait plus tardive de 38 jours par rapport Ă  la moyenne de 1992-2011. Bien que cette Ă©tude et des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures laissent croire que la population de phoques de cet habitat important a rĂ©ussi Ă  se remettre des fluctuations naturelles et extrĂȘmes des conditions de glace des quatre derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, l’effet potentiellement grossissant de plusieurs annĂ©es consĂ©cutives de glace extrĂȘme, alliĂ© au dĂ©clin concurrent de l’état corporel des phoques que nous avons dĂ©celĂ© au cours des 20 derniĂšres annĂ©es, prĂ©sente une source d’inquiĂ©tude particuliĂšre

    Propagation and vertical structure of the tidal flow in Nares Strait

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    The southward freshwater flux though Nares Strait is an important component of the Arctic's freshwater budget. On short time scales, flow through the strait is dominated by the tides, and tidal dynamics may be important for the magnitude of the freshwater flux over longer periods. Here we build upon our existing knowledge of the tides in the region by exploring their propagation and vertical structure using data from four bottom mounted ADCPs deployed in Nares Strait between 2003 and 2006. We observe that propagating barotropic semi‐diurnal tidal waves interact to create a standing wave pattern, explaining the abnormally large tidal amplitudes that are observed in this region. In the along‐strait direction, semi‐diurnal tidal currents exhibit strong variations with depth. In contrast, the diurnal tides propagate northward through the strait as progressive waves, and the tidal currents are broadly depth invariant. Proximity of Nares Strait to the semi‐diurnal critical latitude, and the topographical restriction imposed by the steep side‐wall of Ellesmere Island are primary drivers behind the observed vertical variability. In the upper part of the water column, baroclinic activity increases the tidal current amplitude by up to 25%. In the across‐strait direction, a two layer structure exists in both the diurnal and semi‐diurnal tidal flow, with an apparent phase lag of approximately a quarter of a tidal cycle across the strait for the semi‐diurnal tide. Our results suggest that strong vertical motion exists against the side‐walls of Nares Strait, as the across‐strait flow interacts with the steeply sloping bathymetry

    Seasonal Movements and Diving of Ringed Seals, Pusa hispida, in the Western Canadian Arctic, 1999–2001 and 2010–11

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    Satellite-linked time-depth recorders were deployed on 17 ringed seals in early summer in 1999, 2000, and 2010, near the Inuvialuit community of Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. The main objective was to investigate movements and diving behaviour of ringed seals in the Prince Albert Sound (PAS) and eastern Amundsen Gulf (EAG) regions in relation to season, sex, and age-class. Tags performed well on 16 of 17 tagged seals, with average tracking periods of 256 d (SD 69, range: 134 – 352). Adult and subadult ringed seals traveled considerable distances throughout the open water period (mean = 5844 km, range = 1232 – 9473 km), using vast home ranges during this season, shown with 90 Percent Volume Contours (90 PVC) averaging 122 854 km2 for subadults, 76 658 km2 for adult females, and 21 649 km2 for adult males. Overall, adults spent 69.5% of the observed open water days in foraging/resident mode and 22.8% in traveling mode. The majority (75%) of total observed foraging/resident time was spent in PAS and EAG. Eleven of 12 adults made forays outside EAG and PAS to distant areas, including Prince of Wales Strait (7 seals), Viscount Melville Sound (6), Minto Inlet (4), western Amundsen Gulf (4), and six other zones. During open water season, subadults spent 36.8% traveling and 51.4% foraging/ resident, also mainly in EAG and PAS (61%), but they all traveled to distant zones, eight in total. During winter, all tagged adult females, five of seven adult males, and three of four subadults returned to PAS and EAG to occupy winter home ranges that were on average 15% of the size of the open water home range (mean winter ranges = 1299 km2 for adult males, 3599 km2 for adult females, and 30 499 km2 for subadults). The mean size of the winter home ranges varied by as much as a factor of 10 among the three winters examined. Seal movements were most restricted during the winters with extensive fast ice (1999 – 2000 and 2010 – 11) and least restricted during the winter (2000 – 01) when fast ice did not form in EAG. In winter, adult females made more long, deep dives than either adult males or subadults.Des enregistreurs de profondeur temporelle en liaison avec un satellite ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ployĂ©s sur 17 phoques annelĂ©s au dĂ©but des Ă©tĂ©s 1999, 2000 et 2010 prĂšs de la collectivitĂ© inuvialuite d’Ulukhaktok, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, au Canada. L’objectif principal consistait Ă  Ă©tudier les dĂ©placements et les comportements de plongĂ©e des phoques annelĂ©s des rĂ©gions du dĂ©troit de Prince-Albert (DPA) et de la partie est du golfe Amundsen (EGA) en fonction de la saison, du sexe et de la classe d’ñge. Les Ă©tiquettes ont donnĂ© des rĂ©sultats valables dans le cas de 16 des 17 phoques Ă©tiquetĂ©s, les pĂ©riodes moyennes de pistage ayant atteint 256 jours (SD 69, Ă©tendue : 134 – 352). Les phoques annelĂ©s adultes et jeunes adultes parcouraient des distances considĂ©rables pendant la pĂ©riode des eaux libres (moyenne = 5 844 km, Ă©tendue = 1 232 – 9 473 km), dans de vastes domaines vitaux au cours de la saison. Les pourcentages du volume des contours de 90 (90 PVC) s’établissaient en moyenne Ă  122 854 km2 pour les jeunes adultes, Ă  76 658 km2 pour les femelles adultes et Ă  21 649 km2 pour les mĂąles adultes. Dans l’ensemble, les adultes ont passĂ© 69,5 % des journĂ©es observĂ©es en eaux libres en mode d’alimentation et de rĂ©sidence, et 22,8 % en mode de dĂ©placement. La majoritĂ© (75 %) du temps total observĂ© en mode d’alimentation et de rĂ©sidence Ă©tait dans le DPA et l’EGA. Onze adultes sur 12 se sont aventurĂ©s en dehors du DPA et de l’EGA pour atteindre des endroits Ă©loignĂ©s, dont le dĂ©troit du Prince-de-Galles (7 phoques), le dĂ©troit du Vicomte de Melville (6), l’anse Mintot (4), l’ouest du golfe Amundsen (4) et six autres zones. Pendant la saison des eaux libres, les jeunes adultes ont passĂ© 36,8 % du temps en mode de dĂ©placement et 51,4 % du temps en mode d’alimentation ou de rĂ©sidence, Ă©galement principalement dans le DPG et l’EGA (61 %), mais ils se sont tous rendus dans des zones Ă©loignĂ©es, huit en tout. Durant l’hiver, toutes les femelles adultes Ă©tiquetĂ©es, cinq mĂąles adultes sur sept et trois jeunes adultes sur quatre sont revenus dans le DPA et l’EGA pour occuper des domaines vitaux hivernaux qui correspondaient, en moyenne, Ă  15 % de la taille du domaine vital en eaux libres (Ă©tendues moyennes des domaines hivernaux = 1 299 km2 pour les mĂąles adultes, 3 599 km2 pour les femelles adultes et 30 499 km2 pour les jeunes adultes). La taille moyenne des domaines vitaux hivernaux a variĂ© en fonction d’un facteur de 10 au cours des trois hivers Ă  l’étude. Le dĂ©placement des phoques Ă©tait plus restreint pendant les hivers oĂč la glace Ă©tait rapide (1999-2000 et 2010-2011) et moins restreint pendant l’hiver (2000-2001) oĂč la glace rapide ne s’est pas formĂ©e dans l’EGA. L’hiver, les femelles adultes faisaient plus de plongĂ©es longues et profondes que les mĂąles adultes ou les jeunes adultes

    Circulation in the vicinity of Mackenzie Canyon from a year-long mooring array

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Lin, P., Pickart, R. S., Fissel, D., Ross, E., Kasper, J., Bahr, F., Torres, D. J., O'Brien, J., Borg, K., Melling, H., & Wiese, F. K. Circulation in the vicinity of Mackenzie Canyon from a year-long mooring array. Progress in Oceanography, 187, (2020): 102396, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102396.Data from a five-mooring array extending from the inner shelf to the continental slope in the vicinity of Mackenzie Canyon, Beaufort Sea are analyzed to elucidate the components of the boundary current system and their variability. The array, part of the Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES), was deployed from October 2016 to September 2017. Four distinct currents were identified: an eastward-directed flow adjacent to the coast; a westward-flowing, surface-intensified current centered on the outer-shelf; a bottom-intensified shelfbreak jet flowing to the east; and a recirculation at the base of the continental slope within the canyon. The shelf current transports −0.120.03 Sv in the mean and is primarily wind-driven. The response is modulated by the presence of ice, with little-to-no signal during periods of nearly-immobile ice cover and maximum response when there is partial ice cover. The shelfbreak jet transports 0.030.02 Sv in the mean, compared to 0.080.02 Sv measured upstream in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea over the same time period. The loss of transport is consistent with a previous energetics analysis and the lack of Pacific-origin summer water downstream. The recirculation in the canyon appears to be the result of local dynamics whereby a portion of the westward-flowing southern limb of the Beaufort Gyre is diverted up the canyon across isobaths. This interpretation is supported by the fact that the low-frequency variability of the recirculation is correlated with the wind-stress curl in the Canada Basin, which drives the Beaufort gyre.The authors are indebted to Fisheries and Oceans Canada for building the logistics for MARES into the at-sea missions of the Integrated Beaufort Observatory. We are grateful to the captain and crew of the CCGS Sir Wilfred Laurier for ably deploying and recovering the MARES array. Marshall Swartz assisted with the cruise preparation logistics. We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their input which helped improve the paper. This project was funded by the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), on behalf of the National Ocean Partnership Program. The Canadian contribution was supported by the Environmental Studies Research Fund (ESRF Project 2014-02N). MARES publication 003