397 research outputs found

    The building as a whole - A journey to reflect the concept of sustainable building

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    The definition of sustainable building design is very often connected with energy efficiency. European Union is one of the big drivers behind the concept “Nearly Zero Energy building”, a requirement which all new buildings must meet after the year 2020. There are several other qualification systems that demands figures on noise reduction, indoor climate, sun shading and so on. However, regulations on the material use or diverse ways of construction are seldom mentioned. In this thesis I am reflecting about the popular focus of energy efficiency and going deeper into the understanding of what an ecological sustainable building should be defined as. This is done by interviewing practicing architects within the field and by researching different material properties and building techniques. The findings are visualized through a villa design which is showcased parallel to the research. The design process is influenced by the information gathered in the research process and the final design is the conclusion of my findings. In the end, there is a discussion whether it is necessary to focus mainly on energy efficiency of buildings or if there should be more emphasis on the construction and demolition phase, material usage and maintenance of the building, which are all very critical issues concerning sustainable building design

    Scope of Bargaining for Teachers in California\u27s Public Schools

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    Letters of intent – ur praktisk synvinkel

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    I samband med kommersiella avtalsförhandlingar upprĂ€ttas mĂ„nga olika förhandlingsdokument. Parterna kan skriva sekretessavtal, letters of intent, aktieĂ€garavtal, anstĂ€llningsavtal och överlĂ„telseavtal – för att nĂ€mna nĂ„gra. Under förhandlingarnas gĂ„ng skickas mĂ„nga förhandlingsbud och Ă„tskilliga avtalsförslag, avseende det slutliga överlĂ„telseavtalet, mellan parterna. Ett letter of intent bringar ordning och reda i en avtalsförhandling genom att klargöra parternas avsikter och sammanstĂ€lla det viktigaste som parterna kommit överens om sĂ„ lĂ„ngt under förhandlingarna. Ett letter of intent upprĂ€ttas innan det slutliga avtalet och anvĂ€nds vĂ€ldigt ofta i kommersiella avtalsförhandlingar. Utformningen av dokumentet kan skifta kraftigt. Ett letter of intent ska dock alltid ange förhandlingsparternas avsikter att förhandla i syfte att nĂ„ ett slutligt avtal, övrigt innehĂ„ll bestĂ€ms utifrĂ„n parternas krav och behov. Vanligtvis innehĂ„ller ett letter of intent nĂ„gra bestĂ€mmelser som reglerar den fortsatta avtalsförhandlingen. Återkommande klausuler Ă€r exklusivitetsklausuler och sekretessklausuler. En exklusivitetsklausul innebĂ€r att sĂ€ljaren förbinder sig att under en viss tid inte förhandla med andra Ă€n motparten om samma sak. En sekretessklausul hindrar köparen frĂ„n att föra vidare konfidentiell information som tillhandahĂ„lls under förhandlingarna. Vid ett företagsförvĂ€rv Ă€r det Ă€ven vanligt att köparen vill försĂ€kra sig om att denne fĂ„r möjlighet att genomföra en due diligence av mĂ„lbolaget och detta kan sĂ€kerstĂ€llas genom ett letter of intent. De rĂ€ttsliga effekterna av ett letter of intent Ă€r omdiskuterade. Huvudregeln Ă€r att ett letter of intent i princip inte Ă€r bindande som avtal, men under vissa omstĂ€ndigheter kan Ă€ndĂ„ avtalsbundenhet uppstĂ„. Har parterna dĂ€remot angett att de inte avsett att bli bundna av ett letter of intent föreligger det inga oklarheter vad gĂ€ller eventuell avtalsbundenhet. Förhandlingsparterna har Ă€ven möjlighet att upprĂ€tta sĂ„ kallade ”orena” letters of intent dĂ€r vissa klausuler Ă€r rĂ€ttsligt bindande men dokumentet i övrigt Ă€r oförbindande. NĂ„gon gĂ„ng under en avtalsförhandling uppstĂ„r en lojalitetsplikt mellan parterna. Parterna mĂ„ste dĂ„ ta hĂ€nsyn till sin motparts intressen. Ett letter of intent bĂ„de aktiverar och förtydligar lojalitetsplikten. Agerar en part pĂ„ ett otillbörligt sĂ€tt kan denne bli ersĂ€ttningsskyldig för motpartens skador pĂ„ grund av culpa in contrahendo. NĂ€r ett agerande blir skadestĂ„ndsgrundande fĂ„r avgöras utifrĂ„n om den skadevĂ„llande kan klandras för sitt agerande och om den skadelidande hade fog för att lita pĂ„ den skadevĂ„llande. För parterna innebĂ€r ett letter of intent Ă€ven en moralisk förpliktelse. Oavsett om parterna Ă€r rĂ€ttsligt bundna av ett letter of intent eller inte lĂ€r de beakta vad som stadgats i dokumentet och akta sig frĂ„n att agera i strid med detta. Detta beror pĂ„ att parternas renommĂ© kan skadas om de utan orsak agerar i strid med ett letter of intents bestĂ€mmelser – med ekonomisk skada som följd.In a contract negotiation a variety of negotiation documents are created. The parties may sign confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, shareholder agreements, employment agreements and transfer agreements – to name a few. During negotiations, many offers and proposals regarding the final transfer agreement are exchanged between the parties. A letter of intent brings order and clarity in a contract negotiation by clarifying the intentions of the parties and by compiling the most important agreements the parties have reached so far during the negotiations. A letter of intent is established before the final agreement and is commonly used in commercial contract negotiations. The design of the document can vary substantially. A letter of intent should however always state the negotiating parties' intentions to negotiate in order to reach a final agreement, any further content is based on the parties' demands and needs. Typically, a letter of intent holds a few regulations governing the continued contract negotiations. Recurring clauses include an exclusivity clause and a confidentiality clause. An exclusivity clause means that the seller commits, for some time, not to negotiate with any other party regarding the same thing. A confidentiality clause prevents the buyer from passing on confidential information provided during negotiations. When acquiring a business it is also common that the buyer wants to ensure the possibility to conduct a due diligence of the target company and this can be ensured by a letter of intent. The legal effect of a letter of intent is disputed. The general rule is that a letter of intent in principle is not binding as a contract, but under certain circumstances contractuality may still occur. However, if the parties have stated that they did not intend to be bound by a letter of intent there is no ambiguity as to any contractual rights and obligations. The negotiating parties are also able to establish so-called “unclean” letters of intent in which some clauses are legally binding in an otherwise unbinding document. Sometime during the contract negotiations a duty of good faith are created between the parties. The parties must then take into account the other party's interests. A letter of intent both activates and clarifies the duty of loyalty. If a party act improperly he may be charged for the other party's damages due to culpa in contrahendo. When an action is a tort may be determined based on if the injurious can be blamed for their actions and if the injured party was entitled to rely on the injurious. For the parties, a letter of intent is also a moral obligation. Regardless if the parties are legally bound by a letter of intent or not they will beware from acting in breach of the terms of the document. This is due to the fact that the parties' reputation can be damaged if they are acting without cause in breach of a letter of intents rules – with financial harm as a result

    Begreppet verksamhetsöverlÄtelse och dess tillÀmpning pÄ detaljhandeln

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the concept of transfer of an undertaking and apply the result to in the retailing branch. The questions to be answered are: What is included in the concept of transfer of an undertaking? When is a transfer within retailing to be concidered as a transfer according to article 1.1 in the directive 2001/23/EG and in 6 b § LAS? In 1977 the directive 77/187/EG was adopted. Since some parts of the directive needed clarification so the directive was changed and from 2001 the applicable directive is 2001/23/EG. The purpose of the directive is to protect employees' rights in the event of a transfer of an undertaking, business or parts of an undertaking or business. In Sweden the directive was implemented in LAS, the employment protection act, and MBL, the co-determination act. The European Court of Justice has constantly changed and modified its position on when a transfer is to be considered as a transfer within the meaning of the directive. However, some prominent elements have been more significant in practice then others. It has been stated that a total assesment shall be made to decide whether the identity of the activity is maintained as a ''going concern. There are seven criteria that shall be concidered. These emanate from the Spijkers case. In addition two complementary concepts of importance are '' the identity of the activity'' and ''the identity of the entity''. To decide whether these are fulfilled the total assesment, as just mentioned, shall be done. It can also be mentioned that a transfer in two steps can be done, for instance in contracts of tender. But two steps often indicate that it is not a transfer in the meaning of the directive. Considering transfers within retailing there are just few special cases, therefore deductions must be made from cases in other branches. This is also why I have chosen to create my own retail cases which deal with stores in a shopping mall. It can be said that it is probably important whether the store is one of its kind in a shopping mall or if there are several stores of the same type. Furthermore it also should be important whether a rental agreement is included or not in the transfer and whether goodwill and customers have been transfered, if the transfer will be considered as a transfer in the meaning of the directive. To conclude, it can be said that it is important that every situation has to be evaluated based on its conditions. Something that can be important in one situation does not necessarily have to be so in another situation. Therefor it is hard to give a clear answer considering when a transfer, within retailing and as well as other branches, is a transfer in the meaning of the directive

    Garden in Brandbergsparken

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    Brandbergsparken i Haninge, söder om Stockholm rustas upp. Brandbergsparken anlades som en del av miljonprogramsomrÄdet Brandbergen. Parken omges av flerfamiljhus och grÀnsar i norr till Brandbergens centrum. Jag gjorde en vÀxtgestaltning av en fickparksstor yta av parken. Mötesplatsen som ytan kallas i arbetet, upplevs idag ovÄrdad. Vegetationen Àr tÀt och omsluter platsen pÄ fyra sidor, vilket gör platsen avskild. Den ger intryck av att vara en bortglömd del av parken och blir ibland ett tillhÄll för missbrukare. Gestaltningen syftar till att göra platsen trivsam och tillgÀnglig för alla, samt ge den en trÀdgÄrdskaraktÀr. Genom att ta bort lönnsly och buskar som förlorat sin vitalitet öppnas Mötesplatsen mot sydvÀst och bryter upp dagens inÄtvÀnda struktur. Sittplatserna placeras delvis under trÀdkronorna pÄ trÀd som sparas och lÄter besöken njuta av eftermiddagssol. Möblerna inspireras av trÀdgÄrdsmöbler och en hÄrdgjord yta av olika markmaterial med hög detaljeringsgrad binder ihop sittplatserna. För att ge en kÀnsla av trÀdgÄrd har vÀxterna som anvÀnds tydliga karaktÀrer, bland annat i form av översÄllande blomning och utmÀrkande bladform. Vegetationen under de sparade trÀden byts ut och blir en genomsiktlig avgrÀnsning istÀllet för tÀt som idag. För att ytterligare motverka dagens skumma intryck anvÀnds vÀxter med vit blomning, för ett ljusare intryck. Dessutom lÀggs ny belysning till. I arbetet med att utforma platsen var det viktigt att förstÄ grÀnser i olika skalor och pÄ olika sÀtt. Dels för att definiera var grÀnserna gick, dels för att definiera vad som utgjorde sjÀlva grÀnsen. Jag undersökte grÀnserna och definierade hur tÀta eller genomsiktliga de var, för att förstÄ hur rummets kanter fungerade och hur jag kunde förÀndra dem. Genom att lÄta sjÀlva huvudrummet vara öppet, med nischer och vrÄr lÀngs kanten av rummet bildades mindre och mer intima rum i rummet. Designprocessen drevs framÄt av gestaltningsfrÄgor som jag undersökte med hjÀlp av skissande. Som ramar för gestaltningen anvÀnde jag ledorden trÀdgÄrdskaraktÀr och trivsamhet. Gestaltningen fick ny fart genom inspiration, bland annat frÄn olika platser som Pastor Spaks Park i Enköping och woodlandparken Ullbo i Ultuna, Uppsala.The park Brandbergsparken in Haninge, south of Stockholm is going through an improvement. The park was developed together with the whole area of Brandbergen in the 1970-s. The park is surrounded by apartment buildings and the shopping center in Brandbergen is near the north end of the park. In this thesis I made a plant design of an area in Brandbergsparken. The area is large as a pocket park, and is hereinafter called Mötesplatsen. Today it is perceived as unkempt. The dense vegetation encloses the place on four sides, which makes it secluded and shady. The design aims to create a pleasant and accessible garden character. By removing some young self-grown maples and shrubs that lost their vitality, the introverted structure opens towards southwest. The seating area is placed partly under the canopy of existing trees and allows visitors to enjoy the afternoon sun. To give a sense of garden character, the design includes plants with distinct qualities, such as large flowers and plants with distinguishing leaf shapes. The choice of furniture is inspired by garden furniture. The seating areas are connected by a paved area, with different materials forming a pattern inspired by patchwork. All the enclosing shrubs are replaced. The new enclosure becomes visually open rather than closed as today. To further counteract the dark atmosphere, I use plants with white flowers for a brighter expression. New lighting is also added. In the process of designing the place, it was crucial to understand the bounds in different scales of the park. Both defining where the boundary was and what it was constituted of. To understand the rooms of the park and how I could change them, I studied the enclosing boundaries and defined how visually closed or open they were. By making the main room of Mötesplatsen open, with niches and corners along the edge, I formed several small and more intimate rooms in the main room. My design process went forward by answering the design questions through sketching. As a framework I used two keywords: garden character and pleasantness. Inspiration gave the design new impulse. Places of inspiration were for example Ullbo, the woodland park in Ultuna, Uppsala and different parks in Enköping. To be able to design a place with garden character, I defined the word with a few criteria. One was that the human hand would be evident in the design. The trees and shrubs were therefore placed in an orderly manner to look deliberately designed. Boundaries between different materials were drawn in straight right angles, which also give a sense of order

    Förtryckets ansikte: En innehÄllsanalys av organisationen La Via Campesinas identifikation av kvinnliga smÄbrukares utsatthet

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    Denna uppsats syftar till att bidra till ökad medvetenhet kring den utsatthet som latinamerikanska smĂ„brukarkvinnor lever i. Ett antal olika strukturer som ligger till grund för denna grupps problematik synliggörs. Genom filosofen Iris Marion Youngs teori om "Förtryckets fem ansikten” studeras material frĂ„n smĂ„brukarorganisationen La Via Campesina och genom en innehĂ„llsanalys identifieras ett flertal förtryckande maktstrukturer. Analysen visar att olika förtryckande strukturer rĂ„der för sĂ„ vĂ€l gruppen landsbygdsbor, gruppen smĂ„brukare och för gruppen kvinnor. Dessa tre gruppidentiteter, och dĂ€rmed de förtryckande strukturer som synliggörs, överlappar alla varandra genom den grupp som identifierats som latinamerikanska smĂ„brukarkvinnor. Denna sistnĂ€mnda grupp stĂ„r i hierarkiskt underlĂ€ge till grupper som mĂ€n, stadsbor, kapitalister, storföretagare och mĂ€ktiga nationella och internationella ”eliter”. Patriarkat och kapitalism framgĂ„r som tvĂ„ tydliga maktkonstellationer av stor betydelse. Uppsatsen synliggör förutom detta flerdimensionella förtryck, en kamp för alternativ utveckling som kan sammanfattas med konceptet matsuverĂ€nitet
