22 research outputs found

    Chromate reduction in highly alkaline groundwater by zerovalent iron: Implications for its use in a permeable reactive barrier

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    It is not currently known if the widely used reaction of zerovalent iron (ZVI) and Cr(VI) can be used in a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to immobilize Cr leaching from hyperalkaline chromite ore processing residue (COPR). This study compares Cr(VI) removal from COPR leachate and chromate solution by ZVI at high pH. Cr(VI) removal occurs more rapidly from the chromate solution than from COPR leachate. The reaction is first order with respect to both [Cr(VI)] and the iron surface area, but iron surface reactivity is lost to the reaction. Buffering pH downward produces little change in the removal rate or the specific capacity of iron until acidic conditions are reached. SEM and XPS analyses confirm that reaction products accumulate on the iron surface in both liquors, but that other surface precipitates also form in COPR leachate. Leachate from highly alkaline COPR contains Ca, Si, and Al that precipitate on the iron surface and significantly reduce the specific capacity of iron to reduce Cr(VI). This study suggests that, although Cr(VI) reduction by ZVI will occur at hyperalkaline pH, other solutes present in COPR leachate will limit the design life of a PRB

    Microprobe XRF mapping and XAS investigations of the intracellular metabolism of arsenic for understanding arsenic-induced toxicity

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    Copyright © 2008 American Chemical SocietyArsenic (As) is responsible for mass-poisonings worldwide following the ingestion of As-contaminated drinking water. Importantly, however, As toxicity is exploited in the antileukemia drug, Trisenox (As2O3), which successfully cures 65-80% of patients suffering relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia. In an effort to determine the intracellular organelle and biomolecular targets of As, microprobe X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) analyses were performed on HepG2 cells following their exposure to high doses of arsenite (1 mM) or arsenate (20 mM). Microprobe XRF elemental mapping of thin-sectioned cells showed As accumulation in the euchromatin region of the cell nucleus (following arsenite exposure) synonymous with As targeting of DNA or proteins involved in DNA transcription. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis of arsenite-treated cells, however, showed the predominance of an As tris-sulfur species, providing increased credence to As interactions with nuclear proteins as a key factor in As-induced toxicity.Kristie L. Munro, Anna Mariana, Andrejs I. Klavins, Amalanie J. Foster, Barry Lai, Stefan Vogt, ZhongHou Cai, Hugh H. Harris and Carolyn T. Dillo