21 research outputs found

    Risk of Arterial and Venous Thrombotic Events Among Patients with COVID-19:A Multi-National Collaboration of Regulatory Agencies from Canada, Europe, and United States

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    Purpose: Few studies have examined how the absolute risk of thromboembolism with COVID-19 has evolved over time across different countries. Researchers from the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration established a collaboration to evaluate the absolute risk of arterial (ATE) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the 90 days after diagnosis of COVID-19 in the ambulatory (eg, outpatient, emergency department, nursing facility) setting from seven countries across North America (Canada, US) and Europe (England, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain) within periods before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability. Patients and Methods: We conducted cohort studies of patients initially diagnosed with COVID-19 in the ambulatory setting from the seven specified countries. Patients were followed for 90 days after COVID-19 diagnosis. The primary outcomes were ATE and VTE over 90 days from diagnosis date. We measured country -level estimates of 90 -day absolute risk (with 95% confidence intervals) of ATE and VTE. Results: The seven cohorts included 1,061,565 patients initially diagnosed with COVID-19 in the ambulatory setting before COVID19 vaccines were available (through November 2020). The 90 -day absolute risk of ATE during this period ranged from 0.11% (0.09- 0.13%) in Canada to 1.01% (0.97-1.05%) in the US, and the 90 -day absolute risk of VTE ranged from 0.23% (0.21-0.26%) in Canada to 0.84% (0.80-0.89%) in England. The seven cohorts included 3,544,062 patients with COVID-19 during vaccine availability (beginning December 2020). The 90 -day absolute risk of ATE during this period ranged from 0.06% (0.06-0.07%) in England to 1.04% (1.01-1.06%) in the US, and the 90 -day absolute risk of VTE ranged from 0.25% (0.24-0.26%) in England to 1.02% (0.99- 1.04%) in the US. Conclusion: There was heterogeneity by country in 90 -day absolute risk of ATE and VTE after ambulatory COVID-19 diagnosis both before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability. Plain Language Summary: Cohort studies of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in both the ambulatory and hospital settings have suggested that SARS-CoV-2 infection promotes hypercoagulability that could lead to arterial or venous thromboembolism. However, few studies have examined how the risk of thromboembolism with COVID-19 has evolved over time across different countries. A new collaboration was established among the regulatory authorities of Canada, Europe, and the US within the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities to evaluate the 90 -day risk of both arterial and venous thromboembolism after initial diagnosis of COVID-19 in the ambulatory or hospital setting from seven countries across North America (Canada, US) and Europe (England, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain) within periods before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability. The study found that there was variability in the risk of both arterial and venous thromboembolism by month across the countries among patients initially diagnosed with COVID-19 in the ambulatory or hospital setting. Differences in the healthcare systems, prevalence of comorbidities in the study cohorts, and approaches to the case definitions of thromboembolism likely contributed to the variability in estimates of thromboembolism risk across the countries

    Disrupting Façades of Clarity in the Teaching and Learning of Qualitative Research

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    In this article we examine two methodological façades of clarity that commonly shroud critical qualitative educational inquiry. More specifically, we interrogate discussions of reflexivity and positionality and explore the ways in which methodology curricula and instructional practices perpetuate façades of clarity, or a false sense of coherence, ultimately undermining the transformative potential of critical educational research. We identify specific pedagogical opportunities, spaces, and strategies for dismantling these façades and offer ways to reconstruct methodological practices congruent with the emancipatory and empowering aims of critical scholarship

    Desmoronando Fachadas de Aparente Claridad en la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje de la Investigación Cualitativa

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    In this article we examine two methodological façades of clarity that commonly shroud critical qualitative educational inquiry. More specifically, we interrogate discussions of reflexivity and positionality and explore the ways in which methodology curricula and instructional practices perpetuate façades of clarity, or a false sense of coherence, ultimately undermining the transformative potential of critical educational research. We identify specific pedagogical opportunities, spaces, and strategies for dismantling these façades and offer ways to reconstruct methodological practices congruent with the emancipatory and empowering aims of critical scholarship.En este artículo se reflexiona sobre dos fachadas metodológicas de aparente claridad que normalmente se encuentran amortajadas en la investigación de la educación crítica de calidad. Más concretamente, se cuestionan los debates sobre reflexividad y posicionamiento. También se investiga cómo los currículos metodológicos y las prácticas docentes perpetúan esta aparente claridad, o falsa sensación de coherencia. En última instancia, se indaga en el potencial transformador de la investigación educativa crítica. Identificamos oportunidades pedagógicas específicas, espacios y estrategias para el desmantelamiento de estas fachadas y ofrecemos maneras de reconstruir las prácticas metodológicas congruentes con los objetivos de autonomía y de impulsar el pensamiento crítico

    Antisense suppression of the nonsense mediated decay factor Upf3b as a potential treatment for diseases caused by nonsense mutations

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    Abstract Background About 11% of all human genetic diseases are caused by nonsense mutations that generate premature translation termination codons (PTCs) in messenger RNAs (mRNA). PTCs not only lead to the production of truncated proteins, but also often result in  decreased mRNA abundance due to  nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). Although pharmacological inhibition of NMD could be an attractive therapeutic approach for the treatment of diseases caused by nonsense mutations, NMD also regulates the expression of 10–20% of the normal transcriptome. Results Here, we investigate whether NMD can be inhibited to stabilize mutant mRNAs, which may subsequently produce functional proteins, without having a major impact on the normal transcriptome. We develop antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to systematically deplete each component in the NMD pathway. We find that ASO-mediated depletion of each NMD factor elicits different magnitudes of NMD inhibition in vitro and are differentially tolerated in normal mice. Among all of the NMD factors, Upf3b depletion is well tolerated, consistent with previous reports that UPF3B is not essential for development and regulates only a subset of the endogenous NMD substrates. While minimally impacting the normal transcriptome, Upf3b-ASO treatment significantly stabilizes the PTC-containing dystrophin mRNA in mdx mice and coagulation factor IX mRNA in a hemophilia mouse model. Furthermore, when combined with reagents promoting translational read-through, Upf3b-ASO treatment leads to the production of functional factor IX protein in hemophilia mice. Conclusions These data demonstrate that ASO-mediated reduction of the NMD factor Upf3b could be an effective and safe approach for the treatment of diseases caused by nonsense mutations

    Risk of Arterial and Venous Thrombotic Events Among Patients with COVID-19:A Multi-National Collaboration of Regulatory Agencies from Canada, Europe, and United States

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    Purpose: Few studies have examined how the absolute risk of thromboembolism with COVID-19 has evolved over time across different countries. Researchers from the European Medicines Agency, Health Canada, and the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration established a collaboration to evaluate the absolute risk of arterial (ATE) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the 90 days after diagnosis of COVID-19 in the ambulatory (eg, outpatient, emergency department, nursing facility) setting from seven countries across North America (Canada, US) and Europe (England, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain) within periods before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability. Patients and Methods: We conducted cohort studies of patients initially diagnosed with COVID-19 in the ambulatory setting from the seven specified countries. Patients were followed for 90 days after COVID-19 diagnosis. The primary outcomes were ATE and VTE over 90 days from diagnosis date. We measured country -level estimates of 90 -day absolute risk (with 95% confidence intervals) of ATE and VTE. Results: The seven cohorts included 1,061,565 patients initially diagnosed with COVID-19 in the ambulatory setting before COVID19 vaccines were available (through November 2020). The 90 -day absolute risk of ATE during this period ranged from 0.11% (0.09- 0.13%) in Canada to 1.01% (0.97-1.05%) in the US, and the 90 -day absolute risk of VTE ranged from 0.23% (0.21-0.26%) in Canada to 0.84% (0.80-0.89%) in England. The seven cohorts included 3,544,062 patients with COVID-19 during vaccine availability (beginning December 2020). The 90 -day absolute risk of ATE during this period ranged from 0.06% (0.06-0.07%) in England to 1.04% (1.01-1.06%) in the US, and the 90 -day absolute risk of VTE ranged from 0.25% (0.24-0.26%) in England to 1.02% (0.99- 1.04%) in the US. Conclusion: There was heterogeneity by country in 90 -day absolute risk of ATE and VTE after ambulatory COVID-19 diagnosis both before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability. Plain Language Summary: Cohort studies of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in both the ambulatory and hospital settings have suggested that SARS-CoV-2 infection promotes hypercoagulability that could lead to arterial or venous thromboembolism. However, few studies have examined how the risk of thromboembolism with COVID-19 has evolved over time across different countries. A new collaboration was established among the regulatory authorities of Canada, Europe, and the US within the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities to evaluate the 90 -day risk of both arterial and venous thromboembolism after initial diagnosis of COVID-19 in the ambulatory or hospital setting from seven countries across North America (Canada, US) and Europe (England, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain) within periods before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability. The study found that there was variability in the risk of both arterial and venous thromboembolism by month across the countries among patients initially diagnosed with COVID-19 in the ambulatory or hospital setting. Differences in the healthcare systems, prevalence of comorbidities in the study cohorts, and approaches to the case definitions of thromboembolism likely contributed to the variability in estimates of thromboembolism risk across the countries