10 research outputs found

    Dinoflagellate Cysts Track Eutrophication In The Northern Gulf Of Mexico

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    We examined organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from one 210Pb-dated sediment core and 39 surface sediment samples from the northern Gulf of Mexico to determine the relationship between nutrient enrichment and cyst assemblages in this region characterized by oxygen deficiency. The core spans from 1962 to 1997 and its sampling location is directly influenced by the Mississippi River plume. Surface sediments were collected in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2014 and represent approximately 1 to 4 years of accumulation. A total of 57 cyst taxa were recorded, and four heterotrophic taxa in particular were found to increase in the top section (1986–1997) of the core—Brigantedinium spp., cysts of Archaeperidinium minutum, cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii, and Quinquecuspis concreta. These taxa show a similar increasing trend with variations in US fertilizer consumption and Mississippi River nitrate concentrations, both of which increased substantially in the 1970s and 1980s. The same four heterotrophic taxa dominated dinoflagellate cyst assemblages collected near the Mississippi River Bird’s Foot Delta where nutrient concentrations were higher, especially in 2014. We propose that these cyst taxa can be used as indicators of eutrophication in the Gulf of Mexico. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) supports this proposition. The CCA identified sea-surface nutrient concentrations, sea-surface temperature, and sea-surface salinity as the most important factors influencing the cyst assemblages. In addition, cysts produced by the potentially toxic dinoflagellates Pyrodinium bahamense and Lingulodinium polyedrum were documented, but did not appear to have increased over the past 50 years

    Influence Of The Mississippi River On Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Abundance And Toxicity In Louisiana Coastal Waters

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    The presence of domoic acid (DA) toxin from multiple species of Pseudo-nitzschia is a concern in the highly productive food webs of the northern 1,* 2,3 2 1 1,4 1 1 2 3 4 Gulf of Mexico. We documented the Pseudo-­nitzschia presence, abundance, blooms, and toxicity over 3 years along a transect ∼100 km west of the Mississippi River Delta on the continental shelf. Pseudo-nitzschia were present throughout the year and occurred in high abundances (\u3e10 cells l ) in the early spring months during high Mississippi River (MSR) flow (∼20,000 m s ) but were most abundant (\u3e10 cells l ) when MSR discharge was relatively lower among the spring months. A high particulate toxin production (maximum reaching 13 μg DA l ) was associated with the high cell abundances and exceeded, by an order of magnitude, prior reports of particulate DA concentrations in Louisiana coastal waters. Differences in Pseudo-­nitzschia peak times and its toxicity were correlated mainly with the timing and magnitude of MSR discharge and changes in associated parameters such as nutrient stoichiometry and salinity. A negative relationship between high MSR discharge and Pseudo-­nitzschia and particulate DA concentrations was documented. These riverine dynamics have the potential to influence DA contamination in pelagic and benthic food webs in the coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico

    Prospects For Gulf of Mexico Environmental Recovery and Restoration

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    Previous oil spills provide clear evidence that ecosystem restoration efforts are challenging, and recovery can take decades. Similar to the Ixtoc 1 well blowout in 1979, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill was enormous both in volume of oil spilled and duration, resulting in environmental impacts from the deep ocean to the Gulf of Mexico coastline. Data collected during the National Resource Damage Assessment showed significant damage to coastal areas (especially marshes), marine organisms, and deep-sea habitat. Previous spills have shown that disparate regions recover at different rates, with especially long-term effects in salt marshes and deepsea habitat. Environmental recovery and restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico are dependent upon fundamental knowledge of ecosystem processes in the region. PostDWH research data provide a starting point for better understanding baselines and ecosystem processes. It is imperative to use the best science available to fully understand DWH environmental impacts and determine the appropriate means to ameliorate those impacts through restoration. Filling data gaps will be necessary to make better restoration decisions, and establishing new baselines will require long-term studies. Future research, especially via NOAA’s RESTORE Science Program and the state-based Centers of Excellence, should provide a path to understanding the potential for restoration and recovery of this vital marine ecosystem

    Historical Shifts in Benthic Infaunal Diversity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico since the Appearance of Seasonally Severe Hypoxia

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    Severe and persistent bottom-water hypoxia (≤2 mg O2 L−1) occurs on the Louisiana/Texas continental shelf from mid-May through mid-September over a large area (up to 23,000 km2 in mid-summer). Benthic infauna are less mobile than demersal organisms and become stressed by the low dissolved oxygen; benthic community composition, abundance, diversity, and biomass become altered. From the 1950s to the early 1970s, when sediment core indicators identified the initiation and subsequent worsening of dissolved oxygen conditions, there were no hydrographic data or benthic infaunal studies within the current area of frequent bottom-water hypoxia. This study highlights the impacts of severe hypoxia on benthic macroinfaunal communities and how they may have changed from less-hypoxic periods. Polychaetes were and are the dominant taxa in the available studies, but polychaete species richness in summer is now curtailed severely beginning with our 1985–1986 data. Species richness of polychaetes in summer hypoxia (1985–1986 and 1990–1991) was about 60% less than comparable taxa in 1972–1973. Abundance of polychaetes was much less in summer than spring, and recent infaunal biomass in summer was only 15% of what was found in spring. The result is less prey for demersal penaeid shrimp and fishes. Over the period of our comparison, infaunal feeding modes shifted from subsurface deposit feeders and surface deposit feeders to primarily surface deposit feeders (i.e., 95.5% of all polychaetes). Most were opportunistic, hypoxia tolerant, and recruited in high numbers following hypoxia abatement, some in fall and winter but most in spring. As benthic communities succumb to the stress of severe and continued seasonal low oxygen, they occupy the few upper centimeters of the sediment profile above the redox discontinuity layer with negative feedbacks to the water column by way of altered biogeochemical processes

    Paleo-environmental evidence of ecosystem change in Lake St. Clair region of Laurentian Great Lakes basin: contrasting responses to land-use change and invasive mussels

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    © 2020 The Authors. This article is licensed under a Creative Com- mons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any med- ium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The Laurentian Great Lakes have been subject to substantial modification from diverse anthropogenic stressors, including nutrient enrichment, climate change, chemical and biological pollutants, and invasive species, yet little is known of the relative historical influence of these factors. Here we analyze diverse fossil metrics from vibracores at two sites, a bay area (Anchor Bay) and a tributary (Clinton River) in the Lake St. Clair ecosystem to determine the ecological responses from land-use practices and invasive mussel invasions. Sediment cores spanning over 100 years indicated that the expansion of non-native Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis (dreissenid mussels) into Anchor Bay site after the mid-1990s was associated with ~ 60 to 95% reduction in algal and cyanobacterial abundances and twofold increase in sedimentary organic matter (SOM) and bioavailable phosphorus. These increases in SOM and bioavailable phosphorus are relatively similar to increases inferred from the late nineteenth century when large portions of the watershed were cleared and drained for agriculture. In contrast, the Clinton River site experienced a continuous increase in the influx of nutrients, organic matter, and elevated sedimentary phototrophic pigments during the twentieth century and into the twenty-first century. Site comparisons suggest different mechanisms inducing changes in primary production varied, where Anchor Bay was mainly affected by the comparatively recent (since ca. mid-1990s) endogenous influence of invasive species, while the Clinton River site was primarily influenced by the input of exogenous anthropogenic nutrients over the past 100 years. These new findings illustrate that watershed management and policies within large lakes with multi-jurisdictional (national) Area of Concerns should consider site-specific regulatory mechanisms.This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Award No. EAR-1039122, NSERC Canada, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Province 123 190 J Paleolimnol (2020) 63:177–193 of Saskatchewan, University of Regina, Queen’s University Belfast, and Canada Research Chair funding.Facultyye

    Historical Associations of Molecular Measurements of <i>Escherichia coli</i> and Enterococci to Anthropogenic Activities and Climate Variables in Freshwater Sediment Cores

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    This study investigated the long-term associations of anthropogenic (sedimentary P, C, and N concentrations, and human population in the watershed), and climatic variables (air temperature, and river discharge) with <i>Escherichia coli uidA</i> and enterococci <i>23S rRNA</i> concentrations in sediment cores from Anchor Bay (AB) in Lake St. Clair, and near the mouth of the Clinton River (CR), Michigan. Calendar year was estimated from vertical abundances of <sup>137</sup>Cs. The AB and CR cores spanned c.1760–2012 and c.1895–2012, respectively. There were steady state concentrations of enterococci in AB during c.1760–c.1860 and c.1910–c.2003 at ∼0.1 × 10<sup>5</sup> and ∼2.0 × 10<sup>5</sup> cell equivalents (CE) per g-dry wt, respectively. Enterococci concentrations in CR increased toward present day, and ranged from ∼0.03 × 10<sup>5</sup> to 9.9 × 10<sup>5</sup> CE/g-dry wt. The <i>E. coli</i> concentrations in CR and AB increased toward present day, and ranged from 0.14 × 10<sup>7</sup> to 1.7 × 10<sup>7</sup> CE/g-dry wt, and 1.8 × 10<sup>6</sup> to 8.5 × 10<sup>6</sup> CE/g-dry wt, respectively. Enterococci was associated with population and river discharge, while <i>E. coli</i> was associated with population, air temperature, and N and C concentrations (<i>p</i> < 0.05). Sediments retain records of the abundance of fecal indicator bacteria, and offer a way to evaluate responses to increased population, nutrient loading, and environmental policies