11 research outputs found

    Isolated persistence of the fifth aortic arch in an infant presenting with congestive heart failure

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    The persistence of the fifth aortic arch (PFAA) in postnatal life is an extremely rare and controversial cardiovascular malformation. PFAA is defined as an extra-pericardial vessel arising from the ascending aorta proximal to the origin of the brachiocephalic arteries, terminating either in the dorsal aorta or in the pulmonary arteries through the persistently patent arterial duct. An isolated PFAA with systemic-to-pulmonary connection best fits this definition, while the vast majority of cases reported as PFAA may have alternative embryological explanations. We present a unique case of a 5-week-old patient with an isolated PFAA with systemic-to-pulmonary connection, who presented with congestive heart failure. A first differential diagnosis was made with distal aortopulmonary window and an atypical patent arterial duct. A careful analysis of the case and a systematic review of the literature made us conclude for an isolated PFAA, which is one of the only five cases ever reported

    Efficacy of a new vaccine (Myco-Suivax\uae) against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae under field conditions

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    Swine enzootic pneumonia is caused by a complex interaction between Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh), the primary infectious agent, environmental factors, and other infectious agents. In the last few years, the efficacy of numerous vaccines has been demonstrated in reducing losses deriving from enzootic pneumonia. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the field efficacy of a new vaccine (Myco-Suivax\uae, Fatro) administered at a single or double dose in the presence of disease, in an Italian farrow-to-finishing farm, where the long fattening cycle causes slaughter of swine at 160\u2013170 kg of live body weight (LBW) and 9\u201310 months of age. The experimental trial was conducted in a farrow-tofinishing farm of 730 sows situated in Northern Italy, where problems of enzootic pneumonia had been identified in growing pigs. Three consecutive homogeneous groups of 300 piglets each were included in the study; these were assigned at random to one of the following treatment groups: - Group A (double shot): vaccinated twice at 7 days of age and at weaning (25 days of age) at a dose of 1 ml; - Group B (one shot): vaccinated once at a dose of 2 ml on the day of the end of the weaning period (60 days of age); - Group C: control (no Mh vaccination). The efficacy of the vaccine was based primarily on the pulmonary lesions associated with respiratory disease, using the method described by Madec and Kobisch. The overall weights at the end of weaning and at slaughter were also recorded, together with feed consumption in the interval between end of weaning and slaughter, to calculate Average Daily Weight Gains (ADWG) and Feed Conversion Rate (FCR). Slaughter was performed, for pig movement restriction reasons (outbreaks of MVS in the Lombardia region in 2006-2007), between 10 and 11 months of age. The animals which died during the trial were subjected to necroscopic examination and laboratory investigations (PCR) to highlight the presence of Mh. All statistical analyses were performed using the software SPSS 12.0.0 (SPSS, 2003). Necroscopic findings and laboratory investigations highlighted the presence of M. hyopneumoniae in swine of all the treatment groups. Myco-Suivax\uae was able to reduce pulmonary lesions, decrease the number of animals which died and improve weight gain and the FCR in both groups subjected to vaccination. The results appear particularly significant taking into account the late slaughter age (160\u2013170 kg of LBW) and 9\u201310 months of age), in which pulmonary lesions due to M. hyopneumoniae have mainly regressed and where growth tends to at slow down. In the specific field situation in which the trial was conducted, the one shot vaccination, performed at 60 days of age, was the one able to supply the best zootechnical results

    Innocuità ed efficacia protettiva del ceppo attenuato Salmonella gallinarum SGP695AV nel pollo

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    Safety and protective efficacy of the attenuated strain Salmonella gallinarum SGP695AV in chickens. Fowl typhoid, caused by Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ser. Gallinarum, causes heavy economic loss to the industrial poultry farms due to its strong impact in terms of mortality and morbidity. Furthermore, its management is quite difficult, as the infectious agent may remain in the poultry farms even during sanitary breaks. Therefore, many Countries have implemented strict preventive measures, leading the disease to be eradicated in many Western Countries. Notwithstanding, fowl typhoid is still widely diffused in the Mediterranean Countries, and in Africa, Asia and South America as well. Among the preventive measures needed to control the disease, the vaccination plays a pivotal role. To date, the only available vaccine consists of a rough strain of S. Gallinarum. The aim of this work was to assess the protective efficacy and safety of a live attenuated strain, termed SGP695AV. At T0 and 15 days after (T15), 2x107, 2x109 and 2x1011 UFC of SGP695AV were administered per os to three group of 12 30-day old laying hens, termed A, B and C, respectively. On the other hand, a verified pathogenic S. Gallinarum strain, SG354 were administered per os to another group, termed P, at T0. An equal volume of physiological solution was administered to the group N at T0 and T15. Thirty-seven days after the first administration (T37), 5 randomly chosen chickens from the groups A, B, C and P were humanly sacrificed to evaluate the presence of SGP695AV in livers, spleens and guts. Contemporary, the other animals of groups A, B, C and N were inoculated per os with 1x1013 UFC of SG354. Everyday, each animal was observed to assess its clinical score on the basis of its symptomatology. Serological test by rapid serum agglutination was performed at T0, T15, T37 and 15 days after administration of SG354 (T52). Daily, cloacal swabs were collected to evaluate the fecal excretion of SGP695AV and/or SG354. The data we gathered showed that vaccine did not cause significant adverse effects in chicken. Before T37, Clinical scores was low in A, B and C groups, even when higher doses of the vaccinal strain were administered. Contrarily, the clinical score of the group P between T15 and T37 was up to 200 times higher than those of the groups A, B and C. After infection with SG354, the clinical scores remained low in the three vaccinated groups. The excretion of SGP695AV was low and limited to the first 15 days. The fecal elimination of SG354 after T37 was equally low in the groups A, B and C, while was significantly more consistent in the group N

    N-3 fatty acids in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors

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    Are all people with diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors or microvascular complications at very high risk? Findings from the Risk and Prevention Study

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