277 research outputs found

    Choosing a Health Care Provider: The Role of Quality Information

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    Reviews research on the adequacy of the information available on provider quality; the type of information consumers seek in choosing physicians, physician groups, and hospitals; and their attitudes about, awareness of, and use of that information

    The Role of the Basic Health Program in the Coverage Continuum: Opportunities, Risks and Considerations for States

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    Outlines issues for offering subsidized coverage to those eligible for insurance exchange subsidies by using federal dollars that would otherwise go to those subsidies, including continuity of coverage, impact on exchanges, and financial feasibility

    Understanding what principals value about leadership, teaching and learning: A philosophical approach

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    Contemporary views of educational leadership are increasingly focussed on two aspects of the role of school principals - the affective qualities of school leaders and the attention given to pedagogy within the school. Moral and ethical values are seen as important considerations in the leadership role and in the training of school leaders. Understanding the nature of principal value systems including the processes by which particular values develop is an important area of leadership theorising and empirical research. One way forward in this field is to apply a philosophical approach in which value systems are considered as a manifestation of educational philosophy. With regard to leading pedagogy, effective leadership of teacher instruction and student learning is also contingent on the philosophical orientation of the principal. That is, the influence of the principal on the school's pedagogy is dependent on how strongly the principal values this dimension of the leadership role. The authors contend there is a need to investigate exercise of pedagogic leadership within schools from the perspective of philosophic inquiry - to ask questions about the ontology, epistemology and methodology applied by principals as leaders of teaching and learning in the school

    Effects of in ovo exposure to sodium perchlorate on development, growth and reproduction of fence lizards (Sceloporus sp.)

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    Scope and Method of Study: This research was designed to determine the effects of long term in ovo perchlorate exposure on eggs, juveniles and adult fence lizards. Reptile eggs are highly extensible and absorb environmental pore water throughout incubation. Perchlorate is a water soluble environmental contaminant that interferes with synthesis of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) by preventing iodide uptake by the thyroid gland. Decreases in circulating embryonic thyroid hormones may interfere with growth and development of embryos and may have permanent effects. Endpoints measured during incubation included: egg viability, size, oxygen consumption rate, incubation length, and hatchability. Initial size (mass and snout/vent length), thyroid and corticosterone hormone levels, and growth rate were measured in hatchling lizards. Clutch and egg size were recorded as indications of breeding success for adult fence lizards. Adult plasma thyroxine levels were measured in all adults exposed to perchlorate in-ovo and plasma testosterone levels were recorded in males. Eggs for this study were collected from a laboratory population of fence lizards on the day of oviposition and incubated on perchlorate-spiked perlite at a constant temperature of 28°C.Findings and Conclusions: Corticosterone and thyroid hormones appear to play a significant role in the hatching of western fence lizards. Perchlorate absorbed from spiked substrate caused decreased whole body thyroid hormone concentrations at concentrations greater than 15.8 ug ClO4-/g. Throughout incubation eggs exposed to 1,585 ug ClO4-/g and higher consumed less oxygen than control lizards. Furthermore, incubation length in ovo mortality and post hatch mortality increase in a dose dependant manner when perchlorate was present in the incubation substrate. Eastern and western fence lizards that survived post hatch appeared to completely recover from embryonic perchlorate exposure. Eastern but not western fence lizards grew more rapidly than control lizards and eastern females outperformed control lizards with regard to clutch production. Adult serum hormone levels were not different in control and perchlorate exposed lizards

    Eradication of two incursions of the Red Imported Fire Ant in Queensland, Australia

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    Of the five known incursions of the highly invasive Red Imported Fire Ant in Australia, two are regarded to have been eradicated. As treatment efforts continue, and the programme evolves and new tools become available, eradication is still considered to be feasible for the remaining Red Imported Fire Ant populations with long-term commitment and support

    Optimizing Provider Templates to Support APP Independent Practice

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    Melinda Harris (left), Cynae Johnson (center),Tracy Benson (right) pictured.https://openworks.mdanderson.org/aprn-week-22/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Transfer Student Peer Mentorship Initiative

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    Transfer students have unique needs that differ from those of incoming freshmen. The TRAM Transfer Student Mentorship Program connects incoming transfer students with students who also began their VCU journey as transfer students. Through a one-on-one relationship with a trained mentor, transfer students who participate in this program will access guidance and information to help them navigate the university and its resources, programs, and culture

    Self-Help: Extrajudicial Rights, Privileges and Remedies in Contemporary American Society

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    This Special Project examines the myriad forms of self-help currently available to persons in American society. It groups and discusses notable self-help rights, privileges, and remedies under topical classifications that parallel traditional jurisprudential categories. Parts H through VI of the Special Project sketch the legally fashioned contours and explore the legal, social, and political consequences of self-help methods in tort law, criminal law and law enforcement, commercial transactions, landlord-tenant relations,and family law matters. Part VII explores the attorney\u27s role in the development and implementation of curative self-help procedures such as mediation. Special Project concludes by examining the function, mechanisms, and merits of two increasingly popular alternative dispute resolution processes--rent-a-judge programs and the ombudsman--that offer hope for continued peaceable dispute resolution

    Differentiated and Personalized Customer Support

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    An agent can provide customized service (e.g., treatment) to a customer based on the cohort(s) of which the customer is a member. The treatment that a customer receives can be based on treatments associated with the group, or the customer can receive personalized treatment if detailed personalization information based on customer-specific attributes of the customer has been received and stored

    The Effect of Employee Engagement on Turnover Intention: The Moderating and Mediating Roles of Person-Organization Fit at Banks in Jakarta

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    Person-organization fit (P-O Fit) have become one important factor for company until now, how a compatibility of values and expectations between employee and employer. These studies focusing on how person-organization fit in the relationship between employee engagement and reduce turnover intention and investigated of person-organization fit as a moderating and mediating effect based on the unique characteristic of the new generational cohort, Generation Z at banks in Jakarta, now entering the workforce. This study conducted in 2022, by using survey data of 200 respondents from Gen Z employees of seven Banks in Jakarta by BUKU IV, age between 21-25 and at least having a diploma degree or equivalent. Data will be analyzed using a structural equation model by employing SPSS and smartPLS. Our research a whole encourages HR to enhance employee engagement for Gen Z employees to increase productivity at the workplace through engagement management. The result showed that are several positive significant results such as Employee engagement on Turnover Intention, employee engagement on person-organization fit, person-organization fit on turnover intention, and person-organization fit in mediating relationship between employee engagement and turnover intention. While person-organization fit negatively affects in moderating relationship between employee engagement and turnover intention. For future research, there should be focus on other generations (e.g., Millennials, Gen X) and other industries. Keywords: Person-Organization Fit, Generation Z, Employee Engagement, Turnover Intention, Human Resource